The Storm God

Chapter 1505 Kill the Demon King! (Please subscribe!)

"Damn it!"

"This bullshit Ling Tianzun really has bad intentions. Surrendering is fake, but murdering my emperor is real!"

"Kill them for me!"


The human race was completely annoyed.

Immediately, he ordered people to start a bloody massacre of the surrounding monsters to vent his anger and depression.

Pity the monsters around, they are only just ten thousand, and they don't know anything about Ling Tianzun's plan to assassinate Bai Xiaofei. Now facing the human masters and elites that are several times their own, how can they be opponents? Most of them were still in a dazed state, and before they could figure out what happened, they were completely beaten to the ground by the human race.

When the battle broke out, there were instant screams and blood flowing like rivers.

After a while, all the monsters who came to Youran Pavilion to participate in the peace contract ceremony were all wiped out by the human race. But Song Daitian and the others still did not dare to neglect at all. Who knows if there are any other plots or other traps and ambushes on the side of the Yaozu?


Just to be on the safe side.

After killing the surrounding monsters, they didn't care about cleaning up the mess here, and immediately returned to the capital Chang'an with their troops, and then activated all the defensive methods that had been arranged before, and dispatched troops quickly General, urgently contact the ten cities that were received before, and tell them to be careful of the monsters around them.

Fortunately, those ten cities were not attacked.

Not even a little abnormal!


"What's going on here? There's no movement at all, it doesn't make sense at all?"

"Don't they know the plan of the new demon king?"


Song Daitian and other cabinet ministers were stunned by this abnormal phenomenon.

In fact, the situation was really like this. In order to keep it secret, except for the special monsters that were killed by the blood seal spell, the new demon king Ling Tianzun didn't tell any of his subordinates about his plan at all. He was putting all his hopes and bets on today's signing ceremony.

Make or break it.

Either Bai Xiaofei will die, the human race will have no leader, and the monster race will have no scruples, continue the good situation before, and eventually become the ruler of the entire world. Either he failed and was killed by Bai Xiaofei, the demon clan lost him as the new demon king, and then according to the peace contract, the war between the human and demon clans was declared over.

The imperial ambitions have all turned into a dream!

"That's all!"

"No matter what happens, the ten cities and other surrounding areas, if there is no situation, it is the best situation at present. At this moment, we must strictly guard against death, be cautious, and wait for the return of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven. At that time, it will be war or peace. , depends entirely on him alone!"

"Our task is to protect everything now!"

"Everyone be careful!"


Regardless of what's going on in the capital.

On the other side, somewhere in a very secluded and remote dark place, the new demon king Ling Tianzun is sitting cross-legged in front of a huge and strange formation with a group of spooky-looking monsters, jointly casting the blood-stained curse to kill The technique, in the center of the formation, is a peace contract stained with Bai Xiaofei's blood.

That trace of blood, almost completely separated from the peace contract, is like some kind of fuze, under the great array of strange power, it appears extremely mysterious, leading a powerful and shocking strange power, exploring and gushing towards a certain place, It's just that it seems to be lost in the desert now, and it has nothing to save!


"The Blood Seal Curse kill technique ignores the existence of space and distance. As long as you are still alive, you will follow the blood sacrifice and directly act on the target body until the target dies! Bai Xiaofei has already been hit by the trick before. It is absolutely impossible to defend, how can no one be found?!"

"Could it be that Bai Xiaofei is dead?"


Ling Tianzun is now full of confusion and doubts.

Regarding the situation in front of him, it can be said that he was extremely confused, because this blood-stained curse-killing technique has never seen such a strange situation since the beginning of the world. If Bai Xiaofei is really dead, it's easy to say, he has won completely. But judging from the situation in the big formation, Bai Xiaofei is clearly not dead, it's just that the blood-stained curse couldn't find the target for a while.

"Keep looking!"

Ling Tianzun was startled and anxious all at once.

He never expected that Bai Xiaofei could even defend and dodge the blood-stain curse!

The current situation is like an arrow in the bow, there is no turning back at all, even if Ling Tianzun immediately returns to the Yaozu, it will not change anything. Because the peace contract has been signed, people and demons all over the world already know, even if they clarify everything by themselves, there will be no benefit.

When marching and fighting, the most feared thing is low morale.

Ling Tianzun deceived the world and used surrender to assassinate the clan emperor, but he did not succeed. Instead, he ran away from the monster clan like a bereaved dog. If such news spread, Ling Tianzun's reputation would become a complete joke. The already low morale of the monster clan's army, I'm afraid it will become even more alienated.

Take such an army to fight against the human army with extremely high morale, and you can guess what will happen with your toes.


The new demon king must not lose!

At this moment, Ling Tianzun could only grit his teeth and continue to use the blood-stain curse killing technique, hoping to find Bai Xiaofei's trace and kill him completely! Only in this way can he make a complete comeback in this extremely unfavorable battle situation. When the time comes to win the king and lose the bandit, Ling Tianzun doesn't care at all how the world treats him.

Because the one who wins in the end is himself!




However, the ideal is full, but the reality is very cruel.

Although this blood seal curse killing technique is extremely heaven-defying, it can use blood as a sacrifice, ignore all space distances and defensive methods, and directly assassinate the enemy, but the requirements for performing the technique are also very perverted and harsh. The lifespan and foundation of the caster will consume their mind and blood as time goes by, until the caster turns into a mummy and dies completely.


The stronger the target of the curse, the greater the requirements for the caster.

Bai Xiaofei's strength is beyond imagination, he can be called a pervert. In order to deal with him, Ling Tianzun deliberately selected a full forty-nine elite high-ranking people from the monster clan, even including himself, and then extracted the power of the earth's veins in that place, and then It was quite successful, and he was able to cast the Bloodstain Curse to kill.


People are not as good as God.

Ling Tianzun never expected that Bai Xiaofei was not from this world at all, and he also possessed space cards and such heaven-defying methods as dimensional space. When Bai Xiaofei put his real body inside, it was like completely cutting off contact with this world.

Simply put, it is out of this world.

Although the Bloodstain Curse Kill is awesome, in the final analysis, it is just a technique in the world of Monster Hunt. Even if it touches some kind of rule power, it is just a rule in the world. The transcendent rules, rules, and even the power of the Dao in the world are insignificant existences at all.


They cast the blood seal curse to kill for thousands of years, or even ten thousand years. As long as Bai Xiaofei doesn't take out his body, Ling Tianzun and others will definitely not be able to curse and kill Bai Xiaofei! It's just that with their strength, let alone thousands of years, even thousands of minutes would have to be a dream.

This is not.

As time goes by.

The pressure of the blood-stained curse-killing technique was increasing, and some monster masters among them could no longer bear the backlash from the large formation, and fell to the ground spurting blood.

"Puff puff!"

The sound of blood splattering can be described as one after another.

In a short period of time, more than a dozen monster masters have fallen, and as they fell to the ground, the pressure on the remaining monsters and the new demon king Ling Tianzun increased instantly. They were more than ten times older. Although they did not vomit blood due to their advanced cultivation, their faces were all pale, obviously feeling extremely uncomfortable.


And at this moment.

Bai Xiaofei's Mudun clone suddenly appeared.

"Puff puff!"

Seeing Bai Xiaofei suddenly appear out of thin air.

The rest of the dozens of monster masters were shaken, terrified and horrified. If they were not careful, they were backlashed by the pressure of the big formation on the spot, and they all vomited blood and fell to the ground. And with their fall, the pressure of the big formation can be said to be completely on the remaining ten or so monster masters, as well as Ling Tianzun.

A mere dozen or so masters are like resisting the great pressure of the blood-stained curse-killing array. This is simply a joke!


They also vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Without the maintenance of strength, the big formation of the blood-stained curse killing technique was immediately declared broken, and the formation collapsed. In the center of the big formation, the peace contract stained with Bai Xiaofei's blood was also directly blasted into pieces by the backlash of the big formation, destroying it. Exhausted. Bai Xiaofei clearly felt that the strange power that had been entangled in his blood had finally disappeared.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief.


Bai Xiaofei set his sights on Ling Tianzun.

Poor new demon king, Bai Xiaofei hasn't done anything yet, he has already been backlashed by the power of the Blood Seal Curse Killing Formation, and has been seriously injured, his seven orifices are bleeding, his breath is weak, and he looks like an old man on the verge of death. Miserable to the extreme, he also looked at Bai Xiaofei.


"Unexpectedly, after thousands of calculations, it is still a move away!"

"This time I lost!"


Ling Tianzun spat out blood, and said with a bitter expression.

He opened his mouth, and was about to say something more, but suddenly he felt his throat tighten, and a sharp pain came, followed by his pupils suddenly dilated, filled with Bai Xiaofei's cold and ruthless figure and murderous eyes, and at the same time, he heard Bai Xiaofei's extremely cold voice: "If you lose, you will die, you can go there with peace of mind!"

next moment.

The divine sword in his hand suddenly swung across.

As the blood gushed out, a large head flew up.

In Ling Tianzun's widened eyes, he saw a very familiar headless corpse in shock, and finally landed on the ground, his pupils completely turned into darkness and returned to calm. The new demon king Ling Tianzun, who was ambitious and stirred up the situation and chaos in the whole Monster Hunt world, was killed by Bai Xiaofei cleanly on the spot!

Without delay!


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