The Storm God

Chapter 1512 The Land of Origin! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Xiaofei stopped his figure.

Looking intently at the monsters below, seeing that all the monsters worshiped him with incomparable respect, he knew that Xue Manshan and Bai had almost controlled the entire Xueyao clan. Immediately, he smiled slightly, put on a very magnanimous look, and waved his hands: "No need to be polite, get up!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

All the demons quickly thanked and got up.

And Bai, the new Snow Demon King, began to repent for the previous behavior of the Snow Demon Clan, and said that although everything was coerced by Ling Tianzun, the big mistake has been made, and he is willing to bear all the guilt. I only hoped that Bai Xiaofei could let the Snow Demon Clan go, such a spirit of self-sacrifice touched countless Snow Demon Clan immediately.


"It's easy to say, do you know how many of my subordinates died in Jiuquan because of your Snow Demon clan?"

"With your own body, how can you bear these crimes?"

"The Snow Demon Clan is all guilty!"


Bai Xiaofei was also unambiguous.

Immediately, he sang a double reed to Bai, saying that capital crimes are inevitable, and living crimes are inevitable. Immediately, the surrounding Snow Demon Clan was scared to death, and everyone was worried, for fear that Bai would be severely punished. Xue Manshan also jumped out, expressing his willingness to bear all the punishments with Bai, and only begged Bai Xiaofei to spare the rest of his compatriots.

The superb interpretation, selfless mind, and self-sacrificing spirit once again won the favor and touch of many snow demons.


Under Bai Xiaofei's pressure.

Conquered by Xuemanshan and Bai's incomparable performances, most of the monsters of the Xueyao clan suddenly awakened, and each and every one of them expressed their righteous indignation that they would advance and retreat with Xuemanshan and Bai, that they would rise together in life and die together. If you die, you will never stay on the sidelines and just stand by!

Tens of thousands of snow demons are called a common enemy!

And Bai Xiaofei.

He was also really "scared" by the scene in front of him.

After pondering for a while, he pretended to be moved and shook his head, claiming that he was moved by the spirit of unity and solidarity of the Snow Demon Clan. He will care about the previous mistakes of the Snow Demon Clan.

All the monsters of the Snow Demon Clan naturally dared not refuse, each one was ecstatic, full of gratitude and respect for Bai Xiaofei's generosity.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Heavenly Emperor!"

"My Snow Demon Clan will definitely fulfill my duty in the future and serve His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor wholeheartedly, even if I go up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire, I will not hesitate!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"


Thousands of people from the Snow Demon Clan worshiped him.

In this way, under the careful planning and calculation of Bai Xiaofei, Xue Manshan, and Bai, the surviving Snow Demon clan was easily subdued.

Especially after Bai Xiaofei took out the ice crystal crown and handed it back to Bai, and Bai also easily activated the spar on it, possessed the real hive consciousness, and could control the snow demons, all the snow demon clan originally talked to Bai There were still some skeptical thoughts, which disappeared completely in an instant.

Because the cold soul spar on the ice crystal crown can only be activated and used by the owner of the purest and most powerful ice power, and this is also the ultimate criterion for the evaluation of the Snow Demon King. Even the descendants of the Snow Demon King, if there is no Activating the ability of the ice spar also does not qualify for the succession to the throne.

And now...

Bai did it easily.

Whether or not Bai is a descendant of the Snow Demon King is not important now. Based on this alone, he has the qualifications and rights to compete for the Snow Demon King's throne, not to mention Xue Manshan's protection, and All the previous behaviors have also won the approval of countless snow demons.


Bai, the Snow Demon King's seat, can be said to be completely secure now.

No snow demon can shake it anymore!


Under the welcome of the demons.

Bai Xiaofei entered the palace of the Snow Demon clan at the top of the polar region.

The royal palace of the Snow Demon Clan, let’s call it a royal palace, is actually a very simple ice cave, but it is very wide and strong. In addition, it is built in the iceberg on the top of the polar region, so it looks quite high, but if In terms of luxury and architectural style, the human palace is even better.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei also understood very well.

After all, the monsters of the Snow Demon Clan are semi-elf monsters, each of which possesses extremely strong power of ice cold, and can survive almost anywhere in this extremely cold northern land. The house or something is actually not important, and the reason why they chose this place as the palace and the barracks is because there is a palace here!

This underground abyss directly reaches the extreme north. It is unfathomable. For tens of thousands of years, no snow demon has been able to explore to the bottom. They only know that this is their source and birthplace. It is precisely because of the existence of this ** that the Snow Demon clan was born.


The Snow Demon clan called this place "the place of origin".

Every once in a while, the place of origin will erupt once, and then it will release endless power of ice cold. After these forces erupt, they will randomly precipitate in the area near the top of the polar region, then condense, and finally evolve into New snow demons come out again and again, and this is how the huge scale of the current snow demon clan has come to be.


With the great battle between the human and demon clans, and Bai Xiaofei's random entry and intervention, the snow demon clan suffered heavy losses and was completely defeated. The scale of snow demons accumulated in the tens of thousands of years in the extreme north was almost crippled by Bai Xiaofei, and the number was severely damaged, almost none of them survived. It was so pitiful that it made people sigh endlessly.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei didn't feel much about it.

Although the heavy loss of the Snow Demon Clan is a big trouble for his future plans, as long as the place of origin is still there, with the eruption of the power of ice cold, the number of the Snow Demon Clan will continue to grow, even With my own help, this speed and output can be greatly increased.

There is no need to feel sorry for those dead guys!

"Take me to the place of origin!"

Bai Xiaofei's greatest interest now is the origin of the Snow Demon Clan.

According to his analysis and speculation, this place of origin should be connected to the ice abyss where he was thrown before, otherwise it would not be able to explain the origin of the cold spar on the ice crystal crown. That should be the power of ice gushing from the place of origin, an accidental product that was finally made into a symbol of the king's power by the Snow Demon clan and the key to inheritance.

The icy power in the Ice Abyss is not only related to the evolution and improvement of Bai Xiaofei's icy power, but also has an inseparable connection with the development of the Snow Demon clan. So... Bai Xiaofei wanted to study it carefully to see if his ice treasure box could have any linkage with it.

If the two can produce some wonderful amplification effect, with the help of the power of the ice treasure box, Bai Xiaofei believes that whether it is improving his own ability or expanding the size of the Snow Demon clan, he should be able to get twice the result with half the effort! Even... Maybe some ice-attributed treasure can be found in the Ice Abyss!

Possess such a huge and pure power of ice, and it has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't believe that no elves would be born!

You know, even Tai Sui, Ganoderma lucidum, ginseng and other things, in an environment with enough spiritual energy, survive for thousands or tens of thousands of years, can give birth to spiritual wisdom, evolve into an elf-like existence, and even start to practice and become spiritual beings. The existence of immortals and the like. In this abyss of ice in the extreme north, there is such a terrifying power of ice, and it has existed for nearly a million years. How could there be no one?

This Snow Demon Clan is the best example!

Even a little bit of ice power can form tens of thousands of snow demons of different types. If there are no powerful creatures bred in the core area, even if you kill Bai Xiaofei, he will not believe it. . And thinking of this, Bai Xiaofei immediately became extremely excited.

"Hey hey hey!"

"I don't know if the depths of the land of origin are heaven-defying treasures, or extremely perverted elves and monsters?"

"Thinking about it, it's really exciting!"


Not for a while.

Under the leadership of Xuemanshan.

Bai Xiaofei and Bai and his party came to the forbidden place of the Snow Demon Clan - the place of origin.

However, the surroundings are full of crystal clear ice crystals. Because these ice crystals have been nourished and irrigated by the power of ice cold for many years, they have become extremely hard. Some of them have even become rare natural treasures and refining materials. device material. And the center surrounded by countless ice crystals is a cave that is as wide as three people.

This cave is the entrance to the place of origin.

"What pure power!"

Seeing the cave entrance, Bai Xiaofei was startled. Just a mere entrance made him feel the incomparably huge and pure icy power. If he entered the depths, or even the bottom of the ground, how frightening and terrifying would the icy power there be?

It is worthy of being the place of origin, it is really awesome!


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