The Storm God

Chapter 1481: The Shadow Demon Attacks! (Please subscribe!)

strictly speaking.

The mountain road of Yunxie Mountain is not difficult to walk, but it is winding and winding, with a lot of steps. But to Bai Xiaofei and the others, these are trivial matters, and the distance is only a few tens of miles. With their footsteps, they can finish it very quickly. Of course, this refers to the situation where no one is blocking it.

Within the hinterland of the main peak mountainside.

Sima of the National Normal University had a sly smile on his face, and asked a general beside him, "How, where did Bai Xiaofei and the others go?"


The general sensed it intently.

Immediately replied: "We are still about one kilometer away from our ambush circle."

"very good!"

Da Sima narrowed his eyes.

Immediately ordered: "Once you enter, close the net immediately!"


The general turned and left.

At the same time, an extremely dark figure suddenly appeared in the dark place beside him. This figure is not human-like, with two feet and four hands, it is not clear what it looks like, it looks like a vague shadow, very weird. It was the shadow demon that the new demon king Ling Tianzun arranged to be in charge of contacting with Sima of the National Teacher.

"Did you hear what was said just now?"


"Then you should know what to do?"


The shadow demon chuckled.

Immediately, it disappeared slowly, presumably to cooperate with the actions of Sima of the National Normal University.

the other side.


Bai Xiaofei suddenly spoke.

Reaching out his hand to stop everyone from moving forward, he frowned and said, "There seems to be something wrong with the situation ahead!"

His spiritual sense is already extremely powerful, and his soul realm has been improved due to the feedback of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur, forming the Pill of Strength and Soul, which makes the Soul of Life even stronger, so he is even sharper in observing fortune! However, the path in front of him faintly reveals the potential for endless killing, which makes Bai Xiaofei's heart startled.

Bai Xiaofei looked intently.

Seeing the official road ahead, the killing momentum is as thick as the sea, unfathomable!

Obviously, this is definitely not something that one person can condense. He guessed that the ambush of the National Teacher Sima should be not far ahead. Although Bai Xiaofei is bold and fearless, but Song Daitian and others are different. If he rushes in rashly, there is a high possibility of injury, or even casualties!

"Wait here, I'll go and have a look first!"

Bai Xiaofei said so.


Hand seal.

With a burst of "bang bang bang" sound.

Ten shadow clones were summoned by Bai Xiaofei, and then under the control of his thoughts, these shadow clones performed transformation skills one after another, changing into the appearance of everyone.

With such ability, Song Daitian and others were dumbfounded at that time.

"This is……?"


Bai Xiaofei enjoyed everyone's shocked expressions very much, and proudly said: "It's just a trick, don't worry about it!"

Between the words, ten shadow clones rushed out.

follow closely……

There were bursts of confrontation sounds in front of them.

Bai Xiaofei raised his eyebrows, grinned and said: "Sure enough, there is an ambush ahead, and judging from this posture, it seems to be quite powerful!"

Song Daitian and the others were extremely surprised, wondering how Bai Xiaofei found out that there was a trap ahead. At the same time, I was also terrified, and said to myself, "Thanks to Mr. Bai's early warning, otherwise...if I plunge in unexpectedly, facing the crazy ambush of hundreds of thousands of troops, I'm afraid I will lose my skin if I don't die!"

Everyone is extremely nervous and has lingering fears!

And this time.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly lit up.

He chuckled and said, "I already have a general understanding of the previous situation, everyone, follow me!"


A silver light flashed in his hand.

The Martial Emperor's Excalibur fell into his hand in an instant, and the sword energy was charged, ready to go.

Bai Xiaofei took the lead and rushed over at an incredible speed. Song Daitian and the others were taken aback for a moment, but without any hesitation, they gripped their weapons tightly and focused their attention on guard, and immediately followed closely behind. However, compared to Bai Xiaofei's speed, their movements were as slow as snails.


"Puff puff!"

"Boom boom boom!"


Song Daitian and others rushed all the way, and few people were seen, but the screams and roars from around from time to time were continuous, obviously Bai Xiaofei had already fought with the other party. Thinking of this, they quickly quickened their pace. But when they finally reached the range of the enemy's ambush circle, what they saw was a mess.

There are corpses and wreckage everywhere in the mountains and plains. The originally clear and beautiful mountain stream environment has been completely painted red by scarlet blood, which is shocking. Mountains, vegetation, weapons, magic weapons, armor, falling rocks... All kinds of messy things are everywhere, obviously used to deal with him.


Those things only deal with ten shadow clones.

When Bai Xiaofei appeared, these ambushes, which had already been figured out, were completely slaughtered and destroyed by Bai Xiaofei before they could be put into use again.


See this purgatory scene.

Song Daitian and the others couldn't help but gasped. They were amazed at the insidiousness and sinisterness of the ambush by the National Teacher Sima and others, and they were also shocked by the horror and abnormality of Bai Xiaofei's strength. So many ambushes and soldiers, unexpectedly in a short time In less than a few minutes, they were all completely killed. Is this still human?

"Let's go!"

Finally, Song Daitian sighed slightly.

Now it's not the time for them to be in a daze, there are still many enemies and battles waiting for them, and everyone can't bear to let Bai Xiaofei fight alone. Although their strength is not very good, but as much as they can help, they can't just pass by for soy sauce all the way, right?

The battle ahead continued.

The chaotic bangs and screams came from time to time, exaggerating the fierceness and cruelty of the battle.

Even though Song Daitian and the others had already accelerated their speed, they found sadly that their speed was not as fast as Bai Xiaofei's speed of killing enemies, dismantling traps, and breaking ambushes. Whenever they arrived, Bai Xiaofei had already Basically, almost all of them were destroyed, and even if there were some leftovers, they were still alive.

Everyone can be wiped out without any effort!

Seeing this scene, Hongyue and the others couldn't help being speechless for a while, and the corners of their mouths twitched: "Junior brother, why do I feel that we don't need to come at all?"


No matter what traps and ambushes.

No matter how many enemies there are or how strong they are, they were all brought down by Bai Xiaofei alone.

What the hell are we here for?

Can't watch a play?

It's not just Hongyue and the others who feel uncomfortable.

Even Song Daitian, the strongest ones, was really hit hard by Bai Xiaofei's abnormality at this moment. As the saying goes, you are afraid of comparison in everything, people will die if you compare people, and you will throw away goods if you compare goods! Before, they still thought that they were very powerful. Although they could not be regarded as peerless masters, at least they could be promoted to the top class.

But now...

Everyone's self-confidence was completely shattered and shattered by Bai Xiaofei's ferocity!


Just when everyone was secretly depressed, there were bursts of eerily dark laughter that made people's skin crawl, but suddenly came from around: "Of course you are not useless, at least we can use your lives to threaten Bai Xiaofei a ha ha ha……"

Laughing wildly and triumphantly.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

I saw a series of dark and blurred strange figures suddenly shot out from the shadows behind everyone, except for Song Daitian and Song Tianyin who were stronger, and the little demon king Huba, everyone including Hongyue A few people didn't even have a chance to react, and they were completely wrapped up by the strange black shadow.

Hong Yue and the others struggled hard, trying to break free from the wrapping and shackles of the black shadows around them, but the other party was like the glue of tarsus maggots, which could not be removed at all, and it was like falling into a swamp Usually, under the forceful pull of the strange black shadow, it quickly submerged into the darkness and completely disappeared without a trace!

"Senior Sister!"

All this happened so fast, basically in the blink of an eye. When Song Daitian and the others came to their senses, they tried their best to repel the strange figures around them. When they were temporarily safe, they could only watch helplessly as Hongyue and the other five were kidnapped by the other party in a strange way, helpless .

And those weird black shadows didn't bother too much, after getting rid of Hongyue and the others, seeing that they had nothing to do with Song Daitian and the others, they simply submerged into the darkness again. I don't know whether to retreat or hide in the dark, waiting for an opportunity.


Song Tianyin's brows were all wrinkled into a ball.

Huo Xiaolan was thoughtful, and said with a gloomy face: "The other party's ability and situation are very similar to the special monsters in the monster clan - shadow monsters, a monster that can freely blend in and travel through the darkness. But... how can it be here? Are there monsters? Yunxie Mountain is guarded by hundreds of thousands of elite human troops and celestial masters, and the monsters can't get in at all!"

"Is it possible..."

She suddenly thought of a possibility, and her expression changed with horror, her face full of horror.

Song Tianyin and Song Daitian next to him were not idiots either, they were also startled when they heard the words, and frowned: "Damn it! I never thought that this big Sima would be so insane that he doesn't care about the life and death of countless people in the human race. Now it's even more so. It is simply unreasonable to join forces with the Yaozu to deal with us!"


Song Tianyin's eyes widened, and he said anxiously: "Mr. Bai may not know about this, we must tell him quickly, lest we be careless and fall into an ambush by the enemy!"

"Let's go!"

The few people stopped hesitating immediately and rushed forward immediately.


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