The Storm God

Chapter 1469: Stele Beyond Heaven! (Please subscribe!)

"I see!"

With the formation of the Martial Emperor Excalibur in his hand.

A piece of related information instantly appeared in Bai Xiaofei's mind.

It turns out that Wuhuang Shenjian does not have a so-called specific form, but is determined according to each person's characteristics and skills. Emperor Wen is good at book business spirit, so the appearance of illusion is that mysterious and obscure sword form like a vast abyss of books. And Emperor Wu is good at pure to extreme force, so he finally turned it into a wide-edged sword. Although it is simple and unpretentious, it is extremely sharp!

And now...

Its shape is naturally the most in line with Bai Xiaofei's appearance.

After examining it carefully, Bai Xiaofei discovered that although the transformed appearance of the Martial Emperor Excalibur, although it is said to be in the shape of a sword, it still contains the power of a sword. The tip of the sword is slightly curved, forming a wonderful arc. The upper edge is obviously heavier than the lower edge, and even the upper part of the sword jaw has an extra dragon head than the lower part, which looks more conducive to chopping!

"Could it be because I'm still mastering the Dao of the Sword?"

Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help thinking. Among all the skills he practiced, apart from the way of swordsmanship, the strongest one is the way of the sword. After all, the magic knife is very powerful and has unlimited potential. With the improvement of strength, the power will become more and more powerful. Strong and against the sky, Bai Xiaofei has no reason to give up.

As for the heaven-defying stunt of [Destroy the Heaven and Earth]...

All right!

I am ashamed to say it.

Bai Xiaofei has only just learned and mastered the first two moves up to now, which are [Xingyun] and [Lu Chen]. [Annihilation], because the cheat book of destroying heaven and earth only has the primary stage of the first nine floors, Bai Xiaofei doesn't even have a clue.

For Bai Xiaofei, the hammer method of destroying heaven and earth is not a complete set of exercises at all. It is okay to be a killer or something, but it can be said to be his best ability...

This is difficult for some strong people.

not to mention……

In the previous customs clearance trial.

Bai Xiaofei didn't perform the unique skill of destroying the world at all, so the Martial Emperor's Sword did not target Bai Xiaofei's skill, but showed the corresponding form and auxiliary ability, but only made Bai Xiaofei the most perfect, good at, and strongest His traits such as the way of the sword and the way of the emperor are absorbed, and then transformed into the weapon form that best suits Bai Xiaofei.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Bai Xiaofei played around a few times.

I found that the Martial Emperor's Excalibur is really easy to use and easy to use, and even the use of true energy has a strong boosting effect. For the same move, if the power of other divine weapons is compared to 100, then... the effect of using the Martial Emperor Excalibur is at least 1000!

At least 10 times the amplification effect!


This is simply going against the sky!

Bai Xiaofei was immediately overwhelmed with excitement, and said excitedly: "With this Martial Emperor Excalibur, my strength can be increased by at least three times! And for a long time in the future, I won't have to worry about weapons anymore. The harvest this time is really quite good!"


at this moment.

The surrounding alien space suddenly shook violently.

Bai Xiaofei felt a blur in front of his eyes, and followed him back to the familiar space of the altar. The Martial Emperor Excalibur on the altar is being held firmly in his hand at this moment, and its appearance is exactly the changed posture in the alien space, which makes Bai Xiaofei feel like he can't distinguish between fact and illusion.

at the same time.

The altar began to emit bursts of brilliant light, and before Bai Xiaofei could figure out what was going on, he was teleported back to the real world the next moment. And with his sudden appearance, the surrounding small animals and monsters who were drinking water by the Fenglin Lake were taken aback and ran away.


Bai Xiaofei shook his head and smiled.

He didn't care at all about the few monsters that escaped. With the approval of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur, there is no need to stay in Xishuangmang Fuling. Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei directly summoned Xiaoqing, and drove him all the way east, heading straight to the hinterland of Yunxie Mountain in the East China Sea.

With the Martial Emperor's Excalibur, Bai Xiaofei's next plan is to obtain the even more mysterious and unpredictable Renhuang's legacy!

According to the news that the Excalibur passed to Bai Xiaofei, the so-called Renhuang Legacy, the treasure passed down by the emperors of all dynasties, the source of all celestial master skills, is actually a stone tablet from outside the sky. The stone tablet is covered with mysterious and unpredictable inscriptions, which seems to be a powerful and incomparable method of cultivation, which can make people gain incomparably powerful power.


The inscription on the stele is too vast and profound.

Since ancient times, no one has really comprehended and absorbed all of them. Legendary powerhouses such as Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu have only comprehended one or two percent of the inscriptions. The later Renhuang was even more unbearable, he only comprehended about 10% and half of it. As for Renhuang's strength, he was pitifully weak.


This is relative.

At the peak of Renhuang's youth, his strength was quite strong and against the sky. The demon king and many masters of the demon clan had confronted Renhuang, but they were directly beaten and tortured by Renhuang. If it weren't for Renhuang Being merciful and letting them live, how could there be Huba, the little demon king later!

It is precisely because of this.

Only then did the old demon king sign a treaty of peaceful coexistence with Emperor Ren, ordering all demon clans not to do evil in the human race.

Later, with the growth of age, after thousands of years passed, Emperor Ren became more and more old, almost exhausted, and then his strength declined again and again, and finally became so weak that even people like the National Teacher Sima could not match. fate. It can be seen from this that the inscription on the stone tablet outside that day is so terrifying!

As the emperor with the strongest strength and the most advanced skills among the three emperors, Emperor Wu only comprehended about 10 to 20% of the inscriptions, which is enough to cut out a deep valley stretching tens of thousands of kilometers. If you fully comprehend it thoroughly, how powerful and heaven-defying is the cultivation method obtained?


The reason why the Martial Emperor's Sword is so powerful and has all kinds of inconceivable powers is all because of that extraterrestrial stone tablet.

It's just a corner of the stone tablet that fell down!

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being fascinated and excited.

He secretly analyzed: "Such powerful stone tablets and inscriptions are obviously beyond the level of the Monster Hunt world, and even some of the more powerful middle-level worlds are not as good as it. From this point of view, it should belong to the higher level. Immortal cultivation, and even the skills and treasures of the mythical world!"

"I just don't know how strong their limits are?"

"In short..."

Bai Xiaofei's eyes lit up.

The corners of the mouth were raised, showing an arc of excitement, and said with a smile: "This time travel trip, it can be said that I have made a lot of money, it is worthwhile!"

Xishuangmang Fuling is tens of thousands of kilometers away from Yunxie Mountain in the East China Sea, and at Xiaoqing's speed, if he flies at full strength, he can reach it in less than two hours. It's just... when Xiaoqing flew about half way, a big battle on the ground below caught Bai Xiaofei's attention.


"This aura... is the elf beast Voldemort that I accepted earlier!"

"Who is it fighting?"


Feeling the tyrannical and ferocious aura of the Voldemort Fire Demon, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help frowning, being able to push the Voldemort Fire Demon to such a degree shows that the other party is by no means easy. He suddenly became interested, and said to Xiaoqing: "Xiaoqing, change the plan, turn around and go back, let's go down and see what's going on!"


Xiaoqing's speed is too fast.

Even if Bai Xiaofei was only in doubt for a moment, Xiaoqing had already flown him far away. Wanting to see who the Voldemort was fighting, they could only turn around and drive back. Simply this little distance is nothing to Xiaoqing, and she flew back in a blink of an eye.

And as Xiaoqing continued to land.

The chaotic battle situation that happened below gradually appeared in Bai Xiaofei's eyes with incomparable clarity. As far as the eye can see, there are two huge monsters first, one of them is naturally Bai Xiaofei's younger brother Voldemort Fire Demon. And the other one is a strange monster whose body is made up of countless hard boulders.

around them.

There are also countless monsters of various sizes, large and small, scattered around, and they are messing around with each other, fighting hard!

The battle was extremely fierce, with corpses everywhere!



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