The Storm God

Chapter 1502 Never admit defeat! (Please subscribe!)

"Looks like I'm not too late!"

Bai Xiaoxing laughed, and immediately began to do the same thing. The spirit fire technique was cast, and the powerful alien spirit fire bombarded the snow demon clan on the ground overwhelmingly. The ferocious alien spiritual fire, combined with the continuous attack of the Qilin army, caused the complete defeat of the Snow Demon clan, who could only retreat and escape continuously.

And this time the battle ended earlier than the last few times, I don't know if it was because Bai Xiaofei became more and more familiar with the spirit fire technique, or because of some order from the monster clan?


With the arrival of Bai Xiaoxing, Mu Dun's avatar, the life-and-death crisis in Chang'an, the capital city, was finally lifted. All the monster races were shocked and retreated tens of kilometers away. They probably didn't dare to launch any more attacks in a short time. No, unless the other party has a powerful method that can deal with the spirit fire technique or Bai Xiaofei.

And inside and outside the capital.

It was a sound of cheers and boiling, shaking the sky.

There is the situation of surviving after a catastrophe, excitement, joy... and other emotions, and the human race is finally no longer leaderless, with the new emperor as support, and the hope is rekindled in the heart. Of course, it was more because it was the first time that the human race had won such a sizable victory in the battle against the monster race!

This is a historic moment!

The human race will rise from now on, no longer desperate, and almost all those who are lucky enough to witness this scene feel happy from the bottom of their hearts.

However, Bai Xiaoxing didn't have time to care what the people around him thought. After solving the hidden dangers and difficulties inside and outside the capital, he immediately returned to the palace. The separation of spiritual consciousness and remote control, although the wear and tear has been very small due to the continuous improvement of technology, it cannot stand the high-intensity battle and the continuous squandering of using the spiritual fire technique that requires extremely high mental strength!

"Unexpectedly, the mental drain is so great!"

When Bai Xiaofei finally ended the remote control of his mental consciousness, he just felt a huge sense of exhaustion and sleepiness in his brain, as if an ordinary person hadn't slept for three days and three nights, and had been having crazy sex with seven or eight women all the time. Usually, the brutal feeling of weakness, so that Bai Xiaofei passed out on the spot without being shocked.


Bai Xiaofei was speechless on the spot.

When the spiritual consciousness was in the body of the Mu Dun clone, he didn't feel so tired. How could it be so uncomfortable when the consciousness returned to the body? Could it be because the power of the deity's physical body was far inferior to the Mu Dun clone? But it doesn't make sense! Although Mu Dun's avatar is strong, it's only at the peak of the Transcendent Realm, while Bai Xiaofei's real body is at the level of a saint, it shouldn't be worse than that!

Could it be because of the characteristics of Samsara Eye and Wood Dun clone?

That's all he could think about.


In many cases, it doesn't mean that if you are strong, you are invincible. All things have yin and yang, and there are five elements, each of which generates and restrains each other. Although Bai Xiaofei's real body is a bit stronger, when it comes to recovery ability and the use of spiritual power, this is obviously the body of Mu Dun's avatar is better!

"That's all!"

Bai Xiaofei shook his head helplessly.

He smiled bitterly to himself and said, "It's all about my own body, so there's no need to be jealous of me. I just need to pay more attention to this aspect of cultivation in the future. But having said that, "Nine Spirits and Stars Art" is the only secret method for cultivating the soul. It should also speed up the recovery of the spirit, right?"

Do whatever comes to mind.

He immediately began to meditate.

The surrounding cabinet ministers, seeing this, also retreated silently with great insight, and ordered people to guard the surroundings to protect them, so that Bai Xiaofei can recover with peace of mind. And they themselves started to work on other things. The new emperor succeeded to the throne, and the situation of the human race was still in dire straits, but there were still many, many things waiting for them to deal with.

Regardless of the situation and development in the capital.

the other side.

Within the base camp of the Yaozu.

When they heard the news of the defeat in the capital, the entire monster clan was blown away.

The new demon king Ling Tianzun was so angry that his face turned pale, so he didn't vomit blood on the spot, looking like he was going to eat people. He stared wide-eyed, not daring to say anything: "How is it possible? That's all the soldiers of the Snow Demon clan! Surrounded on all sides, they couldn't do anything to the capital? They were even beaten to death and utterly defeated!"

"Those countless fighters who suddenly appeared, who are they? Why have I never heard of or seen them?"

"Is it a new species that has never been discovered?"


This moment.

Ling Tianzun felt that his brain was about to explode.

He just wanted to break his head, but he really couldn't understand, where did the human race get so many terrifying fighters, and they didn't come sooner or later, but they just appeared after Bai Xiaofei appeared. He couldn't help but start to wonder, those terrorist legions, couldn't it be that Bai Xiaofei formed them?


No matter how strong a person's ability is, there is a limit after all, so how could it be possible to have so many troops and fighters?

Unless the other party is a legendary fairy!

As everyone knows...

Bai Xiaofei is not from this world at all.

His strength and all means cannot be judged by common sense, whether it is science or other abilities, this is the case! And this is also the strongest trump card for Bai Xiaofei to triumphantly move across the heavens. Not only Ling Tianzun, but even the other bosses are changed at this moment, and they are still only dumbfounded and dumbfounded!


The military adviser next to Ling Tianzun said, "That Bai Xiaofei is really unbelievable. Not only is his personal force so powerful that it is terrifying and perverted, but his abilities and means are far beyond our imagination. Now the other party has become the leader of the human race. , the fourth emperor in history, what should we do now?"

This is a very critical question.

To know.

The dispute between the human race and the demon race has been going on for a long time.

Except for the early days of Emperor Wen, most of the time, the two clans were in absolute contradiction and opposition. If Bai Xiaofei was just an ordinary identity, it would be easier to say, but now the other party has become the emperor of the human race, this meaning is different, it means that the two sides will completely become old enemies, walking on top of the disadvantages of confrontation!

And the most important thing is, this guy has completely frightened the Yaozu now. As soon as Bai Xiaofei's name was mentioned, the expressions of the Yaozu army changed, almost reaching the level of fear! Facing such a terrifying opponent, it is estimated that everyone will feel a headache, right?

At least Ling Tianzun is like this.


Thinking of Bai Xiaofei's strength and abnormality, Ling Tianzun was so angry that his teeth itch, but he was helpless. At the beginning, he teamed up with Sima, the national teacher of the human race, and set up all kinds of ambushes and traps, but he failed to kill Bai Xiaofei, not to mention that he has now become the fourth emperor of the human race, and his subordinates are no less powerful than the monster race. Hundreds of thousands of special monster army!

How to fight this Nima?

At this moment, all Ling Tianzun could think of was Bai Xiaofei's terror and strength, and his heart was filled with despair. To be honest, as early as after the battle of Yunxie Mountain, he no longer had the confidence to defeat the human race. It was nothing but because Bai Xiaofei was a human race, so he went to the extreme north with all his heart.

After playing some tricks and tricks, he finally controlled the Snow Demon Clan.

Ling Tianzun originally thought that after possessing the terrifying ace troop of the Snow Demon Clan, it would be easy to capture the territory of the Human Race, and even deal with Bai Xiaofei, a perverted powerhouse. After all, no matter how strong a person is, he cannot deal with dozens of people. Wan's snow demon family is similar to elves and monsters.

never thought...

However, Bai Xiaofei once again broke his ideals and cognitions, relying on his own strength, he summoned countless monster legion warriors, and the terrifying divine fire, easily maiming the Snow Demon Clan on the spot up. He even caused his own army to suffer extremely heavy trauma and losses.


Among the monster clan army, it can be said to be in a state of depression.

There is an extremely strong atmosphere of fear and despair everywhere, and morale is so low that it cannot be lowered. Now let alone let them take up arms to fight, they can't even hear the words "Bai Xiaofei", they are like a curse, once they are mentioned, many soldiers will be frightened and lose their minds, Become a soft-legged shrimp on the spot, completely losing fighting power!

Not only that.

Another battlefield outside of this place.

There was also very bad news: the demon clan's rebels, as if they had been drugged, were like a broken bamboo, and they conquered the power and territory of the new demon king again and again. The masters and elites of the human race who joined forces with them on the Internet, as well as some of the siren's helpers who can leave the sea and fight on land...

It can be said that the country that the New Demon King has just conquered has encountered the most severe challenge and crisis of disintegration!

If things go on like this, it probably won't be long before the opponent can gain a firm foothold, and then continue to expand outward, constantly squeezing the living space of the new demon king's forces. Coupled with the successive defeats on the human battlefield and the heavy loss of troops, Ling Tianzun is now beset by the enemy, almost becoming a dumpling that is about to be stuffed!

Faced with such a difficult situation, even the strategist who had always been strategizing had no idea, so he had no choice but to hand the ball to Ling Tianzun. At this moment, Ling Tianzun really wanted to curse: "MMPD! You ask me what to do? I still want to ask you, you are the military advisor, okay?"


Seeing that Ling Tianzun didn't make a sound for a long time, the military adviser rolled his eyes, as if he had thought of something, he hesitated for a while, and after a moment of hesitation, he finally couldn't help but said: "At present, the strength difference between the enemy and us is too great. Disparity, defeat is a matter of time, in my opinion, it is better for us to admit defeat!"

"It might be possible to have a good death..."

"Uh uh uh!"

He didn't finish his sentence.

The neck had already been pierced by the claws of the furious New Demon King. Ling Tianzun looked at the military master who was not breathing well, blood was rushing, and he was obviously not far from death, and he said with a strange smile: I admit defeat? This is absolutely impossible! In my Ling Tianzun's dictionary, there is no such word as admit defeat!"


"You finally gave me a good suggestion!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


In the end.

The ferocious face was revealed, and Ling Tianzun, who was full of ferocity, looked up to the sky and laughed out loud.

There was madness and intrigue in the laughter.


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