The Storm God

Chapter 1492 It's at stake! (Please subscribe!)

The capital Chang'an.

Boss Ge and the others looked hostile.

The monster race is coming fiercely, the human race is weak, but there are still many people fighting each other, so that the battle situation is getting more and more unfavorable. Now... the monster army broke through the Shuntian Mansion, drove all the way in, and attacked outside Chang'an City, and it was about to approach the city, but the big bosses in the city were still plotting against each other, it was really annoying!


"These bastards, every good thing, when, are they still plotting fame, fortune and power!"

"Everyone is so stupid!"


Boss Ge is quite shameless about the behavior of the big bosses in the capital.

However, his current status is very embarrassing, and he is in the capital, so he can't get involved at all, so he can only stare blankly and worry, there is nothing he can do. The only thing he can do is to keep praying in his heart that his master, Bai Xiaofei, can inherit the legacy of the Emperor Ren as soon as possible, and then lead his subordinates to settle the current extremely chaotic situation as soon as possible.

Within the Yaozu territory.

The rebels led by Penny and Fat Ying.

Under the powerful combination of the Voldemort Fire Demon and the Rock Demon Beast, they basically did not encounter any difficult opponents, and made great strides all the way, laying down a lot of territory. But the new demon king Ling Tianzun suddenly changed his strategy, no longer caring about the affairs within the realm of the demon clan, but put all his energy on attacking the human race.


Although the rebels seem to be doing well here.

But in fact, what they gained was just some innocuous territories, and they didn't actually cause much damage to the new demon king's forces. On the contrary, with the gradual expansion of the territory, coupled with Ling Tianzun's disregard, some generals of the monster clan also began to move their own thoughts.

It is precisely because "fighting the country is easy, but defending the country is difficult".

This sentence is the same no matter whether it is used in the human race or the demon race. Penny and Fat Ying's strength is not very high, and it is difficult to convince the crowd, so their leading positions among the demons are getting worse day by day!

If it weren't for the backing of Voldemort Fire Demon and Rock Demon Beast, the two monsters would have been overthrown and replaced by other monsters long ago.

The only gratifying thing is that under the leadership of the Holy Dragon King Niu Gui Ba Kui, the sea monsters in the four seas, together with the tens of thousands of masters near the Dongdao station, and some peaceful monsters, led by Song Daitian and others , Steady and steady, but gained a firm foothold, and gradually expanded outwards, repulsed many new demon king forces, and took back many human territories.


Their numbers and army are still a little small. In addition, with the gradual expansion of the territory, a lot of troubles followed. Their offensive steps are obviously less than the number of defensive times, and they are restricted by the enemy's guerrilla warfare to those defeated territories.

And take advantage of this time.

Ling Tianzun, on the other hand, led his own army, constantly attacking cities and lands, and took down countless human cities and towns.


Within the entire human territory.

Only the capital city of Chang'an and several nearby big cities are still struggling to support it, and the rest of the towns have all become the possessions of the monster clan. The situation is quite unfavorable for the human race. If they don't think of a way in time, plan a counterattack, and save Chang'an and other towns, the consequences will be unimaginable.

But in such an atmosphere.

On a small island in the East China Sea, Bai Xiaofei and the little demon king Huba finally woke up from the comprehension of the stone tablet of the way of heaven.

"Huba! Huba!"

The Little Demon King seemed to have benefited greatly.

As soon as he came to his senses, he jumped up and down at Bai Xiaofei with an excited expression on his face, that was a joy.

At the same time, Bai Xiaofei was also surprised to find that the strength of the little demon king Huba had undergone an earth-shaking change after comprehending the stele of the way of heaven. He not only broke through a certain bottleneck of his own, but also stepped into a A whole new field. It is conservatively estimated that the little demon king Huba must have at least one-third of Bai Xiaofei's strength now!

"It's incredible!"

Such a speed of improvement surprised Bai Xiaofei.

But thinking about it carefully, it is not difficult to understand. After all, this stone tablet is a treasure of the heavens, with unpredictable power. In addition, in the body of the little demon king Huba, he has an extraordinary background, a special bloodline, and a strange energy possession. Usually, he feeds on Bai Xiaofei's many treasures of heaven and earth, but now he has accumulated a lot of money, which seems to be reasonable.

The only fly in the ointment is that with the improvement of strength and the complete refinement of the strange energy in his body, the little demon king Huba has finally grown and fully developed. He has lost his original cuteness and has become much more mature. Officially from adolescence to youth, the body becomes stronger and bigger.

With four legs, dragon horns, and two pairs of demon wings on the back, the current Huba truly has the domineering appearance and charm of a dragon.

"very good!"

See the amazing transformation of the little demon king Huba.

Bai Xiaofei's mood at this moment was undoubtedly very excited and joyful. The more powerful Huba is, the less worries he will have when dealing with the demon clan and unifying the two races of humans and demons in the future, and even... Maybe the little demon king Huba can already flex his muscles and help Bai Xiaofei.

Speaking of strength.

To say that the one who has improved the most is Bai Xiaofei himself.

After more than half a month of comprehension, with the help of the Heavenly Way Stele, Bai Xiaofei's overall strength and many abilities have all been improved and qualitatively changed to varying degrees, allowing him to enter the realm of the holy level, becoming extremely stable and peaceful. He was solid and firmly established his position as a saint-level master.

But these are not the point.

The most important thing is that with the help of the special power of the Heavenly Dao Stone Tablet, everything Bai Xiaofei has learned has gradually tended to merge into one. Whether it's martial arts, the way of the sword, the way of Tai Chi, or magic, ninjutsu, or the soul, spiritual aspects, etc., it's like eight-treasure porridge boiled in a pot, and it is gradually evolving into something that truly belongs to Bai Xiaofei. .

That's right!

After comprehending the stele of the way of heaven.

Bai Xiaofei didn't acquire powerful techniques, secret skills, or awaken any special abilities like the others. The real benefit he gained was to integrate everything he had learned. Although a perfect cultivation system has not been completely formed, after all, there is a general idea.

This is an incredibly important start!

In the future, as long as Bai Xiaofei continues to comprehend the stone tablet of the way of heaven, and add his knowledge and understanding of his own power, I believe it will not take long for him to completely integrate them into one body and create his own way. A clear understanding of one's own way is more important than any heaven-defying techniques and secret techniques!

on this...

Someone knows it too.

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with the result of this enlightenment.

What made him even more happy was that with the improvement of his own strength and a certain degree of understanding of his own Dao, the space-time shuttle actually gained a lot of benefits because of this, and gave Bai Xiaofei the means to relieve part of his strength Restricting the rewards of the seal allows him to do things more freely.

"That's great!"

"Although the power of science and technology is still severely sealed, the unblocking of other means has greatly helped me to subdue the two races of humans and demons! What I currently lack most is manpower. With their help, I believe that this The unparalleled war involving the two races of humans and monsters will soon be quelled!"

"This unblocking is really coming at a very high time!"


Bai Xiaofei said excitedly.

But at this moment, a contact stone in his arms flashed suddenly, which indicated that there was an urgent situation that required Bai Xiaofei to act in person. Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help frowning, and took out the contact stone out of curiosity, and after a careful look, he realized that the news was passed down from ancient times by Song Daitian.

The message is very simple.

There is only a short line of words on it: "The monster army is besieging the capital Chang'an, and the human race is at stake!"

"So fast?"

Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback.

He never expected that the monster army led by Ling Tianzun would take down the rest of the towns of the human race so quickly, and now they even hit the capital Chang'an in one fell swoop. Chang'an is the capital of the human race, and it is also the last line of defense. If the city is lost, the entire human race will completely lose confidence and hope.

This crucial battle for the human race!

It's no wonder that Song Daitian sent Bai Xiaofei a message desperately, asking him to come out in person!

In the past, Bai Xiaofei might still feel quite a headache for such a difficult problem. After all, no matter how strong he is, he is still only one person. Facing an army of hundreds of thousands of monsters, no matter how fierce he is, it is impossible to block all of them. monster. But now... after some methods have been unblocked, someone is full of confidence!


"Let's take this opportunity to let the human race and demon race in the world of Monster Hunt get a good look at my methods, Bai Xiaofei! It can also be regarded as laying an incomparably solid foundation for my future rule! Huba, now is also the time to do it!" Show off your prestige as the Little Demon King."

"let's go!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Xiaofei took the little demon king Huba, and directly used the Flying Thunder God technique to teleport to Boss Ge in Chang'an, the capital city.


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