The Storm God

Chapter 1495 Make Me King! (Please subscribe!)

The space cards of the three legions have an astonishingly large capacity.

The number of people that can be accommodated is more than 10,000 at least, not to mention... these are just three of the cards. In Bai Xiaofei's dimensional space, there are hundreds of similar cards. ! If Bai Xiaofei is released, the entire Chang'an City may not be able to hold it!

To deal with a small Star Picking Pavilion, Bai Xiaofei did not release all the clone legion fighters in the three cards, but only released about a thousand people, one thousand green fat men, one thousand red Hulk, enhanced version He hates a mixed army of one thousand, totaling about three thousand people.

well known.

Whether it's the green fat man, the red hulk, or the enhanced version of the abomination, they are very powerful monster-level characters. There are dozens of tons of strength in every move, gesture, and movement, which can be called terrifying! Coupled with rough skin and thick flesh, they are extremely resistant to beatings, and have amazing resilience. With such a large number, the combat power can be imagined!

Although there are countless masters in the world of Monster Hunting, the real top experts are only a few after all. Those ordinary so-called top celestial masters, although there are many magic tools and spells available, their power cannot be underestimated, but in the small In the building of the Zhaixing Pavilion, it is obviously not enough to deal with the three monster clone legions that are in groups and cooperate with each other.

After a while, the Xingxing Pavilion, which was as high as nineteen floors, completely fell silent. All the clone fighters retreated obediently, and behind them were many human masters who had been beaten black and swollen. Fortunately, they surrendered early, otherwise they would have been tortured to death long ago.

This moment has come.

It can be said that Bai Xiaofei completely took away the base camp of Star Picking Pavilion. And those who survived and chose to surrender were not many in number, only a hundred or so in total. Among them... there are also some rich and powerful people. Bai Xiaofei didn't pay any attention to these people's kowtows and begging for mercy.

After instructing the three major clone legions to return to the space card, Bai Xiaofei put away the card, turned his head to look at Boss Ge, and said in a deep voice: "The Zhaixing Pavilion is now in name only, and even if there are still some evils left, it will not be able to make any waves. Next, we should go to the next stop."


Boss Ge cheered up: "Master, please come with me, the General's Mansion is to the southwest of this place!"

conversation room.

One person and two monsters have already walked out.

The people around them recovered from the shock and fear just now, and their expressions were extremely complicated. Especially those who chose to surrender and saved their lives. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei ignored him and others and just walked away, they were dumbfounded on the spot, and they didn't know what to do for a while.


They thought about it for a long time, then gritted their teeth, and all got up and rushed towards the general's mansion. Not only them, but the countless common people and fugitives around were also rushing to watch a good show, or wanting to know what Bai Xiaofei was going to do, and more than half of them followed.

It's just that their speed is too slow.

When the crowd finally rushed to the general's mansion, Bai Xiaofei had already left. There were only messes and countless corpses left on the scene, as well as some soldiers and generals who were also beaten up with bruised noses and faces that were almost unbearable. It can be seen that Bai Xiaofei has already fought against the forces of the General's Mansion, and even won a crushing victory!

In just a few moments.

After the Zhaixing Pavilion, the second largest force in the human race, the General's Mansion, was also taken over by Bai Xiaofei! Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene couldn't help but gasped, and thought to themselves: "My God! What is Bai Xiaofei going to do? Could it be that he wants to kill all the forces of the big organization and become king by himself?!"


Everyone turned their attention to the palace.

Among the only three remaining forces in the human race, the Zhaixing Pavilion, which is mostly composed of wild masters, is the weakest, followed by the General's Mansion, and the strongest is the Imperial Palace's cabinet. After all, they are all high-ranking officials and ministers with power over the government and the public, and their profound background is far beyond the comparison of ordinary people.

Most of the defense forces of the entire Chang'an City are in charge of the cabinet forces of the imperial palace. Although these guys follow power and politics as they please, they are also very clear about the truth of "there are no eggs under a nest", otherwise, if they fight wholeheartedly with Zhaixing Pavilion and General's Mansion, the other two will not be the same at all!

Now that the Zhaixing Pavilion and the General's Mansion are all closed down, people around can't help but start to wonder how long the cabinet power in the palace can last in Bai Xiaofei's hands? With such thoughts in mind, everyone rushed towards the palace in one go.


To everyone's surprise, there was no fighting or chaos in the palace, and everyone couldn't even see the slightest strangeness, as if Bai Xiaofei had never been here before, but everyone was absolutely sure that Bai Xiaofei was indeed in the palace. Here it comes.


"What's going on in the current situation?"

"Have the two sides reconciled?"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

As a matter of fact, everyone guessed that it was very close to ten. When Bai Xiaofei set off to head towards the palace, the palace cabinet, which had already received the news from the city that Bai Xiaofei had successively cut off the Xingxing Pavilion and the General's Mansion, had already sent people to the palace. At the door, they waited respectfully for Bai Xiaofei's arrival.

Compared with the toughness of the Zhaixing Pavilion and the General's Mansion, the Palace Cabinet has adopted a more gentle and gentle attitude. Seeing that the other party was very polite, respected him very much, and seemed to have something to say, Bai Xiaofei couldn't get mad on the spot, so he followed the other party's wishes and entered the palace to discuss in detail with the other party.


This is not because Bai Xiaofei has a good temper.

It was because he didn't have the intention of killing people indiscriminately anymore, and he took down the Zhaxing Pavilion and the General's Mansion in one go, just to scare the chickens and monkeys. In addition, as far as the palace and the cabinet are concerned, their behavior and handling of things are relatively well-behaved, they are not overly reckless, and they are more passive defensive, so Bai Xiaofei is so easy to talk about.


If the other party is the same as the other two.

Selfish, disregarding the safety of the world, only caring for power and profit, and seeking benefits for himself, Bai Xiaofei doesn't care what the other party's attitude is, just convince him first!

Closer to home.

Under the leadership of several ministers, Bai Xiaofei quickly came to the cabinet hall of the imperial palace. At this time, all the core members of the cabinet, except for a few who were responsible for the defense of Chang'an City, were not present, and almost all the rest were present. Seeing Bai Xiaofei's arrival, everyone put on a very welcoming and respectful look.

"I have heard for a long time that Mr. Bai is famous as the reincarnated Emperor Wu. When I saw him today, he really deserves his reputation!" A group of cabinet ministers deserved to be engaged in politics. When Fei said good things, he almost praised Bai Xiaofei to the sky.

"Without further ado!"

It's just that Bai Xiaofei doesn't accept their tricks at all. Hearing this, his complexion darkened immediately, and he said in a cold voice: "I'm not here to listen to your flattery, but to ask for a definite answer from you. I'll give you two choices now: one is to go with Zhaixing Pavilion and the General's Mansion." The same, I was completely convinced and took it away..."


"It is to submit to me completely and make me king!"

"How do you choose?"


When it comes to this.

Bai Xiaofei looked at the eyes of all the cabinet ministers present, and layers of awe-inspiring murderous intent flashed immediately, and it was self-evident what he meant. To make it clear is to tell everyone, you'd better think clearly before answering, otherwise, if you think about it, you will really die.

It can be described as a naked threat!


All the cabinet ministers present were not stupid. They were able to achieve this position and become the leaders and core figures in the troubled times. They were all extraordinary people. Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was so direct and straight to the point, they expressed their intentions. He froze, then began to frown in thought.

Bai Xiaofei didn't urge the other party either, but waited patiently for everyone's reply.

After a while, the cabinet ministers seemed to have a plan, and one of the old ministers, who seemed to be the representative, came out in front of Bai Xiaofei. He didn't give Bai Xiaofei his own answer right away, but instead asked instead: "Your Excellency Bai Xiaofei, before answering your question, we would like to ask you one thing, can you clarify for us?"


Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei suddenly became interested, and said with a smile, "What is it?"

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was so eloquent, all the ministers were overjoyed. They looked at each other, and then the old minister said: "Your Excellency, may I ask if you have inherited the treasure of the Emperor Ren? I will experience it, otherwise... even if I die, I will not surrender to you!"

In the end.

The faces of the ministers became extremely resolute.


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