The Storm God

Chapter 1514 The method of ripening! (Please subscribe!)

so far.

There are only two clones of Bai Xiaofei, the Zhenjin clone and the Wood Dun clone. The vibrating gold avatar is like the illusion, but it is more capable. With the enchantment technique and the golden body ability, it can form an infinitely enchanted body. The power is astonishingly powerful, far exceeding the illusion by more than ten times.

And Mu Dun's avatar.

It is similar to the fairy body in Naruto.

Possessing the eternal kaleidoscope, the eyes of reincarnation, the body of wood escape, and the ability is also powerful against the sky. In addition, among the six puppets, the heavenly master, the humane sword master, and the alien spirit golem, the strength even far exceeds that of Zhenjin's clone. It can be called Bai Xiaofei One of the strongest cards so far.

Bai Xiaofei's main body was originally the weakest existence among the three, but because in the world of Monster Hunting, he obtained the inheritance of the Heavenly Dao Stele and obtained evolution, he became a saint-level existence. In terms of force alone, The infinitely enchanted body is second only to the Zhenjin clone, and can use all means, but in terms of the particularity of the ability, it is not as good as the Wood Dun clone.


The three can be described as mutually beneficial and disadvantageous, and each has its own strengths.

If you use the spiritual contact system to summon two avatars to fight at the same time, even as strong as Thanos, you can be tough for a while without losing the wind. Of course... this means without the Infinity Gauntlet. But it is a pity that this state cannot last long because it is too exhausting.

At present, it can last for more than half an hour at most.

If he wants to improve himself, the only convenient way Bai Xiaofei can think of right now is to increase the number and abilities of his avatars. Although this will shorten the coexistence time of the main body and the avatar, but it can add a super prize, which is definitely a very cost-effective deal.


When you face an extremely powerful enemy.

If you can't completely defeat it, no matter how long you can maintain the state, it's useless, otherwise there won't be so many killers. In the same way, the more clones, although it will inevitably reduce the time for Bai Xiaofei to summon the clones, but the combat power will also be greatly enhanced. As long as they can cause huge damage to the enemy within a limited time, that's enough!


If the avatars know how to cooperate with each other.

It is also possible to form various formations, greatly increase each other's combat power, and give the enemy even more terrifying attacks.

To put it bluntly, it means that there are many people, and they bully others!

And this plan.

Bai Xiaofei already had it long before.

It's just that all this time, he hasn't come across any awesome material that looks good to him, and Bai Xiaofei doesn't bother to treat ordinary stuff as his clone. So the matter came and went, and this matter was delayed. But now...after seeing the Xuanbing Jade Lotus Root, Bai Xiaofei was immediately excited.

The five elements have gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, which are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and their power is infinite.

Bai Xiaofei's initial plan was also to create his avatar according to the power of the five elements. The Zhenjin avatar belongs to gold, and the Mutun avatar belongs to wood. It can be described as the thorough power of the five elements of water, which is formed by the condensed power of the water, and it can't be more suitable to be used as a clone of the water attribute.

At that time, once the three avatars come out, they can form a three-talent formation based on the relationship between the power of the five elements, and their combat power will increase dramatically.


The fly in the ointment is that the Xuanbing jade lotus root seems to have not yet grown.

Right now it is only in the form of lotus root, the lotus flower and lotus seeds have not fully grown yet, although there are many black ice jade lotus roots, they are barely enough to make avatars. If it is now refined and made into a clone of Xuanbing, it would be a bit like killing a chicken to get its eggs.

But if he insisted on waiting, and he didn't know how long it would take, Bai Xiaofei couldn't wait here forever, could he?


Maybe wait and wait.

This Xuanbing jade lotus root has been born with spiritual wisdom, and it will be extremely troublesome if you plan to make a clone at that time.

So far.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help feeling distressed.

"what to do?"

"Now it's a dilemma, no matter what!"

"It's really depressing!"


Getting a treasure but not being able to use it is simply one of the greatest hardships in life.

At this time, the little kid in his soul seemed to have sensed Bai Xiaofei's depression, so he jumped out and helped him out: "Master, since the Xuanbing jade lotus root has not grown yet, you can use some means to speed up its growth." It’s fine if you’re not familiar with it, but you must pay attention, you must not let it give birth to wisdom, otherwise it will be troublesome!”

"I understand that too!"

This is like the vision in Avengers II. Ultron originally planned to upload his own consciousness matrix, Tony put Jarvis in it, and after fusing the soul gem, what was born was neither Ultron nor Jarvis, but a mixture of the three The independent consciousness formed!

Bai Xiaofei didn't want the avatar he worked so hard to create, but it turned out to be another independent personality.

"The key is what method should I use to ripen it now?"

This is 8,000 meters underground in the depths of the Origin Land, the low temperature is as high as minus 260 degrees, and there is still endless cold wind around, which can directly hurt people's souls. The method is useless at all, I am afraid that as soon as it is taken out, it will be frozen to death, so what is the ripening?


The little kid sighed angrily.

With a look of being defeated by you, he said speechlessly: "Have you forgotten the core device on the golden holy cloth of Aquarius - the ice treasure box? It is a transcendent existence gathered by the endless death cold, If we use its endless power of ice and cold to set up a spirit gathering array at the bottom of the ice crystal lake, wouldn't we be able to achieve the purpose of ripening?"

"Ice treasure box?"

Bai Xiaofei was taken aback when he heard the words, and then suddenly realized: "Yeah, why did I forget this! But... the icy power in the icy treasure box comes from the death chill of the Marvel Universe, and The icy power in the Monster Hunt world should be different, right? Can two different powers be fused with each other?"

"no problem!"

The little boy smiled and explained: "Although the characteristics are different, both of them are the power of ice attribute in the final analysis. Besides, the Xuanbing jade lotus root has not yet fully grown and is a semi-finished product. It is like grafting. You It doesn't matter what kind of fertilizer you pour on it, and it might even endow it with the power of ice-cold with two characteristics!"

He said it with certainty, and he looked confident.

"All right!"

Bai Xiaofei was speechless.

Anyway, he has no good solution now, so he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

"Try first before talking!"

"If it really doesn't work, stop immediately if it's a big deal, and there shouldn't be any accidents!"

"For the Xuanbing avatar, fight!"


After making up my mind.

Bai Xiaofei didn't get any ink marks, and immediately cast the sealing barrier to protect his whole body, jumped into the ice crystal lake, and then sank directly to the vicinity of the Xuanbing jade lotus root, and with a wave of his big hand, summoned some Dunheim's Wanzaixuan ice spar was used as the base of the formation, and it was quickly set up as a large spirit gathering formation.

And with the successful erection of the spirit-gathering array, the icy power of the surrounding underground world immediately frantically gathered towards the ice crystal lake, and then turned into a pure and special state, condensing into a non-solid and non-liquid state. The form, silent to the bottom of the lake, became the nutrient of the Xuanbing jade lotus root.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei also took out the core device on the golden holy cloth of Aquarius - the ice treasure box.

Only those who have the blood of the Frost Giants can drive the Frost Treasure Box, but this is not absolute. Using certain formations and special means, you can also borrow its power, but the another matter . But at this time, it is not the time to fully borrow its power, as long as it can release the endless death chill.

Bai Xiaofei placed it in the center of the core of the Spirit Gathering Formation, and it was also directly below the Xuanbing Jade Lotus Root.

In this way, when the extreme cold of death is released, it will directly hit the Xuanbing jade lotus root, and then gather the surrounding ice-cold power attracted by the spirit-gathering array, and turn it into a turbulent nutrient, which is directly absorbed by it. Bai Xiaofei personally sits on the side to operate, and the chance of making mistakes can be said to be minimized.

But how much the Xuanbing Jade Lotus Root can absorb, Bai Xiaofei doesn't know. If the power is fierce, it will naturally greatly shorten the time required for growth, otherwise... Bai Xiaofei will have to control the power of the ice treasure box and the spirit gathering array, so as not to overwhelm the Xuanbing jade lotus root due to excess nutrition , when the time comes, the gain outweighs the loss.

Fortunately, this Xuanbing jade lotus root is indeed a super treasure that has existed for thousands of years. Its ability to absorb the power of ice cold and the extreme cold of death is far beyond Bai Xiaofei's imagination. It is like a bottomless pit. How powerful is the spirit-gathering array, and how ferocious is the death chill released by the ice treasure box, when it comes to it, it is almost swallowed up in one bite!

"What an overbearing absorption rate!"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei was surprised and delighted: "Great! At this speed, I'm afraid it won't take long to fully ripen this Xuanbing jade lotus root. When the time comes, use the lotus root to turn it into a body." , the lotus diameter is used as a weapon, the lotus leaves are used as armor, the lotus flower platform is used as a treasure, and the lotus seeds are used for breeding, but this black ice jade root is used to its full potential!"


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