The Storm God

Chapter 1504 Killing with the Bloodstain Curse! (Please subscribe!)

The Yaozu is about to surrender!

In just one day, the news spread like wings inside and outside the capital, and even the monster races in other places and the human races in hiding got the rumors.

This kind of news is really too shocking and huge, even if you don't want to be a sensation!

At the beginning, all the people, as well as the Yaozu, thought it was just a big joke. After all, the Yaozu is powerful now. Although the situation is not as good as before, but the territory is huge, and they still occupy a great advantage. It's impossible to suddenly fall to the point of surrender?


As the news spreads wider and wider.

After two days of deliberation, and the recent abnormal signs of the Yaozu, even if people find it incredible, they have to choose to believe it, because at noon tomorrow, the new Demon King Ling Tianzun will lead many of the Yaozu. General, sign the contract of surrender and peace with Youran Pavilion about ten miles outside the capital!

This news came from the imperial palace and the monster clan's base camp, so it is naturally impossible to be fake.


To show my sincerity.

The army of the monster clan also voluntarily withdrew more than ten cities and returned them to the clan. Regarding the actions of the Yaozu, the Human Race also accepted it unceremoniously. Not only did they send people to receive it, but they also sent troops to garrison and restore it. All of this doesn't look like it's fake!

"Whether it's true or not!"

"Wouldn't you know if we all go to Youran Pavilion at noon tomorrow?"

"makes sense!"


Many people have this idea.

They want to go to Youran Pavilion to witness it in person at noon tomorrow, even if they die because of it, they will never regret it.


This is limited to people near the capital.

For those who are far away, it is not realistic, even if they want to, they are powerless.

Regardless of the situation and reaction outside.

Inside the palace.

Bai Xiaofei was wearing a dragon robe, a golden crown on his head, full of dragon aura, without anger and prestige, sitting domineeringly on the throne of the Dragon Court, listening to the various opinions and suggestions of the hundreds of ministers below, including those related to city defense. Yes, those that are conducive to construction, and those who line up troops, but most of them still have scruples and worries about Bai Xiaofei accepting the surrender of the monster clan.

"His Majesty!"

Song Daitian, who was brought back from thousands of miles away by Bai Xiaofei using the Flying Thunder God technique, is now a high-ranking commander-in-chief of the three armies among the cabinet ministers, and a majestic general who subdues demons. Regarding the surrender of the monster clan, he always felt that something was wrong, so he said: "I still think this matter is too strange, and it would be too risky for His Majesty to go there in person!"

His meaning is very simple.

It is not to let Bai Xiaofei go there in person, but to send a substitute there.

In this way, even if there is any accident, Bai Xiaofei will be safe and sound, so that if he is plotted by the other party, the human race will be forced to suffer.

Not only him, but the dozen or so ministers around him also had the same meaning, and there were voices of persuasion.


Just be careful!

Regarding this, Bai Xiaofei smiled slightly, and said with confidence in his chest: "I understand everyone's worries, and I also know that you all have good intentions. But... In my opinion, no matter whether the surrender of the monster clan is true or not, it is true." This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if handled properly, this world chaos can be ended as soon as possible, and the world will be restored to peace!"

"As for your worries and worries..."


Bai Xiaofei shook his head and smiled.

Immediately he said domineeringly: "Don't forget, my strength is not blown out. If Ling Tianzun sincerely surrenders, that's all. For the sake of peace in the world, I will not make things difficult for him. If the other party really has something Ghostly thought, I guarantee that he will definitely make him pay a heavy price!"


Song Daitian wanted to say something else.

However, Bai Xiaofei didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence at all, and interrupted flatly: "Okay! Uncle Song, don't let yourself down, you must know that in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a paper tiger! A small Ling Tianzun, I haven't paid attention to it yet, everything is going according to the original plan!"

"Follow the order!"

Song Daitian had no choice but to follow orders.


the next day.

It was nearly noon.

Bai Xiaofei, the Heavenly Emperor, was escorted by a large number of elite human experts, left the palace and the capital Chang'an, and came to Youran Pavilion ten miles away. At this time, Youran Pavilion has already been deployed with heavy soldiers of the human race to ensure that His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven is safe.


There are not only masters of the human race, but also many elites of the monster race.

They are also afraid of any tricks played by the human race, so they are also like the human race, and they have planned and guarded here early. Although the two sides are in the same situation and almost fight when they meet, but because of the situation, they are very restrained. Even if they have any deep hatred for each other, they both gritted their teeth and chose to endure.

When Bai Xiaofei and others came to Youran Pavilion in a mighty manner, Ling Tianzun had already arrived early.

at this time……

He turned into a human form.

Beside Ling Tianzun, there are several monster generals who also turned into humans, as well as many elite masters. Counting all the fights, the opponent only brought dozens of monsters over. Even with the army of monsters behind, it is only over ten thousand. It seems that they are very sincere, as if they are really about to surrender.

Facing the approaching Bai Xiaofei, Ling Tianzun saluted, and said with a smile: "I have seen His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven! When we met last time, His Majesty was just a commoner without any background, but now he has transformed into the first person of the human race." The four emperors, the changes in this world are really unimaginable and unpredictable!"

"Who says it's not!"

Bai Xiaofei also said with deep emotion: "In the past, the new demon king Ling Tianzun, who was so glorious and ambitious, suddenly chose to give up and surrender unconditionally to our human race. It is estimated that many human races and demon races in the world would also be afraid of such a thing. Never thought of that, did you?"

The irony and tone couldn't be more obvious.

Bai Xiaofei did it on purpose, the purpose was to irritate the other party, so as to take the opportunity to test the other party, but Ling Tianzun's performance was completely beyond Bai Xiaofei's expectations. Ling Tianzun was stunned and didn't mean to be angry at all. Instead, he smiled and nodded in agreement, and took all the guilt and faults on himself.

A frank and lenient appearance, an attitude of pleading guilty, that is a good one!

"what the hell?"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned on the spot.

Thinking secretly in his heart: "Could it be that Ling Tianzun is really afraid of being beaten by himself, and now he really wants to surrender?"

Between doubts.

The two parties have already arrived in the leisurely pavilion.

And as early as the place where the contract was signed was Youran Pavilion, it was repaired and remodeled between the mutual supervision of the human and demon races. Today's Youran Pavilion has become bigger and more luxurious, and can accommodate more than a hundred people to enter together. It is more appropriate to call it a "hall" rather than a "pavilion".

"let's start!"

Bai Xiaofei and Ling Tianzun sat facing each other.

Between the two was an ancient stone table, on which two identical peace contracts had already been placed. As long as both parties sign their names on it and brand it with a blood mark, the contract will be considered effective. Of course... this contract is just a decoration, and it doesn't have any special power at all.

Even so, it is significant.

Because once the peace contract is signed, it will represent the great war between the human race and the monster race. From this moment on, it will be completely terminated.

The signing process was also very smooth. From the beginning to the end, Ling Tianzun had a smile on his face, there was nothing wrong with it, and the peace contract was signed very neatly. Seeing this, although Bai Xiaofei was puzzled, he didn't want to ask more questions, and immediately bit his finger, stained with his own blood, and wrote his name on it.

So far...

The peace treaty was successfully signed.

Then the two parties exchanged contracts. If there is no accident, the matter has come to this point, even if it is a perfect end. The war between the human race and the monster race has come to an end today. But did things really come to an end like this?

The answer is obviously impossible!


However, after getting the peace contract signed by Bai Xiaofei, Ling Tianzun suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, with a ferocious grin on his face, he said: "Bai Xiaofei, Bai Xiaofei, you are so powerful and scheming, but In the end, you still fell into the hands of my Ling Tianzun! Today, none of you want to leave, especially you——Bai Xiaofei!

"As long as you are killed, the human race will be at your fingertips!"



The voice did not fall.

There was a special ripple behind Ling Tianzun.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for the people around to react, he suddenly disappeared in front of everyone's eyes, and Bai Xiaofei and others looked at Bai Xiaofei and others for a while, wondering what Ling Tianzun was doing, thinking that the other party suddenly turned against him Let's do it, come to catch the thief and capture the king, but he ran away suddenly without thinking!

what is this?

Not to mention what Bai Xiaofei and the others were thinking, the monster clan elites and masters facing them launched a desperate attack on Bai Xiaofei and the others immediately after Ling Tianzun left. It's just that the effect is not very satisfactory, the human race has long been on guard, and Bai Xiaofei and others capture and kill them alive without a single slap or two.


Just when Bai Xiaofei wanted to use his mental strength to observe what was wrong around him, a heart-piercing pain suddenly came from Bai Xiaofei's heart, as if someone was using an awl or a hammer to savagely attack him. As if hitting Bai Xiaofei's heart with a nail, his face turned pale instantly, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

"His Majesty!"

Song Daitian was the first to discover Bai Xiaofei's anomaly, and was taken aback immediately, and said in amazement: "What's wrong with you? You vomit blood, and your face is so pale. It's obvious that you have suffered serious internal injuries, but how is this possible? There is no enemy at all, where did your injury come from?"

"Could it be that someone poisoned it?"


His face was full of bewilderment and disbelief.

You know, Bai Xiaofei's strength is very terrifying, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a pervert. In the eyes of many people, there is almost no one in this world who can easily hurt Bai Xiaofei. But now...with no enemies around, Bai Xiaofei was seriously injured and vomited blood!

How do you tell them not to be surprised?


Even Bai Xiaofei himself was inexplicable and horrified at the moment, because he didn't know how he got hurt. But when everyone and Bai Xiaofei were shocked and panicked, a burst of arrogant and arrogant laughter suddenly came from the void.


"Bai Xiaofei, how does my [Blood Seal Curse Kill] taste? No matter how strong you are, as long as I get your blood, you will definitely die! As long as you die, no one in this world can stop my footsteps , no matter if it is a human race or a monster race, it will become my Ling Tianzun's pocket from now on!"

"Now, just die obediently for me!"

"Blood curse, kill me!"


Following Ling Tianzun's vicious order.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly felt a strange and unpredictable force, which suddenly came from the void, and then directly acted on his heart, like an extremely ferocious devil's hand, holding his heart firmly, with a thoughtful look on his face. The posture of directly crushing it, the incomparable pain and the feeling of suffocation, hit like a tide in an instant.

"Damn it!"

"I didn't expect the other party to be proficient in such an evil spell, so I miscalculated!"

"Wood Dun clone!"

Bai Xiaofei suddenly turned pale in shock.

At a critical juncture, he suddenly had an idea and directly summoned the Mu Dun avatar, and then cast his soul out of his body to completely possess himself on the Mu Dun avatar, and then within a thousandth of a second, he put his The deity's body was directly thrown into the space card, and finally received into the dimensional space, completely cutting off its connection with this world.


"It's so dangerous, I finally escaped a catastrophe!"

"Almost capsized!"


Bai Xiaofei patted his chest with lingering fear, and said with a look of fear. Regarding Ling Tianzun's conspiracy, although he had anticipated and guarded against it, he never expected it to be so weird!

At the same time, in the void, Ling Tianzun's unbelievable and bewildered voice came immediately: "What? My blood-stained curse killing technique has failed? How is this possible? He just clearly They have already been cursed by the blood mark, and their hearts are about to be crushed, how could they fail at a critical moment..."

The words are not finished.

He seemed to sense something was wrong, and suddenly said: "Huh? Who are you? Where is Bai Xiaofei? Where did he go? Come out for me! Bai Xiaofei, you are still the emperor of the human race, and you are willing to be a turtle. I despise you! If you come out, you can’t escape, and you will definitely die today!”


Bai Xiaofei rolled his eyes speechlessly, and said coldly: "I'm right in front of you, don't you recognize him?"

As he spoke, his eyes were filled with icy murderous intent.

Dare to count buddies?

Even if the emperor came today, he couldn't save you!

"Flying Thunder God Art!"


But seeing Bai Xiaofei's Mu Dun avatar possessed by him, after making a seal, it suddenly disappeared in front of everyone.

However, there was chaos at the scene, before Bai Xiaofei left, he said to Song Daitian and the others: "I will kill the monsters around me, and everything else will go according to plan!"


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