The Storm God

Chapter 1468: Breakthrough to Sainthood! (Please subscribe!)

Time flies.

In a blink of an eye, three months have passed.

In these more than a hundred days, the situation in the world of Monster Hunting has become a complete mess.

Under the leadership of the new demon king, the demon clan aggressively invaded the human race and made considerable progress. Nearly a quarter of the human race's territory was completely captured by the demon clan and became a paradise for the demon clan. Countless people were displaced and suffered tragic disasters. And the situation is still deteriorating, the situation of the human race is precarious!

at the same time……

The four seas are completely independent.

The Dragon King of the East China Sea, Niu Gui Ba Kui, became the well-deserved master of the world.

After the unification of the four seas, the first order issued by Niugui Bakui was to resist the new demon king, and formed a united front with the monster rebels on the land, such as Penny and Fat Ying. Taking the extremely dangerous place on the land as a stronghold, we worked steadily and steadily, and gradually expanded our radiation to the inland, and achieved great results.

The New Demon King soldiers are divided into two lines, the pressure is too great.

at last……

As a last resort, he could only focus on the human race, and in the demon clan's territory, he lost again and again because of this, and was gradually laid down by the old demon king's old party. A lot of territory, between the two sides There is a faint tendency of confrontation between them, and neither of them can do anything to each other.

The battle situation has reached a stalemate.

On the other side, the Yunxie Mountain area in the East China Sea is calm and calm, and it is still the same as before.

No monster race came here to make trouble, and no human race came to ask for support, because even if they came, it would be useless. However, many refugees from nearby came to the vicinity of Yunxie Mountain under the pursuit of the Yaozu. The National Teacher Sima and others in the mountain are strong and strong, and there are countless masters stationed in Yunxie Mountain.

Those monsters chasing and killing refugees, fearing the great power of the National Teacher Sima and others in Yunxie Mountain, usually turn around and leave after they can't catch up with the refugees. There is no point in causing trouble for the sake of a few mere human beings, and bringing disaster to oneself. Sima, the National Normal University, and others were also indifferent to this, not wanting to expose their strength and layout because of a few monsters.

They are still taking the bait from the bitter Bai Xiaofei and others.

As everyone knows...

Bai Xiaofei is still frantically fighting against his own clone in the alien space.

Not only Sima and the others, Song Daitian and others are also waiting for Bai Xiaofei's return. Because the situation on the human race's side has reached a precarious level, their meager strength alone is not enough to turn the tide, so they all pin their hopes on Bai Xiaofei!

As long as he can obtain the approval of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur and inherit the Renhuang's legacy, Song Daitian and others believe that Bai Xiaofei will be able to quell this disaster!


A full three months have passed.

There was still no news about Bai Xiaofei, which made everyone suspicious.

Even, some people couldn't help but start to guess that Bai Xiaofei might have already died under the Martial Emperor's Sword, otherwise how could he not show his face after such a long time? Is it that difficult to just get the approval of a sword? Success, failure to pull, three months without any news, what the hell is this?

For these people.

Boss Ge didn't say a word when he went up, just got two big ears.


"The master will not die!"

"If your whole family is dead, my master won't die either! Bibi, curse my master for an accident, believe it or not, I'll eat you in one bite!"


A look of indignation.

Of course, he didn't do this purely to protect Bai Xiaofei, but mainly for himself. You know, he put Bai Xiaofei on the beast ring and signed the contract. Bai Xiaofei is the master, if there is any accident, Boss Ge, who is a slave, will naturally have no end.

Those people said that Bai Xiaofei died. Isn't this a disguised way to say that Boss Ge should die too? It's no wonder Boss Ge isn't angry!

It is worth mentioning that after more than three months, the once cute and cute little demon king Huba has matured and grown up a lot. He has changed from a small radish to a medium-sized radish. Too much tendency. This is all thanks to the delicious food that Bai Xiaofei fed him before, so that the little demon king Huba got enough nutrition to grow, otherwise, if he really followed Song Tianyin's request, he should be a vegetarian...


I'm afraid it will be another March.

It is impossible for the little demon king Huba to have any growth!

Regardless of how the situation in the outside world changes, in the alien space beside Fenglin Lake in Mang Fuling, Xishuang.

On this day, after experiencing no less than tens of millions of confrontations and battles with his clone, Bai Xiaofei finally had an epiphany and understood the key to it. With the move, a sword was pointed at the copy body.


The clone looked at his chest in astonishment.

The iron sword in Bai Xiaofei's hand was pointing at it firmly, as long as he took another step, it could pierce his heart and kill him with one blow!


Bai Xiaofei smiled without saying a word.

But the meaning in the eyes is very obvious: "You lost!"

"you win!"

The clone shook its head and smiled wryly.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei on the opposite side, his eyes were full of relief, and he said in a very strange tone: "Young man, you really did not disappoint me! After such a long time, you finally created your own way of swordsmanship." Unique skills, instead of sticking to other people's martial arts."

"This level, you passed!"


The words are not finished.

The opponent's body has already begun to slowly disintegrate.

In the blink of an eye, it vanished into thin air, turning into countless brilliance, submerging into the iron sword in Bai Xiaofei's hand.

At the same time, the ordinary iron sword, which was originally ordinary, began to undergo earth-shaking changes. An indescribably huge force surged out of the iron sword like a mountain torrent, and part of it flowed along the arm holding the sword. , flowed into Bai Xiaofei's body, benefiting him a lot, and his skill improved dramatically!


Bai Xiaofei only felt a shock all over his body.

The strength bottleneck that was originally stagnant at the peak of the mortal realm, at this moment, with the help of this strange force, was instantly shattered by the bombardment like glass, and no longer existed! The power in Bai Xiaofei's body, as well as the power of his soul, was like a runaway horse at this moment, galloping around, growing explosively.

"It actually broke through!"

Sensing the drastic change in himself, Bai Xiaofei was suddenly surprised and delighted.

He never expected that after passing the third trial, there would be such benefits. Now Bai Xiaofei's strength has broken through the peak of the mortal realm, and he has officially entered the holy rank. And with the improvement of realm strength, the power of the seven souls in Bai Xiaofei's life soul also gained huge benefits, and it was a matter of course to form the second soul [Li Po].

"That's great!"

Lipo is hidden in the heart, which is second only to life. Its attribute is yang, which represents the fire of life. When it is strong, it can greatly enhance the blood and vitality of the human body, and it is also of great help to the strength of the physical body. With the formation of the Pill of Power, Bai Xiaofei's soul and overall strength also ushered in a qualitative change.

Compared with the original level, Bai Xiaofei's current soul state has been improved by more than 10 times. The most important thing is that with the formation of the Power Pill, Bai Xiaofei's soul, after leaving his body, can already exert more than 40% of all the power of his physical body.

If the power of the seven souls can be condensed into a pill, then the seven pills will be combined into one, and the first level of training in "Nine Spirits and Stars Art" will be completed, and Bai Xiaofei can use it to form a mysterious and unpredictable star soul. At that time... the soul of life will get the photosynthesis of the soul of the sky, and at the same time, the shadow of the soul of the earth, and will derive a supernatural power of eyes, called the pupil of light!

This supernatural power, specializing in the soul, can destroy all illusions and delusions, and directly hit the essence of the soul. It is extremely powerful and powerful!

If you go one step further, you can, to a certain extent, change your fate against the sky and control your own destiny. If one cultivates to great success, or even to the peak state, one can even form a universe of stars, derive one's own way of heaven, and become the master of one's destiny. In a blink of an eye, you can easily change the fate of others!

This is the power of "Nine Spirits and Stars Jue"!


The more you practice Jiu Ling Xing Chen Jue to the end, the soul power you need is terrifying.

It is not so easy to cultivate it to great success, or even to the peak state. This time, Bai Xiaofei also borrowed this extraordinary power and the skill of breaking through the realm to successfully form the Pill of Power. Otherwise, relying on Bai Xiaofei's cultivation alone, the ghost knows that he will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey to succeed!

And this time.

The iron sword in Bai Xiaofei's hand has finally completed its transformation.

But it is as smooth as a mirror, the sword body is like water, the spirit is refined inside, low-key and luxurious, it looks ordinary, but it seems to contain infinite truth, like an abyss, giving people a sense of unfathomable depth. The hilt is composed of nine lifelike real dragons intertwined together. The dragon head is the sword jaw, the dragon body is the sword handle, and the dragon tail is the sword head.

The hilt of the Nine Dragons represents the supremacy of the emperor, showing the boundless majesty of the emperor!

This is the Martial Emperor Divine Sword!


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