The Storm God

Chapter 1518 Three heads and six arms! (Please subscribe!)


Bai Cass asked again and again: "Are you sure you want to use the power of the life stone to activate the Xuanbing avatar?"


"I've thought about it carefully!"

"Do it!"

Now that the arrow is on the string, it has to be launched.

Bai Xiaofei nodded affirmatively, and will instruct Bai Cass to put the stele of life into the material viewfinder frame of the cradle of regeneration, and then take out the ice treasure box, and start driving the life on the stele of life with the power of death. Formula, and then transform it into special energy to activate the Xuanbing avatar.

Because there are more transit steps, the activation time is relatively long.

According to the calculation of the regeneration cradle, it will take at least an hour, and this is still in the case of no mutation, otherwise the time required will become longer!


Follow Bai Xiaofei's thoughts.

The ice treasure box immediately released a terrifying chill of death. The energy fluctuations it emitted, like an electric current, were immediately absorbed by the cradle of regeneration, and then transmitted to the life stone. The life equation on it was stimulated by external forces. It was activated immediately, and began to emit all kinds of mysterious and strange energy.

This strange energy, showing a dazzling crimson, is rich and frightening!

The Cradle of Regeneration is the highest solution of all black-tech medical technologies of Bai Xiaofei. It contains a variety of sky-defying functions, such as life regeneration, body printing, energy absorption and transmission, etc. The strange red energy transformed by the life equation has almost just appeared. It was immediately absorbed by the cradle of regeneration and conducted into the almost completely formed body of Xuanbing.

And with the continuous injection of strange energy, the Xuanbing avatar began to become more and more solid, and his originally crystal clear, transparent human appearance like white jade also began to gradually change towards the skin color of a normal person. Bai Xiaofei and Bai Cass could clearly see that these strange energies, like blood, quickly permeated the limbs and bones of the Xuanbing avatar.

at the same time.

An incomparably rich breath of life also began to diffuse from the Xuanbing avatar.

This is the best indication of successful activation.


Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed immediately, his heart moved, the cold treasure box in his hand, and the sudden death chill couldn't help but become even more turbulent. In the same way, the conversion and transmission functions of the regenerative cradle have also been further increased, enhancing its own power. As for the stele of life, it is naturally not a problem.

To know.

It is a treasure of heaven!

In terms of level and quality, it is even stronger than the ice treasure box. Naturally, it will not be supported by this mere death chill. It is almost as much as it comes, absorbs it, and then transforms it into endless strange energy every minute. It is transmitted to the Xuanbing clone by the regenerating cradle to speed up the activation process.


"The current power is close to the limit!"

"It can't be any faster!"


When Bai Xiaofei heard the words, he nodded in understanding.

Silently recorded the state at this time in my heart, and then began to strictly control the output of the deathly cold of the ice treasure box, so that it would not increase or decrease, no more, no less, just to maintain this fixed power and state, so that The regeneration cradle can always maintain the best power state and accelerate the activation of the Xuanbing avatar.

The current activation of the Xuanbing avatar can be said to be going well. According to the technical analysis and prediction of the Regeneration Cradle, if the situation and speed continue at this rate, it will take about half an hour to complete the activation work and completely complete the creation of the Xuanbing avatar.

"very good!"

"It seems that my luck is still very good, and nothing went wrong!"

"God helped me too!"


Bai Xiaofei secretly rejoiced.

Whether it was killing Ling Tianwei, subduing the Snow Demon Clan, exploring the place of origin, or making the Xuanbing clone, everything went smoothly without too many twists and turns, which made Bai Xiaofei I was very happy in my heart, secretly thinking that I had good luck.

How can I think...

In his heart, this has just ended.

The alarm device of the regeneration cradle suddenly rang piercingly.

"Alarm! Alert!"

"The system found an unknown disorder in the Xuanbing avatar, please pay attention to inspection and monitoring, if you need to stop working, please press the emergency stop button!"

"Attention: The DNA in Xuanbing's body is intact, but the body has undergone serious mutations!"

"The specific data are as follows..."


A light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Bai Xiaofei.

It's just that, in this critical moment, Bai Xiaofei didn't even bother to look at the data, his gaze directly passed the data screen, and fixed on the Xuanbing avatar in the medical cabin. But he saw that he was shaking crazily like a patient with epileptic seizures.

at the same time.

In its violent trembling and swinging.

Behind the head of Xuanbing's avatar, two big bumps suddenly bulged up. As for the position on the back, it also wriggled quickly, as if there were two huge worms swimming back and forth inside the body, which looked very weird and scary, and as they beat back and forth, it also swelled up quickly Ordered two big bags.

"I rely on it!"

Bai Xiaofei was taken aback, and said in amazement: "Could this be about to explode?"

"Gulu Gulu!"

The Xuanbing avatar did not explode as Bai Xiaofei expected. After the two huge bulges on its back swelled to a certain range, they stopped expanding outwards, but began to break through the seal of muscle tissue and skin, and moved outwards. It broke through, and unexpectedly, what got out was not some big bug or the like, but two pairs of extremely pink arms!

That's right!

It's the arm!

There is almost no difference from the original arm of the Xuanbing avatar.

Not only that, but the big bags on both sides of the back of his head, after the limbs and arms drilled out, quickly took shape and fixed frame, just like two huge balloons that were deflated by someone, they shrank suddenly, followed It condensed into two sharp-edged heads!

Looking at its appearance, it is exactly the same as the face of Xuanbing clone!


These two extra heads have completely different facial expressions and auras. One is like a wrathful King Kong, with big eyes wide open, beard and hair all stretched out, looking like a tough man who wants to kill and steal; while the other one has kind brows and kind eyes, with a sweet smile, giving people a sense of harmony like a spring in March!

The two heads are like two extremes, the contrast is huge!

Only the one in the middle, the original head, still looks like a normal person. It's just that after having two extra heads and four arms, it is normal again, and it looks super abnormal at the moment. After all, a normal person would have three heads and six arms!


"Three heads and six arms! Isn't this the image of Nezha?"

"Why did you make it like this?"


Bai Xiaofei was completely stunned.

Although he had expected that using the Life Equation of the Life Stone Tablet to activate the Xuanbing Clone for the final activation, there would be a high probability that there would be a mutation phenomenon, which would completely defeat his expectations and lead him in an unpredictable direction. But Bai Xiaofei never imagined that the final result of this deviation would be to create a copycat Nezha!


This is too shocking, right?

Is it a coincidence?

Or some unknown inevitability?

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei was completely stunned, his mind was completely speechless and messy.

Only Baikas, as an intelligent life, can still maintain enough rationality. While Bai Xiaofei was in a daze, he was still earnestly carrying out the follow-up work of analysis and detection, and reported to Bai Xiaofei in detail: "Sir , the mutation of the Xuanbing avatar has completely stopped, and according to the comparison of the information transmitted from the cradle of regeneration, the ability of the Xuanbing avatar is now stronger than before!"

"At least five to ten times the original level!"

"Furthermore, the two extra heads and four arms are like the tissues and organs of some soft-bodied creatures, which can be recycled and released at any time. However, after being put away, its own ability will also drop to three points of the original One or so, only the state of three heads and six arms can display 100% of the full power!"

"There are no abnormalities in other states!"


Baikas reported in great detail.

And when Bai Xiaofei recovered from his astonishment after listening, the Xuanbing avatar also returned to the normal human form from its three-headed and six-armed state. At the same time, without Bai Xiaofei's hands, the Life Stele in the Regeneration Cradle also automatically stopped absorbing and transforming the energy of Death Chill.

"It seems that it has been fully activated!"

Seeing this situation, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly startled, and quickly put away the ice treasure box, so as not to release too much death chill and cause any damage to the cradle of regeneration. At the same time, the stone tablet of life was carefully packed into a separate space card, and then thrown into the dimensional space.

After seeing its power with his own eyes, Bai Xiaofei never dared to use it to make trouble again.

Even if you want to do it, you can only do it to others, not yourself. Bai Xiaofei didn't want to turn one of his avatars into an ugly monster, or a monstrosity like that, otherwise he would rather destroy the avatar than allow his own consciousness to enter it.

After tidying up everything around him, Bai Xiaofei finally thought about it and carefully looked at this Xuanbing avatar. But he saw that his body was like jade, his skin was like snow, his face was even more handsome, his facial features were sharp and angular, and he was seven or eight points similar to Bai Xiaofei's body.

And the most important thing is that the Xuanbing avatar has a very special dusty temperament, like a drunken fairy who doesn't eat the fireworks in the world. To put it simply, it is extremely cold, but it is very different from the average cool guy. In the coldness, there is also a pure and profound sense of ignorance, and the charm is extraordinary!

The kind of arrogance and loneliness that comes from the depths of the soul, dusty and refined, simply kills all the little fresh meat and Internet celebrities. If this is put in the real world, if you are willing to enter the showbiz, it will definitely become the same as My brother is waiting for a super existence like a superstar.

Such a special temperament and charm even made Bai Xiaofei jealous.


Bai Cass seemed to have noticed Bai Xiaofei's thoughts, he couldn't help but chuckled, and then looked at Bai Xiaofei and said, "Actually, you don't have to care about it, after all, he is you and you are him, you are all alone. What is so jealous, if you are more jealous, it is blatant narcissism!"


This Bai Xiaofei's strongest artificial intelligence can actually make jokes.

Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved!


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