The Storm God

Chapter 1509 Break out! (Please subscribe!)

Far North.

A group of snow demons, as well as other kinds of monsters, guarded bitterly under the glacier of the ice field, and were responsible for checking whether there was any movement of Bai Xiaofei who was sealed in the underground abyss. As everyone knows, Bai Xiaofei is currently under the abyss, wantonly absorbing the natural and pure power of ice, in order to strengthen his own power of ice.

That is simply a pleasure!

Thanks to the monsters above who didn't know the situation below, otherwise Bai Xiaofei would have to vomit blood on the spot!

Not to mention what happened above.


Bai Xiaofei absorbed it comfortably for a while.

He suddenly discovered a problem, that is, it seemed a bit too strenuous to inhale by himself. Well, to be precise, the absorption is too slow. It's not that Bai Xiaofei is weak, but the strength of the surrounding ice, it seems that the concentration and purity are not as good as expected, it's like eating fruit, only eating the peel but not the pulp.

"Is my position not deep enough?"

After careful consideration, Bai Xiaofei came to such a conclusion.

Because the super icicle that freezes Bai Xiaofei is surrounded by rune spells, which can effectively block Bai Xiaofei's spiritual power, so Bai Xiaofei can't measure and estimate his current position very well. But according to the speed and time of the fall just now, Bai Xiaofei can be sure that it is definitely very deep.

However, this power of ice is still not pure and pure enough, and the amount is very small, so Bai Xiaofei reckons that he has not touched its core position yet.

In order to improve his ice power, Bai Xiaofei didn't mind diving in further, but considering that the matter of the Snow Demon Clan was still unresolved, and the other party had plotted against him and made him suffer such a big loss. Can't just bear it like this? That's too cowardly!


After pondering for a while.

Bai Xiaofei still felt that he should settle the matter of the Yaozu first, and then go to find the source of the power of ice.

After all, the matter of the monster clan is of great importance, not only related to the grand plan of the coexistence of humans and monsters, but also related to the degree of reward completion of special tasks. And the source of the power of ice exists in the abyss of the extreme north, and you can't run away. You will have a lot of time and energy to deal with it in the future. There is no need to reward yourself with special tasks for it. Become even more worthless!


Bai Xiaofei began to condense the power of ice.

And with the power of ice, the ice layers and frozen soil around the abyss under the control of Bai Xiaofei began to disassemble the super icicle that sealed him and crack the big array of runes and secret spells. . If it's just a simple ice seal, with Bai Xiaofei's ability, it will be broken quickly, but the spells around are extremely annoying.

If you don't destroy the spell array, even with Bai Xiaofei's ability, you can't imagine destroying it quickly.

If it were someone else, it would be almost a dream if they wanted to crack such a level, and in the extremely harsh environment of the underground abyss in the extreme north, seal their own spell array. But Bai Xiaofei is not the case. Because his soul will leave his body, this spell array can strengthen the ice and block the spirit, but it can't stop the power of the soul!

Bai Xiaofei first used the power of ice to relieve the ice crystals that trapped him inside the super icicle, and analyzed and scanned the large array of spells outside. After gaining a certain understanding of it, he then used the Marvel World Kama Taj The magic soul of the department is out of the body, let your soul leave the body, and break away from the bondage of the super icicle.

The body of the soul is invisible and qualityless, just like nothingness. Without a special force field and energy, there is nothing that can do nothing to the soul. So... Even in the extremely deep underground of the extreme north, Bai Xiaofei's soul body can come in and out freely, and do whatever he wants in the extremely solid and cold surrounding entities.

After spinning around the super icicle that sealed his body for about three weeks, Bai Xiaofei fully grasped the array of spells attached to it. Afterwards, the soul returns to the body, and the main body exerts the power of ice to control the frozen soil and ice crystals around the ice cube, supplemented by the power of ice, and begins to crack the spell array that seals it one by one.

In less than a moment.

Bai Xiaofei successfully deciphered all the spells, without these spells and the powerful blessing of the formation, just relying on the mere ice crystals and permafrost to trap him would be nothing but a dream. With Bai Xiaofei's magic power, the ice crystals and icicles that trapped him were immediately covered with cracks and shatters by his raging and violent power.

It looked as if it would explode at any moment.

at the same time.


A monster stationed here, bored, couldn't help but ask the companion next to him: "Hey, Ban Erbo, what do you think, will that Bai Xiaofei be frozen to death by the absolute low temperature of the underground ice abyss? I heard that He is very, very powerful, why do I always feel that I have no idea?"


Ban Erbo gave him an angry look.

He curled his lips and said: "That's the fourth emperor of the human race, the Heavenly Emperor Bai Xiaofei known as the reincarnated Martial Emperor, whose strength is all-powerful and terrifying. If we hadn't taken the opportunity to sneak attack and occupy the right time and place, how could we have killed him so easily? He was frozen and thrown into the ice abyss underground?"

"Don't say you're hopeless, even Lord Demon King is the same!"


He sighed bitterly.

Depressedly said: "Why are we arranged to guard here so viciously? It's not because the Lord Demon King is afraid that something will happen, and when the emperor Bai Xiaofei breaks the seal, then we will all be finished. So... Let's keep an eye on the surroundings to see if there are any abnormalities, otherwise, if we don't pay attention, we may lose our lives!"

He just finished speaking.

The entire ice field suddenly shook violently.


The magnitude of the vibration was extremely huge, just like an earthquake, one wave after another, not only the ice field, but even the glacier and snow mountain next to it, shook violently because of this, countless ice crystal boulders fell from the sky, They killed and injured many monsters stationed here.

Seeing such a situation.

Ban Erbo's complexion suddenly changed, and at the same time, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, his eyes widened in shock, and he said in amazement: "My God! Could this be an anomaly caused by the emperor Bai Xiaofei? Such a terrifying change, It is simply unprecedented, he, he is going to break the seal, right?"

"It's very possible!"

The monsters around were all panicked at this moment, and asked quickly: "Then what should we do now?"


Ban Erbo was speechless: "Of course, send the signal quickly!"


While speaking, while dodging the falling rocks around him, he took out the special magic weapon he carried on his body, and immediately sent the signal of abnormality in the ice field to the sky. The signal is extremely loud and bright, and it shoots high, like a morning star in the night sky. I believe anyone who is not blind can see clearly within a hundred miles.

not to mention……

In order to be able to rush to the ice field in time.

The temporary meeting base of Ling Tianwei and others was not too far away, it was at the foot of an iceberg less than 30 kilometers away.

And the amplitude of the shock in the ice field is so huge and vast that it almost affected several surrounding glaciers and snow mountains, as if there was a magnitude 10 earthquake. Even if Ban Erbo didn't send a signal, Ling Tianwei and other monsters could clearly Incomparably felt the abnormal vibration of the ground under his feet.

"not good!"

"Something happened on the ice field, it's probably that damned Bai Xiaofei!"

"Let's hurry over there!"


There were bursts of movement coming from under the feet.

Coupled with the sudden signal from the sky, Ling Tianwei and other monsters naturally understood what happened immediately. It's not that they didn't think that Bai Xiaofei might not be killed easily, and it was very likely that he would break out and seek revenge on himself. But they never imagined that this moment would come so quickly, it didn't even take an hour!

It's unbelievable!

While all the monsters were shocked, they immediately put down everything they were doing, and rushed towards the ice field with all their might. They hoped to be able to reach the ice field before Bai Xiaofei broke the seal, so that they could strengthen and seal the ice field so that Bai Xiaofei could not rush out.


Once it's unsealed.

Facing the furious Bai Xiaofei, there is only one fate for them...

That is - die!


They hurried on, but in the end it was too late.

When Ling Tianwei and other monsters finally arrived at the frozen Bai Xiaofei's ice field, there was an earth-shattering loud noise from the whole world, followed by... What I could see were countless ice crystal wreckages that soared into the sky, like The turbulent icy current of the angry dragon going out to sea, and Bai Xiaofei's domineering, raging and raging figure.

"Since you guys like frozen people so much, then I will repay him with the same way!"

"Turn them all into ice sculptures!"


A figure rising into the sky.

The whole body is glittering with golden light, it looks noble and beautiful, extremely gorgeous, and the posture of the hands raised above the top is like a peerless beauty, holding a water bottle in her hand, pouring down, as the mouth of the bottle tilts, a wave of The turbulent and monstrous waves, carrying the absolute power to freeze everything, came overwhelming in an instant!

It is the signature skill of the Aquarius Golden Saint Cloth——

Forgiveness of the Goddess of Dawn!


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