The Storm God

Chapter 1517 Life Stele! (Please subscribe!)

outside world.

It's been a week.

The ice storm in the original place of origin has already stopped and calmed down.

The cold crystals and icy power erupted this time are more violent and wild than any previous one in hundreds of thousands of years, so the speed of the birth of the snow demon is also faster than usual. In just seven days, many new snow demons have been born and descended around the polar peak.


These newly born Snow Demons are very unusual.

Although the previous snow demons were powerful and had many types, their size was not too huge due to environmental factors, and at most they were only about the size of a truck. And now... Among these newly born snow demons, except for the previous types of snow demons, most of them are relatively huge existences.

Not only that, but their form is also closer to that of humans.

Of course, giant humans.


These huge humanoid snow demons.

No matter in terms of the power of ice cold, or the skill of controlling the ice, it is also an ordinary snow demon, which is extremely powerful. The gap between the two is like that between a baby and an adult, it is simply not of the same order of magnitude. Such a weird phenomenon naturally immediately attracted the attention of Xuemanshan and other snow monsters.


"The abnormal eruption in the place of origin this time is unexpected to be so special. Not only is it large and full, it is extremely turbulent, and even the new snow demon that was born is stronger than before. Is it because His Majesty the Emperor went deep into it and did something special?" What happened? It should be like this, otherwise there would be no reasonable explanation at all!"

"But no matter what, this time our Snow Demon Clan has ushered in a bumper harvest!"

"Thanks to His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor!"


Xuemanshan rolled his eyes.

After receiving all the newly born snow demons, he had a brainstorm and had an idea in his heart. He intends to attribute all the credit for this incident to Bai Xiaofei, so that he can not only express his loyalty, but also increase Bai Xiaofei's prestige and popularity among the Snow Demon clan, which is good for everyone.

For this matter.

Bai naturally didn't have any objections, and quite supported and agreed.

Others don't know why these newly born snow demons have become so huge, weird, and powerful, but Bai Xiaofei, who is Bai Xiaofei's loyal servant, knows well that these new snow demons have obviously inherited the power of the Marvel universe. , the blood of the frost giants on the planet Jotunheim.

In other words, almost all of these things were caused by Bai Xiaofei.

They praised Bai Xiaofei with great fanfare, but this was not a deceit, because these credits should have belonged to Bai Xiaofei, so they did it with peace of mind. Of course... some of my own little thoughts can't be avoided, but this is also human nature!

"Let go and do it!"


Xuemanshan walked away.

Regardless of how the Snow Demon above reacts, in the underground world below the Land of Origin. After seven days of uninterrupted production, Bai Xiaofei's Xuanbing avatar was finally successfully completed this morning. Now the only remaining last job is to inject the huge energy required for activation.

In Avengers II.

When the Vision was made, it took advantage of Thor's lightning power. Similarly, Bai Xiaofei's Zhenjin avatar is similar with minor differences. Only the Mutun clone was activated in the Avatar world by using the vast and endless natural power of Pandora and Eva's Gaia consciousness.

And now...

In this underground world of endless icy power.

To activate the Xuanbing avatar, the huge amount of energy required is naturally unable to use thunder and lightning, and similarly, other powers are also not suitable. Bai Xiaofei thought about it for a while, and finally fixed his eyes on the ice treasure box. The death chill contained in it can be said to be withdrawn at the same time as the Xuanbing clone, and it should be able to be activated logically.

Of course, this is all theoretical, and whether it will be successful or not remains to be verified.

In order to ensure everything was safe, Bai Xiaofei had no choice but to ask the little kid for advice again. And the conclusion he came to also surprised him: "What? You said no? And not only can't activate the Xuanbing avatar, but it can even completely destroy it, freezing it into a humanoid ice sculpture? Why is that?"

"The problem lies in the same source of power!"

The little boy frowned and explained: "The current Xuanbing avatar does not have the breath of life, it is no different from a human-shaped ice treasure, if you release the death chill of the ice treasure box, If it enters his body, it is no different from transferring the cold power of one ice cube to another ice cube!"

"so what should I do now?"

Bai Xiaofei was stunned immediately, and said in amazement: "Then what should we do now? You have also seen the environment of the underground world. The Eternal Flame has been used to create the current production environment, and other methods are not suitable for activation. other than the ice treasure box, I have no other way!"

"Do you want to give up?"


Bai Xiaofei immediately shook his head and said: "The production of the Xuanbing avatar has reached the final critical moment. If we transfer it now, we will miss the best opportunity, which will cause great hidden dangers in its completion, and will also affect the overall quality of life." Power, absolutely uninterrupted! Little brat, help me think about it, is there any other way?"

"Of course there is!"

The little kid said with a smile: "But the price you need to pay is relatively high. With the personality of the master, you probably won't choose it!"

During the conversation.

I saw him wave his little hand.

Immediately following Bai Xiaofei's eyes, more messages appeared one after another.

He took a closer look, and it turned out that these were information about certain items from the Time and Space Mall, some were magic weapons, some were magic weapons, some were geniuses and treasures, and some were even living hearts or brains! And they all have one thing in common, that is, they are extremely expensive!

Even the cheapest one would require tens of billions of energy value, and even Bai Xiaofei couldn't afford it with his current wealth!


"Why are all of them so expensive?"

"Could it be a pit?"


Bai Xiaofei examined it carefully for a while.

Only then did I realize that the choices given by the little boy are indeed quite suitable for activating the Xuanbing avatar, and they are indeed worth the money. Each of them is a rare treasure, costs tens of billions Energy value, and other power of merit, power of fate, etc., to buy energy items to activate the avatar?

Will it be too extravagant?


The higher the energy of activation.

The power of the avatar after its birth becomes stronger and more terrifying.

But the key point is that Bai Xiaofei is only able to step into the holy realm now. If he really buys these things and uses them to activate the Xuanbing avatar, once it is completed, the strength of the Xuanbing avatar will definitely surpass Bai Xiaofei by a lot. It is not impossible to even exceed a large realm.

In this way, Bai Xiaofei would not be able to display his due strength at all, it could be said to be reckless!


After thinking about it for a while.

Bai Xiaofei still gave up his plans to buy these treasures, not because he was reluctant to spend money, but because it was unnecessary. It is undoubtedly a huge waste to spend a huge amount of money to make a Xuanbing avatar that can't show its strength at all. If it is snatched by the enemy, it will be a serious act of capitalizing on the enemy!


The most important thing is.

Inspired by these treasures, Bai Xiaofei suddenly thought that he seemed to have an even more miraculous treasure. Since these relatively inferior items can be used to activate the Xuanbing clone, the ones that are more powerful than them should be fine, and there is no need to spend money to buy the next-level items.

And the stronger item in Bai Xiaofei's mouth is the same as the Eternal Flame, which also comes from Asgard, the fairy palace in the Marvel Universe, and is collected by Odin in the treasure house. The stone tablet is rumored to come from On the continent of Atlantis, the "Equation of Life" is engraved on it, which can help users evolve into the supreme life form!


It was broken, and only about half remained.

In the DC universe, Bai Xiaofei once talked about the life stone with Atlanna, the princess of the sea clan in Atlantis. The Transisti had never heard of any life stones, what they feared and dreaded, as for the Mother Box of Apocalypse.

Although the energy of the mother box is huge and powerful, it can transform the environment of the planet, but Bai Xiaofei only has one of them now, and this mother box is also related to many subsequent plots of the DC universe, so it cannot be easily used Yes, so to choose and choose, Bai Xiaofei can only choose the life stone.

Although there is only an average level left now, it should be enough to activate the Xuanbing avatar.

And the little kid also gave an affirmative answer.


The little boy nodded.

Then he looked at Bai Xiaofei very solemnly, and said with a serious face: "Master, although the life stone can activate the Xuanbing avatar, but there is one thing, I must tell you clearly, the life stone can biologically evolve into a supreme life form Heaven-level treasure, but now there are only about half of them, and the life equation is not complete!"


"When using its power to activate the Xuanbing avatar, the incomplete life equation is likely to cause unknown mutations in the avatar!"

"You have to be mentally prepared for this!"


It disappeared immediately after speaking.

It is obvious that he does not want to discuss this matter with Bai Xiaofei anymore, the specific choice is entirely up to Bai Xiaofei himself.

He was just a servant anyway.


After careful consideration, Bai Xiaofei finally gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"The left and right are just a clone!"

"Afraid of a ball!"


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