The Storm God

Chapter 1496 Worry-free Emperor! (Please subscribe!)


"I didn't expect you to know about Emperor Ren's Legacy?"

"It's really interesting!"


Bai Xiaofei laughed even deeper.

He never expected that these cabinet ministers not only knew the news about Renhuang's legacy, but also seemed to be quite loyal. In order to protect the so-called royal orthodoxy, they would not hesitate to abandon their own lives. This made Bai Xiaofei look at these people with admiration up.


The old minister nodded.

Immediately, he opened his mouth to explain: "After the fake Emperor Renhuang's Dongchuang incident happened, we cabinet ministers had no leader, and it happened that the demon clan invaded on a large scale. As a last resort, we could only read the secret documents collected by His Majesty Renhuang. From this we I learned the important information passed down by the emperors of the past dynasties, and at the same time understood the mystery of the disappearance of Song Daitian and others!"

"If Your Excellency obtains the inheritance of Emperor Ren's Legacy, we needn't say much, we will regard you as the Lord, swear allegiance to the death, and help Your Excellency to unite all forces to fight against the demon clan and become the fourth emperor in the history of the human race." .Otherwise... even if we die, we will never bear the infamy of eternal infamy!"

"Your Excellency, please prove one or two things!"


Say the last.

A group of ministers actually took out short knives and daggers, and put them on their necks.

The meaning of this posture couldn't be more obvious. If Bai Xiaofei obtained the inheritance of the Renhuang's Legacy, they could justifiably "surrender". If not, they knew that they were not Bai Xiaofei's opponents, so they would rather commit suicide if they were not spared the humiliation and faced even greater ravages. Simply neat!


Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei was speechless.

He still acts as these ministers, it's really a noble character, it turns out that it's just for the reputation after death. But anyway, at least those bastards from Zhaixing Pavilion and General's Mansion are much stronger, and Bai Xiaofei doesn't bother to care about these guys, as long as the other party really surrenders.


Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly.

Under the watchful eyes of dozens of ministers, all the Wuhuang Excalibur and Renhuang Excalibur were summoned.

After seeing these two divine swords, all the ministers widened their eyes, full of excitement and surprise. They may not know exactly what the Renhuang Legacy is, but these two divine swords are clearly recorded and described in the secret biography of the palace. Especially Renhuang Excalibur, as Renhuang's personal glimpse and weapon, the ministers are very familiar with it.

Seeing the two divine swords circling Bai Xiaofei faintly like a child, everyone believed Bai Xiaofei's words more than 60% of the time. After scrutinizing it carefully for a while, the representative old minister suddenly said in doubt: "Your Excellency, we are familiar with the Renhuang Excalibur, and it is confirmed that there is no problem, but this Martial Emperor Excalibur..."

He didn't finish his sentence.

But the meaning is very obvious - this is obviously different from the records and rumors, you are not fooling us, are you?


Bai Xiaofei had expected this scene a long time ago.

Hearing this, he smiled slightly, and the Wuhuang Excalibur began to change in an instant, returning to its previous appearance in the blink of an eye. And he explained: "To be honest, this Martial Emperor's Excalibur is the secret key and key needed for the succession of the emperors of all dynasties. Only those who have been approved by the Martial Emperor's Excalibur can be qualified for inheritance!"

"At the same time, this Martial Emperor's Excalibur will also be automatically made into the most suitable weapon form for each inheritor according to the different characteristics of each inheritor. What Emperor Wen comprehends is the spirit of the scholar, and what Emperor Martial Arts cultivates is the Martial God Broken Kong , so they are two different civil and military swords, and I..."

"I have learned a lot, and it is as wide-ranging as the sea, so after the Wuhuang Shenjian recognized me, it transformed into this form. The body of the sword is like water, the elite is clear, the heart moves at will, and it is ever-changing. It can carry any of my skills and skills. The secret technique, after all, increases its power by more than ten times!"



Talking and talking.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly pointed.

A burst of sword intent was shot, and the Martial Emperor's Sword instantly sensed it, and shot out the same sword intent, but it was stronger and richer. It easily shot a big hole in the protective barrier in the hall, making everyone The ministers were startled immediately, and thought to themselves: "It's such a terrifying power. Just a casual blow, it actually broke through the protective barrier of the hall. It is worthy of the Martial Emperor's Excalibur!"

up to now.

Dozens of cabinet ministers have already written about 90% of their letters to Bai Xiaofei.

However, in order to ensure that everything was safe, they still raised another question very cautiously, that is, they wanted to see with their own eyes the secret treasures that were rumored to be passed down by the emperors of the past dynasties. This is called verification. In fact, it is mostly selfish. It is said that it is a secret treasure that can only be inherited and enlightened by emperors of all dynasties. How can you just see it if you want?


Nor did they hide their selfishness and intentions.

This can't be hidden, Bai Xiaofei is not a fool, how could he not see such a straightforward and obvious calculation? It's just that Bai Xiaofei didn't care at all. Hearing this, Bai Xiaofei laughed and said proudly: "Okay! Although this move is a bit out of order, but it's a troubled time right now, and I don't care much about it. I'll just satisfy your curiosity!"


With a thought in his mind, the space card flashed instantly.

The card became larger, the door opened, and the stele of the way of heaven, which was covered with inscriptions of vast profound truths, immediately appeared in front of all the ministers. After just one glance, these dozens of ministers froze in place, dumbfounded. Everyone's mind and energy were deeply attracted by the Heavenly Dao Stone Tablet, and they were all mesmerized by it, unable to extricate themselves!


Less than a minute.

Bai Xiaofei immediately closed the space card and sent it into the dimensional space. And with the stele of the way of heaven taken away, dozens of ministers had no treasures to watch. It was as if watching an AV masturbation, just when they were about to erupt with passion, but suddenly refused to watch it, and they were stuck there on the spot , Depressed to death, so hung up on "impotence + impotence".


"I'm seeing the critical moment, why is it gone?"

"It's simply unreasonable!"


Dozens of ministers were in a hurry, as if they were going to eat people with rage.

However, with Bai Xiaofei's chuckle, they quickly recovered, and then one by one you looked at me and I looked at you, all dumbfounded. Only then did everyone realize that they had forgotten Bai Xiaofei's existence just now, and only those profound truths comprehended through the stele of the way of heaven were in their hearts, and they were hopelessly addicted, completely forgetting themselves!


Bai Xiaofei looked at the crowd with a smile, and asked, "Why, is this secret treasure passed down by the emperors of the past dynasties fake?"

"How can it be!"

"All the ordinary people like me can instantly comprehend countless mysteries and truths. How could it be false? This is absolutely true!"

"It is worthy of being the treasure of the human race in the rumors, it is really incredible!"

"That's right! It can't be fake!"


Everyone looked swearing.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but smiled even more proudly, and then said: "Very good! You have seen the Martial Emperor's Excalibur, and even the vegetation of the heavenly law that only emperors can inherit and comprehend, I made an exception and let you comprehend for a while." Fan, should give me a definite answer, too?"

As soon as this statement came out.

The scene suddenly fell into an incomparable silence.

I saw dozens of ministers opposite each other, looking at each other, as if they were having some kind of communication, but in a blink of an eye, they all nodded in unison, and knelt down on the ground with a very tacit "plop", and Kneeling and bowing to Bai Xiaofei with one voice, he said: "I will pay my respects to Your Majesty, long live my emperor!"

"Get up!"

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with the behavior of these ministers.

Seeing that the goal has been achieved, these people have completely surrendered, became their own younger brothers, and recognized their position as emperor, a certain person was very relieved, and then he raised his hand pretendingly and said: "I am here There are not so many rules, you don’t need to bow down in the future, just bow to show respect!”

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Although the ministers didn't quite understand why Bai Xiaofei wanted to be so different, even the etiquette of kneeling and worshiping was abolished directly, but there was a decree from the Holy Spirit, they dared not disobey, they could only obey the order and responded in unison. Then the old minister said: "Your Majesty, the emperors of all dynasties have their own emperor titles. I don't know what your majesty's emperor title is..."

"Just call me Heavenly Emperor!"

Bai Xiaofei pondered for a moment, then directly set his emperor title, and explained: "The name of the country is [Worriless]. My ideal is the world is peaceful, the country is peaceful and the people are safe, humans and monsters coexist, and harmony and prosperity! Start from me." , there will be no so-called human race and monster race anymore, regardless of people or monsters, they are all the subjects of my Wuyou Heavenly Emperor!"

"Under my rule, I want all the people to live a carefree and happy life!"


The ministers never expected that Bai Xiaofei would say such shocking words, especially the slogan "Humans and monsters coexist in harmony and prosper", which was completely incomprehensible to everyone. After all, the monster race is now aggressively invading the human race Well, at such a critical juncture, you tell everyone this? Isn't this a joke?

Dozens of ministers couldn't help but stay on the spot one by one. It wasn't until quite a while later that they finally came to their senses. Everyone felt that Bai Xiaofei's move was inappropriate, and they were about to speak up to persuade him, but Bai Xiaofei didn't give any advice at all. When they had the opportunity to speak, they directly talked about how to fight against the Yaozu.


"Now is not the time to talk about those insignificant things. Let's talk about the layout of the city defense of the capital Chang'an and the remaining combat power of the human race!"

"This will affect our next counterattack plan!"


The voice just fell.

Bai Xiaofei looked directly at the old minister, and said, "Let's start with you!"


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