The Storm God

Chapter 1477 Long Live the Dragon! (Please subscribe!)

Shuntian Mansion.

Two super giant monsters like hills are hammering desperately at the protective shield of Shuntian Mansion.

Even if no monster power was used, it was just pure physical power, but due to its huge size, the impact and pressure caused by the two super giant monster beasts was also very terrifying. I saw the already very weak protective cover of Shuntian Mansion, under the fierce beating of the two demons, it was like a candle in the wind, shaking violently every time, giving people a feeling that it might be extinguished at any time .

Coupled with the attacks of other monsters, the protective shield of Shuntian Mansion is in danger. Seeing this situation, the people in the city are all anxious and filled with fear. But right now they are helpless, they can only grit their teeth, close their eyes, and pray in their hearts that Song Daitian and others can behead all the generals of the monster clan as soon as possible.

This is their only hope!


Just when the people in Shuntian Mansion were extremely desperate, Xiaoqing's domineering figure and dragon chant that shook the sky suddenly came from outside the city. Then...they were pleasantly surprised to find that the two super giant monsters that looked like hills outside were suddenly given one by Xiaoqing, pierced through the heart and died.

There is simply no power to fight back!


And with the death and fall of the two super giant monsters, the pressure on Shuntian Mansion's defensive formation was greatly reduced, and it gained a moment of respite. The protective cover, which was already weak enough to protect the window paper, instantly increased It's a little thicker, and the overall look is a lot more solid, which makes everyone breathe a sigh of relief.



There was a scream outside the city.

In addition to Xiaoqing's terrifying sound waves attacking the monsters that exploded with radiation, more of them came from the two super giant monsters. That's right! It's them, who made them too big! The corpse that looked like a hill fell heavily, weighing more than 10 million catties and covering an overwhelming area, the army of monsters attacking the city nearby immediately fell into a bloody misfortune.

Coarse filter estimate.

When the two super giant monsters fall, at least no less than ten thousand monsters will be smashed to death!

Coupled with Xiaoqing's voice from time to time, the sound of the dragon's chant shook the whole field, the terrifying and domineering sound waves, like a carpet bombing, ravaged and exploded in the army of monsters and beasts, just now they were arrogant and rampant It can be said that the army of monsters and beasts was beaten to heavy casualties in a blink of an eye, and the shit was fucked, almost defeated!

"Damn it!"

"Where did the mutated monster come from, it's so cruel!"

"Call me down!"


The Yaozu's reaction was not slow.

After the initial shock and panic, they immediately launched a defense and counterattack. Teams of flying monsters rushed towards Xiaoqing with boundless anger, as if they wished to smash him into pieces. It's a pity... the wish is beautiful, but the reality is extremely cruel. No matter how many or how powerful these flying troops are attacking Xiaoqing, none of them can survive meeting Xiaoqing!

no way!

The strength gap between the two sides is too great!

Just like 10,000 snails can never kill a crocodile, in front of Xiaoqing, a mutated dragon, the opponent's strength is not even qualified to tickle him! Whether it is Xiaoqing's dragon chant, or dragon's power, or breath and water attribute spells, once used, they are almost instant kills!

Hundreds of flying monsters sent by the monster clan army to attack Xiaoqing, almost all of them were beaten to death and maimed by Xiaoqing like dumplings! And among these flying monsters that fell from the sky, there are also some larger ones. They smashed down from a high altitude, and the result can be imagined. The unlucky ones were the monster army on the side of the monster clan.

Poor dozens of monsters didn't even understand what happened, so they were smashed into meat paste and died.

Seeing such a scene, Yaozu was naturally angry and terrified, while countless people in Shuntianfu City were overjoyed. Secretly said: "It's really great! With the containment of this unknown monster, the strength of the monster clan's attack on Shuntian Mansion has dropped significantly, and we can last longer!"

And those ordinary people who have no fighting power cheered one after another, cheering for Xiaoqing to strengthen his momentum! In addition to Xiaoqing's wild and domineering, invincible, the morale of the monster army's side has declined. The whole situation at the scene has undergone a huge change because of Xiaoqing's sudden arrival!

But in such an atmosphere.


Among the Monster Race army outside the city.

A little demon suddenly rushed to the siege general anxiously, and then brought him a shocking and unbelievable news: "What did you say? Our base camp in the rear has been completely taken away by human masters? How is this possible? Didn't Lord Chi Tianba act as an internal response and set up many ambushes and traps?"

"Combined with the hundreds of thousands of troops around, how could we be defeated?"


Hao Xuan, the siege general, stared out his eyes.

It's not that he can't bear it, but that this news is too unbelievable. It's as if someone suddenly told you that the elephant gave the ant to XXOO, and also made the other person pregnant. As long as you are not a fool, anyone will have a confused and disbelieving expression!

"grown ups!"

The little demon immediately said: "This matter is absolutely true, it is the news brought back by one of my brothers in the rear. He said, the marshal has ordered us to retreat as soon as we get the news, otherwise it will be too late , because a terrifying master suddenly appeared from the human race and continued to attack Shuntian Mansion, our end can only be a dead end!"


After hearing this, the general of the monster tribe turned black immediately.

Looking up at Xiaoqing, who was flying in the sky, relying on the advantage of high altitude, to carry out carpet bombing to the army of monsters on the ground, and then thought about the dilemma of being helpless and helpless on his side, another association , Even the base camp in the rear was wiped out by that terrifying human master. If he continues to stay here, won't he be dumped? !


He shook his head violently.

Then he immediately made a decision, and quickly ordered: "Send me the general order, the whole army retreats! Remember, don't love to fight, run as fast as you can, and make a round in the territory of Qingshui Town!"


The little demon led the way and left.

Immediately afterwards, in the entire army of monster beasts, the horns for withdrawing troops sounded one after another. And after hearing this voice, all the monsters turned around and ran away without hesitation, and at the same time said bitterly in their hearts: "Damn it! It can be regarded as retreating. There is no such thing as a bullshit battle." Fight!"

Xiaoqing doesn't care what's going on with the monster army, whether you're a trap, a trap, or you really retreat and escape, no matter what, there will be a burst of indiscriminate bombardment, and the opponent's bombardment will be fucked, crying for father and mother, He has no temper at all, so he can only grit his teeth and endure the scurrying!

It wasn't until the pursuit was more than ten kilometers away, seeing that the army of monster beasts seemed to be really planning to retreat, Xiaoqing finally stopped resentfully. And when he returned to Shuntian Mansion, it happened that... Bai Xiaofei and the others just killed Chi Tianba, and then directly used the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport back to the Ascending Immortal Tower in Shuntian Mansion.

The secret room in Dengxian Tower is empty, and there is no one there.

Shuntian Mansion encountered a catastrophe, Boss Ge, as Bai Xiaofei's younger brother, naturally followed the celestial masters in the city and participated in the city defense work. In fact, not only Boss Ge, but almost all the common people in the city also participated spontaneously. Although the people in this world are backward, they are very simple. At the critical moment of life and death, except for a few people, the ideological consciousness of the vast majority is quite high.

Because I don't know what's going on in the city.


After teleporting back.

Bai Xiaofei and the others didn't stop there, they left the secret room and rushed out of the Dengxian Tower, and then they heard the deafening cheers, and the slogan "Long Live the Dragon" resounded throughout the city of Shuntian Prefecture. It seems that there is no need to ask how the defense of Shuntian Mansion is.

The cheers of the people are the best answer.


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