The Storm God

Chapter 1483 The Jedi fight back! (Please subscribe!)


There was a soft sound.


"Excalibur can't penetrate it? Is it blocked by the armor?"

"How can it be!"


Ying Yao's proud smile froze on the spot.

Not only him, but Sima and others who thought they had the chance to win, also immediately showed expressions of disbelief. You know, the sword in Ying Yao's hand is Emperor Ren's weapon. Although it is not as good as the Martial Emperor's Excalibur, it is also a rare divine weapon in this world. The sound of sympathy has not entered at all!


"This is impossible!"


Shadow Demon is not stupid either.

Seeing that things didn't go as he imagined, he still understood the principle of missing a single hit and traveling thousands of miles away, and he was about to fall into Bai Xiaofei's shadow immediately. However...he had just retreated halfway, when he was horrified to find that he couldn't move, and immediately after that, he saw Bai Xiaofei turn around suddenly!

Bai Xiaofei's face was livid, his eyes were about to split open, and his eyes were full of killing intent. Before the Shadow Demon could recover from his fear, Bai Xiaofei uttered a word incomparably cold - "Death". The next moment, the Shadow Demon was squeezed and spun crazily by countless invisible forces, and directly It exploded!


Blood splattered and flesh splattered.

The Shadow Demon, who has always been elusive and not easy to be caught and killed, was brutally killed on the spot without even the slightest chance to react in front of Bai Xiaofei, and the death condition was quite miserable. Seeing Sima and others of the National Normal University, their hearts jumped wildly, and there was a cold air behind their backs, and the eyes they looked at Bai Xiaofei were immediately filled with deep fear and horror.


With a thought.

The sword, as thin as a cicada's wing, immediately fell into Bai Xiaofei's hands.

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei held the Martial Emperor Excalibur in his right hand, and this sword of quite good quality in his left hand. The murderous intent on his body exploded like a tornado, almost breaking through the sky. This is not only because Hongyue and others were arrested and deposed, but also because of the anger of being plotted and almost killed!

That's right!

He was almost killed!

The sword as thin as cicada's wings, just fell into his hands, Bai Xiaofei knew the characteristics of this sword immediately through the special ability of the Martial Emperor's Sword, that is invincible, it can cut through almost any material at that time. It is the imperial sword of the deceased Emperor Ren, second only to the rare treasure of the Emperor Wu's sword!


It encounters vibranium equipment from the Marvel universe, a defensive armor made of stronger metal than itself. If it weren't for Bai Xiaofei's usual habit of wearing vibration gold underwear and krypton gold magic clothes, without any precautions, he might have been caught by the shadow monster today.

And what Bai Xiaofei hates the most is being tricked by others!

He was about to make a move, kill directly from here, and completely kill Sima and others of the National Normal University. But at this time, under the signal of Da Sima, the surrounding masters put all the weapons in their hands on the necks of Hongyue and the others: "Bai Xiaofei, if you dare to mess around, I will kill them now!" life!"

Seeing so.

Bai Xiaofei's movements stopped on the spot.

It was obvious that they were concerned about the safety of Hongyue and the others, so they did not dare to act recklessly.

But at this time, a burst of brilliant light suddenly lit up from under Bai Xiaofei's feet, and he saw countless densely packed mysterious runes, like little spiritual tadpoles, happily wandering in the void, and at the same time, an incomparably powerful Weili, also generated out of thin air, had a heavy effect on Bai Xiaofei.

"This is……"

Bai Xiaofei was taken aback, and said in amazement: "...Super Sealing Technique?!"


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei got the trick, Sima of the National Normal University on the opposite side immediately smiled triumphantly, and said in a dark voice: "We have worked hard to deal with you. I didn't expect that your strength is so terrifying. Kidnapping your accomplices and distracting you Attention, if you take advantage of the opportunity to sneak attack, you won't be able to kill you, but fortunately we are fully prepared, and we can perform the super sealing technique!"

"This super sealing technique was created by Emperor Ren, and its power is very ordinary. I don't believe you can break free from its seal!"

"Bai Xiaofei, just obediently fight and catch him!"


in words.

National Normal University Sima is full of a sense of accomplishment.


On the opposite side, Bai Xiaofei's mouth twitched imperceptibly, his heart was full of disdain. Although this super sealing technique is good, it has indeed brought great pressure and restriction to Bai Xiaofei, but it is simply a dream to seal Bai Xiaofei just like this. However, Bai Xiaofei had some calculations in his heart, and he didn't say anything, but gritted his teeth and forcibly resisted the pressure of the super sealing technique.

He wanted to see what the other party was capable of. But seeing Bai Xiaofei pretending to be unable to hold on, sweating profusely, he said: "Damn it! I never imagined that I, Bai Xiaofei's first fame, would be defeated by a despicable villain like you. I really don't want to be reconciled!"

A look that couldn't bear the power of the sealing technique, and was gradually suppressed by the seal and couldn't move.


Da Sima was overjoyed when he saw this, and snorted coldly: "The winner is the king and the loser, this is the iron law! Someone, take him down for me!"


A team of elite masters rushed up immediately.

Three times, five divisions and two divisions, he tied Bai Xiaofei with many magic tools and chains, like rice dumplings, unable to move. Only one head was left exposed, and it was still able to speak. Bai Xiaofei gritted his teeth and said: "Da Sima, the person you want to arrest is me, they are all innocent, since I have already fallen into your hands, please let them go!"

Da Sima was about to say something.

Just then.


The void flashed.

Ripples suddenly appeared in the space in front of Da Sima, followed by ripples, and a domineering figure stepped out of it. It is the new demon king of the demon clan——Ling Tianzun. As soon as he appeared, he laughed loudly and said: "Master Guo Shi is really powerful, he is indeed a traitorous minister who killed Emperor Ren and almost succeeded in usurping the throne. We really admire such a scheme!"

Behind Ling Tianzun, there are dozens of monsters in human skin. Judging by their aura, they are all peerless masters, and none of them are inferior to Song Daitian. At this moment, the eyes they looked at Bai Xiaofei were full of murderous intent and hatred, as if they wished to tear Bai Xiaofei into pieces and tear him into pieces.

Who asked Bai Xiaofei to slaughter their countless monster clans, and also ruined several big plans, it's already very good if he didn't kill them directly!

"Demon King Ling Tianzun, why are you here?"

Seeing this situation, Sima of the National Normal University frowned suddenly, with a displeased expression on his face.

According to the plan, whether it is assassination or sealing, it is an appetizer to deal with Bai Xiaofei, if all of them are not enough. The next step is to unite with many masters of the monster clan, use force directly, cooperate with the super attack formation among the surrounding mountains and mountains, and use the power of heaven and earth to deal with Bai Xiaofei!

What a dream.

The monsters like Ling Tianzun didn't come as planned at all, and they came out ahead of schedule now.

This made Da Sima suddenly have a very bad premonition.


Of course Ling Tianzun knew why Da Sima was unhappy, but he just didn't care. He laughed loudly and said: "National teacher, right now Bai Xiaofei has been sealed by the super sealing technique, and has been bound into rice dumplings by many magic weapon chains. He can't move, and he will definitely die. Do we still need to hide it? I want to take a good look at it." Look, what is the difference between this human who has been destroying my demon clan's plan!"


It doesn't matter what Da Sima's reaction is.

Ling Tianzun walked directly in front of Bai Xiaofei, and the elite human experts who were in charge of guarding Bai Xiaofei suddenly looked nervous, not knowing whether they should stop the new demon king, so they all looked at the Grand Master of the National Normal University Sima. Seeing that Da Sima shook his head and said nothing, he obediently stepped aside.

"Are you the Bai Xiaofei who is rumored to be miraculous?"

Ling Tianzun looked at Bai Xiaofei, asked curiously, and at the same time did not hide his raging anger and killing intent in his eyes.

Bai Xiaofei repeatedly sabotaged his plans, and even killed many monster generals, of course he hated it to the bone.


Staring straight at Ling Tianzun fearlessly, Bai Xiaofei narrowed his eyes slightly, grinned excitedly, and said with a smile: "I am Bai Xiaofei! So... are you the rumored new demon king who overthrew the old demon king? It's pretty good to be human! I never imagined that you would cooperate with a despicable guy like Da Sima, but it's right to think about it, after all, you are all the same breed, and it's normal for you to work together!"


"You have calculated thousands of times, but you have always miscalculated one thing, and that is..."

"An estimate of my strength!"


Bai Xiaofei didn't finish his sentence.

The terrifying sword intent and momentum on his body erupted like a volcano.

At the same time, under the call of Bai Xiaofei's sword heart, the Martial Emperor's Excalibur and Renhuang's Excalibur, which were seized and taken away by the elite human masters, seemed to have become conscious, and the sword radiance flourished, breaking free from the shackles of the human masters in an instant. At the same time, they displayed Bai Xiaofei's strongest sword skills respectively——

Sword twenty-three! (pseudo)

And the supreme kendo that can command almost all sword weapons in the world-Wanjian Guizong!




The seals and magic weapon chains on Bai Xiaofei's body were all broken!

Under the horrified and unbelievable eyes of Sima and others, as well as Ling Tianzun and other monsters, everything around them, including themselves, all people, monsters and things, were instantly frozen! Between heaven and earth, there was silence, only Bai Xiaofei and the countless swords controlled by the Martial Emperor's Sword could move freely!


"Everything just now was actually all pretended by him, in order to lure Ling Tianzun (me) out!"

"This is troublesome!"


This moment.

Da Sima and Ling Tianzun, as well as other human masters and monster elites around them, were all astonished to the extreme and regretted to the extreme. He regretted why he didn't kill Bai Xiaofei directly just now, so that he let the other party be deceived, and took the opportunity to counter-kill Bai Xiaofei. But having said that, what kind of swordsmanship is this? It can actually seal time and space and freeze all things, which is unbelievable!

How had they ever seen such a shocking swordsmanship.

I was terrified on the spot.


They want to move, they want to fight back, they want to run away.


Everything is delusional.

In front of Bai Xiaofei's full sword twenty-three, all their efforts were in vain!


"it's all over!"


Bai Xiaofei was not going to give the opponent any chance, Wan Jian Guizong ordered countless sword weapons, and began to crazily harvest the elite masters of the surrounding human and monster races, and the Martial Emperor Excalibur in his hand was carrying the unparalleled Zhan Tian The sword intent and sword energy, as well as the attack from the soul of the twenty-three sword, directly slashed at Da Sima and Ling Tianzun!


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