The Storm God

Chapter 1491 Heavenly Dao Supreme Treasure! (Please subscribe!)

East Island station.

Song Daitian and others, as well as many generals of the monster tribe, are gathering together now, discussing how to counterattack the new demon king and restore peace to the world. As for Bai Xiaofei? He was not here, but found a relatively secluded and quiet place, and began to comprehend the treasure left by Emperor Ren, that is, the stele beyond the sky.

Bai Xiaofei is not interested in marching and fighting, and there is no benefit to be gained. If there is no benefit, someone who can't get up early, of course, will not waste his time to get involved with Song Daitian and others, like this For small matters, just leave it to them to solve it themselves, after all, their power is quite good now.

As long as Song Daitian and others are not too incompetent, generally there will be no problems.


Just to be on the safe side.

Bai Xiaofei took the little demon king Huba away.

After all, this is related to Bai Xiaofei's special mission, once something unexpected happens to Huba, the many rewards will be completely wasted. The Stele Beyond Heaven is extremely mysterious, and Bai Xiaofei himself doesn't know how long he will comprehend it, so... Just in case, it's better to keep it with you.

on this...

Song Tianyin and his wife were naturally very reluctant.

After instilling Bai Xiaofei's memory and getting along with them for more than half a year, they have already developed a great emotional bond with the little demon king Huba. I'm afraid everyone will feel unhappy about the sudden separation of their family of three. But Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to take care of that, and directly used "help Huba improve his own strength" as an excuse, and dismissed the other party with a few words.

A small island in the East China Sea.


The little demon king looked around in a daze, full of curiosity.

Until now, he still doesn't understand why Bai Xiaofei brought him here alone. Although the name is to help him improve his strength, the other party didn't move at all. He only cared about comprehending the stele outside the sky. Such perfunctory Huba, the little demon king, couldn't help but feel depressed because of his unreasonable behavior.

Huba couldn't bear the loneliness, so he kept shouting "Huba Huba" around Bai Xiaofei.

It is also strange to say.

Other monsters, when they grow up to the level of Huba, have basically learned to speak, no matter whether it is the language of the monster race or the human race, there will be a little bit of difference, but Huba is an exception. He couldn't say a word in a daze, and after tossing and turning, there was only one "huba".

Such a weird scene made Bai Xiaofei think of the tree figure Groot in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and the other party would also say: "I am Groot!"

If the two of them meet, I believe they will become confidants!

"OK OK!"

Bai Xiaofei glared at Huba angrily.

Then he patted the seat next to him, and patiently explained: "Come here, I didn't fool you, I really planned to improve your strength, but your current situation has completely exceeded my expectations, those talented people Bao, it’s already negligible for your growth and improvement, so I can only find another way!"

The little demon king Huba has now entered a juvenile state.

The body shape has changed quite a lot, especially after the battle of Yunxie Mountain, two pairs of demon wings have evolved, and they have the ability to fly, and their strength has greatly improved. However, the disadvantage that came with it was that Bai Xiaofei's natural talents and earthly treasures were almost negligible for the improvement of the little demon king Huba.


At this moment, the little demon king Huba's strength has reached a certain bottleneck.

It is very difficult to break through the shackles and go further, relying solely on the power of medicinal materials and elixirs, so Bai Xiaofei can only turn his finger on this mysterious stele from beyond the sky, hoping to find out some secrets from it, and use it on his own. While gaining huge benefits, it can also elevate the little demon king Huba.


Wishes are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Bai Xiaofei had just sat down, before he could completely calm down to study, the little demon king Huba started to make troubles. In desperation, Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to call him over, and after a lot of talking, he managed to persuade Huba to be quiet, otherwise, with such a troublemaker around him, no one would be able to concentrate on comprehending it.

"do not move!"

Pointing at Huba's eyebrows.

Bai Xiaofei said with a serious face: "I'm here to help you concentrate carefully, don't mess around, or you won't be allowed to eat later!"


I heard no food was given.

The little demon king Huba immediately became honest, a typical foodie.

The subsequent actions went much smoother. With the help of Bai Xiaofei's mind power, the little demon king Huba quickly calmed down, and then followed Bai Xiaofei's instructions, looking intently at the opposite Tianwai Stone Tablet, looking obsessed Obviously, he has obtained some benefits from it.

It is also strange to say.

Although no one can understand the mysterious inscriptions on the stele outside the sky, as long as you concentrate your mind and spirit and try hard to observe it, no matter if you are a human or a monster, you will get a certain amount of information from it, or It is the practice of exercises, or some kind of secret book, or the direct awakening of a special ability.

Just like Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu.

The two of them also observe the stele outside the sky, but what they comprehend are completely different methods of cultivation. One is scholarly spirit, and the other is Martial God Suikong. Although they are different, without exception, they are all extremely powerful and heaven-defying divine skills. Even a master like Bai Xiaofei has no power to parry, which shows how awesome this stele is.

Seeing that the little demon king Huba had already entered the state, as if he was comprehending some profound and powerful secret technique, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, finally feeling relieved. Then he also began to put his mind on the stele outside the sky, but Bai Xiaofei didn't start to comprehend it immediately, but summoned the little boy and ordered him to conduct a detection and analysis on the stele outside the sky.


Bai Xiaofei secretly calculated in his heart: "Such an awesome treasure should be some kind of treasure in the world. If it is sold to the Time and Space Mall, it should be able to make a lot of money!"

All right!

Compared with exercises or something.

Someone obviously cares more about being able to gain benefits directly.

The origin of the stele outside the sky is obviously very powerful. Even with the current level 4 space-time shuttle, it took more than an hour to analyze it, and the scan was barely completed.

Afterwards, the little boy said to Bai Xiaofei with a serious face: "Master, this stele outside the sky is extraordinary. It not only contains infinite principles of the universe, the mysteries of the universe, but also hides an extremely powerful mysterious power! The current level of the space-time shuttle cannot measure its specific value at all!"


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei was stunned.

The space-time shuttle can't measure the specific value of this stele outside the sky? How can this be? You know, even the Infinity Gem in the Marvel universe, the space-time shuttle can give an approximate value, but this stele beyond the sky can't be estimated? Could it be that this stele is a treasure beyond the limit of the space-time shuttle's level 4 ability?


This is incredible!

According to this, isn't the stele outside the sky in front of you more awesome than the infinite gemstone? !


The little boy nodded and said: "The stele outside the sky is indeed more powerful than the infinite gemstone. Although it cannot provide infinite power, it contains unimaginable mysteries, such as the exercises and secret skills comprehended by Emperor Wen and others. Wait, it's just the most superficial thing, and no one has been able to comprehend its true mystery so far!"


"It's not a problem at all to become a deity and immortal, and how can you simply let some monsters be killed? If my prediction is correct, this stele outside the sky should be some kind of treasure similar to the incarnation of heaven, such as It is rumored that Hongjun Daozu enlightened the good fortune jade plate! It is a pity that it was cut off, and it is only a small piece of the whole!"

"Otherwise you will lose your money!"


A look of regret.

"Heavenly Dao Supreme Treasure!"

Bai Xiaofei was dumbfounded when he heard it.

Looking at the Tianwai stone tablet on the opposite side, he said blankly in disbelief: "My dear! You say it... is comparable to Hongjun's enlightened good luck jade plate? Fuck me! Even if it is only a small part, it is very heaven-defying. That's great! I didn't expect to find such a treasure in this time travel, it's just a burst of character!"

Someone was so excited that he almost jumped up excitedly.

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei calmed down, stared at the stele outside the sky with bright eyes, and asked the little boy, "Little boy, if I sell it to the Time and Space Mall, how much benefit can I get? And... since it is the way of heaven The treasure is rich in power against the sky, if you absorb it, can you upgrade the space-time shuttle to another level?"


The little boy was silent for a while.

It seemed to be analyzing and estimating, and finally said: "Master, I can't give you an accurate answer, but according to the grade value of this Heavenly Dao Stele, if you sell it, you should get an astronomical energy value and The power of fate, as for the merit, there is not much!"

"As for whether it can be upgraded?"

"The answer is obvious. It's like an elementary school student cannot read the textbook given by the doctor's professor. With the current level and strength of the space-time shuttle, it is impossible to understand the mystery of the stele of heaven, and naturally it is impossible to absorb its infinite meaning. Weili, at best, can learn some superficial knowledge and abilities from it!"

"This is simply reckless!"


The little boy looked at Bai Xiaofei with a serious face, and persuaded him solemnly: "Master, I don't recommend you to do this! Although you can get a lot of rewards in this way, in the long run, it is tantamount to killing the chicken and taking the egg." When your strength reaches a certain level in the future, you will find that energy values ​​are useless at all!"

"The only thing that can help you go further is the Supreme Treasure of Heaven!"


Speaking of which.

The little boy kept silent.

After all, it is just a tool spirit and a servant, and Bai Xiaofei is the real master. How to choose it depends on Bai Xiaofei himself.


Bai Xiaofei fell silent.

How could he not understand what the little kid said?

Just looking at the treasure you got, but you can't use it for real enlightenment, and you can't get other rewards. You can only watch and get some fur. This feeling is really uncomfortable! After a lot of entanglement and hesitation in his heart, Bai Xiaofei's rationality finally defeated his desire, and he gave up his plan to sell the stele of heaven.

"That's all!"

"I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so let's save it and make the most of it later!"

"Get some interest now!"


After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei restrained his mind, stopped thinking about other things, and began to comprehend one by one.

As for him and the little demon king Huba, this comprehension took a full half a month, during which time they didn't eat or drink, or even didn't move at all, just sat there blankly, as if their spirits had entered another void, Inextricable. Fortunately, this person and one monster are all powerful people, even if they don't eat or drink for half a month, it won't hurt.


They are fine.

But the people and monsters outside are different.


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