The Storm God

Chapter 1506 Tranquility! (Please subscribe!)


"Finally kill this damn guy!"

"I picked up a bargain!"


Bai Xiaofei said with emotion.

In fact, Ling Tianzun's strength is still very good, not to mention the rough skin, the key is that he still has the power of space, he will slip away if he is not careful, it is very difficult, even Bai Xiaofei, without preparation, It might not be so easy to kill him completely.

And the reason why it is so easy now can be said to be the right time, place and people, and the three factors are complete.


The two little monsters who were released earlier.

They brought the golden tokens that Bai Xiaofei gave to them, and they were not just for decoration or casually, but a game that Bai Xiaofei deliberately set up. On the golden token, Bai Xiaofei set a special spell, as long as he meets Ling Tianzun, it will be activated, and then the opponent's breath will be recorded, and the mark will be imprinted.


When signing the peace treaty.

In the contract document in Bai Xiaofei's hand, he unknowingly left Fei Leishen's space spell.

With the combination of the two, this is how Bai Xiaofei can accurately find the location of Ling Tianzun. What's more coincidental is that Ling Tianzun actually joined in the formation of the blood-stained curse killing technique, and due to various reasons, he was badly backlashed and was seriously injured on the spot, which can be said to have greatly benefited Bai Xiaofei.


The most important thing is Ling Tianzun's pen!

If he activates the space ability when Bai Xiaofei appears, the first time he is injured, and leaves here, even if Bai Xiaofei wants to find him and kill him, he will have to spend some time and means. But the other party just kept on talking and babbling. Isn't this clearly giving Bai Xiaofei an opportunity to take advantage of it!

Don't you know that the villain died because of talking too much?


Bai Xiaofei didn't give Ling Tianzun any chance, and directly attacked, killing the new demon king so easily.

All of this can be said to have gone smoothly to the extreme.

"Let's recall the body first!"

Bai Xiaofei released the deity's body, and after careful inspection, he found that there was nothing wrong with the deity's body, except for the damage from the blood-stain curse at the beginning. Immediately without further ado, his soul immediately went out of his body, returned to his body, and then drank a bottle of alien medical spray to restore the wound in his heart to its original state.


Bai Xiaofei put away Ling Tianzun's body.

The new demon king has extraordinary strength, and also possesses spatial abilities. This is an excellent experimental material, and Bai Xiaofei will naturally not give up such a good thing. Moreover, the corpse of the new demon king has another advantage, that is, it can be used to announce to the world, to demonstrate one's own prestige, and to kill the morale of the demon clan.

I believe that after countless demon clans saw Ling Tianzun's body, the war between the two races that lasted for more than half a year would probably be completely over.

at the same time……

With the death of the new demon king Ling Tianzun.

Bai Xiaofei also received another piece of good news from the little boy: "Master, the new demon king is dead, coupled with the fact that the morale of the demon army is low, and a peace contract has been signed, the overall situation has been initially established. So time travel The device will now give you a reward for unblocking again, I hope the master will continue to work hard and complete the special task as soon as possible!"

Immediately, a burst of enlightenment came.

"Very good!"

Bai Xiaofei was immediately overjoyed, and excitedly said: "The strength has been unblocked again, and there are more means. Coupled with the peace contract, and the help of other monster clans, in this way, I can quell this turmoil faster and realize the human race." An idealized society where demons and monsters coexist.”



Bai Xiaofei immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique.

After returning to the palace, all civil and military officials were naturally very excited and happy about Bai Xiaofei's safe return, and they all had good things to say, congratulating Bai Xiaofei non-stop. And Bai Xiaofei didn't bother to talk to the ministers, he threw Ling Tianzun's head directly, and said: "The new demon king has been executed by me, you should know how to do the rest, right?"

"That's great!"

"Now that the peace contract has been signed, coupled with the death of the new demon king, the end of the war between the human race and the demon clan is a certainty! Please rest assured, Your Majesty, we will do our best to make it happen Properly and properly, I guarantee that the news of the new demon king's death will be spread all over the world in the shortest possible time!"

"At that time, the monster clan will have no leader, and morale will be extremely low. This is the best time for us to recover the rivers and mountains!"

"All of this is thanks to His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor!"

"My emperor is mighty!"


A group of ministers were excited, and immediately started to photograph Bai Xiaofei's horse again. Bai Xiaofei was too lazy to talk to them, and after leaving all the messy matters to the civil and military officials to deal with, he brought the little demon king Huba into his bedroom.


Bai Xiaofei looked at Huba with a smile, and said: "The monster clan is leaderless now, it is a great opportunity for you to make contributions and inherit your father's prestige, and in order to be safe and show your strength better, so now you must speed up your growth and development." Progress, for the next half month, you will stay in the room with me, and carefully comprehend the stele of the way of heaven!"


Huba nodded excitedly, expressing that he had no objection at all.

The current him has widened his spiritual intelligence. Although he can't speak, his IQ is frighteningly high. He naturally knows the purpose of Bai Xiaofei's doing this. While he is extremely grateful in his heart, he is also comprehending the stele of the way of heaven, and he is extremely yearning and longing , last time he evolved because of this, and this time he doesn't know what benefits he can get.

I really feel excited just thinking about it!


Bai Xiaofei then took out the Tiandao stele.

The little demon king Huba immediately began to comprehend carefully, like a diligent and studious baby, which made Bai Xiaofei very satisfied. As for Bai Xiaofei himself, at this moment he did not comprehend with Huba, but in order to avoid being disturbed, he set up layers of barriers around the main hall of the bedroom.

Bai Xiaofei's current identity is the leader of the human race.

As an emperor, there are naturally too many things to do. Although Bai Xiaofei is quite experienced as a shopkeeper, he can't stand the current chaos. No matter how much he let go, some things still need to be handled and decided by him. For example, whether some monsters live or die must be decided by him.

The most important thing is that Bai Xiaofei has a lot of time, and there will be countless opportunities to comprehend the stele of heaven in the future, and there is really no need to worry about this little time. What he is really anxious about is the time to complete the special task, because the shorter the completion time, the richer the reward!

Bai Xiaofei clearly distinguishes which is more important.


Even if Bai Xiaofei wanted to comprehend the stele of the way of heaven, he had to take care of everything, leaving his shadow clone to sit outside and take charge of the overall situation. And these things will undoubtedly take a certain amount of time. So during this period, Bai Xiaofei was busy.


Whether it is the withdrawal of the monster race, the return of the river and mountain territory of the human race according to the requirements of the peace contract, or the restoration and reconstruction of the rest of the human race, it is progressing very smoothly. In just two days, the initial results have been achieved. It looks good, it can be said that all industries are waiting to be flourished, and it is a thriving color.

On the Yaozu side, it was a bit difficult.

The current monster clan forces are divided into two types. One is the resistance army headed by Penny and Fat Ying, which includes some local monster clan strengths, as well as various sea monsters in the four seas. The number is extremely large. Huge, it has far surpassed the power of the demon clan led by the new demon king, and has become the leading demon clan army.

And another kind.

It is the diehards led by the henchmen of the new demon king.

Although these guys are not many in number, they are extremely cunning. The human race and the monster race joined forces and were escaped by the other party several times. Now they retreated all the way, and they ran to the freezing place in the extreme north However, due to the harsh environment and other factors, the two sides could only give up the pursuit temporarily.

Anyway, the other party only has so little energy, and now the people and demons are united as one, even if they are left alone, they will not be able to cause any trouble by measuring the other party!

"The Far North?"

After Bai Xiaofei learned of this situation, he fell into deep thought immediately, and secretly said: "That is a special existence, and the diehards who escape can be ignored, but the Snow Demon Clan is very important, and it can definitely become a monster if you use it well. A super team whose fighting power is far superior to that of the clone army!"

"It seems..."

"Whether it's to completely eliminate those stubborn monster races, or to increase the cards in my hand, I have to go to the extreme north myself!"

"As for other things, let the shadow clone handle it for you!"


After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei didn't hesitate at the moment, and immediately started to act. He left a physical avatar with about 30% of his own strength to manage all matters in the palace, and then took the mutated dragon Xiaoqing all the way north, shooting away. It only took about half a day to arrive at the freezing cold extreme north.


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