The Storm God

Chapter 1471 Another General! (Please subscribe!)

After about half an hour.

The billowing smoke that covered the sky and the countless flying sand and rocks gradually dissipated.

The messy battlefield no longer exists at this moment, only the devastated land is left, with cracks, gravel, and thick dust everywhere. The blood and corpses of the past have been completely buried, and there is no need to worry about them. The hassle of disposing of dead bodies.


Except for some super giant monsters!

For example, the strange rock monster that was on par with Voldemort's fire monster, not only did it not die, it was still alive and kicking. It's just that after these two drastic changes, it obviously didn't have any desire to fight, so it just turned around and ran away, while the Voldemort demon was persistently chasing after it, beating the dog in the water!

To them, the billowing dust, flying sand and falling rocks just now are like scratching an itch, causing no harm. On the contrary, wherever the two of them went, they were attacked by the two monsters' huge size and each other, causing greater damage than Dust Smoke and Shi Shi.


While running, the rock monster defended against Voldemort's attack, roaring: "Voldere, do you really want to kill them all?"


The Voldemort Fire Demon blasted over with a burst of flames unceremoniously.

Regarding the rock monster's confession and begging for mercy, he sneered and said with a sneer: "We are enemies! Since we are enemies, we must kill the grass and root out the roots, so as to prevent future troubles! In case you will not change your mind in the future and still follow the new monster king and other monsters , causing more casualties and troubles to our army!"

"In short, today you will definitely die!"


The voice did not fall.

Immediately, another fierce and unparalleled flame bombarded the past.

It's a pity that the rock monster on the opposite side, like the Voldemort Fire Demon, is an elf bred by heaven and earth, and their strengths are almost the same. Other than the debris, it can't cause any substantial damage at all.


The rock monster can't do anything to the Voldemort Fire Demon.

But it couldn't hold back the Voldemort Fire Demon, and there was a master with terrifying strength behind him, so it had no choice but to run away. It's just... just when it asked for an attack from the Voldemort Fire Demon, turned around and was about to escape into the mountains, turned into a rock spirit, and hid in the mountains, a domineering figure suddenly appeared in front of the rock demon. before the beast.

This figure is Xiaoqing.

Of course, there is also Bai Xiaofei standing on top of Xiaoqing's head.


The rock monster was taken aback.

He hurriedly stopped in amazement, then gathered his strength secretly, and waited for it. He looked at Bai Xiaofei with great vigilance, and then said in a tone full of fear, fear, despair, unwillingness, etc., in a muffled voice: "You, you are Voldemort's master... Bai Xiaofei?!"


Although the other party spoke the language of the Yaozu, Bai Xiaofei was no longer what he used to be, so he could understand the meaning of the conversation. Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei nodded, looked at the rock monster indifferently, and said condescendingly: "Unexpectedly, the new demon king is very capable, and can find an elf monster with your strength!"

to be honest.

The strength of the rock monster is quite good!

If Voldemort hadn't followed Bai Xiaofei, gained the nourishment of many blood bodhisattvas, and greatly improved his strength, he really couldn't beat him.

Right now, Bai Xiaofei was in the midst of employing people, and seeing that this rock monster was capable and also an elf monster, he was naturally reluctant to kill it. If you can subdue him and treat him as a younger brother, it will undoubtedly be the best. I believe that in the future, whether it is to deal with the masters of the human race such as the National Teacher Sima, or to counterattack the monster forces such as the new monster king of the monster clan, he will definitely be a very powerful pioneer fighter!

So far.

Bai Xiaofei's gaze narrowed immediately, and he said in a deep voice: "Seeing that you are capable, I will spare your life today, but you must submit to me and become my little brother just like the Voldemort Fire Demon."

"Do you have an opinion?"


And this time.

The Voldemort Fire Demon also rushed over. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was going to subdue the rock monster, he was taken aback immediately, with an incredulous expression on his face, and said, "He is an enemy! Many monsters on our side died tragically under his hands." , if you take him in, I'm afraid that monsters like the rebels will have opinions and complaints!"

"It's better..."

"Let's kill him!"

"Stay out of trouble!"


He just finished speaking.

Seeing the rock monster knelt down on the ground with a "plop", it nodded to Bai Xiaofei repeatedly and said with an extremely respectful look: "Master, I am willing to follow you! Absolutely no complaints or opinions! I just hope you can go around me." One life, if there is a mission in the future, I am willing to go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate!"


This guy was very good, he didn't give Voldemort any chance at all, and he agreed first. He secretly said: "Hmph! Voldemort, you want to kill me, there is no way! I have now agreed to follow your boss, as the boss, he can't break his promise?!"

Think like this.

He also secretly glanced proudly at Voldemort.


Voldemort is so angry.

I can't wait to dismantle the rock monster into pieces on the spot, smashing its bones into ashes! However, the other party has already nodded and agreed to follow Bai Xiaofei, and now, the power of life and death of the rock monster is completely in Bai Xiaofei's hands. And Bai Xiaofei is the master of the Voldemort Fire Demon, what else can the Voldemort Fire Demon say?

I can only blame myself why I didn't kill this guy sooner.

It's all right now, the other party has become Bai Xiaofei's younger brother, from now on, I'm afraid there will never be a chance to kill him.

Thinking of this, Voldemort was so depressed that he wanted to explode on the spot.

So fucking annoying!

"very good!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction.

He doesn't care about Voldemort's depression, and the so-called complaints and opinions of other monsters! Seeing that the rock monster was willing to surrender, without saying a word, he immediately bought a beast control ring from the time-space mall, then summoned it, and threw it to the rock monster.

"Put it on your head!" Bai Xiaofei ordered.


The rock monster didn't dare not listen.

Hearing this, he immediately followed Bai Xiaofei's instructions and put the ring on his head. The beast ring can be big or small, and it will change according to the size of the monster itself. Once worn, it will completely integrate into the flesh and blood and consciousness of the monster, and then completely turn it into a puppet of the user , Life and death cannot be controlled by oneself!

So far...

Bai Xiaofei added another general under his command.

And seeing this, the Voldemort Fire Demon has lost his temper completely.

But when he rolled his eyes, he thought of another idea. I saw Voldemort walk up to the rock monster arrogantly, raised his neck, smiled maliciously and said: "Rock monster, things always come first and then come first, since I started before you, then I am your senior Hurry up and call Big Brother to listen!"


The rock monster was speechless for a while.

He never imagined that he had already turned to Bai Xiaofei, and this Voldemort Fire Monster was so vengeful that he was immediately drunk.

Immediately, the rock monster looked at Bai Xiaofei.

It is clear……

He wanted Bai Xiaofei to uphold justice.

Unexpectedly, instead of stopping the Voldemort Fire Demon, Bai Xiaofei nodded his head in agreement and said: "Little Fire Demon is right, everything comes first, this is the rule! In case the younger brother you accept in the future doesn't know how to be respectful , messed up the order. Little Shitou, since the little fire demon is in front of you, he is your big brother, and you will listen to him when I am not around from now on!"



Bai Xiaofei, the master, has spoken, what else can the rock monster do?

Of course I reluctantly accepted it.


With a bitter face, he gritted his teeth and yelled.


"Not bad! A child can be taught!"


Hearing this "big brother", Voldemort was so happy.

Immediately, all the depression and resentment were gone.

"Little Fire Demon!"

Ignored Voldemort's tricks.

Bai Xiaofei straight to the point asked his own doubts, and said: "What's going on? What happened during my absence? Why did you fight with the new demon king's army of monsters? I didn't tell you to fight." Shall I gather forces secretly first and wait for my order to act?"

"Did something happen?"


He suddenly had a bad feeling.

At the beginning, Penny and Fat Ying were sent to the demon tribe to gather the old demon king's remnant ministers and old party for the grand plan of the coexistence of humans and demons in the future. Before they are sure and have enough strength, Bai Xiaofei's task for them is very clear, which is to act in a low-key manner, develop insignificantly, and don't waste money!

But now...


Look at this battlefield!

More than tens of thousands of monsters died, this can almost be called a large-scale battle!

What's going on here?


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