The Storm God

Chapter 1479 Blatant! (Please subscribe!)

"I disagree!"

"Now that the human race is a man, and the great rivers and mountains have fallen, the first thing we need to do now is to drive out all those monsters, instead of looking for some treasures left by Emperor Ren! So what if that thing is powerful? It can also kill all the monsters. Is it impossible to drive away all the beasts? This is completely chasing after the root, anyway, I don’t agree with it!”

"I don't think so either!"


Shuntian Mansion, ascend the Immortal Tower.

A group of elite experts from all races gathered together, discussing the next actions and countermeasures. Among them, apart from Bai Xiaofei and others, there are also some other personnel, such as the elders of Tianshitang, the bureaucrats of Shuntian Mansion, and the representatives of the non-government celestial masters, etc.

By now.

What happened to Sima of the National Normal University is well known.

However, for the sake of stabilizing the overall situation, the news of Emperor Ren's death was not spread, it was only said that he was imprisoned by Sima of the National Normal University. Of course... Such a rhetoric is just to fool the common people, but for some people, it is tantamount to deception.

But everyone was very tacit, and no one broke the matter.

Because it's not good for anyone!


It is precisely because of this that it has led to the differences of opinion among the people today.

Needless to say, Bai Xiaofei and the others are more inclined to get the relics of Emperor Renhuang first, strengthen their own strength, and completely shatter the ambitions of the Grand Master of the National Normal University. Then concentrate all your energy, raise your arms, tell everything, and in the name of the new emperor, drive people to fight back against the demon clan, so as to achieve your goal.

That is to gain unparalleled prestige in order to achieve a society where humans and demons coexist.

Naturally, this idea quickly received opposition and responsibilities from many people. Among them, the most clamorous ones were the elders of Tianshitang. These people considered themselves to be noble and powerful. Although they were afraid of Bai Xiaofei's personal force, they did not compromise because of it. They bluntly said that they wanted to fight the monster clan first, and then find the Renhuang's legacy!

Its name is for the safety of the common people in the world, but in fact, Bai Xiaofei knows what the other party is thinking. It is nothing more than wanting to spread the reputation of Tianshitang, so that the world will know that Tianshitang is still a celestial master. Tang is the only nemesis against monsters. In this way, the Tianshitang, which is going into decline, can return to its peak!

As for whether there is any attention to beating the relics of Emperor Renhuang?


It's not clear yet!

Song Daitian recognizes Bai Xiaofei, but it doesn't mean that others also recognize Bai Xiaofei.

Letting a little-known kid inherit the legacy of Emperor Ren, even lead the human race to fight back against the monster race, and finally inherit the great rule and become the fourth emperor in history, such a good thing, others dare not do it in their dreams , why let you come? Just because you are a prophet?

Ghosts believe it!


Song Daitian and the others may still have a lot of scruples because of one or another reason, not only making things too rigid, but Bai Xiaofei doesn't care about these, seeing that these old guys disagree with him one by one, it's like crossing the river and demolishing the bridge, turning his face Not recognizing the meaning of the person, his face suddenly turned cold.

Bai Xiaofei sneered and said: "A bunch of old stubborn people! I'm not discussing with you, but I'm notifying you! Whether you agree or disagree, I'm going to decide this Yunxie Mountain. I don't care what you want to do. , I love you! But if you dare to stop me..."

Speaking of which.

His domineering gaze swept across the crowd, Bai Xiaofei didn't hide the murderous intent in his eyes at all, that wild and unscrupulous aura shocked the old stubborn people around on the spot, and even some sensitive guys almost killed him. Can't help but shine on the guy.

It's also fortunate that he didn't show up, otherwise someone would really kill someone!

"you you……"

Everyone was dumbfounded in horror.

They never expected that Bai Xiaofei would be so arrogant and reckless, and even dare to threaten himself and others blatantly, it is simply lawless! It's not that everyone didn't want to teach Bai Xiaofei a lesson, but when they thought of Bai Xiaofei's terrifying rumors and the pet Xiaoqing who saved Shuntian Mansion, these people were all discouraged!

No way, I can't beat it...

"let's go!"

Bai Xiaofei was too lazy to talk to these guys.

If you don't speculate, you don't talk too much, and if you don't agree with each other, don't conspire! Since we can't reach an agreement, let's not talk about it, and do it by ourselves, so as not to waste time and emotion! Song Daitian and the others also looked helpless, Bai Xiaofei had already spoken, what else could they do? Of course he went with Bai Xiaofei!

After leaving the room.

Song Daitian hesitated for a moment, and then said to Bai Xiaofei: "Mr. Bai, don't we really ignore the human side?"

It's not just him, Song Tianyin, Huo Xiaolan, Hongyue and others around him also looked at Bai Xiaofei with great curiosity and concern. Although they all agree with Bai Xiaofei's opinion, it is obviously impossible to tell them not to care about the human race at all. Those old stubborn people are annoying, but other ordinary people are innocent!

Watching countless ordinary people suffer without moving their eyes, Song Daitian and the others simply can't do it!


They won't be protagonists anymore.

"of course not!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly when he heard the words, shook his head and said: "Uncle Song, don't you understand my temper? I just said that because I was upset with those old stubborn people, but how to actually do it is another matter. And our The action is also for the human race, the importance of Emperor Ren's legacy, I know better than you!"

"With them here, there shouldn't be any problems for a while. Taking this opportunity, we just went to Yunxie Mountain to inherit the treasures of Emperor Renhuang. As for the minions and forces of the Grand Master Sima, they are very important to us now. As far as it is concerned, it is nothing to follow, and it is estimated that it will not take much time to get it done!"


"I am not fighting alone, and with your help, it will be absolutely fine!"

"Don't worry!"


Bai Xiaofei said with a strong promise.

"I hope so!"

Song Daitian and others were speechless.

How terrifying Bai Xiaofei's strength is, they have seen it with their own eyes, and they are not at full strength, now coupled with the ten-fold amplification effect of the Martial Emperor's Sword, if they really do it, it's scary just thinking about it! Although Yunxie Mountain's Grand Master Sima has a strong army, but in the face of absolute strength, the number is only a ridiculous number, and it is useless at all!

If everything goes well, it will be as Bai Xiaofei said, it won't take much time at all!

When the Emperor Renhuang's relic of Heaven and Earth Stele is in hand, and the treacherous human minister Sima of the National Normal University is dealt with, Bai Xiaofei's reputation will reach an unprecedented peak state! At that time, if you raise your arms and call out, countless people will naturally respond to his call, regroup, deal with the monster clan together, and restore peace to the world!


Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is not impossible to realize the ideal of coexistence of humans and monsters in one step! Thinking of this, Song Daitian and the others couldn't help feeling hot. For Yun Xieshan and his party, they immediately looked forward to it even more. But they don't know that Sima and others of the National Normal University have long been colluding with the new demon king Ling Tianzun in collusion.

Bai Xiaofei and his group spent a day recuperating in Shuntian Mansion.

The main thing is to arrange some preparations for a rainy day, so that even if there is an accident, there will be a countermeasure, and all these tasks fall on Boss Ge, which makes him feel pressured and honored. Afterwards, they tidied up hastily, left Shuntian Mansion, and took Xiaoqing to the hinterland of Yunxie Mountain on the coast of the East China Sea.

This is tens of thousands of miles.

With Xiaoqing's speed, naturally it won't waste much time. If there is no accident, it will take about two hours to arrive. On the way... In order to enhance the strength of Song Tianyin and the others, as well as safety issues, Bai Xiaofei specially took out some precious equipment and gave them to them.

Even the little demon king Huba is no exception!

You know, Huba is the core of Bai Xiaofei's special mission, so of course he can't be careless. For this reason, Bai Xiaofei specially took out a set of krypton gold magic clothes and gave it to Huba. With this krypton gold magic suit, although Huba's strength has not improved much, his defensive ability has increased several times!

"It's more reassuring!"

Looking at the little demon king Huba who was almost armed to the teeth, Bai Xiaofei nodded with satisfaction, and said gratifiedly: "Although many technological elements on the krypton gold magic clothes cannot be used due to the seal of the system, but only with its vibrating gold The traits created are enough to instantly kill countless attacks and methods!"


Xiaoqing suddenly reminded: "The Yunxie Mountains are ahead, are we going to descend?"

"Need not!"

Bai Xiaofei proudly said: "Just go straight there!"

It's not his style to hide and hide, isn't it just a human army of hundreds of thousands? Bai Xiaofei still doesn't take it seriously, a mere Sima of the National Normal University is not enough to make Bai Xiaofei jealous and fearful, he just wants to go there in an upright manner, and blatantly tell the National Normal University Sima and others, I, Bai Xiaofei, came to fetch the benevolent emperor's legacy Treasure!

Whatever ability you have, just use it!


Xiaoqing understood.

Hearing this, he didn't land anymore, and flew straight to the core location of Emperor Ren's legacy.


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