The Storm God

Chapter 1511 Ice Crystal Crown! (Please subscribe!)

This snow demon general is named Xue Manshan.

It is said that he is a well-known general of the Snow Demon Clan, and he is still very prestigious in the Snow Demon Clan. Of course...Compared with other awards, it is obviously not as good as it is, but right now the other generals are dead, dead, so Xuemanshan has naturally become the well-deserved number one in the Snow Demon Clan general.

And the solution he gave was to have Bai pretend to be a hybrid of the Snow Demon King and a human.

That's right!

It's a mixed race!

In the world of Monster Hunt, humans and demons can also fall in love and combine. The most prominent example is Song Daitian's son——Song Tianyin, he is the hybrid left after Song Daitian and a certain monster from the monster clan combined. Song Tianyin's lame leg and the special power in his body are due to the power of the monster clan in his body.

And also because of this.

Only the demon queen would choose to transfer the dragon fetus in her body to Song Tianyin's body to hatch and give birth on her behalf.


It was so complicated.

There are so many people around, no matter whether they are disguised by monsters or not, the demon queen has a lot of choices, why why choose Song Tianyin when others don't choose at all? When he first watched the movie, Bai Xiaofei didn't think much about it, but now that he thinks about it carefully, he really found many doubts.

He vaguely remembered that the Demon Empress chose Song Tianyin after carefully sniffing her. Thinking about it now, he must have been attracted by the power of the demon clan in Song Tianyin's body, right? If Song Tianyin didn't have the power of the demon race in his body, the little demon king Huba probably wouldn't be able to hatch just based on the human structure and body.

Closer to home.

For Xuemanshan's plan, Bai Xiaofei carefully considered it, and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. The only shortcoming was that it would make Bai lose some reputation, but these were harmless, so he nodded and agreed. As for Bai, he is loyal to Bai Xiaofei, so naturally he has no objection.

"very good!"

After making up his mind, Bai Xiaofei ordered: "Xue Manshan, then Bai will be handed over to you, I don't care how to operate, I just want the result!"


Xuemanshan responded.

Afterwards, he took Bai and some snow demons who survived by chance, and left this terrifying ice crystal forest. Bai Xiaofei didn't leave with them, but according to the information provided by Xuemanshan, he flew to another location in the extreme north - one of Ling Tianwei's three bases.

As the saying goes: "The cunning rabbit has three holes!"

As the younger brother of the new demon king Ling Tianzun, Ling Tianwei also has the heart and ambition of a hero. He is powerful and has a good mind. After leading the remaining monsters to escape to this extreme north, they immediately began to build their own monster bases, and there were three bases in one go, so as not to be wiped out by others.


Nothing can compare to God's will.

At this moment, Ling Tianwei died, and the Yaozu tribe was killed and wounded countless times. They were defeated, but Bai Xiaofei was spared a lot of trouble. But in the other two bases, there are still quite a few monster troops. Although these troops were so pitiful that they could hardly make any waves, but Bai Xiaofei didn't want to leave any trouble for himself.

What's more, it was still in the extreme northern land that he cared about very much.

Bai Xiaofei's speed is very fast.

Not for a while.

He came to one of the Yaozu bases.

This base is the smallest of the three bases, and it is also the latest to be built, so whether it is building defenses or military strength, it is quite weak. With Bai Xiaofei's powerful strength and many methods, for this base where the number of monsters is less than a thousand monsters, it is simply Zhang Fei eating bean sprouts, a piece of cake!

After destroying the base.

Bai Xiaofei continued non-stop, and hurried towards the other two bases.

at the same time.

Xuemanshan also brought Bai back to the Snow Demon Clan.

He first announced the death of Ling Tianwei and other monsters to the public, and then without waiting for the other monsters of the Snow Demon Clan to be happy, he told the news about the death of the Snow Demon King, which instantly made everyone in the Snow Demon Clan die. All the monsters were filled with sorrow and joy, almost all of them froze in place, not knowing what to do.

And this time.

Xuemanshan pushed Bai out.

He also lied to the demons, saying that he was a half-blood left over from the love and fusion of the Snow Demon King and the human race.

Since he is the son of the Snow Demon King, he naturally has the qualifications to inherit the throne of the Snow Demon King. Now that the Snow Demon clan is facing internal and external troubles, and is on the verge of genocide, it is natural that they cannot be leaderless. The most urgent task is to establish a new Snow Demon King. , and then asked him to represent the Snow Demon Clan, negotiate with the Human Race, and declare the misunderstanding, so that humans would not send troops to the Snow Demon Clan because of the previous war.

As soon as Xuemanshan's proposal was mentioned, it was immediately supported and questioned by many people.

His opinions and suggestions were supported, and Bai's identity and background were naturally questioned. After all, there is no paternity test in this world, so we can't just pull someone out and say he is the son of the Snow Demon King, right? What's more, this person is still a human race, not a monster race at all.


Xuemanshan had expected this.

Seeing this, he smiled slightly, glanced at Bai confidently, and said, "Since everyone doesn't believe that you are the descendant of my king, then you should show your ability and prove it!"


Long before coming here.

Bai has already learned from Xueman Mountain Pass that the Snow Demon King's special ability is the power of ice, which can control and manipulate Frost at will, and its power is terrifying, far beyond what ordinary snow demons can match. So as long as they can deter the group of demons in this respect, all the doubts and scruples of the snow demons can be dispelled.

after all……

The royal family of the Snow Demon Clan has not been hereditary since ancient times. But which one's ice power is more powerful, pure and rich, whoever can become the new Snow Demon King and lead the Snow Demon Clan to become stronger, more prosperous and prosperous. As long as Xue Manshan firmly insists that Bai is a half-breed of the Snow Demon King, and possesses the exceptionally gifted power of ice, then he is eligible to become the new Snow Demon King!

Unless other monsters can find evidence to prove that Xue Manshan's words are all false.

But this is obviously impossible.


Only the three of them knew about Bai Xiaofei's conspiracy with Xue Manshan.

The rest of the snow demons either died in battle or were frozen into ice sculptures by Bai Xiaofei. Even those who survived by chance have all been harvested by Xuemanshan as confidantes, and they have all been hypnotized and illusioned by Bai Xiaofei to unify them. Caliber, there will be absolutely no surprises.

In addition, Xue Manshan is currently the highest-ranking general in the Xue Yao clan, with unparalleled influence and countless supporters.

And the current special situation and crisis of the Snow Demon Clan.


The plan went very well.

Without going through any complicated procedures and too many proofs, when Bai cast the astonishing Ice Shield Blood Inheriting Boundary, all the snow demons present almost immediately believed Xue Manshan's words, and then discussed with each other After a while, Bai's status as the New Snow Demon King was quickly confirmed.

And Bai Dang's first order after becoming the Snow Demon King was to gather all the Snow Demons to welcome the arrival of the Human Race Heavenly Emperor.

All the Snow Demons naturally did not dare to raise any objections, so they followed suit immediately.

the other side.

Bai Xiaofei also successfully wiped out the other two Ling Tianwei's demon bases, and found a lot of good things from them, including the corpse of the Snow Demon King. Bai Xiaofei discovered that the reason why the Snow Demon King was able to use the hive consciousness to control all the Snow Demon clan was because of a special piece of equipment - the Ice Crystal Crown!

This ice crystal crown is incredible.

Not only does it contain supreme icy power, but the sparkling spar inlaid in the middle of the palace seems to be a rare treasure. It is precisely because of the existence of this crystal that the crown has the ability to control other snow demons. Because the ice-cold power of the Snow Demon Clan comes from it!


They originate from the same place, but the cold power of the spar is more pure and powerful. , Naturally, it is as if the subjects saw the emperor, and they had no choice but to kneel down and submit.

The most important thing is that this spar gave Bai Xiaofei a very familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

After pondering carefully for a long time, he suddenly realized: "Isn't this the special spar I saw when I was trapped in the ice abyss underground? It's just that the power of ice contained in it is stronger than those I saw. It’s more concentrated and pure, it probably comes from a deeper underground, right?”

This moment.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but become more curious about the ice abyss.

However, he also understands that now is not an excellent time for research and exploration. The most urgent task is to bring the Snow Demon Clan under his command according to the plan, so as to completely complete the grand plan of unifying the world and the coexistence of humans and monsters. After getting it, Bai Xiaofei can do what he wants to do.


He immediately flew towards the base camp of the Snow Demon Clan. A lot of time has passed, Bai Xiaofei estimated that at this moment, Xuemanshan and Bai should have successfully completed the plan and obtained the throne and rights of the Snow Demon King. More foolproof.

Bai Xiaofei's speed was extremely fast, and in less than half an hour, he followed the traces left by Bai all the way to the base camp of the Snow Demon Clan - the top of the polar region. As far as the eye can see, there are tens of thousands of snow demons, headed by Bai and Xuemanshan, who are waiting for their arrival with great respect.

"somebody is coming!"

"The whole body is golden, gorgeous and beautiful, and extremely luxurious. With such a dress, it must be His Majesty Bai Xiaofei, the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Everyone cheer up and come with me!"

"Welcome to the Emperor of Heaven!"


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