The Storm God

Chapter 1482 Sneak attack from behind! (Please subscribe!)


Another wave of enemies fell.

Bai Xiaofei's dashing speed was too fast, so fast that the ambush people had no time to move! It's true, there is a shadow clone in front of him to find out the enemy's ambushes and traps for him, and he can control all unfavorable situations in his hands. Coupled with his own powerful strength and the boost effect of the Martial Emperor's Sword, he really wants to Can't even slow down!

And it was the ambush personnel around them who were struggling.

They wondered, how could there be two Bai Xiaofei? Just saw one before, and now there is another one popping up! The one in front is nothing more than that, although the speed is extremely fast, but its strength is mediocre, and it did not pose any threat to myself and others, but the one in the back...

Say nothing.


None of them knew how they died!

Relying on the Youying clone as the pioneer, Bai Xiaofei is invincible and invincible. Wherever he passes, corpses are strewn all over the field, and not a blade of grass grows! Such a terrifying situation naturally quickly attracted the attention of the National Normal University Sima and others, but so what if they noticed the abnormality? Faced with Bai Xiaofei's terrifyingly abnormal strength, there is no solution at all!

Just a moment of effort.

Seven of Bai Xiaofei's shadow clones were removed.

And the ambush and trap of Sima and others of the National Normal University were completely destroyed by Bai Xiaofei's forceful push and smashed seven waves!

Seeing that the hinterland halfway up the main peak of Yunxie Mountain was about to be broken in by Bai Xiaofei not far away, but his own troops and traps did not have any effect on Bai Xiaofei, instead he was slaughtered by others like melons and vegetables Clean and tidy, the people on the side of the National Normal University Sima suddenly turned around in a hurry, wanting to die in horror!

Just then.


Counting to the black figure, it suddenly flashed out from the shadows.

After that, five people including Hong Yue who were kidnapped appeared. Seeing this, the people on Sima's side of the National Normal University were suddenly surprised and happy. Surprised, of course, the Shadow Demon troop failed to kidnap all the people except Bai Xiaofei, but they only got five, which is really too little.

What is gratifying is that no matter how many people there are, they finally have hostages in their hands.

Hou Kui, the leader of the shadow demon, said in a dark voice: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life. I have tied up the five people around Song Daitian. The remaining few are too strong and quick to react. We have no choice, so we can only Let’s retreat first. The first step is planned, and the next step is up to you!”


Directly submerged into the shadows again, disappeared.

As for Hongyue and the others, they were immediately tied up firmly by the surrounding masters, and their mana was also sealed. Not only that, the Grand Master Sima of the National Normal University didn't know what he had thought of, but he still took action himself, using special means to abolish the cultivation of several people, and cruelly interrupted all their hands and feet.

In just a blink of an eye, Hongyue and the others turned into horrible blood men. Apart from being able to breathe, they were even worse than a non-human.


Da Sima is very satisfied with the masterpiece.

Slightly nodded, and then told the surrounding generals: "Although there are some discrepancies with the original plan, the effect should not be too bad. Send the order to remove the defense behind, please enter the urn, I want Bai Xiaofei to see it with my own eyes, You will end up against us!"


Several people took orders to go.

On the other side, Bai Xiaofei continued to advance.

Soon, he suddenly noticed something was wrong, the shadow clones in front actually stopped. When he rushed to the front to see, it turned out that several high-ranking officials and generals of the human race, including the National Normal University Sima, had all come out to greet him in person. Surrounded by the elite masters and armies of the human race, their vigilance and standards are tense.

See this situation.

Bai Xiaofei casually removed the shadow clone.

Now that the true master has appeared, the shadow avatar is useless.

So what if the other party set up traps and ambushes? Such a small distance, with Bai Xiaofei's ability, he has absolute confidence, he can rush over in the first time! At that time, the scope of the battle will spread to the generals and masters of the human race such as the National Teacher Sima, and the opponent will open fire easily.

Unless they even kill their own people!

at the same time.

Song Daitian and others are daringly catching up.

They want to catch up with Bai Xiaofei, and then tell each other the news of Da Sima's alliance with Yaozu. But when they were halfway there, shadow monsters suddenly appeared one after another in the shadow of the surrounding mountains. Roughly estimated, there must be forty or fifty at least!


These shadow monsters are holding long-range attack weapons in their hands. Not only did they occupy a very favorable terrain, they surrounded Song Daitian and others in the middle, and without saying a word, they directly attacked when they came up, and immediately gave Song Daitian The few people caused quite a bit of trouble, they moved forward quickly, and were stopped abruptly.

"Get out of here!"

Song Daitian is definitely an old driver, and he can see through the other party's purpose almost at a glance. This is obviously to delay himself and others, and prevent Bai Xiaofei from knowing the news of the alliance between Da Sima and the Yaozu. The matter was so important that he couldn't care less about it. Immediately, he made a unique move - Flame Burning Heaven Slash, blasting towards the surrounding shadow monsters.

"Boom boom boom!"

Infinite flames seemed to burn the entire sky. Turning into countless fire dragons, with Song Daitian as the center, they shot wildly in all directions. The power is overbearing, and the speed is fast and urgent. In a blink of an eye, the surrounding dangerous peaks, cliffs, trees and bushes were all bombed out.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he hurriedly shouted at Song Tianyin and the others: "Hurry up, I'll stop them!"


Those shadow monsters are not dead yet!

Although the strength of these shadow monsters is not very high, but because of their special abilities, their ability to escape is exceptional. Although Song Daitian's Raging Flame Burning Heaven Slash is good, its speed is quite fast, and the range of the flames is astonishingly large, but this is after all in Yunxie Mountain, surrounded by countless dangerous peaks, and some are shadowy areas, it is impossible to block all the way out.

Not here, the shadow monsters will naturally reappear from other places, and launch guerrilla attacks against Song Daitian and others again.


Song Daitian could only stay and hold the other party back.




Song Tianyin, Huo Xiaolan, and the little demon king Huba naturally understood what Song Daitian meant, they were startled when they heard the words, then nodded heavily, and after gritted their teeth and said "be careful", they immediately didn't look back He just left this place, used his fastest speed, and rushed towards the hinterland of the mountainside.

Song Daitian's strength is far higher than any of them. Although these shadow monsters are troublesome, their strength is not high. As long as they are handled carefully, there will be absolutely no problems. As soon as Song Tianyin's three front legs left, shadow monsters appeared again in the dark place among the surrounding mountains and dangerous peaks, and immediately launched an attack on Song Daitian.


The guy who seems to be the leader sneered while attacking and said: "Song Daitian, do you think that our shadow demon army is only a few dozen in this area? I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, all your actions have already been calculated by us It's all right, you don't want to tell Bai Xiaofei about the news of our alliance with the human chief Sima!"


When Song Daitian heard this, his expression changed drastically: "Damn it, we were all fooled!"


"Do you understand now?"

"too late!"

Between the mountain roads not far from the Internet.

Song Tianyin, the two of them and one demon, were soon blocked and guerrilla by another group of shadow demons. As a last resort, they had no choice but to follow the example of Song Daitian, leaving one person to deal with these shadow monsters, and the rest continued to move forward, and they wanted to tell Bai Xiaofei the news of the alliance between Da Sima and the monster clan.


No matter how hard they try, it is doomed to be in vain.

Because their every move is under the surveillance of certain flying monsters, and then targeted actions are taken against their actions.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei has already met with the human race generals and masters such as the National Normal University Master Sima, but the poor Song Tianyin, Huo Xiaolan, and the little demon king Huba are still being harassed by waves of shadow demons, but And helpless. Naturally, they couldn't tell Bai Xiaofei the news they wanted to convey.

Regardless of the situation with Song Daitian and the others.

In the hinterland of the mountain.

National Normal University Sima has already met Bai Xiaofei.

Of course, taking advantage of the right time and place, the great Sima with certain trump cards would naturally not jump over to confront Bai Xiaofei stupidly, but started a verbal confrontation with Bai Xiaofei with a smile on his face. After he chattered a lot of nonsense, seeing that Bai Xiaofei had no interest and was fearless, he immediately smiled coldly, and then winked at the person next to him.

follow closely……

The five horrible blood men were carried out by several soldiers.

It was Hongyue and the others.

"Red Moon!"

Bai Xiaofei's pupils shrank suddenly, looking at Hongyue and the others covered in blood and incomparably miserable, his tiger's body trembled wildly, his heart skipped a beat, and he didn't dare to say: "Squinting-eyed man, Cao Lao Wu...Aren't you Am I could...damn it! Did I underestimate the other party and ignore the rear?"

"Bai Xiaofei!"

National Teacher Sima looked at Bai Xiaofei gloomyly, and snorted coldly: "Today is your death day!"

The voice did not fall.


In the shadow behind Bai Xiaofei, a dark and blurry figure suddenly flashed. At the same time, a blade as thin as a cicada's wing, shining with infinite sharpness, was grabbed by the black shadow, and moved towards Empress Bai Xiaofei, who was defenseless and all her mind was attracted by Hong Yue and the others at this moment. The heart part, stab away!


"Unexpectedly, sneak attack from behind, let's see if you die or not!"


Ying Yao Jie Jie said with a strange smile.


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