The Storm God

Chapter 1472 In danger! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing Bai Xiaofei's bewildered expression, Voldemort Fire Demon was suddenly taken aback, and said in a daze: "Master, didn't you come here specially to save the scene?"

He thought that Bai Xiaofei knew that the situation here was not good, so he came all the way to support him.

He was so moved!

How can I think...

All this seems to be just a beautiful misunderstanding.

"of course not!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head and explained: "I have been looking for clues to the secret key before, and then I passed the test of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur. I just succeeded. I am about to go to Yunxie Mountain in the East Sea to inherit the treasure left by the Emperor Ren. I didn't want to see you fighting with Xiaoshi halfway, and I fell down out of curiosity!"

"I see!"

Voldemort Fire Demon suddenly realized when he heard the words.

Afterwards, he began to tell Bai Xiaofei everything that happened during this period, whether it was the monster race or the human race, the two times he described the situation in great detail. Because... he was shocked to find that the short time that Bai Xiaofei passed the test in the alien space, in the outside world where he was, it took more than half a year!

In the past six months, too many things have happened outside.

for example……

The army of the new demon king is in full swing.

After successively conquering the towns and fortresses of the human race, they have already occupied more than half of the human race's territory, and they are about to attack the capital city of Chang'an!

The fact that the human race pretended to be Emperor Ren was also exposed by someone with a heart, and the position of the human race was in chaos in an instant, which made the human race, which was already extremely weak, almost fell into a state of paralysis. The human race has no leader, and it is a time of crisis. Naturally, it is inevitable that some people want to take advantage of the chaos to realize their ulterior ambitions, and gradually form the four major factions.

The forces of the four major factions check and balance each other, and there are endless civil strife!


Facing the invasion of the demon clan.

But they are rare to share the same hatred and unite against the outside world!

Otherwise, with the strong strength and army superiority of the new demon king, I am afraid that these four human race forces with discord will have been wiped out long ago.


Among them, the restraining effect of Yaozu's side is indispensable.

Niu Gui Ba Kui is no longer the Dragon King of the East China Sea, but the overlord who has unified the four sea areas, and is revered as the Holy Dragon King by all sea monsters. And under his leadership and help, the monster resistance army headed by the monsters such as Penny and Fat Ying can be said to have greatly increased in strength, and gradually formed a huge scale and army. The power of the new demon king has formed a separatist regime!

It is worth mentioning that;

After more than half a year of hard work and growth, Song Daitian and others have made considerable improvements. Among them, the most obvious and prominent ones are undoubtedly Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan. They don't know whether it is because of the aura of the protagonist, or some other reason. They encounter many adventures, and their cultivation base and strength are rising like rockets. !


Both of them are already top-notch masters.

In terms of strength and means, they are only slightly inferior to Song Daitian, who is an old man, and have even left behind their uncle Hongyue. Such a terrifying speed of improvement is really staggering! But this is not the most amazing thing, what is even more speechless is the growth of the little demon king Huba!

three months ago.

The little demon king Huba is still just a young gentleman, and his strength is very average.

However, by chance, after Song Tianyin's blood merged with the little demon king Huba, Huba seemed to be cheating. Whether it was the growth rate or the improvement of strength, it could be described as exponentially increasing. the same. Now, even the mighty Voldemort is no match for the little demon king Huba.


Even so, some things are hard to change.

For example, the strength of the new demon king has also been further strengthened due to certain opportunities, making it almost invincible. He once went to the East China Sea to fight with the Holy Dragon King. If it wasn't for Niugui Bakui who relied on his own territory and occupied an absolute advantage, he saw that the situation was not good, so he just sneaked into the seabed tens of thousands of meters deep , I am afraid that he has already been beaten to death by the new demon king!

There is a new demon king in the sea area in person, so the bull ghost and the sea monsters in the sea area dare not show their faces.

And without the assistance of the Kraken, the situation on the side of the Monster Rebel Army is naturally getting worse. Similarly, because the rebel army's role in restraining the new demon king's forces is getting smaller and smaller, the pressure on the human race is also increasing. With the passage of time, whether it is the human race or the monster rebels, they are now in a precarious situation.

it's not...

The new demon king found the rock monster from nowhere.

Relying on the powerful strength of the elves and monsters and their special physique that is almost immortal, they have repeatedly conquered the territory of many monster rebels, and now they are almost reaching their lair. Forced to do so, the Voldemort Fire Demon could only bite the bullet and take the responsibility of restraining the Rock Demon Beast.

But there are too many monsters in the army of the new monster king. Even if there is Voldemort to restrain the rock monsters, it can't change the disadvantage of being outnumbered by the monster rebels! The balance of victory has gradually tilted towards the new demon king. Seeing that the army is about to be defeated, all the demons are desperate. At this time, Bai Xiaofei suddenly appeared!

"That's the way things are!"

At the end, Voldemort Fire Demon sighed with emotion, "It's fortunate that the master came to the rescue in time, otherwise... the consequences would be unimaginable!"


And after listening to the little fire demon's narration.

Bai Xiaofei was just stunned there, he never expected that the time flow rate in the alien space is completely different from the outside world and has reached an astonishing 1:6! I spent about a month in it, but it took more than half a year for the outside world!

This shit...

I don't explain it in advance, it's just cheating! Fortunately, the little demon king Huba didn't have any accidents, and he got a lot of promotion by accident. Otherwise, if something happened, then his special mission would be completely over.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly had lingering fears in his heart, and he was terrified!

Frowning slightly, Bai Xiaofei turned his attention, and then asked the Voldemort demon: "What's the situation with the human race now?"

"have no idea!"

Voldemort shook his head helplessly.

Bitterly said: "We fought for three full days and three nights in this battle, without even a moment's rest, how could we care about other things? But I guess they won't have a good time, without our restraint , the human race is no match for the new demon king's army at all!"

"Master, what do you mean..."


Bai Xiaofei remained silent.

It is true that he really wanted to fly to Yunxie Mountain immediately, obtain the stele outside the sky, and comprehend the inscription on it, so as to greatly enhance his own strength and ability. But the current situation of the human and demon races is in a precarious situation. If he lets go of it, God knows what will happen!

If the human race is defeated, the little demon king Huba who is with Song Daitian and others will definitely end up not very well. If there is any accident with him, Bai Xiaofei's special mission will naturally come to naught! Although the stele outside the sky is good, but it made Bai Xiaofei give up the rich rewards of special missions...

Feel sorry!

Bai Xiaofei can't do it!

God knows the value of the stele outside that day. Is there any special mission rewards that are even more awesome! If not, wouldn't that mean picking sesame seeds and losing watermelon? Bai Xiaofei wouldn't do such an idiotic thing! So, after some deliberation, someone immediately made a decision.

"Little Fire Demon!"

"small stone!"

Bai Xiaofei's expression froze, and he ordered in a deep voice: "The two of you lead the remnants of the demon beast rebel army to regroup and clean up the mess. Don't rush to start a war with the enemy. First shrink your forces and focus on defense. I'll go to the human race first. Take a look, everything will be decided after I come back!"


The two demons responded.

They dared not disobey Bai Xiaofei's orders.

Immediately, they turned around and left, starting to clean up the mess of the battlefield and search for survivors. Bai Xiaofei, on the other hand, concentrated on sensing the space spells he had branded on Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan, and then activated the Flying Thunder God's spell, taking the shrunken Xiaoqing with him, and disappeared without a trace.


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