The Storm God

Chapter 1503 The Demon King Surrenders! (Please subscribe!)

Two days later.

Bai Xiaofei's mental strength has been completely restored to its original state. At the same time, with the complete victory in the defense of the capital, the prestige of Bai Xiaofei, the new emperor of the human race, spread throughout the entire world in a very short period of time. The prestige can be said to resound through the entire human and demon races like thunder.

Inspired and stimulated by the Heavenly Emperor's prestige, the human race finally regained their long-lost hope and confidence. Countless people came out of the deep mountains and old forests where they hid, and gathered towards the capital, intending to join His Majesty's army. The Yaozu captured a part of their own strength.

And the other side.

The morale of the Yaozu is extremely sluggish.

They haven't fought yet, but when they see the army flying the banner of Tiandi Bai Xiaofei, they immediately withdraw for thirty miles, which can be said to be frightened and cowardly. Whether it's the human race or the monster race, as long as it's a force that hangs the banner of Bai Xiaofei, no matter who it is, it's like getting buffs and weakening auras, almost invincible and invincible!

And no matter what emotions are outside.

the capital.

In the palace.

Bai Xiaofei is currently meeting the newly formed, brand new cabinet ministers. After all, he is now the emperor of heaven, the new emperor has been established, but the court guidelines are not yet complete, how can this be possible? So during the two days when Bai Xiaofei was recovering, the ministers outside elected some people from the many people with lofty ideals who came here admiringly from the capital to serve as the team of the imperial court.

Bai Xiaofei didn't want to care about these things.

However, considering that these people are my subordinates after all, and now it is a moment of chaos, they must not be sloppy, so after pondering for a while, they agreed to the proposal of the cabinet ministers and came to the ceremony hall to meet these people. The new officials also took a quiz to see if they were qualified to be effective subordinates.

Under the hypnosis and spiritual suggestion of Bai Xiaofei's huge mind power, none of the nearly a hundred officials and ministers present could escape Bai Xiaofei's control. Find out their true intentions and hidden faces.

Fortunately, among the nearly one hundred officials and ministers, most of them have no problems. Although they have some minor problems, they are absolutely loyal. They want to follow Bai Xiaofei in this chaotic period, Make some careers and achievements in a down-to-earth manner, in order to be able to honor your ancestors.

Only a small number of people have the intention of deception and opportunism, intending to pass the test and deceive the world. Some of these people do have real talents and learning. For such people, Bai Xiaofei is naturally not afraid of them. Once a thought passes by, he will directly imprint the seeds of loyalty on the other party, making him completely dispel all small thoughts. Become a down-to-earth person.

As for those guys who have neither real talents nor good intentions, Bai Xiaofei was quite rude. Not only did he expose the opponent's tricks on the spot, but he also hit each of them with 50 big boards, and then directly threw them out of the palace, and threw them out of the palace. The other party's identity information was published in all parts of the capital, which not only ruined the other party's reputation, but also let all the human races know that Tiandi Bai Xiaofei is not so easy to fool.

in addition……

Among these officials and ministers, some of them were disguised by Yaozu.

But what is mixed is that among the total of 5 monster officials pretending to be officials, only two are undercover agents sent by the new demon king Ling Tianzun, and the other three are peace-loving and hope that the two races can coexist harmoniously. A man of ability. Regarding this, Bai Xiaofei didn't expose it on the spot, but silently remembered it in his heart.

After the meeting is over.

Bai Xiaofei brought them to his bedroom alone, and then he confessed and pointed out the identity of the other party's monster clan. In this regard, the five pretending monster clans didn't seem to be surprised at all. Instead, they showed an expression of "Sure enough, I still can't hide it from His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven", as if they had expected this to happen a long time ago.


When Bai Xiaofei said that the other two were undercover agents, their expressions completely turned into shock and disbelief, especially those two undercover monster races, who were even more astonished, and said in astonishment: "How is this possible? We The camouflage and undercover status of the two were personally bestowed by the Lord Demon King, and no one even among the demon clan knew about it, so how could you see through it so quickly?"

The other three officials of the human race pretending to be from the monster race were surprised and shocked, and quickly put themselves in front of Bai Xiaofei.

He looked like he would swear to protect Bai Xiaofei to the death.

"Back off!"

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with the actions of the three monsters, he glanced at them appreciatively, and immediately said with a smile: "With just two little monsters, it is impossible to hurt me, but you, maybe there will be some danger .I accept your wishes, but from my point of view, the reason why they appear here is not to assassinate me."

"Am I right?"


The incomparably sure look in the eyes once again shocked the two monsters on the spot. Immediately, they shook their heads with wry smiles, and admitted: "That's right! His Majesty's reputation is indeed well-deserved. Not only is his strength beyond heaven, but his ability to know people is also incomparable. I really admire it! "

"Without further ado!"

Bai Xiaofei glared angrily, and said coldly: "Tell me, what exactly does Ling Tianzun send you here for?"

Although the strength of the two little demons is very good, they can't be called top-notch. With two such characters by his side, Bai Xiaofei will never believe that the other party is here to assassinate him. It is very likely that the other party is here to spy on some kind of information. However, it was a little too bold to spy on information under his nose, and it could even be said to be crazy.


Bai Xiaofei seriously suspected that the other party must have other deep meanings.

Sure enough, the two little demons quickly gave Bai Xiaofei an answer. It turned out that the two demons came to undercover the human race in name to spy on information, but in fact, they had two real intentions. One was to see how Bai Xiaofei was scheming, and whether he could see through his disguise and undercover. Well, the other party will take this opportunity to lurk for a long time and provide crucial military information for the Yaozu.

And vice versa.

If it was dismantled on the spot.

They will carry out the second plan, which is to pass on the message to Bai Xiaofei on behalf of the new demon king Ling Tianzun!

The two little demons didn't know what secret technique was cast by Ling Tianzun. Although these words were stored in each other's mind, they would be covered up and hidden without specific trigger conditions. The ability to read minds and browse the other party's memory, but failed to find any clues.

But these are not the point.

The point is that the new demon king Ling Tianzun actually gave up, and he sent two little demons to carry out the second mission plan, which was to surrender to Bai Xiaofei!


"The new Demon King Ling Tianzun actually wants to surrender unconditionally?!"

"How can this be!"


The three monsters beside them all had expressions of disbelief.

One of them kept saying to Bai Xiaofei: "Your Majesty, the new demon king Ling Tianzun is cunning, cunning, scheming, unscrupulous, and omnipotent in order to achieve his goals. He is an out-and-out hero. Will he surrender? No matter how you look at it, this cannot be true, I guess this must be a conspiracy by the other party, we must not...!"

He didn't finish his sentence.

It was interrupted on the spot by Bai Xiaofei's raised palm.

Bai Xiaofei had a calm and bright smile on his face, fixed his eyes on the two little demons opposite, and said, "I have my own ideas about this matter! As for you two... since you are passing the news for the new demon king Ling Tianzun , and you still submitted the letter of surrender, then I will let you go."

"Go back and tell Ling Tianzun that I accept the surrender, and I have no objection to the rest of the conditions. But if you dare to play any tricks, I promise you will regret it! That's can go, take it With this token, no one will stop you!"


The voice just fell.

A special golden token was thrown by Bai Xiaofei to one of the little demons. The two little demons looked at each other, and without further ado, put away the token, saluted Bai Xiaofei very respectfully, then left the bedroom, and then walked towards the outside of the palace.

Because of the token, they didn't encounter any obstacles along the way, and they left the palace very smoothly, and went out of the city and returned to the Yaozu base. Then he reported everything that happened in the palace to Ling Tianzun, the new demon king.


"The big fish has taken the bait, and now it's time to catch the net!"

"Success or failure depends on it!"


Ling Tianzun laughed excitedly.

His eyes were full of determination and madness, like a desperate extremist, his eyes were so hot.


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