The Storm God

Chapter 1476 Suicide! (Please subscribe!)

"Everyone be careful!"

Chi Tianba's evil wind is very fierce, Song Daitian and others dare not take risks easily, they can only dodge one after another to avoid its edge, and then adopt a guerrilla strategy. Let it be overwhelmed and exhausted.


Rolling Monster's weathering was useless, it just made the devastated land even more miserable again. However, Song Daitian's and others' continuous attacks hit Chi Tianba, but they also didn't have much effect. The current Chi Tianba is completely a super tank that can resist and be beaten. It is not easy to kill him.


Bai Xiaofei was not far away, and the old god was watching, not intending to intervene in the slightest. First of all, this is the grievance between Song Daitian and others and Chi Tianba, he can't intervene casually. Secondly, Bai Xiaofei also wanted to see how far Song Tianyin and the others had grown in the past six months?

Especially the little demon king Huba!


However, Huba in the form of a boy was able to dodge all kinds of attacks of the giant Chitianba with agility, and took advantage of the gap between his movements to launch a violent counterattack. Although the attack method is similar to the "spit bullet" in the movie, but in terms of power, it is far more than a hundred times better than in the movie!

If we compare the "bullets" spit out by Huba in the movie to the ammunition and power of ordinary pistols or even machine guns, then now... the attack power of the "bullets" spit out by Huba is completely comparable to lasers and high-speed weapons. Thick cannons are comparable! And it's just plain vomit!

If Huba uses the strange power in his body, the power of the bullet will be even more terrifying!

At least ten times the normal state!

"Puff puff!"

Chi Tianba devoured a lot of monsters. Although his current strength was terribly enhanced, he couldn't completely resist the super bullet attack of the little demon king Huba who was enchanted with strange monster power. He was killed on the spot. Numerous densely packed holes were shot out, and the blood flowed endlessly!


He's way too big right now.

In front of Chi Tianba, Huba was like a little mouse facing Tyrannosaurus!

Even though Huba's bullets can penetrate Chi Tianba's physical defense, but because of the large difference in body size, the damage caused to Chi Tianba is actually not that great in terms of comprehensiveness, which is different from the attacks of Song Daitian and others. It's almost the same, it's like scratching an itch for Chi Tianba.

even in comparison.

The family-inherited sword in Song Tianyin's hand caused the most powerful fire-attribute burns among all the people. Every time it hit and broke Chi Tianba's defense, it would make Chi Tianba roar with scalding. This means that he is not what he used to be now, otherwise he would have been burnt to death by Song Tianyin a long time ago.

And Huo Xiaolan's greatest use is to restrain her.

Bai Xiaofei was surprised to find that the bone whip in her hand was of good quality and very powerful. Generally, if a monster was drawn, it would be lightly wounded and vomit blood. In serious cases, it would even shatter to pieces on the spot. It can be described as quite violent!


Such weapons and strength.

As far as the current Chi Tianba is concerned, it is almost no different from ordinary chains.

Apart from being able to cause a certain degree of distress and blockade to the opponent, Huo Xiaolan's damage and damage are even inferior to Hongyue and others who are weaker than her. Hongyue and the others, whether they used poison, a knife, or other means, could cause a lot of damage to Chi Tianba.

after all……

In Bai Xiaofei's arsenal back then, they did not miss a lot of good things.

The strength is not enough, the equipment comes together!

As for Song Daitian?

All right.

Talk about growing up.

It's not that there are no such servants, but compared with Song Tianyin and others, they are too limited.

But what surprised Bai Xiaofei was that Song Daitian actually completely fused the sword he had chosen from his arsenal. The power it can display now is even worse than the Song family's family heirloom sword. No wonder Song Daitian handed over the family heirloom sword to Song Tianyin. It turned out not only because of the love between father and son, but because he no longer needed it!


After more than half a year of tempering.

Song Daitian and others have greatly improved in terms of strength, experience and means. But the bitter thing is, no matter how much they improve, they still can't compare with Chi Tianba's innate skill - Devour. This is simply the same operation as opening and closing, which makes Chi Tianba fight Song Daitian and others on a par with Song Daitian and others with his rough skin and thick flesh, which can resist and fight!


It also firmly holds the upper hand.

Such an excellent ability naturally immediately attracted Bai Xiaofei's attention and interest. Bai Xiaofei never imagined that this ability, which appeared in the movie, would be so perverted and powerful. Fortunately, it only swallowed dozens of monsters. If Chi Tianba was allowed to continue to swallow it, who would be able to cure it? Got him?

Of course, the premise is that this ability has no upper limit.

However, Bai Xiaofei guessed that this should be impossible, otherwise, if this were the case, he would be the demon king of the demon clan. As long as Chi Tianba keeps devouring monsters, and his strength keeps increasing exponentially, no matter how powerful other monsters are, they will be surpassed one day sooner or later. How can they be like this, just a monster clan? Just a grand prize?

Another point is that the sudden increase in Chi Tianba's strength should not be able to last for a long time, or there may be some relatively serious side effects! Chi Tianba will only use it when it is absolutely necessary.

Like now...


Chi Tianba, Song Daitian and others are still fighting fiercely.

Although Song Daitian and the others really had nothing to do with Chi Tianba at the beginning, they could only shoot east and west, but as time passed, the situation on the scene began to change slowly. There are more and more injuries on Chi Tianba's body, and his breath is getting more and more disordered. Whether it is strength, attack, or reaction speed, etc., they all start to show weakness.

Bai Xiaofei guessed that Chi Tianba's surge state should have reached its limit soon.

"He's dying!"

"Everyone, work harder and be more careful at the same time, pay attention to his counterattack when he is dying!"

"Don't let him get close to other monsters!"


Naturally, Song Daitian and the others felt the change in Chi Tianba's state, and they were all overjoyed. While intensifying their attacks, they also immediately changed their strategy. While harassing Chi Tianba, they also tried to ensure that the other party would not fight with other monsters. contact with the beast, so as not to devour it again, the strength will increase greatly, then it will be troublesome!

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei smiled, and suddenly said: "Just replace Chi Tianba with new ones, and leave the rest to me!"

It's almost time to see everything that needs to be seen, and it's time to finish.

after all……

There are still many things waiting for Bai Xiaofei.

He doesn't have extra time, wasting it here, a Chi Tianba is not worthy at all!


For Bai Xiaofei's words.

Naturally, Song Daitian and the others were extremely trusting. Hearing the words, they were overjoyed, and secretly said: "If you have Mr. Bai, otherwise you can kill the other monsters, and Chi Tianba wants to devour the monsters again. It is almost impossible. In this way, we Then we can go all out to deal with Chi Tianba!"


Chi Tianba was completely panicked.

Because what Bai Xiaofei expected was right, he really couldn't last long in this state, and now he has reached the limit. Once the time limit is exceeded, Chi Tianba will be beaten back to its original shape. However, after fighting for a long time, Song Daitian and others, he didn't solve any of them, and besides there was an even more terrifying Bai Xiaofei, why don't you tell him not to panic?

He wants to run!

He wants to devour the monster again to maintain his state.

But this is obviously impossible. Up to now, in the base of this monster army, the rest of the monsters can be said to have fled or died, and there are not many left. Coupled with the fact that Bai Xiaofei was watching covetously, Chi Tianba couldn't even get close to other monsters, let alone devour them!


Chi Tianba looks like this now.

Not to mention Song Daitian and the others, even the monsters from the Monster Race are also fearful and fearful. It is estimated that even without Bai Xiaofei's obstruction, those monsters would not take the initiative to approach Chi Tianba, on the contrary, they ran as far as they could. After all, they are not fools, who would be willing to be eaten if there is nothing wrong with their heads!

that's all.

Chi Tianba could not be supplemented at all.

As time went by, his current state of explosive growth became weaker and worse. And with the rapid decline in his size and strength, the damage Song Daitian and others caused to Chi Tianba naturally became bigger, deeper, and more deadly.


When Chi Tianba shrank to half the level of giant monster.

The powerful attack of Song Daitian and others can already cause huge fatal damage to Chi Tianba. Almost in the blink of an eye, Chi Tianba was abused into a dog, with scars all over his body, what a mess! However, this Chi Tianba is still a hero. Seeing that there is no escape and he must die, he resolutely chooses to blew himself up in the end!


With a loud bang.

Chi Tianba exploded into countless fragments and wreckage, and the impact of the explosion was quite terrifying. Simply seeing that the situation was not good, Song Daitian and others avoided and launched defenses early, so they did not suffer any harm. On the other hand, Bai Xiaofei squinted his eyes, quietly collected some Chi Tianba's body tissues, and planned to study them carefully in the future.

So far...

It can be said that the Yaozu's army base in Shuntian Prefecture is completely finished.

Chi Tianba was killed in battle, and the rest of the generals and commanders fled. The army of monster beasts suffered numerous casualties and was routed, far away from the Shuntian Mansion's sphere of influence. The only question now is whether Xiaoqing can repel the monster army from Shuntian Mansion, but Song Daitian and others believe that this should not be difficult.

Xiaoqing's strength is very strong.


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