The Storm God

Chapter 1488: Both die together! (Please subscribe!)

"Want to run?"

"It's not that easy, just stay with me!"



Bai Xiaofei has superb eyesight.

How can the actions of Sima, the National Teacher's University, catch his eyes?

Seeing that the other party seemed to be doing something wrong, and wanted to resist desperately, Bai Xiaofei didn't turn on the other party. He swung the Star Broken Hammer, and immediately released dozens of thunder and lightning that were as thick as arms, and shot towards the Grand Master Sima. However, Sima of the National Normal University was not covered, as if he had eyes on his back, he just fell to the ground and rolled.

Coupled with the fact that his confidantes erected a human wall regardless of their own life and death, blocking the only way for the thunder and lightning, Bai Xiaofei's attack failed in the end, and only killed more than a dozen people. A confidant younger brother of Sima of the National Normal University, and the masters of the human race who have already surrendered around him.

"Protect the adults!"

There are quite a few diehard members of Sima of the National Normal University. Although Bai Xiaofei's lightning strike killed many younger brothers, there are still more younger brothers who formed formations and human walls, and resolutely blocked them. In front of Bai Xiaofei, he bought time for Sima's escape.

Coupled with the frightened human masters who fled in panic, the scene was chaotic.

"court death!"

For these stubborn guys.

Bai Xiaofei will not have any good feelings, since the other party is determined to die, then he will help them.

The Star Broken Hammer swung again and again, and under the pull of divine power, the billowing thunderclouds in the sky immediately honored his call, sending down countless waves of thunder and lightning, attacking all the enemies in front of Bai Xiaofei wildly and domineeringly! These thunderbolts triggered by the power of the earth's veins are very terrifying, and they are definitely not something that ordinary people can resist.


Bai Xiaofei was still too late.

Although all the obstacles in front of him fell down, Sima, the Grand Master of the National Normal University, had already taken the opportunity to escape.

For some reason, Bai Xiaofei suddenly had a very bad premonition, he really wanted to go after the Grand Master Sima immediately, lest the other party make something wrong and cause trouble for himself, but there are too many human masters around, after all, There are still many who occupy the positions of the big formation. Although they have expressed their surrender now, who knows if they are sincere.

If Bai Xiaofei just walked away, without the deterrence of absolute force, these guys turned their backs on the spot, then Song Daitian and others would suffer. After all, although they are strong, they are not as perverted as Bai Xiaofei. They are immune to thunder.

So far.

Without saying a word, someone became cruel immediately.

Seeing him holding the Star-breaking Hammer high, with a thought, the billowing thunderclouds in the sky immediately turned into several clusters, and then drifted to the surrounding dangerous peaks and mountains, and then began to crazily smash down the thunder, spreading out to the surrounding mountains. They bombed indiscriminately as if they didn't want money. Although they didn't kill innocent people who surrendered, they directly destroyed the veins between the mountains, making those large formations completely useless.

After doing all this.

Bai Xiaofei turned his head and said to Song Daitian and the others: "I leave this place to you!"

Then he turned and flew away.


Song Daitian and others were speechless for a while.

Looking at the tens of thousands of human masters in the surrounding mountains, they couldn't help swallowing their saliva secretly, thinking: "Nimma! There are so many people, and they are all elite masters and fighters of the human race. There are only five people, and there are a few wounded people, what the hell are we going to do?"

Facing such a tricky situation, Song Tianyin and the others were bewildered and helpless.


Or Song Daitian has rich experience.

After all, he used to be a bodyguard with a knife in the first rank of Yuqian, and he is still very good at politics and grasping people's hearts. He directly controlled the leaders of several human masters, and then ordered the other party to restrain and govern the younger brothers he led, and let the other party supervise each other. If anyone dares to do anything wrong, report it immediately, and there will be a lot of rewards!

on the contrary……

Will be beaten by everyone.

Although the method is general, there are certain risks, but fortunately, these guys have already been terrified by Bai Xiaofei, and they don't have any sense of treason in their hearts. Song Daitian and others let them do what they want, and they will do it. How to do it, it's called being obedient and obedient, and it saves Song Daitian and others a lot of trouble.

Regardless of the situation and development here.

the other side.

Sima of the National Normal University fled frantically all the way.

Soon he came to the place where Emperor Ren's relics were located. Although he didn't have the key and the Martial Emperor's Excalibur, he couldn't get in at all, nor could he open the door of the secret treasure. But in the current situation, Da Sima has no desire or thought to seize the treasure at all. At this moment, his heart is filled with the gloom and despair of failure in life, as well as infinite madness!

To know.

He's been planning this all his life.

The purpose is to avenge the Xishan Celestial Master camp that was destroyed that year, and plan to usurp the throne and become the fourth emperor of the human race. However... now everything is over, because of Bai Xiaofei's sudden birth, he was completely destroyed and collapsed, all his efforts were in vain, and the meaning of life was completely lost. Why don't you call the National Teacher Sima crazy?

Looking at the gate of Emperor Renhuang's relics, which was locked up tightly, Da Sima's eyes were full of unwillingness and hatred, and he murmured: "It's over! It's all over! All my hard work in my life is gone now." It's all because of that damn Bai Xiaofei and Song Daitian!"

"But so what if we lose?"

"None of you want anything that I, Da Sima, can't get!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


He laughed like a maniac.

I saw Da Sima's mana surging all over his body, turning into an endless tide, and rushing towards the protective gate of Renhuang's relic on the opposite side. You must know that the protection of Renhuang's relics is not ordinary, it is connected with the power of the entire Yunxie Mountain's leylines, unless you can break the entire Yunxie Mountain's leylines, it is impossible to open this gate.

It is precisely because of this that Sima of the National Normal University was able to successfully borrow the power of the earth veins to use the chain compound formation to deal with Bai Xiaofei. To put it simply, the place where Emperor Ren's relics are located is also the core of the chain complex array, and it is also the eye of the protective array between the surrounding mountains!

Once attacked, it will definitely affect the two super large formations outside.

That's all for the chain compound formation. After all, Bai Xiaofei has almost destroyed it now. Even if it is affected, it will not have too terrible consequences. But the super large formation among the mountains is different. Once the eyes of the formation are damaged, causing backlash and chaos, it might detonate the power of the entire Yunxie Mountain!

At that time, the mountains will collapse, the earth will be cracked, and the power of the earth's veins will roll and explode, and they will collide wantonly. No one can run away, and everyone will be bombarded by this terrifying power of destroying heaven and earth!

Simply put.

National Normal University Sima is going to die with Bai Xiaofei and others!


"Once the eyes of the formation are destroyed, the mountains and formations are bound to collapse, causing a major backlash. At that time, the leylines will be chaotic, the ground will be smashed, and the ground will crack. The terrifying power of nature, let us all die together!"


Following Da Sima's crazy words.

The impact formed by his agitating the whole body's mana finally slammed hard on the gate protected by Emperor Ren's legacy.

In an instant, a tornado of energy hit the surroundings, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and earth and rocks collapsed and flew. Although the protective gate where the formation eye is located has no signs of damage, its function of absorbing the power of the earth veins has been greatly impacted, resulting in extreme chaos in the transportation capacity of the formation eye!

It's like the car's gearbox was hit by a huge impact. The outside is not broken, but the gear bearings inside are broken and disordered. The entire power transmission system of the car is immediately messed up. The super formation formed by nine peaks around Yunxie Mountain is like a car driving on a high speed. Once the gearbox fails, the result can be imagined.


The backlash of the big formation came extremely fast.

Bai Xiaofei rushed all the way, just rushed into the hinterland of the mountainside, before he had time to attack Da Sima, he immediately felt the mountain range under his feet shake violently. At the same time, the mountains and mountains outside seemed to have been buried with countless explosives, and then they were all detonated in an instant. In an instant, the earth and rocks were flying, and as far as the eye could see, there were huge collapsed rocks everywhere. Boom down.


Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback immediately, extremely astonished.

He wasn't worried about his own safety, but he was afraid of Song Daitian and others. To be precise, he was afraid that the little demon king Huba would be hurt because of this, and then his special mission would be completely ruined. Turning around suddenly, Bai Xiaofei looked at the insane Da Sima, frowned and shouted: "Bastard, what have you done?"

"Hey hey hey!"

Da Sima smiled wildly, and Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "It's nothing, we all just die together!"

While speaking, the mana in his body surged again, and then turned into a tide, wantonly impacting on the protective gate of Ren Huang's relic, as if he was afraid that the super large formation around him would not counterattack fast enough. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei frowned, he was very annoyed: "Stop!"

While making a sound.

The Star Broken God Hammer in Bai Xiaofei's hand was also thrown out with a bang.


It's too late.

Although Da Sima was thrown flying by the magic hammer, he was seriously injured and vomited blood, but his mana impact still slammed on the gate of the formation, which made the already bad and chaotic formation completely paralyzed. He could no longer control the turbulent and violent power of the Yunxie Mountain.


The scene of the surrounding mountains collapsing and exploding became more violent and ferocious. Even the main peak began to shake and crack violently. Countless horrific cracks and rubble began to collapse and fall one after another, as if they might completely bury Da Sima and Bai Xiaofei alive at any time.

"Hey hey hey!"

Seeing this scene, Da Sima, not only did not have any fear, but laughed even more wildly: "Bai Xiaofei, you can't get what I can't get! Now that the mountains and formations have been destroyed, it won't be long before the entire cloud rests." The mountains will completely collapse and collapse, turning into a sea of ​​magma and fire, wanting to inherit the treasure left by Emperor Ren..."

"Wait for the next life!"

"Ha ha…"

He wasn't done laughing.

The whole person was hit hard by a huge falling rock, and turned into a puddle of mud on the spot!

The dead can't die anymore!


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