The Storm God

Chapter 1516 Mysterious ice clone! (Please subscribe!)

In Bai Xiaofei's expectation, even with the ice treasure box and the support of the endless ice power around him, even if the Xuanbing jade lotus root could mature faster, it would take a lot of time, not to mention a few years, but No matter how fast it is, it will take months. How could it be done in just a few days?

It's just unbelievable.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is also reasonable.

Not to mention the Ice Treasure Box and the surrounding icy power, they are all super energy and nutrients that are close to an unlimited supply. You can absorb it as you like, and you are guaranteed to have enough! But Bai Xiaofei felt that the most important thing should be his own blood, to be precise, it should be the part of the blood that is rich in the special abilities of the Frost Giants.

Without these, the absorption speed of the Xuanbing Jade Lotus root would definitely not become so terrifying!

Bai Xiaofei guessed that after absorbing his own blood, the Xuanbing Jade Lotus root should have fused and mutated, allowing him to become a higher-level existence, which made his own absorption speed suddenly increase by more than ten times , otherwise, based on the previous absorption speed alone, I am afraid that it will not be able to fully develop and grow in a few months.


It's not important to say that now.

The Xuanbing Jade Lotus Root has grown almost completely, and there are only a few Ice Crystal Jade Lotuses that have not yet fully bloomed and produced lotus seeds. When they are fully formed and produce lotus seeds, the Xuanbing Jade Lotus Root is considered to be completely formed, and Bai Xiaofei can use it to make his own Xuanbing clone.


With the development of Xuanbingyu lotus root is close to perfection.

The ice storm around the ice crystal lake also weakened rapidly, and even went out. At the same time, the endless power of ice, as well as the extreme cold of death released by the ice treasure box, are also difficult to be swallowed and absorbed by the mysterious ice jade lotus root. Seems like... reached some kind of saturation and couldn't infuse much more.

In this way.

The many icy powers gathered by the spirit-gathering array immediately began to swell. Just like a growing balloon, when it inflates to a certain extent, it will break through the limit, and then explode completely, forming a terrifying big explosion.

"Can't you absorb it?"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei sighed, but had no choice but to withdraw the Spirit Gathering Formation.

In the current situation of the Xuanbing Jade Lotus Root, it seems that it can only rely on its own ability, and cannot use external force to ripen it. However, there are only a few ice crystal jade lotuses that have not yet produced lotus seeds. Even if they can only rely on their own abilities to develop, the speed should not be too slow.

Bai Xiaofei can still afford to wait for this little time.

not to mention……

Making a Xuanbing avatar also requires some preparations.

Taking advantage of the time when the Xuanbing Jade Lotus Root was fully developed, Bai Xiaofei happened to make preparations around it, and when it was fully developed, he could directly start refining it. Moreover, it is not an easy task to create an environmental condition that can make Xuanbing avatars in the underground world full of endless icy power.

back to shore.

Bai Xiaofei tried many methods, but all ended in failure.

Many of his instruments and equipment are often damaged by the frozen direct wiring as soon as they are taken out, and they fail on the spot, making them unusable at all. Even if you don't rely on scientific and technological means, but only rely on other refining methods, it is difficult to carry out refining in an environment close to absolute zero at minus 260 degrees.

The so-called ultra-low temperature, freezing, actually weakens the state of mutual motion between molecules and atoms, and the legendary absolute zero means that in such an ultra-low temperature, the molecules and atoms of almost all things will be in a relatively high degree of relative absoluteness. The state of rest almost stops all motion, so it is called absolute zero.

Regardless of whether it is scientific and technological means, or magic, spells, and other abilities, the most fundamental environment they rely on is actually molecules and atoms, but the form of expression and the means of use are slightly different. In a harsh environment close to absolute zero like minus 260 degrees, it is undoubtedly a very difficult thing to carry out the refining of clones.


There are no absolutes.

This is not to say that Bai Xiaofei has nothing to do.

It's just too troublesome and time-consuming, and what Bai Xiaofei is most short of now is time. If he can't pick the Xuanbing jade lotus root in its peak state and make it into a clone, his physical ability will start to go downhill. This will undoubtedly affect the power of his avatar.


Bai Xiaofei must solve this problem as soon as possible.


At this time, the little boy jumped out again. He suggested: "You can try it and use [Eternal Fire] to build a relatively stable and normal temperature working state. Although the surrounding ice-cold power is almost endless, the eternal fire is not in vain. Coupled with the power of the formation, it should be able to form a relatively perfect balance with the surrounding environment!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He opened his mouth and said: "I also have this intention, this is currently the easiest and fastest way!"


Follow his thoughts.

The next moment, an unattractive but extremely tenacious little flame suddenly appeared in the center of Bai Xiaofei's palm. It was Bai Xiaofei who came from the Asgard of the Marvel universe, the treasure house of Odin in Asgard. , the eternal fire planned.


The Eternal Flame really deserves its reputation and is extremely domineering. As soon as he appeared, he was directly stimulated by the endless icy power around him and the ultra-low temperature environment. Without Bai Xiaofei exerting any force, he exploded on the spot, turning into an endless raging fire. Protect Bai Xiaofei in the middle.

The temperature in the center of the flame, also under the effect of the eternal fire, began to rise rapidly.


It's getting a little hotter.

In this underground world full of endless icy power and strange ice crystals, the Eternal Flame used its own power to create an incomparably hot small environment. Its power can be seen from this. It is indeed a super flame dubbed "eternal", it is really awesome!

"Sure enough!"

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed.

Afterwards, he didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately started to act, using the spirit fire technique to control the eternal fire, and arranged a super large flame sealing circle around him, and completely suppressed the endless cold power around him. Blocked out. Then, he took out more than a dozen space cards from the dimensional space, and summoned many black technology equipment.

After a lot of busy work, Bai Xiaofei finally prepared everything needed to make the Xuanbing avatar. At this time, Baikas, who was in charge of monitoring the situation of the ice crystal lake, also sent back a message, saying that the Xuanbing jade lotus root was now fully mature and could be refined into clones.

"very good!"

"Now everything is ready, let's start!"

"Take it out!"


White Cass responded.

Then, according to the method and means that Bai Xiaofei explained before, he carefully put away the Xuanbing jade lotus root. Lotus roots, lotus paths, lotus leaves, lotus flowers, lotus stands, lotus seeds, everything is collected in different categories. However, for the sake of long-term planning in the future, he did not completely take away the Xuanbing jade lotus root, but kept a small part.

The same goes for lotus seeds.


Considering that there are already some lotus roots left here, they can also develop again and grow new black ice jade roots, so Baikas did not leave too many lotus seeds here, in case the two sides compete for resources, they cannot Maximize benefits. Instead of planting all of them here, there is no other place to hunt for treasures.


Bai Cass jumped out of the ice crystal lake, handed the space card to Bai Xiaofei, and said: "Everything has been done according to your instructions, a section of the lotus root was left, and the lotus seeds were also planted in other places in the lake, and All of them have set up small spirit gathering arrays, and their growth rate is expected to be five to ten times faster than before!"


Bai Xiaofei nodded in satisfaction.

Five to ten times the production speed is the limit so far, and it can only be broken through with the assistance of the ice treasure box. But the Ice Treasure Box is the core of the Aquarius Golden Cloth, without it, the power of the Aquarius Golden Cloth will be greatly reduced, and the gains outweigh the losses.


Bai Xiaofei didn't leave the ice treasure box behind.

Anyway, most of the Xuanbing Jade Lotus Roots, Lotus Roots, Lotus Leaves, Lotus Platforms and Lotus Seeds are now available, and it is definitely enough to make Xuanbing clones. And there are endless Mysterious Crystals of Ten Thousand Years around, which is enough for Bai Xiaofei to do other things. There will be no shortage of resources in a short time, and he is not in a hurry to grow the Mysterious Ice Jade Lotus Root again, just let it go.


Wait for Bai Xiaofei to accept the world of Monster Hunting as his own small world.

At that time, he will be able to freely control the time flow and the power of the earth veins in this world, and so on. As long as Bai Xiaofei wants to, he can speed up at any time, so that the Xuanbing Jade Lotus Root can grow as soon as possible. It's a waste of money to leave a treasure like the ice treasure box in the ice crystal lake and use it as fodder!

"Let's start now!"

According to the pre-designed size, Bai Xiaofei intercepted a certain proportion of Xuanbing jade lotus roots, and other parts such as lotus leaves and lotus diameters, and then put them into the [Regeneration Cradle] with the function of life regeneration. Inside, a lot of vibrating gold atoms were injected, intending to use the properties of vibrating gold atoms that can fuse many things to make the Xuanbing avatar stronger.


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