The Storm God

Chapter 1515 Conclude lotus seeds! (Please subscribe!)


The little boy reminded: "Now is not the time to be happy. Before the Xuanbing jade lotus root has fully grown, it is the critical moment to absorb the endless power of coldness and the extreme cold of death. You should quickly drip your blood into it." , let it fuse with your DNA, otherwise after this time, it will be troublesome!"


I want to practice my avatar.

It is necessary to allow it to have its own blood. Only in this way can Bai Xiaofei's soul and the clone achieve a nearly 100% fit. Otherwise, if the fit is not enough, it will affect the control of the avatar and the display of its power. If it is serious, it will even be used by the enemy to take the avatar away.


About this question.

You don't need to be reminded by the brat, Bai Xiaofei also attaches great importance to it.

However, this place is in the depths of the extreme north as high as more than 8,000 meters underground, and it is even inside the ice crystal lake. There is also a large spirit gathering array around it, and the endless cold power is frantically condensed, wanting to drip my blood It is obviously not an easy task to enter the Xuanbing jade lotus root and let it absorb it.

The ultra-low temperature of around minus 260 degrees, even Bai Xiaofei was shaking from the cold, let alone a few drops of blood. I'm afraid it was frozen into ice crystals just after it was squeezed out, how can the Xuanbing jade lotus root absorb it! The only way is for Bai Xiaofei to hold the Xuanbing jade lotus root, and then make a wound.

In this way, before the blood has time to be frozen into ice crystals, it will be devoured and absorbed by the gluttonous Xuanbing Jade Lotus Root first.


This approach also has certain disadvantages.

That is, Bai Xiaofei may lose a lot of blood, and even if he is not careful, he may be sucked dry by the Xuanbing jade lotus root, and with the appearance of the wound, the endless strange cold and icy power around him will also follow. Crazy invasion, even though Bai Xiaofei possessed the ability of the Frost Giant, he might not be able to completely resist such a level of destruction.

To put it simply, the possibility of Bai Xiaofei being injured is very high.

"I can't control that much anymore!"


Bai Xiaofei is not a timid person.

Now that he has an idea, he will not give up because of fear. Without saying a word, he immediately grasped the Xuanbing jade lotus root, and then used the energy in his body to break away the flesh and blood at the Laogong acupoint in his palm, causing a large amount of blood. It spewed out, almost dyeing the entire Xuanbing jade lotus root in a blood red color.


Compared to Bai Xiaofei's brutal wound spurting blood.

The absorption speed of the Xuanbing jade lotus root is undoubtedly even more terrifying. The lot of fresh blood was swallowed and absorbed by it, together with the endless strange cold and icy power around it, in a blink of an eye. Not only that, after absorbing Bai Xiaofei's blood, it was like taking medicine, the absorption rate, which was already extremely domineering, suddenly increased by more than several times.


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback immediately.

There is no other reason, this Xuanbing jade lotus root is actually addicted to blood sucking, it sucks Bai Xiaofei's arm for a while, swallows nearly 500cc of blood in Bai Xiaofei's body in a blink of an eye, and is still devouring it even more greedily, Bai Xiaofei realized It's not good, I want to take my hand away and restore my wounds.

He was shocked to find that he couldn't do it.

"Damn it!"

"It must be the fault of the Xuanbing jade lotus root!"

"It wants to eat me!"


Bai Xiaofei was extremely depressed.

This situation was completely beyond his expectation.

Although the Xuanbing Jade Lotus Root has not yet given birth to its own intelligence, it has turned into a living creature after all, possessing the characteristics of a plant lotus root, so it will instinctively absorb nutrients from the outside world to strengthen itself and make it grow better. After discovering that Bai Xiaofei's blood is a more effective nutrient than any icy power, it naturally sucked it up unceremoniously.


Bai Xiaofei's blood contained the blood power of the Frost Giants. Born to be able to control the power of ice and cold, this is undoubtedly a great tonic for the Xuanbing Jade Lotus Root. Coupled with the various abilities optimized by other DNA, this is simply a gluttonous feast. Eat a big meal?

It's just that Bai Xiaofei suffered.

He didn't expect such a situation to happen at all, so that in the blink of an eye, he put himself in an extremely dangerous predicament.

Fortunately, Bai Xiaofei has a lot of means now. Although his hands cannot be completely frozen due to factors such as the mysterious ice jade lotus root and the endless icy power around him, and he cannot extricate himself, the Aquarius golden holy cloth he is wearing However, it can still be manipulated and moved. When Baikas realized that his master was in danger, he immediately took action.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

Layers of ice crystals condensed in an instant.

It turned into a thicker and thicker diaphragm, separating Bai Xiaofei's palm from the Xuanbingyu lotus root, even though the Xuanbing jade lotus root tried its best to suck Bai Xiaofei's palm over again. But after all, it's just a plant that has no intelligence and acts entirely on instinct, no matter how powerful it is, it can't compare to the power of the Aquarius Golden Saint Cloth.


As the ice crystals get thicker and thicker.

Bai Xiaofei's palms finally gradually mastered his actions, and the wounds on his palms quickly healed as before while his abilities were running. After losing the temptation of blood, Xuanbing Yuou's interest in Bai Xiaofei naturally decreased greatly. Instead, he began to crazily absorb the death chill around him, as well as the power of the ice cold.

It's just that compared to the original absorption speed, it is now even more terrifying and perverted, at least it has increased by more than ten times.

The deathly cold released by the ice treasure box is constantly condensing with the surrounding turbulence, and the gathered icy power, swallowed and absorbed by the gluttonous big mouth of the Xuanbing jade lotus root, unexpectedly formed a terrifying scene in a blink of an eye. The vortex storm, like an endless cold current, has been leaked by a bottomless pit, stirring up the ice crystal lake above, setting off countless turbulent waves.


The storm wrinkled, and suddenly the wind was surging, and the ice crystals were flying everywhere.

Other things around have also been greatly affected, being continuously impacted and destroyed, sputtering more ice crystals and ice-cold power, forming a huge tornado storm, and the scope of the impact is getting wider and wider. It was spreading crazily around, and it developed hundreds of meters away in a short while.

The underground world leads to the cave above, which is just a few hundred meters away. When the storm swept in, it naturally used this cave as a catharsis, and then spewed up madly. The passage distance of more than 8,000 meters was completely covered by it in a blink of an eye.


At the entrance to the cave in the Land of Origins.

Immediately, like a volcanic eruption, endless icy power and cold crystals from the ground exploded.

Fortunately, this place of origin has long been indestructible after hundreds of thousands of years of impact and sinking, otherwise it would have been smashed to pieces by this huge and crazy ice storm! But even so, its crazy eruption still caused a huge vibration, causing the entire top of the polar region to shake violently.

"what's going on?"

"Why is there such a violent shaking on the top of the polar region all of a sudden? Could there be some natural disaster?"

"Or is it that the master encountered some trouble underground?"


Bai, who was dealing with various things outside, and Xuemanshan and other monsters, when they saw this situation, they suddenly turned pale with fright, and their faces were dignified. At this time, a few little demons suddenly ran in and quickly reported to them: "Report to Lord Demon King, just now the largest eruption storm in history has occurred in the place of origin, and this abnormal movement on the top of the polar region is caused by this." up!"


"An ice storm broke out in the place of origin?"


Hearing this, Bai suddenly became worried.

Bai Xiaofei had just gone down for an hour, and such a large-scale change occurred in the place of origin. If you say that nothing happened below, no one would believe it! As Bai Xiaofei's servant, Bai was of course extremely worried and afraid. On the other hand, Xuemanshan and other snow demons around them were all overjoyed.

It's not that they don't worry about Bai Xiaofei's safety, but that in their cognition, Bai Xiaofei is almost invincible. This small change can't help Bai Xiaofei at all. On the contrary, the erupting endless icy power and underground ice crystals are of great benefit to the Snow Demon clan.


That's why the Snow Demon came about.

The greater the ice storm erupts in the place of origin, the more ice power and ice crystals will appear, which means that the snow demon clan will usher in the coming and birth of more snow demons. This is undoubtedly a great thing for the snow demon clan that has just been defeated, whose number has dropped sharply, and there is no one in ten!

Of course they are extremely happy!


Regardless of the reaction of Bai and the snow demons above.

In the underground world, crazily surging ice crystal lakes, and the core area of ​​the ice storm, Bai Xiaofei, relying on his incomparable strength and the protection of the golden holy cloth of Aquarius, can be said to be sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, no matter how severe the surrounding storm is, he can't even think about it. Move it even the slightest bit, like an old tree whose roots are intertwined, standing firmly in front of the Xuanbing jade lotus root, motionless.

at the same time.

With Bai Xiaofei's blood.

As well as the endless death and extreme cold of the ice treasure box, and the crazy gathering of the infinite and vast icy power around, after absorbing all these, the Xuanbing Jade Lotus finally ushered in a clear shock under Bai Xiaofei's wide-eyed gaze. Developing and growing, dozens of crystal clear lotus roots, like spiritual buds, grew out of the Xuanbingyu lotus root.

"Shua, Shua, Shua!"

This tender bud is just like opening and hanging, that is called a skyrocketing!

Dozens of lotus shoots, like an indestructible sharp blade, easily broke through the obstruction of the surrounding storm, and stubbornly broke through and extended outward. After a while, the huge ice crystal floating leaves and the bright and beautiful ice crystal lotus pod also appeared. All began to appear and grow up one by one.


The storm gradually subsided, and the lotus pods burst open.

Brilliant, beautiful, and incomparably noble ice crystal jade lotuses finally bloomed angrily!

The Xuanbing jade lotus root is finally fully developed!


Certain ice crystal jade lotus.

Now they have begun to condense the infinite power of ice, form lotus seeds, and give birth to offspring.

"Very good!"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed: "It turned out to be faster than expected!"

"It's amazing!"


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