The Storm God

Chapter 1475 Crazy Tianba! (Please subscribe!)

"Chi Tianba!"

After Xiao Qing left, the anger of Song Daitian and others immediately focused on Chi Tianba.

Yun Qing's death, and the failure of this beheading plan, caused dozens of human masters to fall into the siege trap of monsters, so that their deaths were unclear... All of this was because of Chi Tianba! If it wasn't for Bai Xiaofei's sudden appearance, they would have fully explained here.

As long as they die, everyone in the entire Shuntian Mansion will be completely wiped out!

Every time they think of the key point, everyone feels infinite anger and lingering fear in their hearts! Naturally, Song Daitian and the others were also full of endless killing intent towards Chi Tianba, the monster general, and they all wished to tear him into pieces and tear him into pieces.

As for the other innumerable army of monsters that couldn't be seen at a glance, they were all ignored by Song Daitian and others. It's not because they are arrogant and arrogant, they don't pay attention to these monsters at all, but because of one person——

Bai Xiaofei!

His terrifying strength convinced everyone!

Before obtaining the Martial Emperor's Excalibur, he was already an almost invincible peerless master. Now that he has been recognized by the Martial Emperor's Excalibur, its power is so powerful, it goes without saying! Although the army of these monsters is huge in number, at least hundreds of thousands, but in the face of absolute strength, all of this is nothing!

This moment.

Song Daitian and the others had only one thought in their hearts.

That is to completely kill Chi Tianba, the damned monster general, to respect the spirits of those human masters who were killed by him! They think so, and they do so. Right after Xiaoqing left, they all rushed towards Chi Tianba in a swarm!


As soon as everyone makes a move, it is directly their strongest killing move.

As the general of the army of monsters, Chi Tianba is very strong in himself, and with the protection of countless monsters around him, it is naturally difficult to kill him. Although Bai Xiaofei can easily destroy him, but for this enmity with Chi Tianba, they only want to avenge it themselves, and they don't want to resort to others!

on this...

Bai Xiaofei also understood very well.

Therefore, he did not interfere with the grievances between them, nor did he let other people or monsters intervene. Seeing countless monsters rushing towards Song Daitian and others like a spring, they besieged frantically. Bai Xiaofei didn't say a word, he directly blasted over with a move of ten thousand swords returning to the sect!

And it was boosted by the Martial Emperor's Excalibur.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Seeing countless Heaven Severing Sword Intent and Sword Qi, densely packed like stars in the sky, they condensed into shape almost instantly, and appeared abruptly in front of the crowd and countless monster races. Under the control of the mind, it fell from the sky like a violent storm, like a meteorite falling to the ground, and fell from the sky with incomparable ferocity!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Puff puff!"



One move, ten thousand swords return to the sect.

Tens of thousands of monsters were killed in Huangquan in an instant, and died tragically on the spot.

The turbulent wave of monster beasts immediately showed a large blank area, and Song Daitian and others were able to advance smoothly.

Among the monster army, Chi Tianba, who saw such a situation, was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were splitting, and he wanted to die in horror. It was not until this moment that he completely knew and understood Bai Xiaofei's horror and abnormality: "My God! Then But the army of tens of thousands of monsters, and all of them are the best of the best, they were all wiped out by him in a blink of an eye!"

"How can this be?!"


He was almost dumbfounded by Bai Xiaofei's terrifying strength.

Chi Tianba was stunned, but the adjutants who followed him, as well as the military advisers of the Yaozu, were not. Although they were also very shocked by Bai Xiaofei's strength, which was so terrifying, but as soldiers, they were all very competent. Seeing that the current situation was very bad for their side, they immediately began to dispatch troops.

And the policy they adopted was also very simple and clear——


Yes, retreat!

In the face of Bai Xiaofei, a terrifying powerhouse who is so perverted that he is not like a human being, the general army is almost completely useless, except for sending the opponent's head... well, the army is a demon head. They are not stupid, of course they will not watch Bai Xiaofei slaughter his compatriots like chopping melons and vegetables!


They can only retreat now!

As for the task or something, it is not important at the moment.

Minimizing casualties as much as possible and preserving one's own strength is the first priority. They believe that the new demon king will definitely understand themselves. And they all saw that the goal of Song Daitian and others seemed to be Chi Tianba. And Bai Xiaofei didn't seem to have the intention to take the initiative, unless the surrounding monsters ran to stop Song Daitian and others without looking.


They simply abandoned Chi Tianba.

He even used Chi Tianba as a bait to shift the attack target and range of Song Daitian and others, especially Bai Xiaofei, without a trace. This bought enough time and opportunity for the other monsters to use their breastfeeding strength as much as possible to run wildly, and all fled towards the opposite direction of Shuntian Mansion.

They dare not go to Shuntian Mansion again.

With Bai Xiaofei, a terrifying pervert, still wanting to break through the Shuntian Mansion? That is simply a fool's dream, asking for a dead end!


While retreating and fleeing.

They also hurriedly sent a message to the monster army attacking Shuntian Mansion, telling them to stop quickly, and then immediately retreated and fled from other directions, so as not to be blocked by Bai Xiaofei, the world-killing star, and Shuntian Mansion's forces, and directly made dumplings! As for whether those monsters listen or not, it doesn't matter what the monsters and generals do.


When Chi Tianba finally came to his senses, he realized that he had been tricked.

Immediately startled and angry, furious.


Who cares?

The army of monster clans all counted on Chi Tianba to attract the attention of Bai Xiaofei and the others, so that they and other monsters could evacuate as safely as possible and escape the perverted killing clutches of Bai Xiaofei. But Song Daitian and the others made no secret of Chi Tianba's intentions, they were clear and resolute, that is to kill him!

Whether he is depressed or not!

Song Daitian and others even wished that Chi Tianba would explode on the spot in anger, and save them such trouble and trouble.

However, this wish is obviously impossible.

"Want to trick me?"

"Hmph! If that's the case, we must die together!"


In desperation, Chi Tianba went completely crazy.

Seeing that Song Daitian and others and Bai Xiaofei were pressing closer and closer to his position, most of the demon army on his side had already used him as a bait, ruthlessly abandoned him, and chose to retreat and fight. Escape; at a critical moment when there is no escape and life is threatened, he resolutely chooses to fight to the death.

And the one who suffered first was not Song Daitian and others, but...

The monsters around Chi Tianba!

That's right!

Crazy Chi Tianba, the first to attack was his own compatriots!

In fact, there is something wrong with the attack, because Chi Tianba didn't beat them at all, but directly transformed into a huge monster beast, and then opened his bloody mouth, taking the monsters who were caught off guard one by one, like It's like eating jelly beans, and I ate them all in my stomach!

Only some monsters that are larger in size, similar to Chi Tianba, will eat slower.

But only slowly.


With Chi Tianba's crazy devouring, his size is getting bigger and bigger, his ferocious and ferocious mouth is becoming more and more edible, and his own strength and momentum are also exponentially increasing crazily. Chi Tianba is like a balloon that is constantly being inflated, constantly expanding crazily.

And when there were no more monsters around him, Chi Tianba had already turned into a super giant monster like a hill. At this moment, his whole body was as hard as iron, his momentum was like a rainbow, and his gestures were full of infinite destructive power. The attacks of Song Daitian and others fell on Chi Tianba's body, just like tickling, almost negligible!


Seeing such a situation, Chi Tianba suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

Looking down at the helpless Song Daitian and others, he was extremely arrogant and sneered, "Song Daitian, you want to kill me to avenge Yun Qing and those human masters? Humph! Tell you, it's not that easy. After acquiring the [Swallow] ability, my current strength is more than ten times that of before, and you have nothing to do with me!"

"On the contrary..."

"But I can easily kill you!"

"go to hell!"

The huge mouth of the blood basin opened.

Chi Tianba exhaled fiercely, and immediately set off a billowing demon wind, carrying unparalleled power and impact, blasting towards Song Daitian and others.


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