The Storm God

Chapter 1494: A Feast of Slaughter! (Please subscribe!)


Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was so tough and extremely resolute, the old man with white beard and the others couldn't help but their faces changed drastically, and each of them could no longer maintain their calm state of mind. As if looking at a monster, they immediately backed away from Bai Xiaofei, as if they were afraid that Bai Xiaofei would attack him and others.

at the same time.

The masters around, also under the consciousness of the white bearded old man's eyes, surrounded them one after another, protecting them all in the middle, with a dignified appearance of being ready and extremely vigilant. Seeing the other party's posture, it's probably not ready to do what Bai Xiaofei wants.

"Your Mightiness!"

The old man with white beard frowned and looked at Bai Xiaofei.

His voice also cooled down, and he said in a deep voice: "You are doing this, is it a bit too difficult for others? The Zhaixing Pavilion is a force that we have built with great difficulty. How can it be disbanded by you in a few words? And... the Communist Party of China in the city There are three major forces, but you just came to us, could it be that you were sent by the other two major forces to provoke us?"

"Your Excellency is known as the reincarnated Martial Emperor. I originally thought that Your Excellency would be a sage with the virtue of tolerance, but I didn't realize it. It turns out that you are also a narrow-minded person. Now Chang'an City is in a critical moment. You Don't think about how to deal with the Yaozu, but actually took the lead in attacking our Zhaixing Pavilion, which really chilled the hearts of all the patriots present!"

An old fox is an old fox.

Even in the face of such a perverted master like Bai Xiaofei, despite the horror in his heart, he still kept a clear head, and in a flash, with a few words, he pushed Bai Xiaofei to the face of national righteousness. If Bai Xiaofei still wants to deal with Zhaixing Pavilion at this time, he will bear a lot of infamy.

The old man with the white beard finished speaking.

A smug look lit up in his eyes, and he said to himself: "Bai Xiaofei, even if you are the most powerful in the world, so what if you can be called the reincarnation of the Martial Emperor? In the face of national justice, I don't believe you dare to risk the world's disobedience." For, massacre us and greatly deplete the available combat power of the human race!"

"By the time……"

"Even if you succeed, you will be spurned by all races, and you will be infamous for the rest of your life, and you will be infamous forever!"

"I don't believe you dare to act recklessly!"


It looked like he was determined by Bai Xiaofei.

And the people around, after hearing what old man Baihu said, were indeed all taken advantage of by him. They all frowned and started discussing in private, saying that Bai Xiaofei is not good, no matter how wrong Zhaixing Pavilion is, they can't do it at this time Get rid of it, otherwise without the other party's protection, Chang'an City will be finished, and so on.


At this moment, the hearts of the people are almost all on the side of Zhaixing Pavilion.

Seeing this scene, Boss Ge was so angry that he couldn't help shouting at the people around him, "A bunch of idiots! Can't you see it? They're just using you again. What kind of shitty national righteousness is it? Are they worthy? If so, how could the human army retreat steadily and end up like this?"

He meant well.

Everything I said made sense, but it's a pity...

The people around are preconceived, and have already determined that it is Bai Xiaofei's fault. Even if the Zhaxing Pavilion is also faulty, it should not be destroyed at this time. Instead, it should try its best to preserve its strength to fight against the monster army outside. Few people could listen to Boss Ge's words.

Seeing so.

The rich and powerful people in the Zhaixing Pavilion suddenly became more proud.

Especially the old man with a white beard, he gained full confidence when he saw this, cleared his throat, and then said to Bai Xiaofei: "Your Excellency, have you seen it? This is the power of people's hearts! Even if there is something wrong with our Zhaixing Pavilion , but it is an indispensable force against the monster army, you deal with us, it is to destroy the entire human race!"

"Your Excellency, let's just retreat here, so as not to go astray and bear the infamy that will last forever!"

"We can pretend nothing happened!"


Look like I'm doing it for your own good.

Now what the people want, Zhaixing Pavilion is on the side of national righteousness, the old man with white beard is full of confidence, if you don't believe Bai Xiaofei, he dares to mess around!

It is true that what the white-bearded old man said is not unreasonable, otherwise it would not be recognized by countless people around him. If other people were here, they might be bluffed by the white-bearded old man. For his own reputation, Instead of daring to act rashly again, lest he bear the infamy that will last forever.


Bai Xiaofei didn't pay attention to those things at all.

Looking at the people in Zhaixing Pavilion, who seemed to be convinced of themselves, Bai Xiaofei sneered coldly with disdain, and said: "Let's just retreat? Humph! I think you are thinking too much, like you are blinded by power Conscience fellows should go to hell, how can I leave unless you are wiped out?"

"Since you don't eat toast, I have no choice but to kill people today!"

"go to hell!"

Before the words fell, Jian Guang wrinkled up!

Carrying Bai Xiaofei's billowing anger and murderous intent, the Sword Qi of Zhan Tianjian, like a bunch of horses, turned into an extremely sharp arc-shaped energy, like a wild horse, without giving any chance for the people in the Zhaixing Pavilion to react, almost It crossed the void in an instant, rushed directly in front of them, and then swept past.

"Puff puff!"

Blood spurted and splattered.

The huge Lord Reaching the Stars, a red feast, amazed the world.

The formation, defense, and protective power formed by the dozens of celestial masters with more than seven coins on the opposite side, in front of Bai Xiaofei's sword, seemed like paper, and did not play even the slightest role. Then everything was smashed into pieces, and then there was a series of sounds of blood spurting and falling to the ground.

Including the old man with the white beard and others, all the personnel in the Zhaixing Pavilion who appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei, at this moment, all died, and they were all dead on the spot. Especially the white-bearded old man and a few other high-ranking and wealthy dignitaries, their eyes still maintained the look of complacency just now.

It seems that they never thought that Bai Xiaofei would risk the world to do nothing, but it was like beheading them all. Until now, everyone was cut in half by Bai Xiaofei's sword light, and their bodies were turned into two pieces, blood spilled on the spot. After reacting, the triumphant look in their eyes instantly turned into endless fear and disbelief, as well as deep regret.


It's too late to say anything now.

"You actually..."

"It's impossible! How dare you..."


All of them stared wide-eyed, before finishing their words, they breathed a sigh of relief and hung up.

this moment.

The world was silent!

Everyone was stunned, and it seemed that even the wind had stopped.

All the people at the scene who saw this scene, including Boss Ge, were all dumbfounded and speechless for a long time. They were all the same as everyone in the Zhaixing Pavilion, no one thought that Bai Xiaofei would do it as soon as he said it, and he made such a domineering and ruthless move, he actually killed the opponent in seconds with one move!

While everyone feared and feared Bai Xiaofei's cruelty, they were also deeply shocked by his terrifying and perverted strength. You know, the other party is Zhaxing Pavilion! One of the three giants with only remaining strength in the human race, although he is not all the people in the Zhaixing Pavilion, he is also the elite and leader among them, and now he is defeated by Bai Xiaofei with one move!

On the other hand, Bai Xiaofei didn't even move a hand, and didn't even raise a weapon. The sword intent and aura aroused by his thoughts alone had such terrifying power. Oh My God! With such perverted strength, is this still human? As expected of the guy with the reincarnated Martial Emperor, his strength is unimaginable, beyond everyone's imagination and cognition.

this moment.

Everyone's perception of Bai Xiaofei's strength, as well as their fear, couldn't help but raise another level.

His eyes were full of fear and awe.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

Regardless of what the people around you think.

After killing a group of old guys from Zhaixing Pavilion and minions in front of him, Bai Xiaofei also inked, and summoned several space cards with different appearances on the spot. These cards grow in the wind and melt in an instant. Huge doors were made one after another, and then the door opened, and a burly, incomparably strong and burly man walked out of it.

These big men are about two or three meters tall, with green or red skin, and each one has a ferocious face, full of endless anger and wild aura, and the thighs and arms, which are as thick as the average person's waist, are full of explosive energy. Muscle and strength, and even some big men are covered with extremely hard exoskeletons and barbs, which are very difficult to mess with at first glance.

That's right!

These burly men are part of Bai Xiaofei's clone army - the green fat man, the red hulk, and the enhanced version of the clone abomination! In the past, due to the restricted seal of special missions, Bai Xiaofei couldn't use these trump cards and methods, but after comprehending the stele of the way of heaven, Bai Xiaofei has been unsealed, and he can follow these clone legions at will.


As soon as the three major clone legions appeared, they wantonly announced their existence to the people around them. They roared to the sky and roared, completely breaking the quiet atmosphere of the scene. The violent and powerful aura and formation made the people around them They were all shocked, each one was full of fear and horror, they couldn't help backing away.

Even Boss Ge is no exception.

There were no people around, Bai Xiaofei directed at the three major clone legions, and said in a cold voice: "Bloodwash the Zhaxing Pavilion, anyone who resists and is stubborn will be killed without mercy!"


The fighters of the three major clone legions don't have any reason, they are weapons and tools purely for fighting, and they only have obedience and command in their minds. Hearing this, they all roared angrily and took orders to leave. Like a raging wild beast, it rushed into the Star Picking Pavilion like a tide.

follow closely……

In the huge Star Picking Pavilion, there were bursts of shrill screams.

Obviously, the killing feast has begun!


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