The Storm God

Chapter 1499 Shock the world! (Please subscribe!)


"Damn! What kind of fire is this, why can't it be extinguished?!"



After the alien spiritual fire fell, it instantly turned into a raging sea of ​​flames. The roaring spiritual fire, like a flood that destroyed the world, almost wiped out the entire battlefield in a blink of an eye. Whether it is those snow-white monsters with the power of ice cold, or the green and fat legion soldiers sealed by ice, none of them survived, and they all died in the sea of ​​flames!


The sky and the earth are crying, mourning everywhere!

The soldiers of the Green Fat Legion are fine, after all, they are just clones. As early as the design was formed, they were used as puppets as combat tools. They were directly removed from pain and reason, and only obedience and orders were in their minds. Absolutely prohibited. So even if they were affected by the spiritual fire and died on the spot, they would not complain or feel pain at all.

But those snow-white monsters who are the aces are completely different!

Fire and ice are intolerable!

Flame is their nemesis.

Although the opponent's icy cold power was powerful and terrifying, it was not enough when compared with the turbulent and burning alien spiritual fire fueled by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This is like taking a glass of ice cubes and ice water to irrigate a volcano full of boiling magma. The two are not of the same magnitude at all. The fate of the snow-white monsters can only be one death!


They died quite miserable.

Whenever the snow-white monsters affected by the alien spirit fire are like snow under the scorching sun, they melt into a puddle of blood in the blink of an eye, and are finally roasted into steam by the extremely hot flames in an instant, and then decompose. , became the oxygen for the burning of the alien spirit fire, expanded the fire power and range of the spirit fire, and continued to burn other monsters.

Seeing such a horrific death, the snow-white monsters who were lucky enough not to be burned to death were all frightened immediately. How could they even care about attacking? They all turned around and fled in horror, wanting to die. They ran fast, but the terrifying icy power around them killed a large number of the ordinary monsters who were hiding behind them and waiting to reap the benefits.

The fire of the alien spirit fire has not burned to the rear of the monster clan army. These frightened snow-white monsters have already played the role of butcher knives, froze the army behind the monster clan to death , Injuries, injuries, it is called a bitter and miserable, coupled with the burning of the sea of ​​​​foreign spiritual fire, the casualties are called a heavy one.


"What kind of flame is that? Why is it so terrifying, ask someone to find a way to extinguish it and kill that person!"

"Don't run away, calm down for me!"

"I will kill anyone who runs away..."



The monster generals in the base at the rear, seeing such a situation, were all furious and furious, so that they did not vomit blood and depressed themselves to death. In addition to being frightened and angry, they all hurriedly dispatched troops to relieve the current situation. The miserable situation, reduce the casualties of Yaozu.


The power of the alien spirit fire is really terrifying.

The absolute mortal enemy and nemesis of the snow-white monsters almost killed them, and they scared them out of their wits. Even if the monarch and king of the snow-white monsters appeared on the battlefield, they personally went out to stop them, and wanted to order their subordinates to calm down. It's useless to come down, and even a few of them were hit by the fleeing snow-white monsters and squatted, and then trampled by the fleeing monsters behind.

Pity those snow demon monarchs, they didn't die in the hands of the enemy, but they died under the trample of their own clansmen.

Such a way of dying is really extremely sad.

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

"Twenty-two swords!"

"Soul Devour!"

"Earth Explosion Star!"


And the other side.

In the sky, the demon clan knew that the terrifying flames were all produced by Bai Xiaoxing, who is the avatar of Mu Dun. Since the flames cannot be extinguished, they can directly eliminate the source, which can also solve the immediate crisis, so they dispatched countless flying demons. The beasts, the snow-white monsters, all rushed towards Bai Xiaoxing.


There are the guardians of Heavenly Dao Xiongba and Humane Sword Saint.

No matter what kind of monsters the monster clan sent, and how terrifying the number was, there was nothing they could do about them. It's not that the Yaozu's strength is poor, but the abilities of the two puppets are simply too buggy. A big killer move that is omnipotent in close combat and has repulsion and gravitational force, the monsters often fall for it before they understand what's going on.

Either he was blown away in a daze, and he was so confused that he couldn't find the north, or he was sucked in for no reason, and then he was killed by the human swordsman, like chopping melons and vegetables, and even his own body. The soul was also absorbed by the human sword master. It can be said that he lost his wife and lost his army. Stealing chickens won't make a fortune!

After going back and forth, not only did the Yaozu not do anything to the two puppets, but they were killed a lot by others. The remains of the corpses were like dumplings. Huge potholes and ravines were smashed out of the ground, which were directly burned to ashes by the alien spirit fire.

That's a horrible sight!


Some monsters with better luck, although they were not killed on the spot and absorbed their souls, they were all absorbed into the sky by the Earth Explosion Star of the Heavenly Dao. The huge sphere, floating in the sky, is domineering and awe-inspiring, shocking the world.

Everyone who saw this scene.

No matter if it was the human race or the monster race, everyone was dumbfounded and horrified.

It was only now that they were shocked to discover that the terrifying super celestial giant ball in Yunxie Mountain was created by this domineering man in front of them. It is so powerful that it is truly astounding, and it has seriously exceeded their imagination and cognition , especially seeing it with my own eyes now, the trembling and fear coming from the depths of my soul can be said to be more profound and inextricable.


Under the terrifying suppression of this absolute force.

It can be said that the morale of the army on the Yaozu side has completely collapsed. Whether it is the king of the snow-white monsters or the generals of other monsters, they almost lost all confidence on the spot. What about dispatching troops and generals? Seeing that the enemy is flying in the sky and on the ground, all of them are terrifying offensives that scare people to death. I have no resistance on my side, and I am helpless. How can I fight?

"damn it!"

"How could those few people be so strong, tens of thousands of monsters couldn't get close to them, and they were wiped out!"

"And the terrifying flames, which are simply endless!"

"The situation is not good, let's withdraw quickly!"

"Everyone go!"

A group of generals escaped directly!

It's not that they are cowardly, but that they have nothing to do with the enemy. Why don't they run away? To die in vain?

They are not idiots!

Even the generals and generals of the monster race ran away in such a state of embarrassment. The monsters of the monster race around them were leaderless, and without the restraint and obstruction of discipline, the posture of retreating and frantically fleeing was even more useless. mentioned. It is simply a defeat like a mountain!

More than 100,000 demon beasts turned around and ran away one after another, fleeing frantically. This kind of formation is more than a "shock" can describe.

The situation of the defeated army is like waves advancing layer by layer. Under the peerless majesty of the alien spirit fire, the astonishing power of the heavenly hero and the human sword master, and the crazy pursuit of countless green and fat legions, in just a moment, they will be defeated. They retreated more than ten kilometers away. If it weren't for the mountains and lakes outside, they would have run farther.


"As expected of a different kind of spiritual fire, it is so powerful that it is no worse than the Amaterasu flame. If the two flames are combined into one, I don't know how terrifying it would be?"

"Hey, let's experiment with the monster race elsewhere later!"


Bai Xiaoxing whispered with a smile.

Seeing that the monster army in the south of Chang'an City was almost completely defeated, and frantically fled for more than ten kilometers to support, there was almost no threat, so he immediately took away the alien spiritual fire, as well as the Heavenly Dao Xiongba and the Humane Sword Master. After ordering the countless green and fat legion soldiers below to continue guarding this place, they flew towards the east amidst the cheers and worship of countless people at the south gate of the human race.

The east defense of Chang'an City is under the responsibility of the small number of Red Hulk Legion and the enhanced version of the Abomination Legion, which is second only to the south, while the west and north are respectively guarded by the Flying Dragon Legion and the Qilin Legion. The rough meat is thick, there are a lot of them, and it also has the power of fire and concentrated acid, so the situation is considered the best.

If you want to test the power of the alien spiritual fire + Amaterasu flame, it is natural to choose the east side where the situation is more serious!


Bai Xiaoxing arrived at the battlefield in the east.


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