The Storm God

Chapter 1497 Crazy violent soldiers! (Please subscribe!)

Outside Chang'an City.

The tide-like monster army is attacking fiercely, and the city's protective formation like an egg shell is shaken by the bombardment under the fierce and domineering attack of the opponent. , but still stubbornly resisted, standing still, making the monster army outside screaming with anger.


"I didn't expect that the protective array in the capital is so powerful. It's been fighting for several days, and it's still not broken!"

"It's as solid as gold!"


Jing Tianpo gritted his teeth and said.

Next to him, there were several other monster generals, who sighed helplessly when they heard the words. They were extremely amazed and admired by the protective formation of the capital in front of them. With such a large formation, how could it be easily captured by those rebels?"

Although the monster clan is now in such a powerful situation that they have beaten the human race to the point of no defense, but the power and territory in the monster clan's homeland have suffered extremely serious losses, almost losing more than half of their territory. This undoubtedly made many Yaozu feel very sorry and depressed.

"Attack with all your strength!"

Thinking of the dire situation in the local territory, one of the giant monsters who resembled a dragon and a tortoise flashed in his eyes and said, "This Chang'an City is the last base of the human race. It is normal that it is difficult to fight. After all, it is the capital of a country. But after so many days of repeated bombardment, the energy should have been almost exhausted!"

"As long as this big formation is broken, the human race will be completely finished. At that time, the entire human race's territory will be owned by our monster race! At that time, there will be no restraint by these human races. If you want to clean up those damn rebels, why not?" An easy thing?"

"Master Xuantian's words are right!"

Another general with a snake head and a tiger body nodded in agreement, and then suggested: "In this case, why don't we send out our ace troops!"


Hearing the words, the other generals were stunned, frowning and hesitantly said: "Those ace troops are the ultimate means we use to deal with Bai Xiaofei. Is it too early to use them now? If something goes wrong, Your Majesty the Demon King, I'm afraid they won't easily bypass us, I think we should think about it again!"

"Think about it!"

The dragon tortoise general known as Xuantian said impatiently: "The strength of Bai Xiaofei is indeed unimaginable, but the other party has disappeared for more than half a month, who knows where is the nest and what kind of magical power is being learned, if we If we don't take advantage of this opportunity, quickly take down Chang'an City, and when the other party achieves his magic, we will have no chance at all!"

"Listen to me, send out all the ace troops to completely destroy this damn big formation!"

"I'll take care of what happened!"


A domineering look.

The rest of the generals were about to persuade them again to avoid any trouble.

After all, the ace troop was bought by the demon king Ling Tianzun at a huge price. If one fails, it may lead to the defeat of the demon clan, losing everything, and even losing all the advantages of the battle and being resisted. The army counter-killed, so it must not be sloppy.

And at this moment.

On the opposite side, at the edge of the Chang'an City's protective formation, a group of special human warriors suddenly appeared. The reason why they are special is that almost all of these warriors look the same, with green skin all over, huge height, and muscular muscles. , looks extremely strong, very sturdy!

It was one of Bai Xiaofei's three clone legions——

The Fat Green Legion.

At the same time, in other locations in Chang'an City, Bai Xiaofei's other two clone armies, the Red Hulk army, and the enhanced version of the hate army, also surged out from the east and west sides respectively, becoming The mainstay of resisting the monster army, withstood most of the enemy's impact.

Not only that.

This time, Bai Xiaofei's other hole cards, such as the Flying Dragon Legion, such as the Destroy King Dragon Legion... etc., were also released by Bai Xiaofei, forming a full 360-degree circle around the defensive formation of Chang'an City. There came out an endless and powerful backup army of all kinds of people and monsters that had never been heard before!





Soldiers of the major legions.

Whether it is the green fat man, the red hulk, the enhanced version of the abomination, or the ancient flying dragon, the destroying king dragon, the unicorn dragon, the dragon unicorn, etc., one by one is like a tiger out of the cage, a soaring dragon, and a wild horse that has run away. Instead of the soldiers of the human race, the defense force of Chang'an City was replaced.

The appearance of this force was too sudden.

Moreover, the momentum is like a rainbow, and the number is endless. In a short period of time, the situation of passive defense has directly become the upper hand of active attack. In a daze, the monster army, which was completely confused and didn't understand the situation at all, was beaten back steadily, with heavy casualties, almost completely defeated!

It's not that the monsters of the Yaozu are too weak, but that these legion fighters of Bai Xiaofei are too fierce, too strong, and too perverted!

First of all, the green fat man and the red hulk, the enhanced version of hatred, although they look similar to humans, they are actually beasts in human form. Weapons can also cause terrifying damage!

And the flying dragon army, destroying king dragon army, dragon unicorn army, unicorn dragon army, etc., these are the monster army through and through, and any warrior inside is a monster through and through. The monsters in the world generally have special superpowers, but they are superior in their own quality, strength, rough skin and thick flesh, and the number is almost endless!

The monstrous high-temperature flames, the domineering physical attacks, the corrosive and perverted high-strength acid, the wild aura of fearless death...

Coupled with the absolute numerical advantage...


Just ask if you are afraid to shoot?

He played all his cards and almost used all his crazy violent soldiers. If he couldn't defeat the monster army outside, then Bai Xiaofei should find a piece of tofu and smash him head-on to death.

Seeing the situation in Chang'an City that was almost crumbling, in the blink of an eye, Bai Xiaofei's violent strategy defeated all the demon army, almost defeated, and fled in embarrassment. Countless human races in the city, Although they were a little confused about the situation and where these strange reinforcements came from, they still couldn't help bursting out bursts of shocking cheers.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the city.

The current results, Chang'an City can stand upright, and the monster army is defeated and fled in an instant, all thanks to the new emperor of the human race - Emperor Wuyou, and this is the fourth emperor of the human race after Emperor Wen, Emperor Wu, and Emperor Ren , it was Bai Xiaofei who was known as the reincarnated Martial Emperor by countless people and demons like thunder before.


All the human and monster races were stunned.


"Bai Xiaofei has become the new emperor of the human race?"

"When did this happen?"


Everyone was stunned.

Of course, the human race is undoubtedly cheering and excited. With the new emperor, the situation on the human race's side will no longer be leaderless. What's more, Bai Xiaofei is still so powerful and defying the sky, and he has so many powerful troops under him. Now against the monster army, the human race can finally pat their chests and feel completely proud!

On the other hand, after hearing the news, the monster clan was immediately frightened and appalled. The morale of the army almost dropped to the extreme, and it was extremely demoralized.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, not to mention the terrifying Bai Xiaofei.

How can you fight this?

"Damn it!"

In the base of the Yaozu army.

General Xuantian was so angry that he jumped into a rage and shouted: "But it's Ke Nima's! If I had listened to me and dispatched the trump card troops quickly, how could we have fallen into such a situation? It's okay now, that perverted Bai Xiaofei Not only did he come, but he also became the emperor of the human race inexplicably!"

"Now that the human race is united as one, the army is determined, and there are such strong reinforcements, are you very happy now?"

"Now tell me, how to fight this battle?"

"What are you talking about!"


General Xuantian's eyes seemed to be about to burst into flames, he stared fiercely at the generals who blocked him before, the horrified aura, and the indisputable facts made them speechless and speechless. In the end, I could only grit my teeth helplessly, and said, "Master Xuantian, I am being foolish. But now is not the time to investigate who is right and who is wrong. Our top priority is to restore the lost battle situation!"


Another Yaozu general heard the words and said: "We have an unshirkable responsibility for the defeat in this battle. In order to make up for the mistakes we made, I am willing to personally lead the troops and be responsible for the strong support of the opponent. In order to make up for the mistakes, I hope Master Xuantian will complete it!"


Although General Xuantian was extremely annoyed, his mind was not in a mess, and he didn't write anything when he heard the words, so he nodded and agreed immediately.

Then began to deploy troops and generals, formulate strategies and strategies, and then ordered several generals: "The enemy army is powerful now, even if we send trump cards, it may not be able to restore the current situation, but at this juncture, no matter what, We can't back down anymore, so... use all your skills and fight to the death!"

"For the Yaozu, dedicate everything!"


The faces of the generals were extremely serious.

With resolute gazes, they all responded in unison: "For the sake of the Yaozu, we will definitely go through fire and water, and we will do whatever it takes!"


Several generals began to split up.

And as the ace troops led by them joined the battle, the entire chaotic battlefield suddenly changed dramatically. Originally, the momentum was overwhelming, and the monster army was bombarded all the way. The soldiers of the major legions who suffered heavy casualties finally encountered an extremely difficult bone, and the forward trend of the impact came to an abrupt end!


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