The Storm God

Chapter 1489 Earth Explosion Star! (Please subscribe!)


The great Sima of the National Normal University, a hero of a generation, finally had a mental breakdown and ended up being crushed to death by a boulder!

Of course, it was unbearable to sigh.


Now is not the time to think too much about it.

Yunxie Mountain's super large formation for protecting the mountain, the eyes of the formation were destroyed, the power of the leylines ran wildly, and the mountains aroused collapsed, and they competed to close down and collapse. If they don't quickly find a way to evacuate, with the strength of Song Daitian and others, it is absolutely impossible. There is no escape. There is also this treasure left by Emperor Ren, if you don't accept the inheritance immediately, once it sinks to the bottom of the mountain and is buried in it, it will be extremely difficult to find it again!

There is still some time for the mountains to collapse, but the eye of the formation in front of you, that is, the stele outside the sky, the treasure of Emperor Ren, is the first to bear the brunt. If it is ignored, it will inevitably fall into the cracked underground crack. Therefore... Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to accept the inheritance of Emperor Renhuang's legacy first, and then choose to save Song Daitian and others.


Bai Xiaofei took away the Star Broken God Hammer.

Then he summoned the Martial Emperor's Excalibur again, taking advantage of the falling rocks in the mountain's belly, before completely burying Renhuang's legacy, rushed over, and used the key of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur to open the gate of the protective formation. Immediately after, there was a flash of brilliance, completely enveloping Bai Xiaofei, and finally disappeared.


Sensing abnormalities around him, Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment, and secretly said: "It's actually a teleportation array again?"


The glory just now.

It gave him the same feeling as when he was in Xishuangmang Fuling.

Almost instantly, Bai Xiaofei came into a very strange space, inside there was nothingness on all sides, only in the center stood an unknown stele from beyond the sky. The special runes and textures seem to contain infinite mysteries of the universe. Just one glance can make people fall into it and cannot extricate themselves!

Bai Xiaofei was surprised to find that the stele outside the sky, which was about a foot high and a little over two meters wide, was actually broken! The fracture is as smooth as a mirror, and the slope is cracked, as if it was cut off by a sword. At the base of its bottom, or because of the fall, there were many wear marks, which made the originally square edges and corners look smoother and smoother.


The Martial Emperor's Excalibur suddenly trembled and hummed. At the same time, its entire sword began to show the same mysterious runes and textures as those on the Tianwai Stone Tablet, just like a wanderer returning home, Bai Xiaofei could fully feel its excitement and excitement at this moment.

"as expected!"

Bai Xiaofei said clearly in his heart: "This Martial Emperor's Excalibur is really forged from some parts of the Tianwai Stone Tablet. Seeing the Tianwai Stone Tablet at this moment, it is like two magnets meeting, and there is an immediate sympathetic reaction. But it is I don't know how to take away the stele outside the sky, I don't have time to study him carefully now, the little demon king Huba and others are still waiting for me to save them!"

Although he was equally excited.

But Bai Xiaofei didn't forget that Yunxie Mountain was in danger of collapsing and dying, if he dared not go in and move the stele outside the sky, and go out to save people, then Song Daitian and others would suffer. As for those human masters and elite fighters who had already chosen to surrender, Bai Xiaofei didn't care!

after all……

Bai Xiaofei was not familiar with them.

And there are too many people on the other side, even if Bai Xiaofei rescues each other, it is impossible to save them all.


A thought had just arisen in Bai Xiaofei's mind.

The Martial Emperor's Excalibur in his hand actually flew up by itself, escaped from Bai Xiaofei's palm, and then turned into a cloud of gray light, sinking into the bottom of the stele outside the sky. Immediately afterwards... the entire stele outside the sky began to vibrate violently, as if a volcano that had been silent for thousands of years was about to erupt, which made Bai Xiaofei's eyes brighten up.

This moment.

Suddenly there was a kind of enlightenment in his heart.

The Martial Emperor's Sword is controlling the stele outside the sky, and according to Bai Xiaofei's will, restrain the power of the whole body to facilitate transfer and collection.

"Very good!"

While Bai Xiaofei was excited, his movements were not slow.

After feeling that the Martial Emperor Excalibur had completely controlled the mighty power of the stele beyond the sky, he immediately took out a space card and put it in quickly. Although the stele outside the sky is quite huge and heavy, to Bai Xiaofei, this level is completely trivial, and it can be done easily!


A message sent through the Martial Emperor's Excalibur.

Bai Xiaofei learned that this is mainly due to the controlling effect of the Martial Emperor's Sword, otherwise, if the mighty power of the stele outside the sky is not restrained, let alone Bai Xiaofei's current strength at the holy level, even if he goes one step further and reaches the realm of becoming a god, he may not be able to move It doesn't matter at all, otherwise, why didn't the emperors take it away, but set up many protections and large formations around it?

The main thing is that you can't move at all!

As for why Bai Xiaofei was able to easily control it with the Martial Emperor God, and then take it away smoothly, that can only be said to be God's will.

And with the taking away of the extraterrestrial stele, this special space immediately began to crumble and fall apart. It can be seen that its composition is caused by the power of the extraterrestrial stele. Without the power support of the Tianwai Stone Tablet, it naturally began to dissipate. But before that, Bai Xiaofei was teleported out instantly.


Bai Xiaofei was just teleported back.

In front of him was an extremely huge falling rock, which hit him head-on.

"I go!"

Bai Xiaofei let out a strange cry.

Then without saying a word, he immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique.

The next moment, someone's figure appeared beside Song Daitian and the others, but the situation here was also not so good, even worse than the situation in the mountainside. As far as the eye can see, there are rolling rocks everywhere, collapsing mountains, and huge cracks, which can be said to be the landslides and ground cracks, and the interpretation is vivid.

Fortunately, although Song Daitian and others were in a panic, and some of them received serious injuries, they did not die. But Huba, the little demon king that Bai Xiaofei was most worried about, was not only safe and unscathed, but also evolved at a critical moment. The four small bulges on his back actually popped out completely, growing into four extremely beautiful huge wings!

This moment.

Song Daitian and others were all riding on the giant Huba, and were slowly flying towards the sky.

It's just that Huba's rising speed is really too slow. Apart from the fact that Huba had just acquired the ability to fly and was not yet familiar with the use of his own wings, the countless boulders from the mountains that fell from the sky like flowers scattered from heaven were also a very important reason.

Several times, everyone was in danger, and they were lucky not to be smashed down by the boulder.

Fortunately, Song Daitian, Song Tianyin and others acted in time, using swordsmanship or other skills to blow away or disperse the incoming boulder, and only then did the crisis be resolved. Noticing Bai Xiaofei's sudden appearance, everyone was overjoyed, as if they saw the savior, the brilliance in their eyes was so bright!

"Mr. Bai!"

"That's great, we'll be saved when you come back!"

"Have you got the Emperor Ren's Legacy?"

"Where's Da Sima?"


Several people asked in a hurry.


Bai Xiaofei gave a rough overview of the situation in a succinct manner. Seeing the collapse of the mountains, tens of thousands of human masters and elite fighters around him died tragically in this huge natural and man-made disaster, his heart suddenly became extremely heavy, and he frowned and said: "Now is not the time to talk about these things, you should hurry up and escape from here!"


Song Daitian heard Bai Xiaofei's implication.

Immediately looked at Bai Xiaofei in astonishment, and said in astonishment: "Mr. Bai, are you not going with us?"


Bai Xiaofei sighed.

Looking at the tragic disaster scene below, he said firmly: "Although this disaster was not caused by me, it has an inseparable relationship with me after all. I watched tens of thousands of human masters die, My heart is not at ease, for the current plan, I can only do my best to save as much as I can!"

Finished speaking.

It doesn't matter how everyone reacts.

Bai Xiaofei directly summoned Xiaoqing, and ordered him to take Song Daitian and others away from this dangerous place.

As for himself, he exerted his telekinetic power and flew towards the high altitude at high speed. When he flew to a certain height, he stood still suddenly, floated in the air, and summoned his own wood from the space card. escape avatar. After putting on the spiritual connection device, the Mu Dun avatar instantly opened its closed eyes, and showed circles of mysterious and unpredictable lines.

It is the reincarnation eye that belongs exclusively to Mu Dun's avatar!

"Psychic art!"


Following the call of Wood Dun's avatar.

Tiandao Xiongba appeared instantly, together with Bai Xiaofei and Mu Dun's avatar, floating among the mountains, staring at a pair of reincarnation eyes full of mysterious lines, after scanning the surrounding landslides and ground cracks, he clapped his hands violently. Hitting together, the seal knot was fast, and the signature stunt of the puppet of Tiandao was used on the spot——

Explode the stars!


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