The Storm God

Chapter 1513 Mysterious Ice Jade Lotus Root! (Please subscribe!)

"His Majesty!"

Xuemanshan glanced at Bai Xiaofei cautiously, and asked, "What did you discover about this place of origin?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded slightly.

The mystery of this place of origin is far thicker than that of the previous ice abyss.

So he decided to go down and explore, but before that, some things still need to be explained. So he turned around and rushed to Bai and Xuemanshan and said: "I am a little fussy about the mystery of the place of origin, so I plan to go in and check it out. I don't know how long it will take to come back after this trip. I will leave everything outside to you to deal with." gone."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!"

Xue Manshan hurriedly expressed his loyalty and said: "We will definitely do our best and never let His Majesty down!"


But Bai simply nodded, and then handed the Aquarius golden holy clothes he was wearing to Bai Xiaofei, and said: "The ice-cold power in the Origin Land is beyond imagination, accidents are inevitable, the master still puts the Aquarius Bring the golden holy cloth with you!"


Bai Xiaofei originally refused intentionally, but when he thought that this was Bai's wish, and the mystery of the place of origin and the power of ice cold were indeed terrifying unknowns, he changed his mind again. He simply put the Aquarius on his body, and said bluntly: "After I leave, I will leave all the affairs of the Snow Demon Clan to you!"


"Whoever dares to disagree..."

"Kill without mercy!"


Bai silently nodded.

The Xueman mountain next to him couldn't help but tremble when he heard the words.

Because when Bai Xiaofei spoke just now, his eyes glanced at him clearly, which made him feel as if Bai Xiaofei said these words specifically for himself. And in fact, it is true. It's not that Bai Xiaofei doesn't believe in Xuemanshan, under the confinement of his mind power and the beast control ring, it is absolutely impossible for Xuemanshan to betray Bai Xiaofei.

And Bai Xiaofei's real intention is to let Xue Manshan execute the killing sentence instead of Bai when he has to.

Gai Yinbai is still too kind in his heart!

This is the case in Naruto World.

Following Bai Xiaofei, the same goes for coming to the world of Monster Hunting.

This is also the reason why Bai Xiaofei doesn't easily summon Bai to fight. It's not because of Bai's lack of strength. In fact, the strength of Bai, who possesses the Aquarius Golden Saint Cloth, is still very terrifying. The real reason why Bai Xiaofei doesn't let him come out is that Bai's thoughts are too kind, and he can't kill him easily!

This kind of mentality is undoubtedly the most deadly in the decisive battle of life and death!

The situation is just right now.

The Snow Demon Clan has just been subdued, and there is Xuemanshan as an assistant by his side, which can strengthen Bai's mentality and exercise, and hone Bai's character. As for Xue Manshan being able to become the Snow Demon General, he is naturally not an idiot. After thinking about it, he quickly understood Bai Xiaofei's intentions, and immediately nodded, expressing that he would definitely not disappoint Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei said no more.

Under Bai Hexuemanshan's gaze, he jumped straight into the cave in the place of origin.

The two stopped and watched for a while, and then left the place of origin. After all, there are still many things that need to be dealt with outside, but before leaving, they ordered many confidantes to set up layers of security around the place of origin. Restrictions and secret whistles, beware of other monsters breaking into it and disturbing Bai Xiaofei's exploration.

Regardless of the circumstances above.


Bai Xiaofei fell downwards at an extremely fast speed.

The structure of the place of origin is somewhat similar to a pyramid, but it is a non-standard triangle. The further you go down, the larger the space inside. Similarly, the richness and essence of the cold power are getting stronger and stronger. When it fell to about a thousand meters, the temperature inside had already reached about 240 degrees.

This is also the biggest bottom line that the Snow Demon Clan can go deep into.

further down...

That would be fatal.

Even the strongest king of the Snow Demon Clan, who is born with the power of ice cold, can't resist the absolute cold of the lower layer, because when the ultra-low temperature reaches about 250 degrees, under the effect of endless ice cold power, the cave will be * A very domineering and terrifying cold wind will be formed!

Although the power of this kind of gang wind does not have much effect on the physical body, it has great lethality on the soul, spirit, and consciousness of creatures!

In the world of Monster Hunting, there are many people who practice spells, and even some monsters, by chance, can also cultivate mana and become the top powerhouse of demon practitioners, but looking at the whole world, they have attainments in the soul Yes, but it is very rare, it can even be said to be almost none!


Facing this cold wind that directly acts on the soul.

No matter how strong the king of the Snow Demon Clan is, he can only helplessly stop at a distance of about a thousand meters, and if he goes any further, he will die, without exception! But Bai Xiaofei is not the case. After practicing the "Nine Spirits and Star Art", Bai Xiaofei's soul strength has far surpassed that of ordinary people, and he has even reached the state where he can borrow the power of his body.

The cold wind that is thousands of meters below the place of origin, for other people or monsters, is a scythe of death that almost hurts when touched, and dies when touched, but for Bai Xiaofei, it is at best the spring of March It was just a gust of strong wind, the effect was almost negligible, and it couldn't hurt him at all.

"Fortunately, my buddy has practiced the secret art of the soul, and has made some achievements. Otherwise, this place of origin would really be impossible to enter!"

Feeling the cold wind in the cave constantly blowing his soul, as if he wanted to blow himself away like a cloud of smoke, but he had no choice, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, his heart ached. At the same time, he secretly began to be vigilant.

"Only about a thousand meters away, there is a wind that can hurt the soul. What will happen further down? If it is only for physical damage, I am not afraid at all, but if it is still for soul damage , with my current state, can I persevere to the end?"

"Forget it, think so much and hurry up, go wherever you can!"

"Anyway, it can't run away!"


Bai Xiaofei comforted himself a bit.

Then he used a heavy fall to make himself fall at a much faster speed.

After a while, he reached a depth of about 5 kilometers underground. At this time, the temperature in the cave had already reached a terrifying minus 260 degrees, which was only 10 degrees away, which was close to the legendary absolute temperature. It's zero degrees. At the same time, the icy power and cold wind in the cave are becoming more and more terrifying and domineering.

Even Bai Xiaofei felt a little overwhelmed at the moment, and began to feel bursts of coldness and pain. Of course, these are all related to the soul. With his body with pupils more than ten times stronger than that of the Asa God Race, this temperature can't do any harm to Bai Xiaofei.

"It's not over yet?"

Opening up his mental power and scanning, Bai Xiaofei was horrified to find that he had descended nearly 8,000 meters, but he was still far away from the limit of the place of origin, which was simply unbelievable. But if he continued, even he would not be able to withstand the impact and search of the soul wind.


"Can I just stop here?"


Bai Xiaofei was a little unwilling.

Although he stopped and continued to go deeper, he didn't stop exploring the surroundings. The bottom of the land of origin with a depth of about 8,000 meters can no longer be described as a cave. It is more appropriate and appropriate to use the underground world to interpret its breadth and vastness.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Throw some magic light sources to provide illumination.

Bai Xiaofei finally saw clearly the tip of the iceberg of this icy underground world. As far as the eye can see, there are endless ice crystals and rocks, grotesque stalactites, like countless sharp blades hanging upside down above the head, giving people a very terrifying feeling, but the ice drop crystals falling from it are the power of ice cold Pure to extreme and formed materialization!

This is a special existence between solid and liquid.


And hundreds of meters in front of Bai Xiaofei, there is actually an ice crystal lake, which is full of this kind of special existence condensed by the materialization of ice-cold power. Within a meter range, the place where the power of ice cold is the most vast and dense.

The most important thing is that Bai Xiaofei actually scanned the existence of life at the bottom of the ice crystal lake.

After careful inspection, I found that it was actually a 【Xuanbingyu lotus root】!

"Good baby!"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed.

Things that can be born in this kind of place, whether it is plants or animals, are absolutely extraordinary. This Xuanbing jade lotus root is crystal clear, looks natural, contains endless power of ice cold, and the breath of life is extremely strong, at least it looks like hundreds of thousands of years. The most important thing is that it has not yet been born with wisdom, and it can be used for cultivation, refining medicine, or other uses.

"This is a big profit!"

Although the Xuanbing jade lotus root at the bottom of the lake is not big, there are a lot of them one after the other. Moreover, they look at each other from head to tail, vaguely forming a natural formation, allowing them to condense the surrounding icy power faster. If they continue to evolve like this, it may not take long before they can go one step further and form lotus leaves. , bearing lotus seeds.


It is not impossible to give birth to spiritual wisdom and become a fairy monster.

And at this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Bai Xiaofei's mind: "Nezha in the myths and legends, after cutting off his flesh to return his mother and scraping his bones to return to his father, didn't he use lotus roots as his body to be resurrected? This Xuanbing jade lotus root is of extraordinary quality, it is a treasure, why don't I follow Nezha's example and use it to make a Xuanbing avatar?"


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