The Storm God

Chapter 1508 Abyss of Ice! (Please subscribe!)


"It's great, I didn't expect it to be so easy!"

"Now he's dead!"


On the ground, seeing that Bai Xiaofei was frozen in ice, a Snow Demon couldn't help laughing up to the sky. But a monster general beside him glared at him angrily, and snorted coldly: "Idiot! It's not the time to be happy yet, with this bit of ice power alone, he can't be killed at all!"

During the conversation.

A group of elite monster masters around them did not stop attacking, and launched attacks one after another.

In this extreme northern land, the strongest power is of course the power of ice, so they specially prepared a super large formation of ice attributes for the special geographical environment here. Now Bai Xiaofei was accidentally frozen in ice and could not move. It took them a lot of time to prepare for the attack.


Because well prepared.

Therefore, this ice attribute super large formation does not need a long time to accumulate power, and it will be able to exert its power soon.

Bai Xiaofei was frozen in the ice crystal, unable to move, he could only watch helplessly as the other party did what he did, and with the activation of the big formation, the infinite cold power began to gather crazily in an instant, adding to the ultra-low temperature of the ice crystal continuously. and ice crystal thickness. It looked like he wanted to freeze Bai Xiaofei completely inside and come out forever.

And at the same time.

Somewhere not far away, other monster beast masters were digging holes underground.

That's right!

Just digging holes.

The leader is the general of the Snow Demon Clan.

In this frigid northern land, other races, except for the Snow Clan, could not dig through the incomparably hard ice crystals and permafrost. And under their advance preparation and the joint action of many masters, an unfathomable super hole was dug out very quickly.

"How's the depth now?"

Ling Tianwei asked anxiously.

Don't be in a hurry, although Bai Xiaofei is frozen, but the opponent's strength is unfathomable, who knows when he will be able to break through the ice, if he can't get everything done before then, put the frozen Bai Xiaofei popsicle directly Throw it into the underground abyss, then all these plans will be in vain.

According to the rumors of the Snow Demon Clan, the thousand miles underground in the extreme north is an abyss of ice, and no human or monster can survive there, even the strongest of the Snow Demon Clan born here is no exception. It is a forbidden zone for all life, and it is also the extreme north, the fundamental source of all icy power.

After hearing the news, Ling Tianwei immediately made this plan. When Bai Xiaofei was not paying attention, he would control it, preferably be able to freeze it, and then throw it directly into the ice abyss underground. The absolute low temperature in the restricted area froze Bai Xiaofei to death.

The previous plan went quite smoothly.

Bai Xiaofei was picking ice crystal snow lotus at that time, in order to protect the ice crystal snow lotus from harm, Bai Xiaofei, who was distracted + caught off guard, was indeed frozen in ice. But the excavation work on the other side was far from smooth as expected, and the depth of excavation was not even half of what was planned.


After learning the news.

Ling Tianwei was so angry, he couldn't help but swallowed the responsible snow demon clan powerhouse alive on the spot.


The strong man looked bitter, and quickly explained: "It's not that we didn't pay attention, but that the firmness of the frozen ground in the ground is far beyond our imagination. With our current ability, there is only such a It's fast, it can't be faster at all..."

The words should just fall.

An urgent message came from the side responsible for freezing Bai Xiaofei.


"The big thing is not good, we can't stand it anymore!"

"Have you dug the big hole yet?"


House seemingly endless rain.

Ling Tianwei was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, time was running out, and Bai Xiaofei over there was about to break out and mess up all the plans. With no other choice, Ling Tianwei could only hold back his heart, gritted his teeth and said, "I can't care so much now, let's take half of it and half of it, get Bai Xiaofei here!"


Follow his orders.

After a while, a group of experts from the Snow Demon clan controlled a huge icicle and slowly moved over from not far away. However, this icicle is about a hundred meters thick, and its height is more than a hundred feet. It can be called a big popsicle.

And Bai Xiaofei.

It was frozen inside, unable to move.

If it was just the power of ice cold, it would not be so terrible. The key lies in the surrounding icicles, and there are countless runes and secret spells attached to them. These are the key powers of the seal. Moreover, they cooperate with each other, they are intimate, and faintly formed a large spell array, binding Icicle and Bai Xiaofei firmly like chains.

These are already all Ling Tianwei's family assets, needless to say about his power, even Bai Xiaofei couldn't break free for a while, which shows how awesome and powerful he is.


As time goes by.

Bai Xiaofei's struggles became more frequent and uncontrollable.

Faintly, one can see that the icicles and the surrounding spell formations are trembling slightly, and the amplitude is getting bigger and bigger. When the super huge icicles are moved in front of Ling Tianwei and other monsters, they seem to be ready to move at any time. It looks like they might all be pulled away.

"not good!"

"Throw it down!"


Seeing such a situation.

Ling Tianwei groaned secretly, and hurriedly ordered his subordinates to throw the super huge icicles into the dug super big hole abyss.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka!"


Although the abyss hole has only been dug halfway, its depth and the ultra-low temperature coming from the ground are extremely terrifying and frightening. The super icicle had already been agitated by Bai Xiaofei's power, and it seemed to be cracking, but it just entered the big hole, and on the way of falling, it was hit by the ultra-low temperature deep in the ground.


The frozen power of the super icicle became solidified again.

And it's getting stronger and stronger!


At the same time, Ling Tianwei and other monster clans above did not dare to be negligent, and after throwing the super icicles together with Bai Xiaofei into the abyss hole, they immediately combined the power of all the monsters to start filling the super hole, intending to completely bury Bai Xiaofei alive In this abyss of ice, let him never have a bright future!


After a lot of work.

The super big hole was finally completely filled by Ling Tianwei and other monsters, and the snow monsters used their own abilities to control the power of ice and cold, and specially reinforced and frozen it. Coupled with the runes and secret spells of other monsters filling the middle of the tunnel of the big hole, and the power of the surrounding array, the three powerful forces are mixed together, which can be described as impenetrable.

This moment.

The permafrost and ice around the super large hole are at least ten times stronger than the original level. Even if they want to dig it out, it is impossible. And it's impossible for them to dig it out, they wish this place would never be discovered and excavated, they only hope that Bai Xiaofei will be buried here forever.


"It's really great. Although there were a few accidents in the plan, the result is still very good. We finally killed Bai Xiaofei. Now we can sit back and relax and don't have to worry about the human race anymore. We can even Start thinking about how to counterattack the human race next, and lead our monster race to make a comeback!"

"Sure enough, God bless me for waiting!"


You're done.

Ling Tianwei and other monsters were overjoyed one by one, that was called excitement.

Almost jumped up with excitement.


Among them, there are also some sane existences.

The number one general of the Snow Demon Clan didn't have any happy expression at this moment, he was still frowning, and said to the extremely excited Ling Tianwei: "My lord, that Bai Xiaofei was just thrown into the ice abyss, and the depth of the digging now is also It is far from the original expectation, so it is too early to judge the other party's situation now?"

"I think it's better to be more cautious!"

"It makes sense!"

Ling Tianwei nodded upon hearing this.

Immediately ordered: "Then everything here will be handed over to you. You can mobilize all the manpower and troops at will. If you find any abnormal situation, report it to me immediately. During this period, we will not stay here Now, let's go back and discuss the future plans, no matter whether Bai Xiaofei is alive or dead, we can act in time!"


It doesn't care about the reaction and situation of Ling Tianwei and other monsters above.

In the underground abyss.


Bai Xiaofei, who was trapped in a super icicle and attacked by the endless icy power of the underground abyss, was trying to use the technique of leaving his body to get out of the current predicament. However, his body suddenly felt an incomparably comfortable pleasure. It felt as if he saw a huge oasis in the desert, and he was extremely happy.

"So comfortable!"

Bai Xiaofei was startled for a moment.

Immediately, he calmed down and began to feel and taste the pleasure and source just now.


His eyes suddenly lit up.

His eyes were full of surprise and excitement, and he said excitedly: "This is... a purely natural and incomparably pure power of ice! It's so wonderful! I once absorbed the Frost Lord of the Frost Giant Kingdom in the Marvel World - Lau Fei His bloodline ability can freely control and absorb the power of ice, the power of ice in this underground abyss, to me, is simply a great tonic!"

"Such a level of ice power!"

"If I stay here for a little longer, it is estimated that my ice power will be able to advance smoothly soon, right?"

"God helped me too!"


Bai Xiaofei said happily.


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