The Storm God

Chapter 1470 Decapitate the enemy! (Please subscribe!)


"That's great, once the master comes, you will be dead!"

"Eat my big snake flame!"


Feeling the master's aura, the Voldemort Fire Demon was overjoyed. The momentum of the monstrous fire attacking the rock monster was also greatly strengthened due to the emotional excitement, becoming more violent and domineering. The turbulent and incomparable flames burned everything around in an instant, and beat the opponent to retreat. , embarrassed.


The rock monster let out roars.

Facing the flaming attack of the Voldemort Fire Demon, it has no choice but to try its best to protect itself, barely invincible. But the other monsters around it were miserable, they were almost injured when they were rubbed, and they died when they were touched. The smell of burning corpses and flesh.


Most of the monsters that died were from the side of the rock monsters.

Although the Voldemort Fire Demon is ferocious and has an extremely weird temper, it is not enough to burn it without caring about its allies. Seeing this, the surrounding monsters were horrified, how dare they stay here, they all ran away, but they were chased by the monsters from Voldemort's side, and saw a lot of big gains.

The situation of the entire vast battlefield was stunned because of Bai Xiaofei's arrival, and there was a major turning point.

"Damn it!"

"Is it a strong reinforcement from the rebel army?"

"Stop them for me!"


On top of a certain mountain.

Seeing that his army of monster beasts was retreating steadily, almost completely defeated, and suffered heavy casualties in a blink of an eye, the leading commander, a monster with a crimson body and a back full of scales, suddenly changed his expression, and followed Immediately dispatch troops and generals in an attempt to prevent Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing from approaching.


With one order.

Hundreds of flying monsters like giant bats suddenly flew out of the surrounding mountains like a tide, and surrounded Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing who were constantly landing towards the battlefield. Wearing heavy armor and holding sharp spears, they are not ordinary monsters at first glance, they must be the elite troops among monsters.


Facing the siege of bat monsters, Xiaoqing certainly would not be polite to them. Immediately, the dragon roared, and the violent sound waves shook the heavens and the earth, forming circles of terrifying ripples that were almost visible to the naked eye, like a stormy sea, towards the besieging bats The monsters rushed away.


The general of the bat monster roared suddenly. All the demons listened to the order, and immediately broke into pieces, avoiding Xiaoqing's terrifying sound wave attack one after another. Only a few unlucky ones couldn't dodge in time, and were smashed to pieces by the sound wave on the spot, turning into blood mist all over the sky. died.

"What a terrifying sound attack!"

Seeing the miserable fate of those monsters, the general of the bat monsters shrank their pupils immediately, and hurriedly reminded: "Everyone, don't approach them, all of them will attack from a distance! Be careful of the sound waves!"

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Hundreds of bat monsters understood immediately.

The sharp spears in the limbs and arms shot towards Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing one after another like a storm. The scene of hundreds of sharp weapons shooting together is shocking, they are like a mass of dark clouds, instantly covering the entire area around Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing.

If this is shot, it must become a hedgehog!

"Small tricks!"

However, Bai Xiaofei, who was standing on top of Xiaoqing's head, smiled coldly and disdainfully in the face of the overwhelming overbearing attack of hundreds of bat monsters shooting from all directions. Immediately, he saw his eyes fixed, and he said: "Wan Jian returns to the sect!"

next moment.

The peaceful void suddenly shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, countless swords that seemed to be real took shape almost instantly. Countless precious swords surrounded Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing, with the tips of the swords pointing outwards, like a wounded arrow, following the flash of murderous intent in Bai Xiaofei's eyes, they exploded and shot out like locusts, blatantly facing the bat The spears and sharp weapons of the monsters projected.

It is worth mentioning that;

The current Bai Xiaofei is holding the Martial Emperor Excalibur.

That is to say, the power of countless sword intent and sword energy condensed by these Wan Jian Gui Zong is more than 10 times of Bai Xiaofei's original level! Bai Xiaofei was originally an unrivaled powerhouse, and Wan Jian Guizong is a top-notch skill. The combination of the two makes its power unmatched. Now with the 10-fold boost effect of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur...


This is simply bullying!

Sure enough, the facts, without exception, are fundamentally one-sided. The countless sword intent and sword energy formed by Wan Jian Guizong, like cutting tofu, directly smashed all the spears and sharp weapons projected by the bat monsters, making the opponent's overwhelming offensive instantly turn into When it was empty, it completely disappeared.

Not only that.

These sword intents and auras continue to trend unabated.

After crushing the opponent's attack, he rushed to the surrounding bat monsters again!

"Puff puff!"

Hearing bursts of blood mist erupting, hundreds of bat monsters around Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing were all shot into sieves without exception, either turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood on the spot, or as if It was full of tattered rotten sacks, and it fell straight from the sky, and fell into the mountains below, and fell to a pulp.

In front of Bai Xiaofei, this so-called elite troop of monster beasts was wiped out without even holding a single move!

"This is impossible!"

On a certain mountain, the monster general who had witnessed all the battle was suddenly so frightened that he almost died, so he couldn't help but stare his eyes out. In fact, it wasn't just him, on the battlefield on the ground, all the monsters who saw this scene, whether friendly or enemy, were all shocked by Bai Xiaofei's terrifying strength without exception.

Obviously, they have all seen the powerful and terrifying fighting power of those bat monsters before, and they all regard each other as an extremely troublesome trouble and a strong enemy.

But he didn't realize it, and now he was instantly killed by Bai Xiaofei with one move.

"How can this be!"

"That's the famous blood-sucking flying army!"

"It's just one move..."


The whole chaotic vast battlefield.

Because of Bai Xiaofei's shocking shot, there was a moment of pause and silence.

Almost all the monsters on both sides of the enemy and the enemy stopped fighting, and stared blankly at the domineering figure in the sky, their eyes were full of horror and fear, as well as deep fear, and trembling from the depths of their souls! Immediately afterwards, the almost uniform sound of gasping for air, and the sound of weapons falling one after another filled the entire battlefield.

Regardless of how the monsters on the ground react.

In the sky, Bai Xiaofei rolled his eyes, and his eyes fell directly on a certain mountain on the ground. With his eyesight countless times better than ordinary people, he naturally found the command base of the enemy general very easily. Xiaoqing said: "Capture the thief and capture the king, defeat the enemy and behead him! Let's go there!"


With a flick of the dragon's tail, Xiaoqing immediately turned around and flew towards the mountain that Bai Xiaofei pointed at like lightning. At this moment, Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing are not far away from the target, and Xiaoqing's speed is extremely fast, more than three times faster than the speed of sound, so... almost in the blink of an eye, they came to the top of the enemy's mountain Command the skies above the base.


Facing the extremely terrifying Bai Xiaofei and Xiaoqing.

Commanding the monsters in the base, including that extraordinary general, how could they have the courage to fight with them, so they turned around and ran away without saying a word!


Where can they go?

"Heaven-slashing sword!"

And for these enemy monsters.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have the slightest bit of mercy, his eyes turned cold, and he slashed vertically with the Martial Emperor's Excalibur in his hand, which was directly his strongest sword.


The void vibrated, and the sound was like thunder.

Although Bai Xiaofei didn't use all his strength, he only used about 30% of his strength, but the sword intent and aura of Zhantian Yijian were already unrivaled, and what he pursued was the ultimate attack and destructive power, which can be said to be invincible! Now coupled with the 10-fold amplification effect of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur, the power is naturally quite terrifying.

When Bai Xiaofei slashed out with his sword, he saw the sword intent and aura all over the sky, rushing and killing Chipin recklessly, like a giant sword composed of countless tornadoes and hurricanes. The mountain where all the enemy monsters and monsters were located swept down, smashing this huge mountain no less than nearly 3,000 kilometers into two!

As for those enemy monsters and command bases, they were killed by the sword light on the spot and completely disappeared from the human world.


With the mountain being split.

The entire ground began to shake violently, as if a magnitude 10 earthquake had occurred. The nearby area was instantly disintegrated and completely destroyed. Countless rubble and smoke were stirred up, rolling and spreading, covering the sky and covering the ground, almost covering the entire land. Half the sky, its might is terrifying!

On the vast battlefield nearby.

After the silence, the countless monsters who fought together again couldn't help being startled again seeing such drastic changes. Immediately afterwards, they all stopped fighting, but turned around and fled, because with the billowing dust and smoke sweeping in, countless broken stones also fell from the sky like meteorites!

If you don't run away at this time, it's hard to wait to be smashed into meat sauce!

The enemy monsters could be said to be crying for their father and mother, and they were immediately frightened by the series of upheavals caused by Bai Xiaofei and collapsed on the spot. However... the monsters on the side of the friendly army are all complaining at this moment, and they are so depressed that they are dying, thinking: "Damn! Are you here to help us, or kill us?!"

As everyone knows.

At this time, Bai Xiaofei also had a look of bewilderment and shock.

He also never imagined that his sword with 30% strength would cause such terrible consequences!

Staring blankly at the Martial Emperor's Excalibur in his hand, Bai Xiaofei's eyes were full of astonishment and excitement, and he muttered to himself: "It's so powerful! It's worthy of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur. The huge mountain is split into two halves like cutting tofu!"

"If I tried my best, how terrifying would it be?!"


Think here.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but be eager to try.

I am thinking that I must find an opportunity in the future and try it out.


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