The Storm God

Chapter 1510 Plotting for the throne! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei's unique skill was not only produced by the golden holy cloth, most of the power in it came from the ice treasure box. The Frozen Treasure Box is originally a treasure similar to an infinite gem in the Marvel Universe movie world. It has endless death chills and can freeze the entire planet.

Now being used by Bai Xiaofei, supplemented by the boost effect of the golden holy cloth, the power is naturally even more terrifying and perverted. Seeing that with the bang of Bai Xiaofei's fists, the sky seemed to be opened a terrifying dimensional gap in an instant, and the endless death chill turned into substantial glacial water, pouring down from the sky, towards the upper sky below. Thousands of monsters rushed forward.

"not good!"

"That guy has used his trick, everyone run!"


Seeing that the situation is not good.

Ling Tianwei and other monsters below immediately wanted to escape.


Glacier storms overwhelmed the sky.

Almost covering the entire ice sheet within a radius of tens of miles, how can they run if they say they can run?


The monstrous glacial water, carrying the endless deadly cold, fell from the sky almost in an instant, and completely poured on the monsters on the ice field on the ground. They were like ants, powerless, and were swept away by the surging waves on the spot. It was submerged by the turbulent waves, and then instantly turned into a vivid ice sculpture, completely freezing all vitality.


The glaciers flooded like floods.

They are wild and domineering on the ice field, rampant and reckless, wherever they pass, no matter what kind of monsters or glacial boulders, there is only one end, that is to turn into crystal clear ice crystals and be permanently destroyed. Sexuality is frozen in an indestructible ice crystal, becoming a vivid living specimen!


Even the Snow Clan, who has the power of ice and is quite resistant to ultra-low temperature, is no exception!

Those Snow Demons who thought they could rely on their own abilities to counter the power of Bai Xiaofei's unique skill, whether they were ordinary soldiers, elite experts, or top generals, were all frozen into ice sculptures without exception. The arrogant behavior, paid the due price!

"Oh my God!"

Ling Tianwei was frightened immediately.

He never thought that Bai Xiaofei's move would be so terrifying. Even the Snow Demon clan, who lived in the extreme north and possessed the power of ice and cold, could not resist Bai Xiaofei's unique skill. This is simply unbelievable! If he gets hit too, it's game over!


"It's too dangerous here, I have to go!"

"Block it for me...!"


Seeing the turbulent and wild glacier rushing towards him, Ling Tianwei was so frightened that his eyeballs were so frightened that he couldn't stare out, he quickly turned around and ran away, and at the same time he kept ordering the younger brothers around him to cut off the back for him, lest Unable to escape, he was frozen into an ice sculpture by Bai Xiaofei's glacial power.


The other monsters are not fools, no matter what time it is, when their lives are at stake, who would listen to his orders? By the time Ling Tianwei opened his mouth, the monsters around him had already taken the lead and fled in all directions. The current Ling Tianwei, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a polished commander!


Ling Tianwei, who realized that he had become a loner, was immediately depressed. Distress, astonishment, panic, anger... and other emotions, all piled up together, burst out in an instant, and he almost fell to the ground. Cursing secretly in my heart, I didn't dare to have any hesitation at the moment, so I ran away quickly.

His strength is good, and the power of blood is also very powerful.


Although the power of the glacier is extremely terrifying.

The overwhelming power is also unstoppable, but in terms of speed alone, Ling Tianwei is even better. In addition to the countless monsters around, they also helped to share the impact of the power of the glacier, which allowed Ling Tianwei to escape the pursuit of the power of the glacier and save his own life.

Seeing that the monsters in the ice field below have almost all been frozen into ice sculptures, and there are very few survivors, Bai Xiaofei immediately withdrew [Goddess of Dawn's Forgiveness]. After all, it takes a lot of effort to perform such a terrifying stunt Supported by energy and mind.


On the ground, Ling Tianwei turned around to look at the ice field with lingering fear, and immediately couldn't help but gasped. Then he widened his eyes and said with a look of astonishment: "My God, what a terrifying power! Damn it! What is the origin of Bai Xiaofei? Not only was he not frozen to death by the Ice Abyss, but Mastering such a heaven-defying stunt is simply abominable!"

However, the once endless ice field has now become a world of ice crystals. Each ice crystal is frozen with one or several monsters, or other wrecks, each of them is lifelike, like a living specimen. Thousands of them stand in the former ice field, forming a strange ice crystal forest, which is terrifying and shocking!

Under one move.

Slaughtering tens of thousands of monster races, and even changing the terrain, such power is simply against the sky!


Just when Ling Tianwei was stunned and terrified by Bai Xiaofei's unique skill, he stood on the spot in a daze, a golden figure suddenly appeared, it was Bai Xiaofei wearing the Aquarius Golden Saint Cloth, He smiled and looked at Ling Tianwei who was trembling when he noticed his presence, and said, "Ling Tianwei, why don't you run away?"


Ling Tianwei turned around stiffly.

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei was looking at him with special meaning, his eyes were full of despair and fear, he said tremblingly: "Bai"

It was because of fear that he stuttered so much that he couldn't even speak fully.


For such a cowardly character, Bai Xiaofei's interest suddenly dropped, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense with him. He directly used [Journey to the Aurora] to freeze Ling Tianwei into an ice sculpture, and then punched Ling Tianwei. After picking up countless fragments, he thoroughly understood the other party's life.

The younger brother of the majestic new demon king Ling Tianzun, Ling Tianwei, a generation of demon general, ended his life in this way. And with his death, the surviving monsters around them immediately lost hope and faith completely, and all of them sat down on the ground in despair, as if they had lost their souls and became walking corpses.

Only a very small number of monsters are still on the run.

For example, the Snow Demon Clan.


Bai Xiaofei's figure flashed.

At a super high speed, he came to a general of the Snow Demon family as if teleporting, and was so frightened that the other party immediately lay down on the ground in horror, kowtowed to Bai Xiaofei non-stop, full of fear, and begged for mercy. Bai Xiaofei was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he directly shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, if you want to survive, listen to me!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Seeing that Bai Xiaofei didn't seem to have the intention of killing him, General Snow Demon was overjoyed and immediately responded. Bai Xiaofei didn't follow around and said straight to the point: "Let me ask you, where is your king? Why didn't I see him appear from the beginning?"

The Snow Demon Clan is a race with a hive consciousness, and the highest ruler and belief is the Snow Demon King. But... Whether it was the battlefield in the capital city or in this extreme north, Bai Xiaofei had never spotted the Snow Demon King. This is obviously abnormal, now that Ling Tianwei is dead, if Bai Xiaofei wants to control the Snow Demon Clan, he must find the Snow Demon King.

That's why he spared the life of the Snow Demon General.

"His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven!"

General Xue Yao didn't hide anything, he immediately told Bai Xiaofei everything he knew. It turns out that the Snow Demon King has long been controlled by the new Demon King Ling Tianzun, just like the ancient princes who held the emperor to order the princes. Otherwise, the Snow Demon Clan would not follow his arrangement and leave the extreme north to attack the human race.

And after Ling Tianzun died.

The Snow Demon King was controlled by Ling Tianwei, otherwise with their strength, they would not be able to survive in this extreme north.


As early as a few days ago.

The Snow Demon King passed away because of his serious injuries.

The current Snow Demon Clan can be described as a group of dragons without a leader. It is at the time of the most chaos, and the strongest of the Snow Demon Generals wants to take this opportunity to become the new Snow Demon King, but his status and identity are a bit embarrassing. To put it simply, if the name is not right, the words are not right. That's why he was willing to cooperate with Ling Tianwei and became the lackey of the other party.

The condition is that the other party helps him become the new Snow Demon King.


People are not as good as God.

Whether it is the number one general of the Snow Demon Clan, or Ling Tianwei and other monsters, they have just come to the extreme north not long ago, and they have not even established their foundations, so they are approached by Bai Xiaofei. Then what happened today, almost the entire army was wiped out, completely defeated by Bai Xiaofei.

"I see!"

After understanding the ins and outs of the matter, Bai Xiaofei thought for a while, and then asked: "Then let me ask you, what are the requirements for becoming the Snow Demon King? People from foreign races, for example, have the same power of ice as you Is it possible that the powerful human race will become your king?"

His purpose is to completely control the Snow Demon Clan. After all, this extreme northern land is a rare natural treasure, and he must firmly control it in his own hands. Whether it is the army of the Snow Demon Clan or the ice abyss. Bai Xiaofei is bound to gain that icy cold power!


General Snow Demon was startled when he heard this.

He was not stupid, he understood Bai Xiaofei's meaning almost instantly, then rolled his eyes, as if he was thinking about something, and then said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I understand what you mean, although this matter has It is extremely difficult, but it is not impossible, as long as you allow me to participate in it, I guarantee that you can get what you want!"

In order to survive, General Xue Yao could only sell his integrity.


"I will follow what you said and believe you once, as for the consequences of failure..."

"You should understand!"


Bai Xiaofei said in a deep voice.

Bai Xiaofei didn't care about the life of a snow demon general. If the other party can really help him, let his subordinates become the kings of the Snow Demon Clan, completely control the Snow Demon Clan under his own hands, let the other party go, and even give the other party a certain amount of glory and wealth, that's not too bad!


Bai Xiaofei summoned Bai out.

Possessing the limit of the Ice Shield Blood Successor, and the power to use against the Aquarius Golden Saint Cloth, second only to Bai Xiaofei, Bai is undoubtedly the best candidate for the king of the Snow Demon Clan. The key is that Bai is absolutely loyal to Bai Xiaofei, and he also knows many things about Bai Xiaofei. Letting him control the Snow Demon Clan can save Bai Xiaofei a lot of trouble.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.


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