The Storm God

Chapter 1507 Fight to the death! (Please subscribe!)

Far North.

Located at the extreme end of the northern part of the world more than ten thousand miles away, it is similar to the Arctic Circle of the earth. It is freezing and wind-piercing. Within ten thousand miles, there are wilderness, glaciers, and cold seas, and few creatures can survive. After Bai Xiaofei came here, he took out a thermometer and tested it, it was minus ninety-eight degrees!

"What a domineering cold air!"

Bai Xiaofei was slightly taken aback, the low temperature was already very terrifying. You know, on the earth, the lowest temperature in the North Pole is about minus 59 degrees, while the lowest temperature in the Antarctic is about minus 92 degrees. But the outer area of ​​the extreme north is as high as minus ninety-eight degrees, so how terrifying should the core area be?

"No wonder it was able to breed such a powerful monster from the Snow Demon family!"

"It really is a natural treasure!"

"Go in and have a look!"


Bai Xiaofei is very interested in the extreme north. And with his strength, this low temperature of tens of degrees below zero is nothing at all, and he doesn't even feel cold at all. One must know that Thor, the god of thunder in Marvel, can already rely on his Asa protoss physique to remain immortal in space without any auxiliary equipment, let alone Bai Xiaofei who is stronger than him!

The low temperature in space is generally around minus 240 degrees, which is the lowest in the universe - absolute zero -270.32, only about 30 degrees difference, which can be described as terrifying, even if it is as powerful as Xingjue who has the blood of a demigod, and powerful people like Ebony Maw. Even the guys couldn't resist the attack of ultra-low temperature, so that they froze to death.

But Thor, the God of Thunder, was able to float in space for a long time without getting hurt, which shows the strength of the Asa protoss.

And Bai Xiaofei.

It is the existence of the body with divine pupils.

The special and powerful physique is far more awesome and buggy than Thor's, so this mere minus ninety-eight degrees, to him, is basically the same as normal temperature, and there is almost no difference. But Xiaoqing couldn't do it, his strength was limited, and his physique couldn't resist the super high temperature. In desperation, Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to put it away.

Without Xiaoqing's help, Bai Xiaofei's forward speed naturally slowed down a lot.


This is relative.

For ordinary people, his speed is still very fast.

And along the way, Bai Xiaofei also discovered a lot of good things, such as the naturally formed black ice crystals, snow lotus, exotic black fish... etc. These are rare treasures of heaven and earth. In the world, extreme conditions and chances are needed to be one of them, but in this extreme northern land, it can be seen almost everywhere!

"As expected!"

Bai Xiaofei was very excited, and secretly said: "Such a special environment, coupled with the blessing of extremely rich spiritual energy, can indeed breed rare treasures of heaven and earth. It seems that after subduing the Snow Demon Clan, it is necessary to build a special refining facility here. The medicine base is here, with this precious land as a supply, at least my elixir will not be in short supply in a short time!"

He walked all the way, doing whatever he wanted, and when he came across geniuses and treasures, he picked them up and kept them. Because he didn't know where the Snow Demon Clan was stationed or where those diehards were fleeing, it was the same for Bai Xiaofei, he was not in a hurry at all.

And at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei swaggered like this, undisguisedly parading on the endless ice field and cold sea, naturally quickly attracted the attention of the secret whistlers of the Snow Demon Clan, and then quickly notified the superiors, which immediately attracted the attention of those diehards , and immediately held a meeting to discuss it.


"Bai Xiaofei is the lord of the human race. The new emperor is the Ninth Five-Year Supreme. He has a high position and authority. How could he come to our extreme northern place alone? Those spies must have misread it. Let them investigate again, even if It is to pay some price, but also to thoroughly investigate the other party's details!"

"This matter is of great importance, and there must be no sloppy!"


The one who spoke was Ling Tianwei, the former monster general.

Ling Tianwei is the younger brother of Ling Tianzun, and he can be said to be the most loyal member of the New Demon King. After Ling Tianzun was killed by Bai Xiaofei, Ling Tianwei became the number one figure of the New Demon King's forces. It's a pity... his ability is not good, coupled with the changes in the current situation, the defeat of the Yaozu has become a foregone conclusion, so in the end he can only flee here and become king.

The general situation is like a certain party and a certain stone in Chinese history.


The little demon led the way and left.

The meeting continued, and one of the snow monsters, which resembled a polar bear, frowned and said: "My lord, if, I mean, if that person is really the emperor of the human race, Bai Xiaofei, then what should we do? The lord of the world came here alone, could this be a conspiracy by the other party?"

"Probably not!"

Ling Tianwei said with a serious expression: "Bai Xiaofei's strength is extremely terrifying, and he is number one in the world. Otherwise, my elder brother will not be able to kill the opponent with so many plots and calculations, especially the blood-stained curse killing technique. Failed, with such terrifying and perverted strength, it is normal for the other party to ignore us!"


"He came here alone, without any soldiers or men, which is really puzzling!"

"I hope that person outside is not the Heavenly Emperor Bai Xiaofei, otherwise..."

"We are afraid that we will suffer!"


Say the last.

Ling Tianwei's eyes were already full of deep fear and apprehension. It's not that he is cowardly and soft, but that Bai Xiaofei is too strong. Ling Tianwei, who has witnessed Bai Xiaofei's peerless and fierce power, has already been imprinted with infinite shadows in his heart, just like a mouse seeing a cat. I can't lift my confidence.

Not only him.

The other monsters around, when they heard the word "Bai Xiaofei", they also couldn't help but become terrified, and their faces changed drastically, turning extremely pale. Obviously, they all have extremely deep fear and fear for the lord of the human race. Even some of them are already thinking about how to escape.

Bai Xiaofei's great reputation is evident from this.

After a while, the little demon who was in charge of inquiring information finally sent back a message: "After careful observation and testing, it is absolutely confirmed that the person outside is the Lord of the Human Race—the Heavenly Emperor Bai Xiaofei! And he is alone, within a thousand miles around , there are no other human races or monsters!"

"Damn it!"

"It really is him, if he finds us, we will suffer!"

"What do we do now?"


After the monsters got the news, they immediately panicked.

Most of the generals of the monster beasts suggested that before Bai Xiaofei found this place, they should run away quickly, so as not to be picked up by the other party. Although Bai Xiaofei was alone, he couldn't hold back his abnormal strength, and his methods and abilities were even more unpredictable, one person could hold thousands of troops, so none of them dared to underestimate Bai Xiaofei.


"Hehe! Where else can we escape?"

"wake up!"

Ling Tianwei was also extremely scared at first.

But after the initial panic and fear, he calmed down instead, and then looked at the terrified monster generals around him, and said in a deep voice: "This is already the extreme north, the end of the world, Bai Xiaofei Didn’t he still chase after him, he is obviously going to kill them all, it’s useless for us to escape anywhere!”

"For now, we have only two options, either surrender..."

"Either fight to the death!"


Speaking of which.

He stared at the monster generals present, and said in a dark voice, "Which one do you choose?"


All the monsters were silent when they heard the words.

None of them are fools, looking at Ling Tianwei's sinister gaze like a poisonous snake, how could all the demons not understand each other's thoughts? This is obviously to force myself to express my opinion. On the surface, the monsters are given two choices, but in fact there is only one, and that is to fight to the end!

Anyone who dared to say surrender would probably be killed by Ling Tianwei in the next second!


All the monsters were silent.

After a short period of contemplation and hesitation, they finally made a decision, that is to follow Ling Tianwei and fight Bai Xiaofei to the end! After all, this is a place in the extreme north, the base camp of the Snow Demon Clan, which occupies the right time, place, people and the three major elements. If you fight recklessly, it is not hopeless to kill Bai Xiaofei.

Of course, there are also some sanctimonious people among them.

On the surface, they wanted to follow Ling Tianwei and fight Bai Xiaofei to the end, but in fact they secretly made up their minds. When the battle started, they would immediately turn their backs and help Bai Xiaofei deal with Ling Tianwei and other monster clans. Bai Xiaofei's favor is to gain a chance to survive.

"very good!"

"Since that's the case, then let's discuss how to deal with Bai Xiaofei. No matter what, we must keep him at all costs!"

"Either he dies, or we die!"


Ling Tianwei didn't know what the demons were thinking.

Seeing that everyone chose to fight to the end with a sense of current affairs, they were immediately overjoyed, and then began to arrange everything, discussing how to deal with Bai Xiaofei later. Taking advantage of the powerful combat power of the Snow Demon Clan, as well as the natural advantages of the surrounding ice and snow, supplemented by conspiracy and many ambush schemes, Ling Tianwei is confident that he can fight Bai Xiaofei!

If he can kill Bai Xiaofei, maybe he can make a comeback, gather the rest of the monster clan forces, and attack the human race again!

With this in mind.

Ling Tianwei's face was filled with excitement and fanaticism.


On a certain 10,000-meter glacier in the extreme north.

Bai Xiaofei is carefully picking a lotus that looks crystal clear, as cute and beautiful as ice crystals. According to Bai Xiaofei's judgment, the age of this ice crystal snow lotus is at least five thousand years, it contains infinite aura, and it is almost about to mature.


Ordinary treasures of heaven, material and earth would not make Bai Xiaofei pay so much attention to them.

But just as he picked the ice crystal snow lotus and was secretly happy in his heart, there was a sudden earth-shattering roar from the top of the glacier. He looked up in astonishment, only to see thousands of extremely hard ice crystal boulders, carrying a ferocious power, rolling down like rain!


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback.

While being surprised and shocked in his heart, the movements of his hands were not slow. He quickly put the ice crystal snow lotus he had just picked into the dimensional space, and then his figure flashed, and he moved horizontally outward for hundreds of meters, which was dangerous and dangerous He managed to avoid the attack of the landslide, but at this moment, a dazzling light suddenly came from below.

The light was like a laser beam, thick and fast, as fast as lightning, Bai Xiaofei had no time to react, and was directly hit.

next moment……

Countless ice crystals quickly condensed.

In the blink of an eye, Bai Xiaofei was frozen into a popsicle reaching to the sky.


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