The Storm God

Chapter 1498 Invincible! (Please subscribe!)

In the city.

In the palace.

Bai Xiaofei sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, constantly summoning space cards, crazy violent soldiers, trying to use absolute force and numbers to completely repel the hundreds of thousands of demon army outside Chang'an City, and then use this as a basis to launch a counterattack The horn of the demon clan. Although he was not on the battlefield, nothing that happened outside could escape Bai Xiaofei's eyes.

after all……

On those space cards, there are sensory devices for spiritual magic and some black technology monitoring systems. In the past, Bai Xiaofei might not be able to use it, but with the rewards of the system, some of the seal restrictions were lifted, and now Bai Xiaofei can use many technological products as he likes.

"very good!"

"Just keep this rock, beat them all to the ground in one go!"

"Continue to rush out!"


Seeing his major legion troops going all the way like a broken bamboo, defeating the Yaozu one by one, Bai Xiaofei was naturally very happy, because everything outside was proceeding smoothly according to his plan. According to this situation, I am afraid that it will not be long before the danger of Chang'an City can be completely resolved.


Bai Xiaofei's smile didn't last long.

About a moment later, in the south direction outside the city, the Fatty Green Legion, which had been invincible all the way, encountered a huge obstacle. The speed of advancement suddenly slowed down, and even became stagnant. Not only that, it seems that more or less similar phenomena have appeared in other directions of Chang'an City.

Bai Xiaofei's armies were all attacked and stopped at almost the same time.


"It's amazing that the Yaozu can still have such a powerful army!"

"Looks like it's going to be serious!"


After the surprise.

Bai Xiaofei immediately laughed out loud.

Immediately, he silently summoned the Mudun avatar, and then took out the vibrating gold crown with a mental communication system device, and put it on his head. His spiritual consciousness was instantly split into two, and he entered the Mudun avatar. Controlling the clone of Mu Dun, he quickly flew towards the south of the city where the clone army suffered the worst situation.

The Mutun avatar has the special eyes of reincarnation from the world of Naruto, with super strength and unparalleled speed. Although Chang'an City is large, Bai Xiaofei possessed the clone of Mu Dun and turned into Bai Xiaoxing. It didn't take long for Bai Xiaofei to cross this huge distance and appear above the battlefield outside the city.

at this time……

The battlefield outside has become a complete mess.

The native city defense forces in Chang'an City, because they were ordered, did not go out of the city to chase the monsters, but kept their duty and still garrisoned the city of the capital. The task of attacking the monster clan all fell on Bai Xiaofei's clone army. And the ones in the south who are responsible for chasing the enemy are the Fatty Green Legion.

Although the green fat man has the appearance of a human, his body is extremely strong, almost half the height of a person, and he is covered in green and green, and is everywhere in the mountains and plains. If you don't pay attention, no one will regard them as humans. Coupled with the countless monsters of various monster races around, mixing with each other, fighting and fighting, it's no wonder that there is no chaos!


No matter how chaotic the battlefield is.

It is also possible to roughly see some of the advantages and disadvantages of each other.

From a distance, all the soldiers of the Fatty Green Legion seemed to be waves of surging green sea waves, rolling up a shocking power, rushing and beating the monster army crazily, unstoppable. The monster army is like ships and flat boats on the sea, constantly broken up, sunk by the green waves, and completely swallowed up.


The above description is only limited to the previous.

With the mobilization of the ace troops of the Yaozu, the Fatty Green Legion finally encountered a stubborn reef. In the distance to the south, countless white monsters suddenly emerged from the army of the monster clan, layer by layer like snow-white waves, and with their strange abilities, they resisted the impact of the fat green army.

Not only that.

They even gradually took the initiative.

It was as if the waves of the lake in a clear spring wanted to completely push the green algae on the lake to the shore to clear them away, but instead of retreating, they began to withstand the powerful impact of the green fat legion, and once again moved towards Chang'an City, launching an attack. The pace of charging and advancing, although the speed is a bit slow, but it is very obvious that it is advancing!

In other words.

At this moment, the fat green army was beaten back by the opponent!

This is not to say that the soldiers of the Fat Green Legion cloned from Hulk are weak, but that the snow-white monsters that suddenly appeared on the opposite side are all too weird. Although their types seem to be obviously different, they are all different They have almost the same ability, that is, the extremely terrifying power of ice!

Where those snow-white monsters passed by, the ground was instantly icy cold, not to mention covered with frost and ice crystals, and even the surrounding temperature dropped by several tens of degrees, as if suddenly entering the summer from summer. It was like the icy cold winter, not to mention that the soldiers of the Fatty Green Army were greatly affected and restrained, even the monster army had a lot of monsters frozen in place.

The entire bloody and cruel battlefield became completely white because of the appearance of these snow-white monsters, and was covered with a pure and beautiful veil!

The power and terror of its ice power can be seen from this!


Bai Xiaofei's Green Fat Legion Warrior is the Green Fat Hulk that was perfectly cloned from Bruce Banner's body. He is powerful and unpredictable, and his various resistances and resilience are also amazing. The effect is unique, only the Hulk in Bruce Banner's body.

The soldiers of the Fatty Green Legion only cloned its shape, but did not get its god. Although the strength is very strong, the achievements and levels are limited after all. Once the enemy's strength exceeds this limit, the soldiers of the Fatty Green Legion are no different from ordinary people, as for being abused!

Just like now...

Those snow-white monsters with mysterious origins, full of icy power, terrifying and abnormal, gather all over the mountains and plains, and can even change the climate, making this hot summer like the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month. It can be seen that they are strong. It seems that he is proficient in combination attack formations and cheats, and the power of combat attacks is even more powerful, unbelievable!

The biggest flaw of mass-produced fighters is that their power attributes are too single. When the green and fat legion encounters these snow-white monsters, they are naturally restrained everywhere, and they are frozen on the spot. , was beaten by the enemy without any power to fight back, gradually lost the advantage of the upper hand, and was even returned by the enemy's counterattack.

In fact, it's not just the green fat army.

The fighters of the other major legions outside Chang'an City were also more or less embarrassed and caught off guard by the snow-white monsters, but the fighters of other legions had an advantage in terms of strength compared to the green fat , or in other words, they are relatively resistant to the power of ice and cold, so even though they were also defeated, they were not as miserable as the green fat army.

For example, the Flying Dragon Legion and the Dragon Qilin Legion, these two fighters who are born to fly and have the power of flames, can be said to have the least losses among all clone fighters. It is precisely because of this that Bai Xiaofei sent Mu Dun's clone, incarnated as Bai Xiaoxing, to help the green and fat army. You can't just watch the green and fat army wiped out, right?


"It's just a matter of borrowing you to try the power of the spirit fire technique I obtained earlier!"

"I hope you don't disappoint me."


Bai Xiaoxing laughed strangely.

Afterwards, he quickly formed seals, and according to the requirements of the spirit fire technique, he crazily condensed his own inner strength, and then blended with the air of heaven and earth, compatible with each other, and merged into one, and then ignited with the heart fire, turning into an incomparably powerful The alien spiritual fire scorched the heavens and the earth, burning up the void!

Because most of the power attributes of the Mu Dun avatar are chakras, it will take a certain amount of time to transform into a huge internal force. And during this period, Yaozu was naturally not a fool, just watching him condense big moves in the sky, turning a blind eye.

"kill him!"

Sensing that Mu Dun's avatar seemed to be performing some powerful trick, and its aura was constantly changing, the generals on the Yaozu side immediately began to dispatch troops, dispatching thousands of flying monsters, and hundreds of flying monsters. The snow-white monsters that could only fly all moved towards Mu Dun's clone and besieged them.

Those flying monsters are nothing more than that, their strength is not strong, and they don't have any special abilities, so Bai Xiaoxing doesn't pay attention to them at all.


Hundreds of snow-white monsters are different.

The opponent's icy power is really frightening, even with the formidable strength of the Mu Dun avatar, at this moment, he can feel the bursts of icy cold and piercing, which shows the horror of his ability. If you let the opponent attack you, there is no guarantee that you will not capsize in the gutter and accidentally fall into the opponent's way.


Just to be on the safe side.

With a thought, Bai Xiaoxing immediately summoned the space card, released the Heavenly Dao Xiongba and the Human Dao Sword Master, and protected him to ensure the smooth execution of the spirit fire technique. The two puppets are complete fighting tools. As soon as they appeared, they displayed their unique skills one after another, and killed the monsters rushing from the opposite side to their heart's content.

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

"Three-point magic finger!"

"Sword of the Holy Spirit!"

"Soul Devour!"


The two puppets cooperated seamlessly, with all kinds of unique skills and killing moves, and they were protected in front of the main body of the wooden dungeon avatar. . It bought enough time for Bai Xiaoxing to gather his internal strength and perform the spirit fire technique.

"It's finally done!"

"Hey, little snow monsters, today I will show you the power of my strange spirit fire!"

"Let's all be reduced to ashes!"


Bai Xiaoxing roared excitedly.

next moment.

He smiled evilly and raised his index finger.

Immediately afterwards, a very spiritual and strange little flame, like a cute elf, immediately appeared in the void not far above Bai Xiaoxing's index finger, and with Bai Xiaoxing's flick, it was like a shooting star, It cut through the sky at a high speed, and crashed towards the endless snow-white monsters on the ground!

"Boom boom boom!"

The shape of the strange little flame was not big at first, just like a cherry, but as the speed of the stroke increased, it grew in the wind, and turned into a super huge fireball in a blink of an eye, just like a real shooting star , crashed into the countless groups of snow-white monster beasts on the ground.

follow closely……

The raging flames soaring into the sky filled the entire earth in an instant!


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