The Storm God

Chapter 1484 Fighting Dragon Knight! (Please subscribe!)

According to common sense.

Bai Xiaofei's sword will definitely not fail.

First, the time-space blockade and soul lock of Sword Twenty-Three, and then the sky-slashing sword erupted by the Martial Emperor's Excalibur, with a ten-fold boost effect, who can resist it when it explodes with all its strength?


The fact is that it is so changeable.

Bai Xiaofei's sword intent and sword energy were about to hit Da Sima and Ling Tianzun, but a burst of bright strange light erupted from both of them. A bright yellow mist-like ray of light appeared at the moment when Qianjin was fired, protecting Da Sima's whole body, making Bai Xiaofei's sword intent and sword energy completely defeated like a cow in a quagmire.

On Ling Tianzun's body, a wave of transparent ripples and fluctuations appeared out of nowhere like water patterns.

As soon as Bai Xiaofei's sword intent and sword energy came into contact with these ripples and ripples, they disappeared in an instant, completely disappeared, as if they hit a black hole in time and space, and were swallowed up in a blink of an eye, leaving nothing behind. If it wasn't for Bai Xiaofei's advanced cultivation, he drew his sword and retreated in time when he saw the situation was not good, he might have swallowed even the precious sword in his hand.

at the same time.

The time-space blockade and soul lock on the two of them were thus declared to be broken.

Bai Xiaofei showed the enemy his weakness, luring the enemy to jump out by himself, and then at the most critical moment of his plan to catch him all, because of this small accident, he lost the chain and was completely in vain.


It's not that he didn't gain anything. Although Bai Xiaofei failed to kill the two most critical bosses, at least the masters, generals, and minions around Da Sima and Ling Tianzun were all defeated by Bai Xiaofei's Wan Jian. Twenty-three, as well as the sword energy of Zhantian Sword Intent, were smashed into scum on the spot, and the dead couldn't die anymore.

The two bosses directly became polished commanders.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei felt a little more balanced in his heart.

However, at this moment, what interests him more is that the two treasures on Da Sima and Ling Tianzun are able to withstand the ten-fold increase effect of his Zhantian Sword, and the time-space blockade and soul of Sword Twenty-Three. Locked, it must be a very good fork thing, I must snatch it later, study it carefully!

Regardless of Bai Xiaofei's thoughts and reactions.


Whether it is the Grand Master Sima of the National Teacher or the new demon king Ling Tianzun, they are all full of lingering fear and fear at the moment, with expressions of shock on their faces, they all secretly said: "It's so hanging! If it wasn't for the secret treasure of protection on my body, the one that Bai Xiaofei just had One move, I am afraid that I will kill myself directly."

"This guy……"

The two looked at Bai Xiaofei fearfully, with fear and shock in their eyes.

Even though they knew that Bai Xiaofei was very strong, they never expected that the other party would be so strong to such a terrifying and perverted level! You know, the seal just now was a super sealing technique created by the Emperor Ren. It is so powerful that even the new demon king dare not underestimate it. What's more, Bai Xiaofei is bound by countless magic weapon chains, so that the other party can It's unbelievable how easy it is to break free!

And these are not the point.

The most important thing is that Bai Xiaofei actually possesses a heaven-defying martial skill that can block time and space, things, and lock souls, making people unable to move, and can only watch themselves being killed! Coupled with the two divine swords in the opponent's hand, and the masters around the two of them are all dead, making them a lonely family, the situation on the scene is extremely unfavorable to them.

So far.

The two of them couldn't help retreating. Although there were still many ambushes and traps around, Bai Xiaofei was really terrifying. They were afraid that before the engine could turn off the trap, they would have already died under Bai Xiaofei's heaven-defying sword skill.


They are also very clear and understanding.

Bai Xiaofei on the opposite side is absolutely impossible to let the two of them leave easily. If they want to evacuate safely, the two can only join hands to deal with Bai Xiaofei. Otherwise, fighting alone, it is inevitable that Bai Xiaofei will defeat them one by one, and finally completely lose this game of chess that could have been won.

Taking advantage of the effective duration of the body protection secret treasure, Da Sima and Ling Tianzun quickly exchanged a look, and they both understood each other's meaning in an instant. Then the two nodded in unison, and then they all used their own strength. Sima of the National Normal University pulled out a specially made soft sword magic weapon from his waist, while Ling Tianzun directly showed his prototype.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Da Sima's soft sword magic weapon is of extraordinary quality, as agile as a snake, and the sword light is awe-inspiring. It is a rare treasure at first glance. The prototype of Ling Tianzun is a huge monster similar to a western dragon, covered with hard scales and bone spurs, ferocious and domineering, ferocious and evil, with thick limbs and powerful claws, full of sharp and powerful claws. Long and narrow claws.

Although the two sides did not communicate much, they had a tacit understanding at the moment.


Da Sima's figure flashed.

It landed directly on Ling Tianzun's back, standing on the weak spot between his two huge wings, completely covering up the weak point of Ling Tianzun's body. At the same time... Following Ling Tianzun's roar, ripples and ripples began to spread rapidly around his body, like an invisible shield, firmly protecting both sides inside.

This moment.

Da Sima and Ling Tianzun are like dragon knights in western rumors, with tacit cooperation, the power of both sides has been greatly strengthened and increased, and then they launched an attack on Bai Xiaofei without hesitation! What they mean right now is also very obvious, that is, to seize the opportunity and not give Bai Xiaofei the chance to use that Sword Twenty-Three at all.

"Well done!"

And seeing such a situation.

Bai Xiaofei wasn't angry, instead he smiled excitedly and said with a grin: "Since you want to fight, then I'll meet you!"

Finished speaking.

The Renhuang Excalibur in his left hand is extremely sharp when exercising sword skills.

The right hand Wuhuang Shenjian is used as a knife, and the divine sword is released with all its slashing intentions, and it can be used freely.

Bai Xiaofei used both swords and swords, one against two, neither dodging nor dodging, and directly fought with Da Sima and Ling Tianzun. In an instant, swords and swords covered the sky and the sun! Longyan breathes out, tearing apart the air and the ground! Da Sima's soft sword is long and short, like a spirit snake spitting out letters, weird and tricky, with heavy sword shadows, like a group of demons dancing wildly, arrogant and ferocious!

The aftermath of the great war that broke out among the three ravaged the surrounding mountains on the spot. Suddenly, the earth and rocks collapsed, and the flying sand and trees fell, making the ground devastated and horrible. As for Hongyue and the others who were caught by the National Normal University Sima and others before and had their cultivation base and body meridian abolished, completely crippled, and passed out, under Bai Xiaofei's deliberate protection, they did not suffer any harm.

But if you stick to it for a long time, you will lose it.

In order to protect their safety, Bai Xiaofei could only move the battlefield to another place.

The best choice is undoubtedly to go up, so that you can get closer to the hinterland of the mountainside and reach the treasure of Emperor Renhuang faster. Secondly, it can also solve some of the subordinates and ambushes of Sima and others of the National Normal University, remove obstacles for Song Daitian and others behind, and protect Hongyue and others from being arrested again.

Da Sima and Ling Tianzun are not idiots, how could they fail to see Bai Xiaofei's intentions? It's just... It's one thing to see it, but it's another thing to have the ability to stop it and not be led by the nose. The fact is, even if they knew what Bai Xiaofei wanted to do, they didn't have enough strength to prevent it from happening.

On the contrary, they still had to suffer, and had to be led by the nose by Bai Xiaofei.


It should be their own bad luck.

As the saying goes, "A dead fellow Daoist will not die a poor Taoist!", "If a man does not do it for himself, he will be destroyed by heaven and earth!", for the sake of their own lives, they can only follow Bai Xiaofei's wishes now. Someone else's death is better than your own death. As long as you can survive, everything is possible, otherwise it's all nonsense!

And the higher up Yunxie Mountain, the more ambushes and traps, as well as various large formations and traps, the more beneficial it will be for Da Sima and Ling Tianzun. As long as the opportunity is grasped well, it might be possible to use those ambushes to create opportunities for them to escape.


After knowing that the two of them could not stop Bai Xiaofei at all, Da Sima and Ling Tianzun not only immediately gave up their intention of blocking Bai Xiaofei, they stopped blocking Bai Xiaofei, on the contrary, they actively cooperated with Bai Xiaofei all the way to the top of Yunxie Mountain, fighting and rushing Go up, in order to create an excellent opportunity for yourself to escape!

Regardless of what the three of them think.

the other side.

Song Daitian and others fought and walked with the Shadow Demon troop.

After a while, he finally came to this messy place, and was shocked by the scene on the spot. Especially after discovering the tragic situation of Hongyue and others, Song Daitian and others ran away on the spot without getting angry. Seeing that things were not going well, those shadow demon departments didn't dare to entangle with them, and immediately chose to retreat.

Song Daitian stayed where he was.

Responsible for taking care of and healing Hongyue and others so that the situation will not continue to deteriorate.

But Song Tianyin, Huo Xiaolan, and the little demon king Huba continued their mountain climbing journey with boundless anger. Because there was no harassment and obstruction from the shadow monster troops, their forward speed was directly increased several times. But compared with Bai Xiaofei, Da Sima, and Ling Tianzun's battle speed, it is still significantly slower.

They rushed all the way, and all they saw was the devastated and corpse-filled wilderness after the war, and they couldn't even see Bai Xiaofei's shadow.


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