The Storm God

Chapter 1474 Huba's Change! (Please subscribe!)

"It's you?"

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's sudden appearance, Chi Tianba was slightly taken aback, as if he was extremely curious and surprised by his ability to appear out of thin air. But he immediately sneered, and said disdainfully: "I thought it was some powerful human race who ran over to save people, it turned out to be you!"

A very contemptuous look.

Chi Tianba didn't know Bai Xiaofei, but Yun Qing didn't. The two had met once at the Tianshitang branch in Qingshui Town. After Chi Tianba devoured Yun Qing, he naturally mastered all of Yun Qing's memories, so he still has some impressions of Bai Xiaofei.

not to mention……

In the past half a year, with Song Daitian and others, he has heard many people mention it, which can be said to be like thunder, and it is impossible to know him or not!

In the past, Chi Tianba might still be a little jealous of the rumored Bai Xiaofei. After all, no matter whether it comes from Yun Qing's memory, or the respect, admiration, and envy of Song Daitian and others, they all exaggerate Bai Xiaofei without exception. Extremely powerful, almost heaven-defying terror, anyone would be in awe of unknown powerhouses.

But now?


Surrounded by the elite troops of the Yaozu and countless monsters.

I myself have gained a lot of opportunities and benefits because of being with Song Daitian and others, and my strength has improved dramatically. It can be said that today is different from the past. A combination of many factors, whether it's the right time, the right location, or the harmony of people, I have the absolute upper hand, just a mere Bai Xiaofei, I will be afraid of you!

This is what Chi Tianba is thinking at the moment.

But after thinking about it, for the sake of safety, he chose the most conservative strategy. He didn't rush forward rashly and confront Bai Xiaofei, but relied on his status and ordered the countless monsters around him to attack Bai Xiaofei first. During the round of attack, he himself retreated behind the scenes, squinting his eyes and focusing on Bai Xiaofei.


Regardless of what Chi Tianba thinks.

Just teleporting over, he saw countless monsters besieging him. At this moment, Bai Xiaofei was undoubtedly confused and speechless.


"There are so many monsters, what's the situation?"

"Is the city broken?"

Bai Xiaofei felt a little appalled.

I'm afraid that the little demon king Huba will have some troubles, and his special mission will be completely useless when the time comes.

But soon he was relieved again.


"Huba didn't encounter any accidents..."

"Huh? Uncle Song was stabbed with a sword. It looks like he's seriously injured!"

"Isn't that person opposite Yun Qing?"

"Could it be..."

His eyes scanned the scene quickly.

Bai Xiaofei's mind raced, and he analyzed the current situation clearly and clearly almost immediately, and then saw him sneer, and said disdainfully: "Chi Tianba, Chi Tianba, you actually expect to use these rubbish to test me The depth of his strength is really naive and ridiculous!"

"Xiaoqing, I leave it to you!"


next moment.

A cyan figure shot out from Bai Xiaofei's shoulder, growing against the wind.

In the blink of an eye, Xiaoqing recovered her peak body shape, and her huge body of hundreds of feet turned into a circular defensive circle, covering Song Daitian and others, including Bai Xiaofei. At the same time, Xiaoqing's body was full of green light, filled with countless water vapors, and then turned into a rolling stormy sea, which directly washed the countless monsters that were besieged by the crowd into drowned chickens!

Except for some of the larger monsters, which were not knocked down by Xiaoqing's rolling water, most of the other monsters were all washed away to unknown corners, and they were all wet and embarrassed. Unceasingly, as if he had just escaped from the flood, that was a mess!


And with Xiaoqing's dragon chant.

The terrifying sound waves swept across like a substance, directly shattering those huge monsters into countless pieces of flesh. In short... Following this wave of operations by Xiaoqing, the Yaozu side suffered heavy casualties and fell into extreme embarrassment, immediately freeing up a huge space for Song Daitian and others' ever-tightening defensive circle.

This is the Mutated Flood Dragon, Xiaoqing's terrifying dragon power with 70% of his power, if he uses it with all his strength, it will be even more powerful and shocking!

With such power, it can be said to sweep away thousands of troops, invincible!

Chi Tianba was stupid at the time.


"How is it possible? It's just a pet, but its strength is so terrifying!"

"Then how powerful should he be?"


Chi Tianba stared wide-eyed, not daring to believe it.

At this moment, the way he looked at Bai Xiaofei was already full of infinite fear and horror, as well as deep fear!

Regardless of what Chi Tianba thinks.


Bai Xiaofei landed directly in front of Song Daitian.

Then, under the enthusiastic and excited eyes of Song Tianyin and others, he slapped Song Daitian on the shoulder with a "slap", shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Uncle Song, why are you so careless? It seems that every time I see When you were here, your condition was unprecedentedly bad!"

That's right.

The first time Bai Xiaofei met Song Daitian was in the secret dungeon of the Zheng Mansion in the capital, and it was a miserable time. Unexpectedly, after they separated, Song Daitian was stabbed by someone again when they met each other again. He was also seriously injured and dying, looking like he was dying.

No wonder Bai Xiaofei couldn't help complaining.

"Could it be..."

Bai Xiaofei joked: "The two of us hit each other, once we separate, what will happen to you when we meet again?"

Of course, after all, his hands were not idle.

Just kidding at the same time.


A bottle of specially made golden sore medicine has already been summoned by Bai Xiaofei. Well, in fact, there is no sore medicine at all, this is just a cover that Bai Xiaofei used to fool people before, its essence is actually the alien medical spray, it just has a different packaging!

Who made the space-time shuttle have damn restrictions in some worlds?

If you don't want to find a way to exploit loopholes, you can't do it!

Closer to home.

Seeing Bai Xiaofei's appearance.

Among the crowd, Song Daitian was undoubtedly the most excited.

At this moment, he even forgot about the dangers around him, as well as the fatal sword wound on his chest, and of course Bai Xiaofei's teasing and jokes. Song Daitian directly grabbed Bai Xiaofei's shoulder, looked at Bai Xiaofei with great hope, trembling He said, "Mr. Bai, please tell me that you succeeded!"


The look in his eyes is one of uneasiness and uneasiness.

Seeing that he cared so much about the results of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur trial, even to the point of disregarding his own life, while Bai Xiaofei respected his sense of responsibility and commitment, he couldn't help but secretly smiled, thinking: "If I take the risk at this time If you say 'no', Uncle Song will definitely vomit blood and die?"


Skin to skin, Bai Xiaofei would not joke about such an important matter.

He nodded and said, "Of course!"

"Very good!"

Song Daitian was immediately overjoyed.

After getting Bai Xiaofei's affirmative answer, he was relieved, then took the golden sore medicine that Bai Xiaofei handed over, and began to treat the terrible sword wound on his body. The surrounding Song Tianyin, Huo Xiaolan, and Hongyue, of course, were not idle, they all helped Song Daitian to smear the wound.

The other people stood around vigilantly, guarding against the attack of monsters.


Their behavior is obviously superfluous.

With Xiaoqing, the mutated dragon spreading its teeth and claws outside, calling the wind and calling the rain, setting off a rolling stormy sea, and impacting countless monsters around, who can rush in? The squint-eyed man and the others seemed to be aware of this problem, and a look of embarrassment flashed across their faces, and then they came over one after another, and began to "siege" Bai Xiaofei with their tongues, asking him why he passed all the time. It took half a year to come back.

Even the little demon king Huba is no exception.

What's worth mentioning is that with the successive adventures and the rapid improvement of his strength, the little demon king Huba's body shape has also changed amazingly. Today, he is no longer the childish and cute boy at that time, but has grown into a young boy, with a height of nearly 1.56 meters. A touch of maturity.

The most peculiar thing is to count his back and the top of his head, where two fleshy little bumps grew out respectively.

"This is……?"

Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being extremely surprised.

He secretly guessed in his heart: "The strange power in Huba's body has become so thick and huge. Could it be that it has gradually evolved into the power of his bloodline as he develops and grows? There are also small muscles on his back and top of his head. The bulge, if I'm not mistaken, it should be the wings and the horns of the dragon, right?"

To know.

When the demon queen was pregnant with Huba, she was called a dragon fetus.

So according to normal logic, the little demon king Huba should also have the blood of a dragon, otherwise how could he be called a dragon fetus? As for who it belonged to, isn't that obvious? It must have come from the old demon king. With development and growth, the little demon king Huba will naturally gradually show its due strength and characteristics.

I don't know how far Huba will grow in the future, and what its final form will look like. It's really exciting!

And just as Bai Xiaofei was pondering and surprised.

Song Daitian next to him has completely healed under the treatment of "golden sore medicine", and he is back to normal. Then he came over and handed the golden sore medicine to Bai Xiaofei reluctantly, and said: "Mr. Bai, you came just in time, Shuntian Mansion is facing the danger of breaking the city, so we can only catch all the high-level officials of these monsters. There is a possibility of breaking the game just now.”

"I also ask you to raise your hand and help us through this difficult time!"

"Uncle Song is too polite!

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly.

It was just a bottle of golden sore medicine, he didn't take it seriously at all, he just pushed it back, which meant to let Song Daitian keep it away for emergencies. Then his face froze, and he said righteously: "The human race is in trouble. As a good man, how can I stand by and turn a blind eye? I should do my best to help!"

Say it.

It doesn't matter how Song Daitian and others react.

Turned around directly, and told Xiaoqing: "Xiaoqing, I have given you the monsters here. Shuntian Mansion is currently under siege by a large number of monsters. Go and deal with it, don't hold back! Remember, No matter what, we can't let the monsters rush into Shuntian Mansion and hurt the common people!"


Xiaoqing got the order.

Immediately, the dragon's tail swung and it shot straight into the sky.


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