The Storm God

Chapter 1501 The Snow Demon Clan! (Please subscribe!)

"Very good!"

"Those damn monsters have all been beaten away!"

"The capital is saved!"


The Yaozu enemy army was defeated.

The people in Chang'an City who saw this scene were naturally overjoyed and excited.

At the same time, they all learned that the person who is going out of the city to meet the monster army is the incarnation of His Majesty the new Emperor Wuyou. Just an incarnation outside the body has such supernatural powers, so how powerful should the deity be? At this moment, after the two major battles in the south and east of Chang'an City, people's admiration and admiration for Bai Xiaofei can be said to have climbed to a peak in an instant.

Bai Xiaofei could clearly feel that streams of pure and incomparable power of faith were continuously gathering towards him from all over the capital.

"It seems that the effect is not bad!"

He was secretly delighted, thinking that his efforts were not in vain.

But Bai Xiaofei also knew that right now was not the time to be happy. Although the monster army was defeated, it was only on the east and south sides after all. In addition, there were still two directions to the west and north that had not been resolved. Moreover, those snow-white monsters that appeared suddenly were too weird and powerful, and they had to be defeated in time.


Once they approach Chang'an City.

With the fragile defense force of the capital, it is impossible to defend the opponent's terrifying ice-cold power. And if the city defenses are damaged a bit, the entire capital will suffer. No matter how strong Bai Xiaofei is, he is still only one person after all, and now the capital is densely packed with fleeing people, once the monster clan invades, blood will flow like rivers.

And if you want to completely eliminate the snow-white monster, you can't rely on pure force alone. You must know the basics in order to be able to target.

Thinking of this, Bai Xiaoxing didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately flew down. With his skill, it would be easy for him to catch a living. Afterwards, Bai Xiaoxing used the hypnotic illusion of the eternal kaleidoscope, and began to extract the information he wanted: "Tell me, what is your origin?"

"We are the Snow Demon Clan!"

Although the snow white monster is strong, it is not enough to look at in front of Bai Xiaoxing. Almost in an instant, Bai Xiaoxing controlled his mind and narrated everything he knew in detail. It's a pity... this monster is just a young man, apart from knowing the details of his own racial origin, he doesn't know the rest of the information at all.

"Snow Demon Clan!"

After listening to the other party's narration, Bai Xiaoxing couldn't help frowning, and said in his heart: "I never imagined that there would be such a strange monster in the world of Monster Hunting. But thinking about it, I met the elf monster Voldemort before." And the giant rock monster, and now a family of snow monsters popping up, it's not surprising."

According to what the other party said.

The Snow Demon Clan is a race of monsters living in the extreme north, where the weather is freezing and frozen all year round. Almost every monster has the ability to control the extreme cold of ice and snow, and their resistance and strength are also extremely strong. Its tenacity and astonishment are several times more powerful than ordinary monsters. The only shortcoming is that it is afraid of heat!


They won't come out.

The Snow Demon Clan has lived in the extreme north for a long time, almost isolated from the outside world, rarely going out to interact with people, and even the other monsters of the Monster Clan at the same time are mostly ignorant. Even during the reigns of Emperor Wen and Emperor Wu, it was the same, and it was precisely because of this that there were hardly any rumors about the Snow Demon clan in the Library Pavilion of Tianshi Hall.

And this time.

However, the Snow Demon Clan came out very rarely, and almost all the monsters of the Clan were mobilized.

This is obviously not normal!


Bai Xiaoxing was caught alive, and he was just a young man, so he didn't know the specific reason at all. But Bai Xiaoxing is not discouraged, because from the information just now, he already knows the general situation of the Snow Demon Clan, especially the social relationship in the opponent's civilization structure.

Strange to say.

Although these monsters of the Snow Demon Clan have independent self-awareness, they have absolute loyalty and faith to those in power, just like the absolute obedience of the alien to the alien queen in the alien civilization. No matter what the people in power of the Snow Demon Clan say, they all treat it like an imperial decree, and they have no second thoughts!

Not to mention whether such a social relationship is good or bad, at least based on what Bai Xiaoxing has seen so far, there are obviously some problems in it. If the other party hadn't lied to him, then no matter how strong his side was or how many casualties the Snow Demon clan had suffered, under the control of the nest consciousness, they shouldn't feel fearful, and then they should be scared to retreat!

Bai Xiaofei, who is a human-shaped alien king and who can control even the alien queen, has a particularly deep and clear understanding of this relationship. Therefore... there is reason to suspect that there should be some changes on the side of the Snow Demon Clan. For example, the people in power of the Snow Demon Clan were controlled or killed, and others occupied the nest, and then controlled the Snow Demon Clan... …

Otherwise, the current situation cannot be explained at all.

To know.

Although the hive consciousness has absolutely fatal flaws, as long as the queen mother dies, all the soldiers will also be finished, like a piece of loose sand, without any power at all. But if used well, it is also an absolutely terrifying and deadly existence. In the world of Starship Troopers, the Zerg rely on their endless numbers and fearless style to roam the stars!

But now...

The Snow Demon Clan, who also possessed the hive consciousness, was so unbearable.

It really has to be suspicious.

"It seems..."

Bai Xiaoxing muttered to himself: "After solving the situation in the capital, it is necessary to go to the extreme north to take a look. Otherwise, in the future battles, it will be quite difficult to keep running into these snow monsters. , can’t I have to go out in person every time, can I?”

The combat power of the Snow Demon Clan is so strong that even the Green Fat Legion, the Red Hulk Legion, and the enhanced version of Abomination can contend, and even faintly suppress it. It can be seen how terrifying and perverted they are. If the hive consciousness is not solved completely, it will become a serious problem in the future!

However, there is too little information, and the current situation in the capital is troubled, Bai Xiaoxing can only endure it for the time being, and wait for the immediate situation to be resolved before planning other things.

While pondering, Bai Xiaoxing had already flown to the north of the capital.

"Boom boom boom!"

But seeing that the sky is full of black fire dragons, the fire dragons of the Flying Dragon Legion are united into one piece, like black clouds, rolling and flowing in the sky, and with every drop, they will all spray out a stream of domineering fire. High-temperature flames, confront the Snow Demon Clan on the ground!

And on the ground.

It is the densely packed King Dragon of Destruction.

It's a pity...Compared to the strength of the flying dragons, they are rather pitiful. Almost 80% of them were frozen into ice sculptures by the Snow Demon Clan, not smashed to pieces by the monsters of the Snow Demon Clan. The frozen meat wreckage that turned into a place, along with those snow monsters who were unfortunately sprayed by the flames of the fire dragon, were roasted and scorched to death on the spot!

It can be said that the casualties were heavy and the army was defeated!

However, they were originally used as cannon fodder, the purpose is to cooperate with the fire dragon army, resist the invasion of the monster race, and create the best attack time for the fire dragon, and the number is almost tens of millions, so even if the loss is now Many, Bai Xiaofei didn't feel bad at all.

It's just a pity at most.

Because the opportunity they bought with their own lives did not cause too many casualties to the Snow Demon Clan.

"Spiritual fire technique!"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaoxing immediately released the alien spirit fire.

The power of the alien spirit fire is already extremely powerful, and coupled with the high-temperature flames sprayed by flying dragons all around, adding fire to the fire, the speed at which the fire spreads and soars can be described as more rapid and domineering. After a while, the army of the Snow Demon Clan was completely screamed and howled by the burning ghosts, and fled with their tails between their legs.

Under the shock of Bai Xiaoxing, the situation in the north of the capital survived safely.


In the cheers of countless people.

Bai Xiaoxing didn't stop, and immediately flew towards the west.

Among the defensive battlefields on all sides of the capital, the situation on the west side is the best, because it is Bai Xiaofei's unicorn army that is facing the monster army on the west side, and among the unicorn army, no matter it is the unicorn dragon that can't fly, Or the dragon unicorn that can fly, both have very domineering fire control power.

Even meat unicorns that can't breathe fire or fly can act as meat shields with their rough skin, thick flesh, and infinite physical strength, and they can well defend against the impact of the monster army. The resistance is so high that even the Snow Demon clan has little effect against the Qilin Legion.

The Snow Demon Clan in the west, not only failed to restrain the Qilin Army, but was even faintly restrained by the Qilin Army in turn, and they were beaten back again and again. It's just... In terms of absolute numbers, the Snow Demon Clan has always had the upper hand, so in the current situation, although it seems that the Qilin Legion has the upper hand, it is actually not the case.

Because although the various unicorns of the Qilin Legion are powerful, their number is limited, and if they die, there will be one less. As time goes by, when the number reaches a certain scale, they will no longer be able to restrain the Snow Demon Clan. At that time, the Snow Demon Clan will definitely accumulate a lot of money and give the Qilin Legion a fierce counter-kill!

And when Bai Xiaoxing rushed to the west, it happened to be the critical moment when the Qilin Legion was seriously depleted, and finally lost to the Snow Demon Clan, and was launched a counterattack by the opponent.


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