The Storm God

Chapter 1478 Wretched! (Please subscribe!)

Great victory in Shuntian Mansion!

The monster clan suffered countless casualties, they were defeated and fled, and the leading generals were almost wiped out!

The human race hit the monster race hard for the first time!

Hail all the peoples!

In less than half a day, the news spread like wildfire, and quickly spread throughout the major towns and territories of the human and demon races. Even the Four Great Seas, and the National Teacher Sima who had been hiding in Yunxie Mountain for half a year and had not been mobilized, all obtained extremely detailed information descriptions. For a while, everyone was shocked, regardless of whether they were human races or monster races!

"Bai Xiaofei?"

In Yunxie Mountain, Sima, the Grand Master of the National Normal University, who got the news, obviously had a bad face, and he was livid. He never expected that after waiting for so long, Bai Xiaofei didn't come to fetch the benevolent emperor's legacy, but he actually got involved with the Yaozu first. At this moment, his eyes flashed brightly, flickering on and off, obviously planning something.

After a while.

Sima of the National Normal University suddenly froze, as if he had made some kind of decision.

After he called someone to give instructions, he wrapped himself in a pitch-black robe, secretly left Yunxie Mountain, and headed all the way to the Yaozu's base camp in the human territory.

And at the same time.


Within the Yaozu base camp.

When the news of the Shuntian Mansion's victory came back, one could imagine how angry and depressed the new demon king was. An army of hundreds of thousands was defeated by a mere human expert, and even the leading general was wiped out. This is simply a great shame and a laughing stock for the Yaozu!

"Drag me out!"


In a huff.

The new demon king is about to kill the demon to vent his anger.

The commanders of the army of monsters in Shuntian Mansion naturally begged for mercy repeatedly, desperately explaining to themselves.

Some of the generals of the demon clan around also pleaded for mercy, persuading the new demon king to show his noble hand and bypass several generals this time. Because of this defeat, the reason is that it is really not on his side, but the master of the human race. It is too domineering. There are no monsters that are their opponents. Several generals did better.

But actually.

The new demon king is not stupid, how could he not know the key? It's just that as a person in power, the necessary majesty and posture should be done. Otherwise, everyone will follow the example of these generals, turn around and run away when the situation is not good, and there will be no punishment when they come back. Does the team still bring it?


Seeing that most of the generals pleaded for them, the new demon king knew that the effect he wanted had been achieved, so he borrowed the donkey from the slope and withdrew the order. However, capital crimes can be avoided, and living crimes cannot be escaped. For the generals who ran away in battle, the New Demon King still issued many punishments and punishments to serve as a warning to others!

"Thank you for your grace not to kill!"

Several generals were quickly taken down to be punished.

In the main hall, the new demon king cleared his throat, and was about to discuss with the generals present, the next occupation situation, how to overcome the defense of the human race, and that terrifying and powerful master Bai Xiaofei. But at this time, a little demon suddenly walked in and reported: "My lord, there is a mysterious person outside who said he has something important to discuss with you?"


The new demon king suddenly became interested.

Being able to pass through the heavy defenses of our monster army, and come to the vicinity of this hall without a sound, it can be seen that the strength of the opponent is high, and what the little monster reported is a mysterious person, that is to say, the opponent is not a monster, but from the A master of the human race. Is it due to the civil strife of the human race itself?

"Bring it in!"


The little demon led the way and left.

The New Demon King and the others put up their postures one after another, waiting for the arrival of the mysterious man.

They can take a good look at what kind of medicine is sold in the other party's gourd. If it is really valuable and will be of great benefit to the invasion of the monster race, then it is not impossible to cooperate. After all, they have encountered similar things before and are already familiar with it. But if the other party is just exaggerating and can't bring any benefits to the Yaozu, hehe...

Some monsters can have extra meat tonight!


The mysterious man was brought in.

However, he saw that the other party was wearing a black long robe, covering his head and covering his face, making him look mysterious, making it impossible for people to see the other party's identity.

"Master Demon King!"

The mysterious person is not stage frightened when he comes.

Looking at the new demon king who had transformed into a human form and was sitting high above the seat with incomparable majesty, he went straight to the point and said: "I came here to cooperate with you. You should also know the news of the great victory in Shuntian Mansion, so you can leave it alone." It is not an exaggeration to say that the reason why you were defeated was entirely because of one person!"


Ling Tianzun frowned slightly.

Looking at the mysterious man with rather unfriendly eyes, he asked tentatively, "Is this person a vengeful enemy or a mortal enemy?"


The mysterious man nodded and said, "We have a common enemy!"


The new demon king sneered.

Staring at the other party with sharp and domineering eyes, he said disdainfully: "I have hundreds of thousands of demon troops, and there are countless elite masters. A mere human master is really the reincarnation of the Martial Emperor, and he can eat us? You hide your head and show your tail, Said to cooperate with us, okay, then let me ask you, what qualifications do you have to cooperate with me?"

This is forcing the other party to reveal their identity.

If the other party doesn't even have this bit of sincerity, naturally there is no need to cooperate, and who would cooperate with a guy who doesn't understand anything.


How could the mysterious person not know what Ling Tianzun meant?

He pondered for a while, and then, under the watchful eyes of all the monsters, he slowly took off his disguise, revealing his true face in Lushan, he was actually the master Sima himself! With a scorching glance at all the monsters present, Da Sima said proudly: "How, do you have any questions now?"


There was silence.

Even Ling Tianzun, the new demon king, was no exception. He never expected that the person who came would be Sima of the National Teacher!

After all, the name of the National Normal University Sima is too loud! Whether it is the former fame, or the vigorous propaganda of some people on the human race, the identity of the culprit who imprisoned Emperor Ren and caused the fragmentation of the human race, without exception, it shows his ambition and strength. Just this name alone is enough. Get their attention!

not to mention……

More than half of the elite army and masters of the human race are almost all in the hands of the Grand Master of the State Division, and they are not damaged at all, and the troops are strong and strong.

With such power, they can't help but pay attention to it!


Ling Tianzun suddenly laughed.

Looking at Sima, the Grand Master of the National Normal University, he shook his head and said, "I didn't expect it! It's you who came to cooperate with our monster race this time! In the words of your human race, it means that life is full of surprises! Good! I agree to this cooperation! Then...Master National Teacher, what conditions and requirements do you have for this cooperation?"

That's what counts.

The so-called cooperation means having common goals and interests, mutual benefit! If interests conflict, the consequences can be imagined. Although Ling Tianzun is quite afraid of Bai Xiaofei, he is obviously very wary of this famous human race, the Great Sima of the National Teacher, even more so!

after all……

No matter how strong Bai Xiaofei is, he is only one person!

But Sima, the national teacher, is not the case. Behind him is about half of the elite army of the human race and countless masters!

It is clear at a glance which is more important!

cooperate with it;

It is almost the same as seeking skin from a tiger, so be careful!

Hearing this, Sima of the National Normal University smiled slightly, and then said bluntly: "Master Demon King, you can rest assured that for this cooperation, I only want Bai Xiaofei's life, and I don't care about the rest. I want people to give, I want weapons. Give the weapon! But...our cooperation is limited to this, once Bai Xiaofei dies, the cooperation will be terminated."


Even if we say that when we meet each other again, we will be enemies.

For such conditions, Ling Tianzun and other monsters were extremely surprised and shocked. It was like a pie falling from the sky. , but in the face of such a huge benefit, they simply cannot refuse!


After thinking twice.

Ling Tianzun finally agreed, and laughed loudly: "Just do as you said, our cooperation will end with Bai Xiaofei's death, and the rest of you must fully cooperate with our monster army! Then... Grand Sima of the National Teacher, you Since you came prepared, you must have a plan in mind, right?"

"It's better to say it and let everyone listen!"


National Normal University Sima said with a smile: "My plan is..."

On the other side, Bai Xiaofei and others, who had no idea that the Grand Master of the National Normal University had been collaborating with the new demon king Ling Tianzun, were also in the meeting, but the content they discussed was rather different. It's not about the safety of the human race, but about whether the Emperor Ren's legacy should be inherited immediately!


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