The Storm God

Chapter 1487 Thunder every step of the way! (Please subscribe!)


The Thunder Dragon struck down, sending billows of dust and smoke flying all over the sky.

The wild and domineering unparalleled impact, like a runaway wild horse, spread wantonly, impacting the surrounding mountains and large formations. Those human masters with insufficient cultivation were instantly vomited blood on the spot by the shock, and fell to the ground with serious injuries. It is not known whether Bai Xiaofei was killed or not by a chain compound formation, but this single blow caused countless mountains and mountains to collapse, and human masters severely injured more than a thousand people. The horror of its power can be seen!


Looking at the agitated sky full of smoke and dust.

Sima's eyes were full of excitement and excitement, and he secretly said: "I don't believe you can withstand such terrifying power!"

Not only him, but the human masters around him, even Song Daitian and others, almost all had the same thoughts. It wasn't that they had no confidence in Bai Xiaofei, but that the power of this chain compound formation was really terrifying. Coupled with Bai Xiaofei's abnormal behavior just now, which was too much, Song Daitian and the others were really worried.


Their worry quickly turned into consternation.

There was a sound of thunder and thunder, which suddenly sounded from the billowing dust and smoke, like countless birds chirping, sharp and ear-piercing, especially in this chaotic scene, it was even more weird and eccentric. Almost immediately, the excitement of the National Normal University Sima and others was attracted, and they were all puzzled.


"How could there be the sound of birds chirping inside the formation?"

"That's not a bird call. It sounds like the neighing of thunder and lightning when it's extremely intense. Could it be because the thunder dragon just now was too powerful, and it produced aftermath after the bombardment?"

"It should be like this, look, the dust and smoke have dissipated!"

"That person must have died very..."

"This is impossible!"


The discussion of the people around stopped abruptly as the billowing dust and smoke finally dissipated. Everyone's eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost, their jaws almost fell to the ground in shock, and their eyes were full of fear. It is the color of shock, horror, horror, and disbelief.


Even Song Daitian and the others were dumbfounded, with incredible expressions on their faces.

However, in the center of the formation, the core area where traps were ambushed, the ground was full of scars, and among the horrific rocks, Bai Xiaofei was standing there intact, with a calm and calm smile on his face. Yes, on the unidentified hammer held in his hand, there is actually a Thunder Dragon flickering with lightning!

The thunder dragon was vivid and lifelike. Looking carefully, everyone was surprised to find that this is not the same thunder dragon that bombarded Bai Xiaofei with the chain compound formation just now?

Although its size has shrunk countless times now, its appearance has basically remained the same, almost exactly the same. The key is that its aura is also full of the strong power of the Yunxie Mountains, so that everyone can be very sure that the hammer on the hammer The thunder dragon is the one that bombarded Bai Xiaofei just now!


What's the situation?

Shouldn't Thunder Dragon attack Bai Xiaofei and kill him to the brim?

Why is it like a pet now, cruising back and forth on the opponent's hammer, like a baby swallow returning to the forest? Could it be that the hammer in Bai Xiaofei's hand is some kind of rare thunder magic weapon? But this is not right either! The thunder dragon caused by the chain compound formation is terrifying, and what magic weapon in this world can withstand such mighty power?

Or are we all hallucinating?

It's all fake!


All the people present stared blankly at Bai Xiaofei in the center, as if they had lost their souls, and it took a long while before they finally came back to their senses, and then all of them rubbed their eyes, shook their heads, and shook their heads vigorously, It looked like he had been hit by an illusion and wanted to wake himself up.

Including Song Daitian and others!


No matter how they adjust.

Everything in front of me is still like this, it hasn't changed at all!

Seeing this situation, Song Daitian and the others were immediately overjoyed. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was fine and seemed to have subdued Thunder Dragon, they immediately cheered incomparably excitedly. On the other hand, the National Normal University Sima and others were completely in a bad mood, all of them were intimidated by Bai Xiaofei's horrible and perverted performance, and some even passed out on the spot.


"How is this possible? That is triggered by the power of the earth's veins, and has the power to destroy the world!"

"He actually gave it to..."

"It's not true!"


This moment.

Even Sima, the Grand Master of the National Normal University, was completely panicked.

It's not that he's not strong enough to bear it, but that Bai Xiaofei's performance is really frightening!

The chained compound formation formed by tens of thousands of people, absorbed the power of several mountains in Yunxie Mountain, and jointly triggered the power of the thunder dragon. Not only did it not cause any harm to Bai Xiaofei, it was even like a pet, easily killed People subdued it? My God, this joke is too much, isn't it? !

this moment.

Da Sima was really scared.

He has never been so desperate and depressed as he is now. Facing Bai Xiaofei, Da Sima feels so small, like a drop in the ocean. Apart from adding more jokes, it is useless at all!

Seeing in amazement that Bai Xiaofei caressed and played with the terrifying Thunder Dragon recklessly, as if he was teasing it as a pet, Grand Master Sima of the National Normal University was full of fear and doubt. He wondered, how could the man named Bai Xiaofei on the opposite side be so strong? And even without obtaining Emperor Ren's Legacy!

Could it be that the other party is really the reincarnation of the rumored Emperor Wu?

Regardless of how Da Sima reacted.


Bai Xiaofei is holding the Star Breaker Hammer, his whole body is full of thunder and thunderbolts, like a god, and the thunder dragon circles around, full of domineering. He looked at the eyes of the National Teacher Sima and others, full of sneer and disdain, and secretly said in his heart: "If it is some other big formation, I might still be a little bit afraid, but it will trigger the power of thunder to bombard me..."


"Using thunder and lightning to bombard the majestic Thunder God, isn't that clearly asking for death!"

"I really don't want to bully you guys!"


This moment.

Bai Xiaofei looked at the National Normal University Sima and the others, full of pity and helplessness.

He sighed, then shook his head slightly, and said, "It's not that I insist on bullying you with divine weapons such as the Star-breaking Hammer, but that you insist on killing yourself. It's not good to use anything to attack me, but to use thunder! Don’t you guys know that I’m a man called [Thor]?”

During the conversation.

The Star Broken Hammer waved and rotated casually.

And following Bai Xiaofei's actions, the billowing thunderclouds above Yunxie Mountain seemed to be summoned, and immediately dropped dozens of bucket-thick thunderbolts, which slammed into the surrounding mountains , followed by a violent roaring explosion, which seemed to be mixed with some extremely tragic wailing.

The chain compound formation formed by ninety-nine and eighty-one large formations, after this one, instantly announced its crack!


Although the big formation has lost its alliance.

But the rolling thunderclouds in the sky did not weaken at all because of this!

On the contrary, its scale is still increasing and becoming stronger, and the rolling thunder and lightning in the clouds are becoming more and more ferocious and ferocious, just like a sleeping peerless beast that is finally about to wake up, filling the sky. The sound of thunder bombarded the fragile and tender hearts of Sima and the others below, scaring them almost to suffocation.


Countless thunder and lightning danced in the air, rushing wantonly. With this picture as the background, Bai Xiaofei is holding the Star Breaking God Hammer, and with a calm smile on his face, he slowly walks towards the National Teacher Da Sima and the others. The figure is so domineering and awe-inspiring, it makes their hearts tighten when they look at it. , the eyes are full of fear, and the heart is full of despair!


With murderous intent in his eyes, Bai Xiaofei said as he walked, "I'll give you one last chance, surrender, or... die!"

Every time he takes a step, every time he speaks a word, there will be a terrifying thunderbolt falling from the sky, and it will slam into the eighty or so large formations displayed by the National Teacher Sima and others. The people in the formation are completely destroyed. While destroying the enemy, it also creates an indelible deterrent effect on the surrounding people.

Seeing this, Sima and others of the National Normal University also wanted to withdraw the formation, so as to prevent Bai Xiaofei from using the power of the formation to bombard his own people. However, they were horrified to discover that the billowing thunderclouds in the sky were not under their control at all, and those people who cast the big formation seemed to be sucked in, and they couldn't get rid of it even if they wanted to!

They could only watch blankly as Bai Xiaofei used their power to gather thunder clouds and the power of Yunxie Mountain's leylines, and then use the thunder to bombard themselves! It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, they have completely "stand" on Bai Xiaofei's side, extremely "generously" providing Bai Xiaofei with the driving force to bombard the people on the side of the National Normal University Sima.

And when Bai Xiaofei finished speaking.

About one-third of the large formation of the National Teacher Sima and others has been destroyed by the thunder that fell from it. In an instant, the mountains collapsed, the foundations collapsed, countless people died on the spot, blood flowed into rivers, and the raging fire caused by the thunderbolts almost burned half of the Yunxie Mountains. The fragmentation of the bombardment!

Facing the villainous big boss, Bai Xiaofei, who had a strong sense of vision, immediately there were people on the side of the national teacher who couldn't bear the pressure any longer, and they collapsed on the spot, kneeling down on the spot one by one, with their hands held high , crying bitterly and shouting: "Master Thor, please forgive us, we surrender, don't hack us!"

If there is the first one, there will be the second one, and then there will be a group of bosses, all in one piece.

Cries of surrender can be described as one after another.

Wave after wave!


"I never imagined that the plan I've planned for so many years would be defeated by a mere unknown person!"

"But I lost, so don't think about it!"


at the same time.

Seeing the bad situation, Grand Master Sima of the National Normal University felt fear and despair in his heart. Apart from being angry and unwilling, his reaction was not slow at all. He seemed to have thought of something, and then he didn't care about the bad situation here, just turned around and ran, heading towards the cloud. In the hinterland of Xieshan, the place where Emperor Ren's legacy was located flew away.


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