The Storm God

Chapter 1473 Besieged on all sides! (Please subscribe!)

Shuntian Mansion.

This is the only city within a thousand kilometers that has not been captured by the demon clan.

The reason why it can stand today is not only due to the strength of the Tianshitang branch, but also because of the tip-off of Boss Ge, the "internal traitor". After learning that the Yaozu would launch a sneak attack on Shuntian Mansion, he immediately informed Song Daitian and others who came back, and then a group of people used their tricks to trap the Yaozu!

But the good times didn't last long.

With the passage of time and the continuous advance of the monster army, the territories of the human race fell one after another, causing heavy casualties. Especially Qingshui Town was almost completely wiped out. Based on this base area, the Yaozu continued to spread and attack around, adopting guerrilla and encirclement routes, and soon trapped Shuntian Mansion in the middle.

This is Shuntian Mansion.

It is indeed the most famous commercial city in the country. Whether it is the city defense force or food and other issues, it is far beyond other cities. After being besieged by the monsters, they can still stand firm for half a year Afterwards, in other cities, let alone six months, I'm afraid they won't be able to last even ten days!


Sitting and eating is not the way.

Shuntian Mansion's city defense force and food reserves are not unlimited after all. After more than half a year of tenacious resistance, Shuntian Mansion has finally reached the point where all the fuel is exhausted. The Yaozu clearly sensed the weakening of Shuntianfu's city defenses, so they assembled their army and immediately launched a frenzied attack on it!

There is a great deal of effort to directly take down Shuntian Mansion!

Facing the overwhelming wave of attacks from the monster clan, the soldiers of the human race in Shuntian Mansion, and even ordinary people, naturally all put out all their strength and joined the battle of defense and counterattack. Although it's a drop in the bucket, it's better than doing nothing!


"Hit me hard!"

"Those damn humans, they won't last long!"

"Giant Power Demon, give it all to me!"



The battle situation in Shuntian Mansion was very tragic.

Thousands of Celestial Masters from the Heavenly Master Hall, as well as countless wild Celestial Masters, jointly launched the defensive formation of Shuntian Mansion, forming a protective shield with a thickness of about three feet, covering the entire Shuntian Mansion stand up. However, with the continuous attack of the monster race, the energy consumption of the shield is extremely serious.

up to now...

There was only less than one meter left of the protective cover, and it was full of cracks, and it looked like it was about to shatter.

Seeing this situation, the Yaozu side naturally looked like they had been spat with chicken blood, that was called excitement and excitement, and the wave of attacks became more and more wild and turbulent. The masters caused great pressure, and even many people were seriously injured and vomited blood because of excessive use of spells, and fell to the ground.

But even so, the human race did not give up. Because they know very well that once they give up, everyone in the city will surely die! Therefore, even if they were seriously injured and vomited blood, or even died directly from exhaustion, in order to protect countless human race compatriots, they still gritted their teeth and persisted until they died.

"Hold on, everyone!"

"Song Daitian and the others will definitely be able to successfully behead the general of the enemy's monster clan!"

"We still have hope!"


A very old eight-qian celestial master encouraged loudly. However, as soon as his words fell, because of the kingdom's use of spells and the consumption of his own vitality, he suffered a backlash, was seriously injured and vomited blood, and fell to the ground on the spot. Although not life-threatening, but completely disabled!

From now on.

This old man is no longer a celestial master. His body is broken and his life is almost exhausted. He is not even as good as an ordinary person! But he didn't have the slightest complaint or regret, he just hated himself for falling too fast, why couldn't he hold on for a little longer, so as to create more time for Song Daitian and others!

Not just old people.

Most of the other fallen celestial masters also had the same thoughts.

At this moment, at the most critical moment in Shuntian Mansion, almost all the people in the town are united as one! They all pinned their hopes on Song Daitian and the others. As long as the leader of the enemy army can be beheaded, the monsters will be leaderless and the army will be distracted. Chaos will inevitably appear in the wave of the monster clan's attack!

By then...

This is their best chance to fight back and escape!

Shuntian Mansion's resources have been exhausted, if you don't leave and stay here, even if the monsters don't attack, the people in the town will be starved to death. So... taking advantage of some resources, they had no choice but to put all their eggs in one basket, abandoning the city and fleeing. Although there are still many difficulties and dangers, there is always a silver lining!


Ideals are wonderful.

But the reality is very cruel and merciless.

Song Daitian and others, whom countless people in Shuntian Mansion gave high hopes to, not only failed to complete the desperate beheading plan at this moment, but also unfortunately stepped into the traps and traps that the monster clan had been laying in wait for a long time. They suffered heavy casualties, from dozens of people at the beginning, but now there are only less than 10 people left alone!

Moreover, it was surrounded by hundreds of super monsters, and it was impossible to escape.

The situation is dire, it can be said that they are besieged on all sides!

The key is……

The little demon king Huba is also among the besieged team!


Song Tianyin used the family-heirloom sword handed to him by his grandma, and kept beheading the besieging monsters around him. He frowned, his face was full of solemnity, and he opened his mouth and said, "Father, this can't be done! They always send These little monsters come up to die just to consume our physical strength, we have to find a way!"

Although everyone is strong, their physical strength is not unlimited. They will always be exhausted. Once their physical strength is exhausted, they can only be slaughtered.

Behind Song Tianyin.

It was Huo Xiaolan who had become the daughter-in-law of the Song family.

Huo Xiaolan at this moment, compared to half a year ago, has matured a lot, and her strength is ridiculously strong. She wields a bone whip with one hand, which is as solid as gold and airtight. Almost no monsters can break through her blockade. The two cooperated seamlessly, combining long and short weapons, their power was multiplied, and the monsters around them couldn't help them at all.

Next to the couple's team.

There are a total of seven squint-eyed men headed by Song Daitian and Hongyue. They join hands with each other to form a large defensive formation. Although it is impossible to block all the attacks of monsters, they can withstand more than half of them. As for the remaining half of the monsters that rushed in, it was up to Song Tianyin and his wife to deal with it.


"I understand what you said!"


Hear what my son said.

Song Daitian also had a look of bitterness and helplessness, how could he not see the evil intentions of the monster clan? But, so what if you can see it? Now that the enemy is outnumbered, surrounded by enemies, and there is a traitor of the human race hidden in the middle, in such a predicament, what can you do if you are called Song Daitian?

I am not a peerless powerhouse like Bai Xiaofei, so I can't break this deadlock at all!

He opened his mouth and was about to say something.

But at this moment——


A sharp sword suddenly pierced through Song Daitian's chest. And with Song Daitian's injury, the defensive formation jointly launched by the seven of them also failed in an instant, and of course there was nothing left. The countless monsters around suddenly swarmed towards Song Daitian and the others like a tide!




"Old Song!"


Seeing Song Daitian's sudden injury, Song Tianyin and others were frightened to death. Everyone was concerned about Song Daitian's injury, and they performed their unique skills again and again to resist the attacks of the surrounding monsters. At the same time, their eyes were full of infinite anger and puzzlement, and they stared at the human Tianshitang Tianshi behind Song Daitian——

Yun Qing!

He was the one who stabbed Song Daitian just now!


"Unexpectedly, the traitor who tipped off the Yaozu and made our operation fail is you!"

"As a celestial master, why would you do this?"

"You are a human race!"


Everyone shouted in disbelief and distress.

This beheading plan is related to the safety of countless people in Shuntianfu City, so for the sake of safety, only a limited number of people are qualified to participate in and know the specific situation of the operation. But in the end, the beheading plan failed, and he got into the ambush and trap set by the monster clan, causing heavy casualties!

If there is no traitor among them, they would not believe it even if they were killed!


They never expected.

This traitor who betrayed them and the entire human race turned out to be Song Daitian's junior brother, the senior brother Yun Qing who escaped from the Heavenly Master Hall in Qingshui Town, which was besieged by the demon clan! Such a cruel fact caught them off guard, and they never dreamed of it.

Especially Song Daitian!

You know, Yun Qing is Song Daitian's favorite junior, and even passed on all his housekeeping skills to the other party. He never imagined that Yun Qing would be a traitor, who not only betrayed himself and the human race, but also mercilessly gave him a sword!

"Little brother!"

Song Daitian endured the severe pain in his chest, and said with a broken heart: "You, why are you...?"

The words are not finished.

He couldn't help but spat out a mouthful of blood from the boss.

His face was extremely pale!


Yun Qing, who jumped into the army of the monster clan, heard the words, but Yang Tian burst into laughter, and said in a strange way: "Why? It's very simple! Because... I am not your junior brother Yun Qing at all, but the general of the monster clan Chi Tian Ba! Song Daitian, your junior brother Yun Qing was killed and eaten by me half a year ago!"

"For the past six months, I have been lurking by your side just to catch you all!"

"Now I finally got what I wanted!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


Talking and talking.

Chi Tianba, who had succeeded in his plot, laughed loudly again.

Laughing so excitedly and proudly.

Incredibly rampant!


But in such an atmosphere.

Behind Song Tianyin and Huo Xiaolan, there was a sudden flash, and a figure appeared out of thin air.

It was Bai Xiaofei who teleported over with Flying Thunder God!


Chi Tianba's laughter.

As if being pinched by the throat, it stopped abruptly!


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