The Storm God

Chapter 1486 Too Hurtful! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei used his own strength to counter the Thunder Dragon in the entire chain compound formation, and the Grand Master Sima who had just fled back to his own position, he couldn't help but sneered, and said ironically, "No matter how strong you are, you can There is a limit, but our chain compound formation is based on the power of the entire Yunxie Mountain Range, and it is almost endless!"

"Dare to fight Thunder Dragon? It's just courting death!"


Da Sima sneered again and again.

He thought that Bai Xiaofei was just trying to kill himself, he was either an idiot, or he was too conceited!

Not only him, but all the human masters around him basically have the same thoughts, because this chain compound formation is a collection of nine different super large formations and seventy-two other small formations. , a total of ninety-eight magic circles, formed by borrowing all the power of the Yunxie Mountains, the power is almost unrivaled!

With such a terrifying formation, whoever encounters it will have to run wildly for his life?

But Bai Xiaofei didn't agree, instead of running away, he used his own strength to chop the sword and fight against him. This was the first time everyone saw such a scene, and it could be said to have completely overturned their cognition and three views. At this moment, everyone looked at Bai Xiaofei as if they were looking at a fool, waiting for Thunder Dragon to kill Bai Xiaofei to nothing!


Is it really the truth?



Between lightning and flint.

The Nine Heavens Luolei of the chain compound formation and Bai Xiaofei's Heaven Severing Sword Intent and Sword Qi met each other on a narrow road, and finally collided fiercely together! But the scene of Bai Xiaofei being bombarded to death by Thunder Dragon that everyone was looking forward to did not appear. On the contrary... when the sword light thunder dragons collided together, there was nothing but an earth-shattering loud noise that hit everyone's ears and buzzed!

as if...

It's like nothing happened just now!

"This is impossible!"

And see this situation.

Sima of the National Normal University and the others couldn't help being stunned on the spot, so they didn't stare out their eyes. They all had expressions of disbelief, and murmured to themselves: "That's a chain of nine, nine, and eighty-one formations." The terrifying thunder dragon formed by the combined force of the Yunxie Mountains, that Bai Xiaofei, with his own strength..."

"How can this be?"


Shocked and horrified.

Their inconceivable gasping sounds can be heard everywhere in the mountains and plains.

Obviously, he was quite frightened by Bai Xiaofei.

This moment.

The way they looked at Bai Xiaofei all changed.

It was as if he had seen an ant fucking an elephant and made the other pregnant. In the eyes of everyone, including the Grand Master of the National Normal University, Bai Xiaofei was no longer a so-called human master, but a thoroughly humanoid Tyrannosaurus, monsters, perverts, and even... peerless gods and men comparable to the Emperor of Martial Arts!

Because in their cognition, apart from the original Unrivaled Martial Emperor, there is no one who can combine the current ninety-nine and eighty-one large formations with the thunder dragon launched by the power of the earth veins! The borrowed power of heaven and earth, under the compound effect of many large formations, can be said to have the ability to destroy the world, and it is simply not something that mere manpower can compete with!

But Bai Xiaofei just did it.


Still blushing and out of breath.

It was as if what he faced just now was not a thunder dragon formed by the mighty force of heaven and earth at all, but an ordinary lightning!

That is a relaxed and simple, freehand brushwork!

As everyone knows.

This is just Bai Xiaofei in the sealed state.

If there is no seal and restriction of the special human race, if Bai Xiaofei is allowed to do it with all his strength, let alone the thunder dragon caused by the power of this mere mountain range, even if the power of a few more mountain ranges is combined, it may not be enough. Bai Xiaofei hacked it, after all...he has the level of becoming a saint now!

Coupled with the tenfold increase of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur, the invincibility of Renhuang's Excalibur...

The mere power of the earth's veins triggers the thunder dragon that has formed.

Isn't that trivial!


In the center of the formation.

The core area where the National Normal University Sima and others trap and ambush.

Bai Xiaofei looked at the people around him and the thunderclouds rolling in the sky with a sneer, with a look of disdain on his face, he grinned at the corner of his mouth and said, "Da Sima, is this your last hole card? How good am I? It turns out it's just Inducing the power of the Yunxie Mountains to increase the power of the formation, the power is nothing more than that, I am really disappointed!"


He shook his head in disappointment.

With an expression of disdain for being indisputable and far from what he wanted, he almost made Da Sima and others vomit blood on the spot!

Just at this time, Song Daitian and others finally arrived nearby.

Seeing this scene, he was immediately stunned.

"what's the situation?"

"This is... a super chain complex formation?"

"Mr. Bai, you..."

"I'm fine!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head at Song Daitian and the others, and then said: "This mere small formation can't hurt me, just watch from afar, if Grand Master Sima of the National Normal University only has this means, nothing more If you use tricks and tricks, then... the time for the opponent to perish is coming soon!"


"A mere small formation?"

"I go!"

Hearing this, Song Daitian and others had to bite off their tongues.

Looking at Bai Xiaofei's calm and breezy appearance, not paying attention to the terrifying thunderclouds in the sky, Song Daitian and others felt that they had received 100,000 tons of critical damage in an instant! Xin said: "Damn it! That is a super-chain compound formation composed of ninety-nine and eighty-one large formations. It can mobilize the power of Yunxie Mountain's veins at will to form terrifying lightning strikes. You actually said it was a mere small array?"

Can we stop being so crazy when we talk!

It hurts so much Hey!


Regardless of how Song Daitian and others reacted.

On the opposite side, Sima of the National Normal University and the others saw that Bai Xiaofei was so arrogant and didn't take them seriously, but they were annoyed on the spot. Seeing the thunderclouds in the sky, the energy was almost gathered, so without saying a word, he immediately activated the big formation, making it form a terrifying thunder dragon again, and slashed at Bai Xiaofei!

Not only that.

This time, they were all sprayed with their own blood. With the increase in the power of essence and blood, Thunder Dragon's terrifying figure instantly became more wild and domineering. Compared with just now, it almost doubled in size, and it was extremely scary to look at! Seeing this, Da Sima's eyes lit up immediately, he gritted his teeth and said, "Let's see if you die or not!"

They have already resorted to the stunt of pressing the bottom of the box.

All the maintenance personnel of the big formation sprayed out their own blood, so that the power of the big formation and the power of the mountains that can be mobilized have all reached more than three times that of the peak period, three times out of nine, that is to say, The thunder dragon this time is more than nine times more powerful than before!

With such a terrifying lightning strike, Da Sima couldn't believe that he couldn't kill Bai Xiaofei!


Bai Xiaofei still had an expression of indifference.

Looking at the thunder dragon that was coming towards him, he curled his lips fearlessly and said: "Yeah! The lightning strike this time is not bad, it has more weight than before, but it's still a bit so-so. Forget it! You have tried your best, I It's not difficult for you, and now, it's time for you to see my true strength."

Finished speaking.

Just when everyone thought Bai Xiaofei was going to make a move.

Bai Xiaofei, however, directly put away both the Martial Emperor's Excalibur and Renhuang's Excalibur under the stunned and bewildered eyes of countless people. Then... His expression froze, and the next moment, a ferocious and domineering sledgehammer appeared in Bai Xiaofei's hand out of thin air.

——It is the Star Breaker Hammer!


With the appearance of the Star Breaker Hammer.

The thunder dragon in the sky seemed to be stimulated and summoned by something. Both its power and the speed at which it fell were greatly improved in an instant. Bai Xiaofei's body immediately stunned everyone present.

"I go!"

"What happened just now?"

"It looks like Bai Xiaofei recruited Thunder Dragon himself?"

"An accident? Or...?"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

He was completely bewildered by the sudden situation just now.


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