The Storm God

Chapter 1490 The general trend has come! (Please subscribe!)


With Tiandao Yuba's ninjutsu taking shape.

A pitch-black ball the size of a fist was generated out of thin air, and then thrown into the sky above Yunxie Mountain. The small black ball grew in the wind, and became the size of a basketball in a blink of an eye, then continued to expand, and finally fixed at about the size of the millstone. Immediately afterwards, waves of super-strong gravitational force appeared out of thin air, centered on the black ball, and frantically converged towards it.

Under the action of this huge gravitational force, the top-down trend of the countless boulders constantly collapsing and falling around Yunxie Mountain changed drastically in an instant, and it was directly changed to bottom-up. The huge boulders, trees, wreckage and other things all broke away from the effect of gravity and gathered towards the black ball in the sky!

"what is that?"

Naturally, this gigantic phenomenon, which was so different from one day to another, quickly attracted the attention of countless people, including Song Daitian and others who were evacuating from the Yunxie Mountain area according to Bai Xiaofei's order. Everyone's eyes widened when they saw this. , with an unbelievable expression on his face, they were all stunned by this scene.

Especially those human masters who haven't escaped from the Yunxie Mountain area, after being shocked, they all showed surprise expressions, and shouted: "It's Mr. Bai Xiaofei, he is using the heaven-penetrating magic skills to save us, this time We are saved, everyone run quickly!"

Everyone cheered excitedly and looked grateful.

They are not stupid either.

Seeing that the countless falling rocks from Yunxie Mountain were all absorbed into the sky by the strange black ball, the meteor rain on the ground instantly weakened greatly, and each one of them used all their strength to run towards the periphery of Yunxie Mountain And go, for fear that if you run too slowly, all the boulders in the sky will fall down and crush you to death.

As everyone knows.

This Earth Explosive Star is a very domineering sealing technique.

Once it is absorbed, it is almost permanent, and it will never fall again without any external damage.


Bai Xiaofei would not be so stupid as to explain to everyone.

It was better for them to do this, and it would save Bai Xiaofei from urging everyone to run away, which would save him a lot of trouble.

After the Earthburst star is formed, the caster can move freely. However, Tiandao Xiongba was not summoned back just because of this, but continued to use the Vientiane Heavenly Attraction to absorb the surrounding boulders and speed up the sealing speed of the Earth Explosive Star. If someone is unfortunately sucked up together, use Shenluo Tianzheng to exclude the other party.

This back and forth has saved many people.

at the same time.

The formation speed of Earth Explosion Star has also been accelerated a lot.

Nearly one-third of the collapsed rocks, trees, wreckage and other things around Yunxie Mountain were all sucked into the sky and became part of the Earth Explosion Star. However, the situation at the scene is still not very optimistic. After all, Yunxie Mountain is too high, and there are several secondary peaks around it. Now it has completely collapsed and destroyed, and the number of huge rocks produced can be said to be hundreds of millions.

It is obviously impossible to absorb all the falling rocks into the sky with just a mere Earth Explosion Star. Unless Bai Xiaofei's wooden dungeon avatar reaches the level of the Immortal of the Six Paths, let alone a Yunxie Mountain, even if there are a few more, they can all be sucked into the sky easily!

But at that time, it was not as simple as having an extra giant ball in the sky, but the planet had an extra satellite!




Although the birth of Earth Explosion and Sky Star solved the problem of falling rocks to a great extent, it also produced some bad effects. For example, it also accelerated the collapse of Yunxie Mountain. Cracks, and is sucked up into the sky, becoming part of the Earthburst star.

And at the bottom of the mountain far away, those gentle lands also caused violent turmoil and huge cracks, which had a great impact on the fleeing human masters, and even many people died because of it. On the spot, it fell into the crack directly, and was squeezed into a meat paste by the force of the earth.

on this...

Bai Xiaofei was also quite helpless.

He is not an omnipotent god, to be able to do this is already very good.

But seeing tens of thousands of human masters dying in this natural disaster in an instant, turning into ashes, or muddy meat sauce in an instant, with no possibility of rescue, Bai Xiaofei still felt very uncomfortable. All he had to do was close his eyes and grit his teeth to endure.

It's not that Bai Xiaofei can't be saved, but that he can't be saved at all.


There are too many people below.

It is as high as 70,000 to 80,000, and they are scattered in different corners of the mountain. How can you call Bai Xiaofei to save it?

Besides, Bai Xiaofei is not a bitch, the reason why he saves people is purely for merit, and for the sake of dealing with the demon clan in the future, after all, before just now, these guys were still Bai Xiaofei's enemies. It's time to make a move, and how many people can escape depends on their own luck.


As time goes by.

Finally, Earthburst Skystar reached its saturation limit, and after absorbing almost half of Yunxie Mountain, it became a super sphere with a diameter of nearly five kilometers. Such a huge sphere, floating in the sky so shockingly, is so domineering and awe-inspiring!

As for the human masters in Yunxie Mountain, after nearly 70% of them died, the remaining 30% finally escaped from the vicinity of Yunxie Mountain. The former highest peak in the world is now a ruin, full of scars, flowing magma and dust everywhere, a look of doom.

Such a drastic vision and great change in the world naturally attracted the attention of countless people and demons around.

The human masters stationed in the East Island, the monster army nearby, and even the countless sea monsters in the East China Sea all sensed the drastic changes here, and all of them sent their young men to find out what happened here. Then all of them were completely shocked by the terrifying dust and smoke that covered the sky and the moon-like super giant ball floating in the sky in front of them.

"my God!"

"Is this fake? What happened in Yunxie Mountain? Where is the highest peak in the world? Why is it gone?"

"What happened to that super giant ball?"

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"


This moment.

Whether it's human race or monster race, they are all dumbfounded.

Watching the once world's highest peak disappear inexplicably, replaced by a super giant ball that suddenly appeared, floating in the sky, all of this is completely beyond their imagination and cognition. Including Song Daitian and others who knew about it, at this moment, all the people and monsters who saw this scene stayed where they were.

Everyone was dumbfounded, so they couldn't stare their eyes out.

Inside the Yaozu base camp.


After Ling Tianzun learned about the situation on Yunxie Mountain, he couldn't help but gasped on the spot, collapsed on his throne with lingering fear, and shouted in disbelief: "You What did you say? The entire Yunxie Mountain disappeared? A super huge rock ball inexplicably appeared in the sky?"

"How can this be?"


The little demon who was in charge of the report also had a look of fear on his face. Hearing the words, he quickly said: "This is absolutely true! The disappearance of Yunxie Mountain and the giant ball appearing in the sky have completely spread, and now the entire East China Sea area has been covered. This incident caused a lot of uproar, many people and monsters, and even saw it with their own eyes, there is absolutely no falsehood!"


Ling Tianzun was even more terrified when he heard the words.

What happened in Yunxie Mountain may not be clear to others, but as one of the participants, he is very clear. What is happening now is either Da Sima or Bai Xiaofei, and there is absolutely no other candidate. However, according to Ling Tianzun's guess, the latter should be the majority, otherwise if Da Sima had this ability, he would not choose to cooperate with him.

Think of Bai Xiaofei's strength.

The fear in Ling Tianzun's heart couldn't help but become deeper and thicker. He secretly made up his mind that whenever he met Bai Xiaofei in the future, he would leave immediately without saying a word, so as not to lose his life. After regaining his composure, Ling Tianzun frowned and asked, "What else did you find out? Is there any news about Da Sima?"

"Back to the king!"

Xiao Yao immediately reported: "According to those human masters who escaped from birth, Da Sima was beheaded by Bai Xiaofei as early as the beginning of the natural disaster!"

"Sure enough!"

When Ling Tianzun heard the words, his heart froze.

Immediately, he hurriedly called the military advisor and the generals, and immediately launched an emergency meeting.

Regardless of the reaction of Yaozu.

the other side.

Near Yunxie Mountain, Bai Xiaofei, Song Daitian and others joined together. At this time, the natural disaster has been fixed, the world's highest peak has completely disappeared and turned into ruins, but there is a huge rock sphere in the sky, which has become a more famous strange scenery, shocking countless human races and monster races.

Those human masters who had escaped from the sky were overwhelmed with gratitude to Bai Xiaofei, and they were convinced, and immediately expressed that they would swear to follow Bai Xiaofei to the death. And the high-level personnel of the East Island resident also came one after another, imitating those people, and expressed their loyalty to Bai Xiaofei on the spot.

Coupled with the surrender of the lord of the world, the Sacred Dragon King, Niu Gui and Ba Kui, Bai Xiaofei's subordinate forces immediately achieved unprecedented development, and it can be said that the general trend has come! If you add the rebel army led by Penny and Fat Ying, and Boss Ge's forces, Bai Xiaofei's military strength is very outstanding, and it can completely compete with the other three major forces of the human race.


There is more than that!

In order to judge the troubled times, Bai Xiaofei convened everyone and held a discussion meeting to discuss how to fight against the demon clan.


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