The Storm God

Chapter 1480 Go deep into the hinterland! (Please subscribe!)

Yunxie Mountain stretches for thousands of miles. Compared with other mountains that span tens of thousands of kilometers, although it is not very big, it has a very miniature feeling, but it is high enough. In terms of height, it is enough The 26,896-meter peak of Yunxie Mountain can be called the first mountain in the world!

According to the clues obtained from the secret key and Song Daitian's report, the treasure left by Emperor Renhuang is in the halfway up the mountainside of Mount Everest, the highest mountain in Yunxie Mountain. When the stele outside the sky fell, it smashed into Yunxie Mountain, claiming to be a space, which was very strange. Later, the emperor of the human race discovered it, so it was repaired and became a place of inheritance.

Around the main peak of Yunxie Mountain, there are several secondary peaks that are second only to the main peak, like a nine-dragon circle, protecting the main peak, vaguely forming a large natural formation. In view of this, the emperors of all dynasties have used their brains in this regard and set up a super large formation by using the natural terrain to protect the safety of the place where the main peak is inherited.

This grand formation is not the so-called Celestial Master formation now, but is deduced from the mysterious technique in the inscription on the stele outside the sky. It is extremely powerful and almost indestructible. Anyway, without the key and the way to break the formation, if people want to enter the inheritance place of Yunxie Mountain, they can only go in honestly from the outermost periphery.

Falling from the sky is simply an extravagant hope, and you will be attacked by a large formation immediately!

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was noncommittal.

When Xiaoqing passed the main peak of Yunxie Mountain from a height of 10,000 meters, someone tried to land, wanting to see how powerful this defensive formation is? As a result... a group of people were almost shot down from the sky! With the help of Yunxie Mountain's terrain and the power of the earth's veins, supplemented by the super formation of the inscription on the stele outside the sky, its power is so powerful that it can be described as terrifying and unimaginable.

Even with Bai Xiaofei's ability, he couldn't resist it!

"So powerful!"

Bai Xiaofei was taken aback.

Seeing that the super defensive formation was so powerful, he immediately extinguished the thoughts in his heart, but the expression on his face became even more excited. Secretly said: "This super large formation comes from the inscription on the stele outside the sky, and the Martial Emperor's Excalibur is also a part of the stele outside the sky. What is this stele outside the sky? It's so awesome!"

In desperation, a group of people had to move on.

The way to enter Yunxie Mountain is near the coast of the East China Sea. If you want to go in, you can only go around. And with the defense and counterattack of the super large formation, the National Teacher Sima and others in the hinterland of Yunxie Mountain naturally sensed the arrival of outsiders and tried to enter Yunxie Mountain.

"Is it finally here?"

Grandmaster Sima of the National Normal University was shocked immediately, a glint of awe-inspiring light and murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and then ordered the generals to act according to the previous plan immediately and deal with it carefully. Although Bai Xiaofei came a little early, which made them quite unexpected, but with the support of strong support, the National Normal University Sima is still confident and full of confidence!

Countless soldiers and human masters mobilized one after another, and according to the strategies and plans agreed in advance, ambushed everywhere in Yunxie Mountain, like poisonous snakes waiting for a rabbit, slowly waiting for the arrival of Bai Xiaofei and his group. And at the same time... Following the transmission of a special signal from the Grand Master of the National Normal University, the monster army far away also immediately took action.


"The terrifying master of the human race has already taken the bait. Without his protection, Shuntian Mansion is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. It has no power to fight back at all! Brothers, cheer me up and take up your weapons. What should I do now? It's time for us to make meritorious deeds, attack with all our strength, and take down Shuntian Mansion today no matter what!"


An army of hundreds of thousands of monsters rushed towards the dilapidated Shuntian Mansion like a stormy sea.

The protective array was activated, and the transparent protective cover instantly blocked all the attacks of the monsters attacking the city. However, because the offensive was too powerful and dense, waves of ripples were generated. They were already weak, as if they might return at any time. The extinguished protective shield flashed crazily on the spot.

This is a red flag about to burst!

Seeing this situation, the people in the city, whether they were common people or the masters of Tianshitang, were all shocked and full of fear. Knowing that they couldn't hold it for a long time, under the leadership of a few human masters, they had to tighten their defenses and let everyone form a group. When the formation was broken, they concentrated their firepower and desperately broke through.

Although the success is not great, it is their only way out.

How many can escape counts!

At this moment……

Boss Ge, who had climbed the fairy tower, suddenly stood up.

He raised his arms, and in the name of Bai Xiaofei, he told everyone that there was a secret passage in his house that they could escape safely, so that everyone should not panic, and all fled to Dengxian Tower, which would definitely ensure that they would leave Shuntian Mansion safely. It's a pity... there are very few believers, only less than one-third of the people.


In terms of prestige, the masters of Tianshitang are even better.

Boss Ge didn't force it either. After asking again and again, seeing that no one believed in him anymore, he didn't say anything more, and went straight to Dengxian Tower with those who chose to believe. However, he opened the Flying Thunder God teleportation formation left by Bai Xiaofei, and moved the common people who believed in him to the vicinity of Zheng's Mansion in the capital in batches.


To say that the safest place in the world is undoubtedly the capital Chang'an.

Previously, Bai Xiaofei had set up a space technique here to facilitate sneaking into the capital. Although the Zheng Mansion has been destroyed, there will always be a place in the big Chang'an City. They are also human races, even if the people in the capital are very surprised by the appearance of these refugees, they will not drive them out and give them to monsters, right?

not to mention……

Boss Ge has a very wide network of contacts in Dengxian Tower. Even in the capital, he has many friends and influences. In addition, it is a troubled time now. Big brothers, naturally they won't embarrass everyone more.

As for the people of Shuntian Mansion who choose to believe in those old stubborn people in Tianshitang?

Bless yourselves!

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei and the others finally arrived at the coast of the East China Sea, near the periphery of Yunxie Mountain. Not far away is the entrance to Yunxie Mountain. And it is the only official road, extremely spacious and bright. Anyway, they had already alarmed each other, and Bai Xiaofei didn't intend to hide, so they didn't even think about taking other paths.

Xiaoqing was taken back the space card, because the terrain in Yunxie Mountain is narrow, it is not suitable for a guy with a huge body like him to fight, and Bai Xiaofei is enough, and there is almost no need for Xiaoqing to make a move, instead of making him feel aggrieved Incomparably restrained by the local government, it is better to put it away.


The rest of the less powerful characters were all left by Bai Xiaofei on the coast of the East China Sea. Responsible for getting them in touch with the Dragon King of the East China Sea... No, now the Holy Dragon King's Niugui Bakui, to cooperate with Bai Xiaofei and the others, to counterattack the demon clan at critical moments, and completely put down this turmoil!


Those who can enter Yunxie Mountain.

There are only four people including Bai Xiaofei, Song Daitian, Song Tianyin, Huo Xiaolan, Hongyue, and the squint-eyed man, totaling nine people, plus the little demon king Huba, exactly ten. After everyone was ready, under the leadership of Bai Xiaofei, they set foot on the official road of Yunxie Mountain openly, and rushed towards the hinterland of the main peak.

Surprisingly, they didn't encounter any obstacles, traps, or ambushes along the way!

"Mr. Bai!"

Song Daitian frowned and said, "There seems to be something wrong with this situation!"

"indeed so!"

Regarding the current situation, Bai Xiaofei was also a little uncertain, but he was so skilled and bold that he didn't care much at all. Hearing this, he sneered and said, "Whatever, it's better if there are no traps. We just preserve our strength and energy. If I expected If it's true, Grand Master Sima of the National Division should have used all his troops in the hinterland, planning to invite us into the urn!"

"Everyone, be careful, be vigilant at all times, and speed up!"

"Our battle is ahead!"



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