The Storm God

Chapter 1493 Destroy the Zhaixing Pavilion! (Please subscribe!)


In a certain mansion, as the figures of Bai Xiaofei and Huba suddenly flashed, Boss Ge, who sensed the master's aura, soon came to them, and shouted in surprise: "Great! Master, you are finally here!" I'm relieved now, Chang'an City is saved!"

Boss Ge was so excited, as if he saw the savior.


Bai Xiaofei nodded lightly.

Immediately asked: "Let's talk about the situation in Chang'an City first. I just came out of retreat, and I don't know much about the outside world."

"Yes, Master!"

Boss Ge immediately spoke in detail.

Of course, because he has been staying in Chang'an City all the time, most of what Boss Ge knows is near the capital, and he doesn't know about other places further away. But... just these are enough, the importance of other places can't be compared with the capital Chang'an, Bai Xiaofei's most urgent task is to solve the crisis of Chang'an first.

According to Boss Ge's explanation, the reason why the city defense forces near Chang'an City were defeated so quickly was entirely due to the selfishness of the people in power. None of the three existing forces would mobilize their elite core forces for fear of being exhausted and losing their rights and status.


"A bunch of idiots!"


Although Bai Xiaofei had already expected it, when he heard the news with his own ears, he still couldn't help but feel a little angry. When is this, those bastards are still thinking about fighting for power, it's just hateful! "It seems that... if you want to get rid of foreign troubles, you must first solve these internal troubles!"


"If these bastards stab a knife in the back, it's really troublesome!"

"Where are they?"


After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei's eyes suddenly flashed with murderous intent, showing his sharpness.


Boss Ge immediately said: "The three existing forces of the human race are the imperial palace cabinet, the rich and powerful in the city, and the former imperial guards. They occupy the imperial palace, the Zhaixing Pavilion, and the general's mansion in the city respectively. The mansion where we are located Just in the middle of the three!"


Bai Xiaofei pondered for a while.

Afterwards, he fixed his eyes and said, "Let's go to the Star Picking Pavilion first!"

The Zhaixing Pavilion is the headquarters of the rich and powerful in Chang'an City. The reason why Bai Xiaofei went there first was because he didn't have any good feelings for these so-called rich and powerful. Usually, they are nothing more than fish and meat, but now that the world is in chaos, these guys have gathered a crowd to make some kind of profit.

Such behaviors are simply like vampires and must be eradicated!


Boss Ge took the order immediately.

Immediately, he looked at Bai Xiaofei suspiciously, and asked, "Master, is it just the three of us, or should we find some help?"

It's not that he has doubts about Bai Xiaofei's strength, but that the current situation is in chaos, and the three major forces have gathered almost all the masters of the existing human race, with a large number of people; plus the monster army outside, they are always attacking Considering the defense of Chang'an City, there is a possibility of losing it at any time, so Boss Ge didn't want Bai Xiaofei to waste too much time, so as not to have long nights and dreams.


Bai Xiaofei knew what he wanted.

Hearing this, he immediately gave a disdainful smile, and said coldly: "It's just some soldiers and crab generals, so there's no need to find someone!"

The implication is that we don't pay attention to each other at all, and only the three of us go.


Boss Ge was helpless.

He could only obey orders, who made Bai Xiaofei the master and he the slave.


Under the leadership of Boss Ge.

Bai Xiaofei brought the little demon king Huba, and soon came to the Zhaixing Pavilion.

Along the way, there were crowds of fleeing refugees everywhere, densely packed and almost filling every corner of the street, their faces were full of despair and despondency. Especially when he saw Huba, the little demon king beside Bai Xiaofei, his eyes were filled with fear, fear, hatred, and boundless anger.


Forced by the powerful influence of the little demon king Huba.

None of these people who hated the Yaozu for plundering their homes, relatives, friends, etc., dared to take a step forward to attack Huba. The demon king Huba glanced at him, fearing that he would be killed because of this.


Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but sighed.

I thought it was no wonder it was such a critical juncture, and so many people were not mobilized into the city defense by the three major forces to resist the invasion of the demon clan. It is true that these people did not have any courage to resist at all, and were completely defeated by the demon clan. The clan was frightened and told them to go over, maybe it would have the opposite effect.


He is not paying attention to these people.

Turning his head and looking at the Zhaixing Pavilion on the opposite side, the Zhaixing Pavilion is a very vast and huge building. Dare to call it the word "Zhaixing", which fully demonstrates its ambition and intention at the beginning of its construction, which is to surpass the sky. Gao, meaning picking up the stars and taking the moon, has now become the base camp of the rich and powerful in the city.

Boss Ge was about to go forward, but was immediately stopped by several guards guarding the gate.

And the attitude of the other party is quite barbaric!

"Go away!"

"This is the Zhaixing Pavilion, if you dare to move forward, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Get out of here!"


Arrogant and domineering.

Several guards also aimed their weapons at Boss Ge one after another, as if he was going to kill someone if he didn't leave.

Boss Ge was about to say something.

At this moment……


But Bai Xiaofei snorted coldly.

The incomparably powerful skill is concentrated in the dantian, exhaled and opened the voice, using the skill of the lion's roar, and shouted in a deep voice: "What a star picking pavilion! The human race is at stake, and you still have the intention to be arrogant and domineering here, bullying your own people, it is simply unreasonable If you are not destroyed today, I, Bai Xiaofei, will write the three characters upside down!"

The sound shook the whole world, earth-shattering.

The terrifying sound waves spread layer by layer, and the lingering power remained undiminished. Not to mention a mere Zhaixing Pavilion, everyone in the entire street was probably alarmed.


"Is he the legendary reincarnated Martial Emperor Bai Xiaofei?"

"We're saved now!"


The person's name is the shadow of the tree.

The illustrious reputation that Bai Xiaofei once gained was like a thunderbolt to the ordinary people around him. Now that Chang'an City is in danger, seeing the rumored reincarnated Martial Emperor appear, the first reaction in these people's hearts is joy, what kind of monster army is not worth mentioning in front of the reincarnated Martial Emperor's name !

It's not that people blindly believe in Bai Xiaofei.


The might of the Martial Emperor is too classic.

After all, the person who drove the monster race into the deep mountains and created the prosperity of the human race was the famous Emperor Wu.

People thought that Bai Xiaofei could inherit the title of Martial Emperor, which means that he must be just like Martial Emperor, extremely powerful, dealing with monster clans is like chopping melons and vegetables. With Bai Xiaofei in Chang'an City, everything will be safe of. Even... under the leadership of Bai Xiaofei, the human race will definitely rise again and completely beat the monster race back.

Hold this state of mind.

All the people who were affected by Bai Xiaofei's prestige could not help but shift their minds and eyes to the Zhaixing Pavilion. At the same time, the wealthy and dignitaries in the Zhaixing Pavilion were also completely frightened by Bai Xiaofei's voice, and their faces changed drastically, they were extremely shocked, and then they did not dare to neglect, and hurried out from inside.

"Retire all!"


With the anger of an old man with white beard.

After hearing Bai Xiaofei's name, those guards who were so frightened that they didn't faint on the spot immediately ran away as if they had been pardoned. Bai Xiaofei ignored the guards who pushed away, but frowned and looked at the old man with white beard, and said coldly: "Are you the owner of this Star Picking Pavilion, the representative elected by those rich and powerful?"

The old man with white beard looks at least 70 years old.

She is extremely thin, with thin eyes and eagle nose. Although she is dressed in a dignified manner, the first impression she gives is not a good one. And behind him, followed by six or seven big-waisted, fat and oily guys, all dressed in gold and silver, extremely luxurious, full of the aura of nouveau riche.

Around them, there were more than 20 wild celestial masters holding magical weapons. Looking at the copper coins hanging on their chests, they were all masters with more than seven coins!

"It's right here!"

The white-bearded old man didn't mean to be angry at Bai Xiaofei's rudeness. He nodded with a smile on hearing this, and said, "Your Excellency is the rumored reincarnated Martial Emperor Bai Xiaofei? Sure enough, he is extraordinary and unpredictable! But he doesn't know." If we have offended you in Zhaxing Pavilion, please tell us clearly, we will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation!"


Up to now, they thought it was their subordinates who offended Bai Xiaofei.

Still want to calm down!


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei smiled coldly.

Then he said domineeringly: "You didn't offend me, I just simply didn't like you! Now... I will give you one last chance to disband all the forces and put them all into the city defense to fight against the monster army. Make up for the mistakes, otherwise your end will only be one word—”



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