The Storm God

Chapter 1500: Swallow Flames of Nothingness! (Please subscribe!)

To the east of Chang'an City.

The war is raging, the frost is spreading, blood and fire, and ice crystal frost have become the main colors now. The Red Hulk Legion and the enhanced clone abomination, although relatively rare in number, are relatively powerful, comparable to about 2 to 3 green fat monsters. Therefore, although they are still restrained against the snow-white monsters of the demon clan, the situation Far better than the south side.


This is also only temporary.

With the large-scale invasion of the monster race, the opponent used the snow-white monster to open the way, and the monster hiding behind launched a long-range attack. The combination of the two, with a tacit understanding, directly suppressed both the Red Hulk Legion and the Abomination Legion. As time goes by, it is approaching the capital at an extremely fast speed.

The living space obtained just now was taken back by the enemy almost in a blink of an eye.

"What an amazing defense!"

Bai Xiaoxing couldn't help being slightly taken aback. Just now, he didn't pay much attention to it. He just thought that these snow-white monsters had restrained and defeated the green fat army by relying on their extraordinary icy power. But now ... Seeing that the opponent was able to resist even the strong attacks of the Red Hulk and the enhanced version of Abomination, Bai Xiaoxing realized that he was wrong.

These snow-white monsters are not only capable, but their own force is also extremely astonishing. The bigger the body, the more terrifying the power. Among them, the most powerful ones can even enhance the enhanced version to slap mosquitoes. Flying like a fan, it can be seen that its strength is strong, coupled with its own icy power, it is really terrifying.

Fortunately, such snow-white monsters, like the peerless masters of the human race, are not many in number. Otherwise, the Red Hulk Legion and the Abomination Legion in the east would have been maimed by the opponent, or even Break through the defense of Chang'an City and start killing!

"I don't know where Ling Tianzun found so many snow-white monsters with such terrifying and powerful strength. I'd better make a living and ask them later!" After making up his mind, Bai Xiaoxing immediately stopped. After hesitating, he immediately did the same thing. According to the previous method, he summoned the Heavenly Dao Xiongba and the Humane Sword Master to protect him, while he concentrated on performing the spirit fire technique.

With the previous experience, this time it will be much smoother.

Bai Xiaoxing quickly condensed the alien spiritual fire, and then threw it into the monster army on the opposite side. In an instant, the battlefield turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the retreat of the Red Hulk Legion and the Abominable Legion was finally suppressed. The snow-white monsters turned into steam and fuel one after another in front of the alien spirit fire, accelerating the spread of the fire, making the monster race The army suffered heavy casualties and became a mess in an instant.

And this time.

Bai Xiaoxing put away the Heavenly Dao Xiongba and Humane Sword Master, and switched the Samsara Eye to the Eternal Kaleidoscope instead. Following the sudden change of the pattern in the pupil, as far as Bai Xiaoxing's left eye could see, a cluster of small jet-black flames burst out out of nowhere. It is the so-called Amaterasu Flame that will never be extinguished!

As soon as this small flame appeared, it immediately burned a certain snow-white monster to ashes. During his running around, he had come into contact with many of the same race, and as a result, he fully transmitted his own Amaterasu flames to other monsters, which caused the scope and scale of Amaterasu flames to increase. big.

The flame of the alien spiritual fire is crimson, and if the concentration is a little deeper, it will be a little like gold. But the fire of Amaterasu is as black as ink. Now these two flames with completely different colors exploded in the monster army and spread everywhere. The scene was extremely exciting.

The snow-white monsters of the poor monster clan, this time it is completely sad.

The alien spiritual fire is enough for them to drink a pot, it is almost their nemesis, they almost die when touched, and hurt when rubbed, it is terrifying. Fortunately, Bai Xiaoxing released another extremely overbearing Amaterasu Fire. Facing the siege of double flames, they had no choice but to run away desperately.

at the same time……

With the momentary chaos of the monster army, and the spread of flames, it continued to spread. The alien spiritual fire and the flame of Amaterasu finally came into close combat and collided together. Immediately afterwards, the two sides began to merge with each other, and a scene that made Bai Xiaoxing extremely excited was presented in front of him.

The alien spiritual fire is fueled by the aura of heaven and earth, guided by the mind and spirit of the caster. It is a spiritual flame that can be controlled arbitrarily. As long as the caster has enough cultivation, he can use the aura between heaven and earth to burn endlessly. It can be described as overbearing!

And the flame of Amaterasu.

It has extremely high heat and destructive power, and can burn everything. Without any external hindrance, the flame of Amaterasu will only be extinguished if the captured target is burned to ashes, just like tarsal maggots, very Difficult and domineering. Its only disadvantage is that it burns too slowly, and it can be defended and evaded.

In comparison, both the alien spiritual fire and the Amaterasu black flame have their own advantages and disadvantages.


Two tyrannical flames merged into one, forming a brand new flame! It is golden and timeless, like a schizophrenic with changing moods, not only possesses unimaginable high temperature and destructive power, but also seems to have its own independent consciousness, and it will split itself to catch the target.

And anyone or anything touched by the dark golden flame will be instantly ignited. That situation is like a small spark falling on something full of gasoline, and it will be completely ignited in an instant until it burns out. And for living beings, it seems to have a special domineering effect.

Bai Xiaoxing was shocked to see that those monster clans that were touched by these dark golden flames, no matter whether they were snow-white monster beasts or ordinary other monster clans, as long as they were stained with this dark golden flame, even if it was only a little bit, When that part of the body is touched by the flames, their entire body will spontaneously ignite in an instant, and then be burned to ashes in a blink of an eye!

This kind of burning is not the same thing as ordinary burning.

In the past, whether it was the alien spirit fire or the flame of Amaterasu, when attacking and burning the enemy, they used absolute high temperature to form terrifying destructive power, gradually burning the opponent's body from the outside to the inside, and even turning it into ashes , disappear completely. But after the fusion of the two flames, this phenomenon was completely changed for living beings.

Bai Xiaoxing can fully affirm that the spontaneous combustion phenomenon is completely from the inside out, just like a bomb grenade, directly detonating the life in the opponent's body, there is no possibility of escape and defense at all, unless you can completely Dodge, don't be burned by the dark golden flames, otherwise you will end up with a dead end!

Simply put...

Just touch it and die!

At least until now, there are no exceptions.

The monsters on the battlefield, whether they were snow-white monsters or other monsters, almost all of them that were burned by the dark golden flames were turned into ashes immediately, and the speed was incredible. The most important thing is that even if these monsters disappeared completely, the dark golden flames that had burned them, not only did not dissipate, but even grew stronger.

As if using the opponent's body as fuel, the more monsters the dark golden flame destroyed, the more ferocious and powerful the fire became.

One goes up and down the other, it’s hard not to have an advantage!

"Too overbearing!"

Bai Xiaoxing watched with great excitement, his eyes gleaming wildly.

He secretly said in his heart: "Unexpectedly, after the fusion of the alien spiritual fire and the flame of Amaterasu, it not only perfectly inherited the characteristic power of both parties, which greatly increased the power and made it even better, but also gave birth to a brand new characteristic power. The vitality of the enemy is used as fuel, let it ignite spontaneously, it is inevitable, it is almost certain to die, and it can also strengthen itself!"

"Such a perverted flame is simply a treasure for murder and robbery!"

"Let's call it [Void Swallow Flame] from now on!"


Looking at the dark golden flames sweeping all around the battlefield, Bai Xiaoxing suddenly thought of the name of the flame in a novel he had read—Void Swallowing Flame, and then shamelessly borrowed the other party's name, and a little Modifications were made to make it the new name of the dark golden flame.

The meaning is obvious, it is hoped that this dark golden flame can be as powerful and powerful as the nothingness swallowing flame, and even surpass the opponent in the future to become the supreme fire!


Just thinking of the name, before Bai Xiaoxing had time to be happy, he suddenly felt the power in his body, like a bank bursting, passing away quickly. He was taken aback immediately, but he soon realized that this should be caused by Void Tunyan. The alien spirit fire was fused with the flame of Amaterasu. Although it became more powerful and perverted, the consumption was also significantly higher. It's huge!

If it was just a different kind of spiritual fire, with Bai Xiaoxing's strength as a wooden body, he could easily maintain it for about 150 minutes, but now... a rough estimate, Bai Xiaoxing can maintain the appearance of nothingness swallowing flames for 30 minutes at most, And it will consume a great deal of his mind and energy.

"The power is doubled, and the consumption is also increased by about five times!" After trying to understand the key point, Bai Xiaoxing couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, and said to himself: "It seems that this Void Swallowing Flame is stronger if it is strong, but it is also The double-edged sword seems not to be used against the enemy at ordinary times, it can only be used as a trump card to give the enemy a fatal blow at a critical moment!"


Bai Xiaoxing was very happy that he had another powerful hole card.


In order to reduce the consumption of his own strength, seeing that the situation of the entire eastern battlefield is under control, the army of the monster clan is dying at this moment, fleeing as much as possible, completely lost the prestige just now, almost defeated, and fled completely. Bai Xiaoxing quickly removed the Void Tunyan.


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